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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds


We've discussed this internally and do currently have intentions to reclassify [Varian] as a Warrior for QM purposes. We've just been a little busy with 2.0 so we haven't gotten to it yet.


Had a game yesterday where they had Varian + Zarya and we got Abathur. Wasn't much fun.


I legitimately think the QM matchmaker is completely broken right now. Just had a game against 3 master HL players, my team had 3 unplaced new accounts, 1 silver, 1 plat.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
aaaaahhhh how I missed you Murky my old pal.

just had a Valeera kill herself by trying to stop me cap a tribute when we had 0 still (late game btw, 50sec death timers), like, why? we werent going to curse, hell probably for the rest of the game, why are you killing yourelf for no reason?

its these little things that people really should learn IMO.

edit: or a Gul'Dan on my team just now near the end of the game, after I pinged to retreat, he goes off solo to get vision near the enemy base (cursed hollow) and of coure dies for it. I wonder what the thought process was? We need vision near their base because...reasons? Its a red dot on the map and I must get it? Im not even mad (we won afterall) just curious

edit: when are they putting the other maps back in? im sick of these 5, I miss Dragon Shrne of all things ;_;


Decided its time to get back into the League of Heroes. First game I get first pick Nova, Veleera. Wonderful.

aaaaaaaaaand we lost horribly. I swear to god people are so clueless on how to play this game its just baffling how they even got out of silver.


Wait, you can see what map you're gonna play on before you pick your hero? How? Is it ranked only?

Unranked, Hero League and Team League are the three modes where you can do that. Unranked/HL have a strict pick order and TL is anything goes.

Is it just me or Li Li + any other support is stupidly strong? Feels like this plus any tank like Varian or Muradin could just walk over any team.

Double support meta is where we're at. If you want true pain is to pair up lucio/auriel/hyper carry on a lane. That trio is near unkillable. It will probably be the hotly disputed picks during this weekend's HGC.


Brian you were right about Greymane being a good teaching tool. I'm currently focusing on him a little bit and it's forcing myself to look at team fights a bit differently. I'm more aware of my positioning because of the angles I need to hit to maximize my cocktail pokes until I can pounce and delete a character out of the fight. I'm also trying to figure the right balance on when to hit W, tricks to keep it going and so on. There are some rough games like Proto can attest but slowly it's starting to click. I need to build muscle memory for camp initiation because I keep pressing ewq all in one go instead of doing qew ~ aa ~ q ~ aa.

The big problem I have right now is that matches tend to end quick so I don't have time to practice getting max value out of blunderbuss or whatever name the level 20 for human aa is. Is it true that if you take executionner at 16, characters hit by the 200 splash get hit for crits ?


Unranked, Hero League and Team League are the three modes where you can do that. Unranked/HL have a strict pick order and TL is anything goes.

Double support meta is where we're at. If you want true pain is to pair up lucio/auriel/hyper carry on a lane. That trio is near unkillable. It will probably be the hotly disputed picks during this weekend's HGC.


Brian you were right about Greymane being a good teaching tool. I'm currently focusing on him a little bit and it's forcing myself to look at team fights a bit differently. I'm more aware of my positioning because of the angles I need to hit to maximize my cocktail pokes until I can pounce and delete a character out of the fight. I'm also trying to figure the right balance on when to hit W, tricks to keep it going and so on. There are some rough games like Proto can attest but slowly it's starting to click. I need to build muscle memory for camp initiation because I keep pressing ewq all in one go instead of doing qew ~ aa ~ q ~ aa.

The big problem I have right now is that matches tend to end quick so I don't have time to practice getting max value out of blunderbuss or whatever name the level 20 for human aa is. Is it true that if you take executionner at 16, characters hit by the 200 splash get hit for crits ?

Dont remember about exec/aoe interaction, but i think it does? Like 75% sure it does (thinking of worgen aoe which is what i usually get). Qew auto q auto will become really natural for you soon. I never looked it up but im pretty sure q doesnt reset aa timer so i always try to q in between autos.

Yeah greymane is the most straightforward for how i think ranged assassin should be played. Top 3 assassin atm imo.


I guess i mean that he's flowcharty? But in a good way that serves as a base for learning the role. Vs. the usual recommendation, raynor, who's flowcharty in a more league of legends adc way (kite, hit closest target; not what you want from hots ranged).


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I wonder if each time you reroll it counts as a "new chest", for legendary protection purposes

I guess i mean that he's flowcharty? But in a good way that serves as a base for learning the role.

he's also super fun to use.


