Turn 4 DID will be pretty good.
Edit: still no new card draw for Hunter though. Feelsbadman.
Starving Buzzard may be useable with these token and hand buff cards.
Imagine the play dropping Buzzard, and trading a 4 attack Rat Pack.
Turn 4 DID will be pretty good.
Edit: still no new card draw for Hunter though. Feelsbadman.
4 Druid Cards
4 Hunter Cards
1 Mage Card
8(!!!!) Paladin Cards
5 Priest Cards
3 Rogue Cards
6 Warrior Cards
0 Shaman
0 Warlock
Wtf is Blizz doing. Can we get some Mage / Shaman / Warlock? Why has Paladin almost their entire set revealed already while we have 0 Shaman and Warlock.
That card doesn't have a powerful enough effect that you want to include Spellbreaker for. If Warriors don't want to use Spell breaker for Highmane/Sylvanas than they aren't going to start with this card.from everything I have seen so far it looks to be a spellbreaker meta. People play 3 drop that is OP unless silenced.
So I've just started playing Hearthstone. Curious on what I should be buying? Do i need to buy all of these raids or whatever they are in order to get cards or should I disenchant all my spare cards ans craft some for my druid deck?
So I've just started playing Hearthstone. Curious on what I should be buying? Do i need to buy all of these raids or whatever they are in order to get cards or should I disenchant all my spare cards ans craft some for my druid deck?
next week is Ĺòtus faction introduction I believe4 Druid Cards
4 Hunter Cards
1 Mage Card
8(!!!!) Paladin Cards
5 Priest Cards
3 Rogue Cards
6 Warrior Cards
0 Shaman
0 Warlock
Wtf is Blizz doing. Can we get some Mage / Shaman / Warlock? Why has Paladin almost their entire set revealed already while we have 0 Shaman and Warlock.
I disagree look for a deck you like and is competitive then dust most of your shit to build it, or an approximation of it, and start hitting ladder. The sooner you can earn season rewards the better to accrue more dust and build up a collection.Don't disenchant all your cards for one deck. Just buy classic packs and slowly build up a collection. Occasionally sprinkle in an Old Gods pack. If you spend money you could buy Karazhan but it isn't super critical.
So I've just started playing Hearthstone. Curious on what I should be buying? Do i need to buy all of these raids or whatever they are in order to get cards or should I disenchant all my spare cards ans craft some for my druid deck?
I disagree look for a deck you like and is competitive then dust most of your shit to build it, or an approximation of it, and start hitting ladder. The sooner you can earn season rewards the better to accrue more dust and build up a collection.
You don't build your collection with season rewards you build it with gold from doing quests every day.
And you most certainly do not build your collection by dusting your collection.
You don't build your collection with season rewards you build it with gold from doing quests every day.
And you most certainly do not build your collection by dusting your collection.
All were left to do is wonder whether Midrange Shaman will hit 56% by the time we take our expansion hiatus. Is Midrange Shaman the most overpowered deck in the history of the game or was Undertaker Hunter still more oppressive? An interesting question to ponder.
Lol VS, Undertaker Hunter was worse. I actually doubt anything will ever reach that level again.
I just don't give a fuck about the card, I don't like what they are pushing here.
Any predictions/thoughts/guesses on what theme the Jade Lotus and the Kabal revolve around?
When describing the Jade Lotus, Blizz said the 3 classes that were chosen represent the pillars of the faction. Namely: Assassination (Rogue), Ancestral Magics (Shaman), and Versatility (Druid). Each one will probably be centered around the main theme and then the classification, like the grimy goons.
The main theme? I'm guessing Mana. Refunds, reductions, temporary, ramping, etc. We see that with the coin card in Rogue and the refresh mechanic from Kun the legendary in Druid. Shaman fits that slot with Overload. All 3 classes have ways to cheat out mana costs.
On top of that, we will get cards that represent the pillars. Naturally, Rogue is getting Stealth cards. Druid might have access to Armor. Shaman, maybe they'll get nothing but Overload synergy?
Now, for the Kabal... honestly, I'm clueless. Yeah, their shtick is Potions, but all we've really seen are the Priest cards, and they're straight-up GOOD -- no gimmick necessary. On top of that, we've only seen 1 Mage card, and 0 Warlock.
Perhaps, based on Kazakus, their theme is all about splitting existing card effects into Spells and vice-versa. Then combining each one. Dunno.
Based on Blizzard's own statistics, Midrange Shaman is about a percent away from being as dominant as Undertaker Hunter. If you only look at rank 10 to Legend it's even more in Midrange Shaman's favor.Lol VS, Undertaker Hunter was worse. I actually doubt anything will ever reach that level again.
New Hunter legendary.
Another card that gets a lot better with buffs. Without buffs it's kinda meh but not that bad either, it can potentially get two attacks off and end up doing 6 incidental face damage.![]()
New Hunter legendary.
Another card that gets a lot better with buffs. Without buffs it's kinda meh but not that bad either, it can potentially get two attacks off and end up doing 6 incidental face damage.
Man Reynad is going to get so triggered with this expansion. So many of these cards are idiots that you put pants on and they do something or become a lot better. He really hated that in Magic.
Every Priest card they have shown is a mistake. They are all blatant power creep cards. If it weren't for the massive Priest out cries then a lot of those cards would've been 1 mana higher or worse in other ways.Just from passing comments on his stream I know he thinks that 1 mana priest attack debuff is a huge mistake to print.
Every Priest card they have shown is a mistake. They are all blatant power creep cards. If it weren't for the massive Priest out cries then a lot of those cards would've been 1 mana higher or worse in other ways.
Thing is that it's not going to make Priest the best class/deck, it will just make it good enough that you see it enough online and it will be more frustrating to play against.
Clearly the Face Hunter Legendary. Even when opponent has taunt, you still go face.
That card is pretty playable. 7 HP is pretty hard to clear though on its own. If you can buff it with some of the goon cards, it could represent a huge threat on turn 5.
But rotation is for people like you that are new to the game, imagine if in addition to LOE and BRM (that will be out early next year) you'd have to buy GVG and Naxxramas or have to face people with their Dr Booms and shit
So should I not be saving for the upcoming expansion? I can get about 10 packs right now.The rotation is going to help you, dude. You don't need to worry about getting LOE or BRM since they will be gone early next year. Just focus on getting those Classic packs. As a new F2P player, those are your best value right now.
Full grimey goons buff deck will never goodAnother card that gets a lot better with buffs. Without buffs it's kinda meh but not that bad either, it can potentially get two attacks off and end up doing 6 incidental face damage.
Man Reynad is going to get so triggered with this expansion. So many of these cards are idiots that you put pants on and they do something or become a lot better. He really hated that in Magic.
But that's the thing - most decks need cards from adventures I currently don't have (e.g. shammy decks from LOE/TGT, hunter from BRM/LOE, secret pally from wide range of adventures/expacs). Now I realise I'm listing the most popular decks - but being a newbie I need to concentrate on winning, which means I end up playing the meta-winning decks.
So should I not be saving for the upcoming expansion? I can get about 10 packs right now.
Hell no. Their marketing is great...After Sombra fiasco i really believe blizzard have one of the worst marketing department in the business. Their games ( and brand name ) are just so good their customers do the marketing for them.