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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Does anybody have any experience with Japan-released Blu-Ray titles? Is the quality typically on par with US releases, or does it wildly vary? With US and Japan now being the same region, and my gal being Japanese, I'm considering making some of my Blu-Ray purchases be the Japanese release in order to have the Japanese subtitles.
shidoshi said:
Does anybody have any experience with Japan-released Blu-Ray titles? Is the quality typically on par with US releases, or does it wildly vary? With US and Japan now being the same region, and my gal being Japanese, I'm considering making some of my Blu-Ray purchases be the Japanese release in order to have the Japanese subtitles.

I have Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence. It's a top-notch release.

Can't really say anything about the other releases from Japan, however.


Gold Member
Went to Fry's, they had a shitload of Casino Royale and it was cheaper than Best Buy (that retard that bought 7 copies is OWNED! I hope Zipatoni is compensating him well for his viral marketing efforts!) so I got my copy. Almost bought The Prestige, but it's $30 at Fry's as well so that will have to wait.

Currently at 20 BRDs, but my list to buy still has a few on it I need to pick up of what's out.
How is Layer Cake on BD... did anyone pick this up? It was only $19.99 at Circuit City when I went in to pick up CR today, I'm thinking about going back tomorrow.


Hope this isn't old...

Buena Vista says the HD format wars are over, and they've gone with Blu-ray for the latest Ghibli animation:

I guess these numbers are Japan, but apparently BD sales account for 95% of all HD movie sales. Not surprising considering the shelf space given to HD-DVD, though BD is not exactly huge either.

Looks like MS made the right choice in not including an internal drive, after all :)
Jonnyram said:
Hope this isn't old...

Buena Vista says the HD format wars are over, and they've gone with Blu-ray for the latest Ghibli animation:

I guess these numbers are Japan, but apparently BD sales account for 95% of all HD movie sales. Not surprising considering the shelf space given to HD-DVD, though BD is not exactly huge either.

Looks like MS made the right choice in not including an internal drive, after all :)
Blu-Ray is pulling ahead in the U.S. as well, but when Universal goes Blu, it's definitely over.




Casino Royale is now at no. 8!!!


Jonnyram said:
Hope this isn't old...

Buena Vista says the HD format wars are over, and they've gone with Blu-ray for the latest Ghibli animation:

I guess these numbers are Japan, but apparently BD sales account for 95% of all HD movie sales. Not surprising considering the shelf space given to HD-DVD, though BD is not exactly huge either.

Looks like MS made the right choice in not including an internal drive, after all :)

Is this really a surprise? Buena Vista is Disney which has always been Blu-Ray exclusive right?
teiresias said:
Is this really a surprise? Buena Vista is Disney which has always been Blu-Ray exclusive right?

You're correct. This was more like one of those "it's only a matter of time before it's announced" type deals.

And actually, Ghost in the Shell: Innocence was a co-production of Production I.G. and Studio Ghibli, which came out on Blu Ray in December via Buena Vista.


Goddamit. Casino Royale was sold out @ both of the circuit cities and Best Buys I checked. Apparently their shipments were really small. Way to go Sony. Sigh, maybe Frys has it but Renton is a long ass drive from here.


kiryogi said:
Goddamit. Casino Royale was sold out @ both of the circuit cities and Best Buys I checked. Apparently their shipments were really small. Way to go Sony. Sigh, maybe Frys has it but Renton is a long ass drive from here.

Not Sony's fault that retail stores still believe both HD formats are incredibly niche and barely order any. I mean when Manabyte said a Best Buy only hard 7 copies, that's pathetic.

Maybe this will teach them to order more titles.


Well someones dropping the ball because I was basically running all around the western washington coast looking for it. I started out my day after work pretty content, gonna drop by bestbuy to get the blu-ray edition for myself and the dvd WS for a coworker. The end result was wasted gas and irritation. Apparently one of the bestbuys I called after hitting up the 2 closest ones said they only recieved 4 and expect 8 more tonight maybe. God ****ing dammit.
I got the only copy at my local store (they had one total). :) Odd, considering the five copies of Layer Cake ($19.99, going back tomorrow, pending impressions).

But yeah, HD movies are expanding, and retailers have to step their game up.


I'm probably going to just order 007 on amazon, since I figure it's going to be a nightmare to find in stores like the Departed was. Also, I just watched the Departed for the first time, absolutely fantastic movie. The video quality was jaw dropping, I wasn't expecting the picture quality to be that great after seeing what Superman looked like.