Like valla is a good recommendation but youd prob have to coax a newer player to use vault offensively; with greymane all dat shit is built in already
he's also super fun to use.
that is true, Greymane singlehandedly reinvigorated my love for this game a couple months back, when they gave him 10 armor in worgenform.
I guess i mean that he's flowcharty? But in a good way that serves as a base for learning the role. Vs. the usual recommendation, raynor, who's flowcharty in a more league of legends adc way (kite, hit closest target; not what you want from hots ranged).
Greymane isn't vulnerable enough to teach ranged assassin play. He can clear waves from a safe position, has baked in damage mitigation, with GftT he has 2 jumps available as well as his Q that ignores collision. Worst comes to worse he can almost always trade 1 for 1.


I didnt consider that, it also makes sense that newer players would play more cautiously around him after getting mauled. But while he's the highest wr of ranged autoers in lower lvl qm it's still sub-50%, i expect that he still suffers safety issues, i dunno if he's meaningfully safer at that tier especially if ppl are still trying to figure things out. Regardless of his safeness tho, i feel like the main thing learned here (targetting, reading the fight, etc.) is still more core to assassin play than "how do i get out of sticky situations"


Double support hasn't been working out, granted I only played maybe 6 games? Yesterday and almost all were double support. Even had a straight up bloodlust comp in one of them, still completely rekt. Feelsbadman.


Double support hasn't been working out, granted I only played maybe 6 games? Yesterday and almost all were double support. Even had a straight up bloodlust comp in one of them, still completely rekt. Feelsbadman.

You have to have the right supports, and weirdly enough blood lust rehgar isn't one of them - because supports and most tanks don't gain much from it.

We're really seeing this meta focussing around Lili / Auriel / Uther / Tassadar / Tyrande, although more the first two than the others. They are you best options for a second support. Lili right now is really really strong chucking out those winds, it's assassin level damage.


It's mainly w/ the top 5 supports + you'll still get bopped if you're lacking stuff (waveclear, deeps) or face stuff like a bursty dbl warrior comp.

Sonya is actually quite good against dbl healer if they aren't running lucio now that i think about it

I feel like tyrande could be a good answer to dbl support but i dunno if id run her as my second support with the healer pool we currently have, tho ofc she's just as good as ever on her maps
Sound Barrier CD is too low.
I didnt consider that, it also makes sense that newer players would play more cautiously around him after getting mauled. But while he's the highest wr of ranged autoers in lower lvl qm it's still sub-50%, i expect that he still suffers safety issues, i dunno if he's meaningfully safer at that tier especially if ppl are still trying to figure things out. Regardless of his safeness tho, i feel like the main thing learned here (targetting, reading the fight, etc.) is still more core to assassin play than "how do i get out of sticky situations"
I think Valla best. She requires the right mix of aggressiveness and defensive positioning and her kit encourages constant AAs which leads to anticipating fights.


Yeah i was just thinking greymane e is really straightforward whereas valla e ppl might default to as an escape, but mebbe i dont give ppl enough credit. Like gmane's kit kinda forces you to play it right and valla feels more...free i guess, which i was thinking might default new players to playing her league adc style, but i dunno, gotta remember that new players prob just thirsting for blood


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
been lvling my 8s/9s to 10 for the dual boxes and 500g, Murky is still easily top 5 faves for me, he seems even better now tbh (that fake egg talent is cute but I still took bribe after trying the fake egg 1 game, seems kinda pointless), but man, Rehgar is bumming me out, I used to really like him but he doesnt seem very good at all now (m sure im super wrong tho).

Chain heal heals seem quite low, lightning shield utility doesnt seem like the best, I dunno man, even if im going to melee with a healer I would do it with uther, and if I just want to pure heal, ill malf or morales or lucio (actually I dont have lucio but the point stands). Im gonna play a few more with him to get to 10 but hes not clicking with me at all anymore, its a shame :(

edit: that lunge dmg is very real,tho, damn


Ive never tried the 20 ult cause i couldnt figure out how important the decay change was and bonus track actually helps out tremendously during a fight (dunno if you can break it down twice w/ that cd), but maybe ill try it

I should buy lucio he's really fun
been lvling my 8s/9s to 10 for the dual boxes and 500g, Murky is still easily top 5 faves for me, he seems even better now tbh (that fake egg talent is cute but I still took bribe after trying the fake egg 1 game, seems kinda pointless), but man, Rehgar is bumming me out, I used to really like him but he doesnt seem very good at all now (m sure im super wrong tho).

