Cobra Shot am cry
Fandral is a thingThat legendary seems fine. Not game changing its a reverse bolf ramshield
They haven't really had any good class legendaries in a while. Hope the Mage one is good
that's like a worse axe flinger. axe flinger wasn't a terrible card really but I don't think this one will ever see play. buff this buff that, you can't count on buffs in hunter, cards need to be standalone good and this one sure as hell isn't.
Oh it increases faster now, at over 50%.
Must say i like the new paladin "buff all minions in your hand" mechanic, but it doesn't fit the aggro playstyle i think, mainly because of the slower start. You have the small time reqruits card for example which you want to play before buffing your hand, so you can flood the board after but it's a tempo loss. Obviously the mechanic requires you to have many cards for the best result, hope we will see a new deck type.
Really really hope it's not a aggro deck.
Aggro bubble paladin was a thing so a similar deck with these hand buff cards could work for sure.
For midrange I just don't see the value. You already play as cost effective minions as possible so a +1/1 buff doesn't really change anything and you might not have many minions in your hand to buff.
3/7 is not good stat at all for 5 dropI think the hunter legendary is pretty good. Good enough stats to be ran without being buffed and scales a bit better when it is buffed. It's not in a slot that is facing heavy competition for hunter.
3/7 is not good stat at all for 5 drop
"Good enough", and yeah it is good enough. 10 stats for a 5 drop is above average I think. 1 stat off from being a pit fighter.
Hunters have been known to play stranglethorn tiger in that slot. This is easily better than stranglethorn tiger. It basically has ignore taunts in a way too.
You can't say that. Tiger and this serve very different purposes.
They're both difficult to remove threats. I think it'll be played over stranglethorn tiger for sure. 7 health is not easy to remove and despite it's lower attack, your opponent wants to remove it.
Plus it scales better when buffed. It essentially has windfury-lite when it attacks a minion.
They're completely different in terms of "difficult to remove". Stranglethorn is difficult because it's untargetable so it's a guaranteed 5 damage. Knuckles can be Executed, Shield Slammed, Sapped, Mulched, SWained, etc. It's essentially a vanilla 5 mana 3/7 and vanilla minions don't have a place in competitive meta.
It was never stated to be exactly as difficult. But my point remains in that 7 health is difficult to remove. Even a fireball doesn't cut it.
It's not accurate to call it a vanilla 3/7 though. Not only does it have beast, it has it's text which fits the hunter game plan no matter what archetype you're playing.
That minion is worse than axe slinger, no way you want play it in any hunter deck
That minion is worse than axe slinger, no way you want play it in any hunter deck
It's vanilla before it can attack. And fireball does indeed cut it with hero power.
It's vanilla on your turn, it's vanilla on your opponent's turn. It's only not vanilla on your next turn. It might as well be vanilla.
That really doesn't consider how you use it or your opponent plays against it, making it a pretty reductive argument.
the stats on all of these new cards are freaking terrible. somebody literally needs to bring the blizz devs on a stage and go HOW IS ANY OF THIS BEATING MIDRANGE SHAMAN. There is nothing here at all.
How is it going to impact? you deal with it as if it was a vanilla 3/7. Even if you leave it up it's not like you lose the game on the spot or anything, it's not a big deal. It's not like you're leaving a huge threat like Fandral or a high attack creature like highmane up. If you're playing a control deck and you have no board, its text doesn't even do anything! it's just so bad.
Love me some shitty Legendaries in new xpacks. It's either free 400 dust or a 1600 dust savings from not having to craft it.
the stats on all of these new cards are freaking terrible. somebody literally needs to bring the blizz devs on a stage and go HOW IS ANY OF THIS BEATING MIDRANGE SHAMAN. There is nothing here at all.
Many of the key components of that are rotating out in four months.the stats on all of these new cards are freaking terrible. somebody literally needs to bring the blizz devs on a stage and go HOW IS ANY OF THIS BEATING MIDRANGE SHAMAN. There is nothing here at all.
Many of the key components of that are rotating out in four months.
Many of the key components of that are rotating out in four months.
Many of the key components of that are rotating out in four months.
Wouldn't you rather have new cards to be excited about? lol
Is nobody considering Knuckles to be buffed in hand before being played? It's very viable when buffed. I think it'll see play.
I'd call a trample minion in mtg that does nothing else draft chaff unless it's insanely statted. One of the most prolific magic cards is pretty much vanilla except its statline is super busted.Also, would you call a trample minion in MTG just a vanilla minion? Because that is essentially what you're doing, except this is better than trample because it deals the full amount regardless of the health of the minion it attacks into.
Is nobody considering Knuckles to be buffed in hand before being played? It's very viable when buffed. I think it'll see play.
I'd call a trample minion in mtg that does nothing else draft chaff unless it's insanely statted. One of the most prolific magic cards is pretty much vanilla except its statline is super busted.
You have to compare it to other cards hunter could use straight up because the other cards can also be buffed.