Jonnyram said:
Hope this isn't old...

Buena Vista says the HD format wars are over, and they've gone with Blu-ray for the latest Ghibli animation:

I guess these numbers are Japan, but apparently BD sales account for 95% of all HD movie sales. Not surprising considering the shelf space given to HD-DVD, though BD is not exactly huge either.

Looks like MS made the right choice in not including an internal drive, after all :)

Kiki / Nausicaa / Totoro / Howl's on Blu-Ray please. PLEASE. If you have them out by the time I get my PS3 and HDTV, that'd be swell.
Gadeus said:
Also, I just watched the Departed for the first time, absolutely fantastic movie. The video quality was jaw dropping, I wasn't expecting the picture quality to be that great after seeing what Superman looked like.
I have both, and IMO Casino Royale looks even better.


Jonnyram said:
Hope this isn't old...

Buena Vista says the HD format wars are over, and they've gone with Blu-ray for the latest Ghibli animation:

I guess these numbers are Japan, but apparently BD sales account for 95% of all HD movie sales. Not surprising considering the shelf space given to HD-DVD, though BD is not exactly huge either.

Looks like MS made the right choice in not including an internal drive, after all :)




And even i am moderately surprised
ghibli pricing hot prediction :

Japan : 7800-8190 per BR
US : $24.99

I love the new changed regions :)

I picked up (just to look at!) "world cup 2006 : all the goals!" for HDDVD.. 7800 yen.
What the shi....?


DCharlie said:
ghibli pricing hot prediction :

Japan : 7800-8190 per BR
US : $24.99

I love the new changed regions :)

I picked up (just to look at!) "world cup 2006 : all the goals!" for HDDVD.. 7800 yen.
What the shi....?

you forgot:

Japan: original voice in 5.1 uncompressed LPCM
US: Kirsten bloody Dunst. Still, fingers crossed they keep the original languages, otherwise my wallet is getting owned.

Have they actually announced anything about the back catalogue, or is it still early days?


Interesting comments here. Manabyte don't you have ties to the movie industry in some capacity? How relaible is this info?


bzcat said:
I posted older version of the sales data in the other format war thread. We are tracking the sales data pretty closely and Blu-ray is crushing HD-DVD like a run away train as the weeks roll by. One of the large retail chain will probably pull HD-DVD shelve space (will sell them online only) as early as end of March. At least one HD-DVD studio had already pulled back its HD-DVD release slate pending the decision of this large retail chain.

- Blu-ray ITD unit sales (752,532, or 50.2%) have surpassed HD-DVD ITD unit sales (746,263, or 49.8%). A total of 1.5M High Definition units have now been sold ITD.

- For the current week ending 2/11/07, Blu-ray outsold HD-DVD by 134% (70.1% Blu-ray share vs. 29.9% HD-DVD share).

- YTD 2007, Blu-ray has outsold HD-DVD by 117% (68.4% Blu-Ray share to 31.6% HD-DVD share).

The most telling sign of the future? Look at the units shipped info for upcoming releases for studios that are releasing both formats... I can't share that info here due to senstive title info. But you can look it up yourself on the intraweb if you know where to look...

His numbers match up close with the released nielson data.

bzcat said:
Updated info this week. plus one of the title info became public info so I thought I share.

- Through week ending 2/18/2007, total Blu-ray unit sales (827,198, or 51.3%) have outperformed HD-DVD ITD unit sales (785,238, or 48.7%).
- YTD 2007, Blu-ray has outsold HD-DVD more than 2:1 (67.9% Blu-Ray share vs. 32.1% HD-DVD share).
- Blu-ray has been out-selling HD-DVD on titles released on both formats. For The Departed, the latest title released day & date on both formats, Blu-ray unit sales out-performed HD-DVD by 58%.

And the next one for Frankfurter:

Bzcat said:
And since I like to kick people while they are down , US home entertainment market is only 40% of the worldwide market (it's largest by far but still not the majority). Blu-ray has like a 9 to 1 lead in international sales (very limited so far, but HD-DVD is so far behind, it may never be launced in a lot of countries).

He also posted this in another thread:

Bzcat said:
My company is the DVD catagory manager for one very large retailer (i.e. we order and stock the DVDs from all the studios for that retailer) with state of the art POS system so we have access to the daily sales data. It is not looking good for one of the format. We are also talking with one of our largest customer (a large national electronics retailer that sells lots of DVDs) and some of its people have told us off the record that they are close to pulling the plug on one of the format due to their own projections. This company has the advantage of selling both hardware and DVDs so they can project the future sale of DVDs much better based on their own hardware sales.