Chain heal heals seem quite low, lightning shield utility doesnt seem like the best, I dunno man, even if im going to melee with a healer I would do it with uther, and if I just want to pure heal, ill malf or morales or lucio (actually I dont have lucio but the point stands). Im gonna play a few more with him to get to 10 but hes not clicking with me at all anymore, its a shame :(
Lightning Shield is a requirement because it gives Rehgar just a tad more burst healing to keep people alive, especially once you take rewind and want to land 2 Qs on the same target. What Rehgar brings to the table outside of healing is decent waveclear, camp clear and some additional burst with CC setup.
The level 20 talent that reduces sound barrier's cooldown to 30s is broken imo.
Oh my, don't know his talents at all.
Yeah i was just thinking greymane e is really straightforward whereas valla e ppl might default to as an escape, but mebbe i dont give ppl enough credit. Like gmane's kit kinda forces you to play it right and valla feels more...free i guess, which i was thinking might default new players to playing her league adc style, but i dunno, gotta remember that new players prob just thirsting for blood
I wonder if there's completely passive GMayne players. I've definitely seen people that go in at the start of each fight but w/o a healer you're either playing super passive or backing every other minute dying.


It's hard not to play him passively, id say i play him relatively passive too (in the sense that im really hesitant to make plays that depend on me and my team outplaying...but i also dont usually take the q talent at 13 which enables outplaying a lot), at least compared to someone like valla where i just try to get as much dmg as i can out due to her having backwards mobility.


I didnt consider that, it also makes sense that newer players would play more cautiously around him after getting mauled. But while he's the highest wr of ranged autoers in lower lvl qm it's still sub-50%, i expect that he still suffers safety issues, i dunno if he's meaningfully safer at that tier especially if ppl are still trying to figure things out. Regardless of his safeness tho, i feel like the main thing learned here (targetting, reading the fight, etc.) is still more core to assassin play than "how do i get out of sticky situations"

In QM there's a chance you don't have a support on your side, which greymane suffers a lot from.


Inferior comp vs 5 man stack in qm. Fml.

You team loading into the match after looking at the matchup:


Edit: Ahahah, we won. Murky late game still too stronk.

Your team post game after beating the try-hard collective:

Just started playing this due to Overwatch. I got the assassin bundle because it fits my play style a bit. I've been running a lot of Li Ming. Any tips? Or other heroes I should try?

I picked Muradin after the tutorial, and I've heard he's good. But there's 1000 different guides with 500 different opinions, so I'm not sure where to go. I've won one game and it was because the other team was throwing.


You team loading into the match after looking at the matchup:


Your team post game after beating the try-hard collective:


I've been on sides in QM where you got people in the 200+'s vs leve 3-10's, I have no idea how this game matches people at times. Suffice to say we got steamrolled as most of my team didn't know what they were doing. Every level up for talents I could see my teammates just stop dead in their tracks and looked like they were reading talents and deciding what to get.


Just started playing this due to Overwatch. I got the assassin bundle because it fits my play style a bit. I've been running a lot of Li Ming. Any tips? Or other heroes I should try?

I picked Muradin after the tutorial, and I've heard he's good. But there's 1000 different guides with 500 different opinions, so I'm not sure where to go. I've won one game and it was because the other team was throwing.

You can check this site to see which heroes are currently the best (sort by win percentage)


had a WoW friend join us and there was a quest for bot matches so I tried out some of the weirder heroes.

Lost Vikings were kind of annoying to use. I wanted freedom to set up my control groups like I could in an actual RTS, but it seems like you're just limited to 1 at a time or all at once. I did figure out how to use camera waypoints in the process which should be helpful.

Abathur was this intimidating mystery character but he came in the flex pack, so I figured I had to try him. He was pretty easy to grasp on a basic level and fighting him will make a lot more sense from now on. I'll definitely give him a shot against actual humans tonight. I'm just not sure where I'm supposed to park him when I'm doing symbiote and mine stuff. Hidden in a bush near creep lanes? Hiding by a fort? Just at the edge of my wall? He seems easy to move around constantly at least.

My friend won't play Cho'gall with me but Abathur seems more fun anyways. I'm curious about builds on him though, at first glance it seems like you can build him as more of a lane pusher or team fight helper. But which ult to pick doesn't seem that clear cut. The hero clone seems like an obvious choice but I've run afoul of his super hydralisk thing before and it was surprisingly deadly.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Inferior comp vs 5 man stack in qm. Fml.

Edit: Ahahah, we won. Murky late game still too stronk.

5 stack doesnt mean a "pre made" in the sense we use it, could just be people grouping for the quest tbh


Abathur was this intimidating mystery character but he came in the flex pack, so I figured I had to try him. He was pretty easy to grasp on a basic level and fighting him will make a lot more sense from now on. I'll definitely give him a shot against actual humans tonight. I'm just not sure where I'm supposed to park him when I'm doing symbiote and mine stuff. Hidden in a bush near creep lanes? Hiding by a fort? Just at the edge of my wall? He seems easy to move around constantly at least.

If you wanna learn Abathur. Watch this stream when he's on. https://www.twitch.tv/abathur1613

Best Abby player I've seen. Pretty much all he plays.
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