I think he is talking about Best Buy. So we'll find out soon enough if this man is legit with his info.


DCharlie said:
ghibli pricing hot prediction :

Japan : 7800-8190 per BR
US : $24.99

I love the new changed regions :)

I picked up (just to look at!) "world cup 2006 : all the goals!" for HDDVD.. 7800 yen.
What the shi....?

Uh, the Ghibli pricing is in that article :p

DVD = 3990
Blu-ray = 4935

Though this is a sorta non-movie release so it's a bit lower but the thought process should be the same. IIRC the movies are 4935 after tax (4700yen before) so Blu-ray should be 59~~ after tax.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Jonnyram said:
Looks like MS made the right choice in not including an internal drive, after all :)
It would have worked out just fine if they had enabled it to play games from that format.


there is joy in sucking dick
djkimothy said:
This is just consumerism gone bad.

Everyone has got a vested emotional attachment to their format of choice. Lets make today BUY A BUNCH OF SHIT CAUSE THIS %Insert formate of choice% FLAME CAN'T GO OUT :`( . They'll be lucky to make a blemish on the charts.


I'm baffled a forum filled to the brim with nerdy AV enthusiasts has so many HDDVD supporters myself. Frankly I think it makes more sence for 1 studio to go neutral rather then 3 studios going neutral.
mckmas8808 said:
Yep. Sounds like Best Buy to me too.

Best Buy is so stupid. "Let's charge at least $5 more than other stores for these fancy HD movies and see how well they sell." Seriously, more people would be willing to buy HD-DVD's from them if they weren't so ridiculously overpriced there.


Post Count: 9999
wasting said:
HD DVD came out first and delivered HQ content from day 1.

That's fine, but it doesn't account for why they are still holding out.

Obviously logic has completely been removed.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
mckmas8808 said:
Yep. Sounds like Best Buy to me too.
That sounded like Best Buy to me too. Today when i was in Houston i went looking for God of War 2(which they didnt have /angry face) i checked by their dvd section Blu-ray had twice the self space that HD DVD had, which was a surprise to me because my closest best buy here in austin gives equal space to both.


So what's HD-DVD's plan to counter this year Blu-ray blockbusters

1. Spiderman 3
2. Pirates of the Caribbean 3
3. Fantastic Four 2
4. Ratatouille
5. Die Hard 4
6. Simpsons The Movie

....plus second tiers box office such as AVP2, Resident Evil 3, Punisher 2

If Casino Royale alone can do this much damage, imagine what this year BD box office wave can do
Petrarca said:
So what's HD-DVD's plan to counter this year Blu-ray blockbusters

1. Spiderman 3
2. Pirates of the Caribbean 3
3. Fantastic Four 2
4. Ratatouille
5. Die Hard 4
6. Simpsons The Movie

....plus second tiers box office such as AVP2, Resident Evil 3, Punisher 2

If Casino Royale alone can do this much damage, imagine what this year BD box office wave can do

1. Bourne Ultimatum
2. Evan Almighty
3. American Gangster
4. Smokin Aces
5. Alpha Dog
6. Knocked Up

Spiderman 3 alone will make more money than all these combined. But I'd be interested in American Gangster and Bourne.


The only studios that can counter blu-ray onslaught are the neutral studios

1. 300
3. Harry Potter
4. Transformers
5. Shrek 3
6. The Golden Compass
Petrarca said:
The only studios that can counter blu-ray onslaught are the neutral studios

1. 300
3. Harry Potter
4. Transformers
5. Shrek 3
6. The Golden Compass

Yea, but those will sell on Blu-ray more anyways and that's the problem for HD DVD.
DarkJediKnight said:
1. Bourne Ultimatum
2. Evan Almighty
3. American Gangster
4. Smokin Aces
5. Alpha Dog
6. Knocked Up

Spiderman 3 alone will make more money than all these combined. But I'd be interested in American Gangster and Bourne.

Grind House should probably on 2nd or 3rd place on that list. With all the commercials lately it should do quite well at the box office.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
DarkJediKnight said:
4. Smokin Aces
5. Alpha Dog
Both those movies did pretty poorly at the box office especially Smoking Aces, for how much they advertised that movie(even though it was horribly missadvertised. I regretted seeing them.
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