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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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Gold Member
Ignatz Mouse said:
I thought the problem was with ceratin players, not with BDi/BDj itself. All the more aggravating.

There is no "BDi".

BD-J does not yet support the multiple video streams that HDi uses for the special features Warner uses (and Universal as well) and as such it cannot duplicate the special features on those discs.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
ManaByte said:
WB can't put out the releases when the special features wouldn't work on BRD. It's as simple as that.
No, WB certainly can put out the releases on BD (either without some of the special features or just done differently), they just don't want to. It's becoming clear that the issues raised related to BD-J are either just for leverage or simply a cop-out.


Gold Member
kaching said:
No, WB certainly can put out the releases on BD (either without some of the special features or just done differently), they just don't want to. It's becoming clear that the issues raised related to BD-J are either just for leverage or simply a cop-out.

Ok they can either spend more money to do a BRD specific pressing of a movie sans all of the extras from the HD-DVD release, or they can wait and save money for when the BD-J tech catches up and simply port over the same HD-DVD version. It isn't leverage or anything, it's simply that it'll cost them more money to re-do an already released HD-DVD for BRD as they'd have to strip out all of the interactive features where if they wait for BD-J to catch up they can just re-press the existing release on a BRD disc.


kaching said:
No, WB certainly can put out the releases on BD (either without some of the special features or just done differently), they just don't want to. It's becoming clear that the issues raised related to BD-J are either just for leverage or simply a cop-out.

I like how real technical reasons to go with BD (higher bandwidth and higher storage space) are perfectly valid reasons to go with BD, but an area where BD is lacking is not at all a good reason to hold off releases.


maharg said:
I like how real technical reasons to go with BD (higher bandwidth and higher storage space) are perfectly valid reasons to go with BD, but an area where BD is lacking is not at all a good reason to hold off releases.

It's mostly because what's holding the release back is mainly irrelevant. PiP commentary is not exactly a selling point for people who want to transition to HD movies.

It's the movies in HD that people are buying these expensive equipment!


maharg said:
Who died and made you god of what everyone wants?

And who are you to decide what should be relevant?

It seems the concensus here is that people will buy the movies sans speacial features no problem. Why waste a perfectly good revenue stream, especially when you can double dip once BDJ gets implemented.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Mana, I'm sure WB could manage to put the releases out in a cost-efficient manner now that still allows them to profit on the sales they'd get, then revisit the same release with a more full-featured package a year or so down the road when the fortunes of these formats are better established. It's not like that isn't exactly what's going to happen anyway with MOST of these early releases on either format, regardless of whether they incorporate HDi/BD-J now or not.

maharg, I'd be chagrined at your accusation of hypocrisy if it was actually aimed at me rather than a strawman of a BD supporter.
maharg said:
I like how real technical reasons to go with BD (higher bandwidth and higher storage space) are perfectly valid reasons to go with BD, but an area where BD is lacking is not at all a good reason to hold off releases.

The sad fact is that Warner uses the HD DVD VC-1 transfer onto their Blu-ray discs as a cost saving measure. It's funny how they keep saying that they "don't want their Blu-ray users to miss out on what the HD DVD guys get" but at the same time dropping the True HD track from titles like Superman and Happy Feet, and holding back titles for lesser things like PIP.

I'd like to see what would happen, if instead of getting the lowerst common denominator transfers, Warner would create a new transfer with 35mbps+ VC-1 like Disney does (this is impossible on HD DVD) video transfers on all their upcoming Blu-ray discs. How many dual format supporters would buy the HD DVD version then?


Gold Member
DarkJediKnight said:
I'd like to see what would happen, if instead of getting the lowerst common denominator transfers, Warner would create a new transfer with 35mbps+ VC-1 like Disney does (this is impossible on HD DVD) video transfers on all their upcoming Blu-ray discs. How many dual format supporters would buy the HD DVD version then?

If the HD-DVD version had the HDi features Warner has been doing, I wouldn't care about 35mbps+ VC-1.


chubigans said:
Josh seems to be good at these sorts of things; he announced that Fox would bring Independence Day and many others on BD before CES, and was right.

This sounds like quite the interesting scenario, if true.

And as far as I know, there have been no TotalHD releases announced whatsoever, just the format itself.


djkimothy said:
And who are you to decide what should be relevant?

It seems the concensus here is that people will buy the movies sans speacial features no problem. Why waste a perfectly good revenue stream, especially when you can double dip once BDJ gets implemented.

So does that mean you are going to re-buy blu-ray movies?


djkimothy said:
And who are you to decide what should be relevant?

Nobody. But I'm not the one who questioned their motives and suggested there's no valid reason other than posturing.

djkimothy said:
It seems the concensus here is that people will buy the movies sans speacial features no problem. Why waste a perfectly good revenue stream, especially when you can double dip once BDJ gets implemented.

I find it amazing that people are actually asking to get ripped off. It's not like there's this huge lack of content on bluray overall, you can live a few months until they actually finish the spec. Frankly, I don't see why BR doesn't get a hell of a lot more flack on here for constantly underspecing products they actually sell into the market. People around here sure do like getting ****ed by the studios.
maharg said:
I find it amazing that people are actually asking to get ripped off. It's not like there's this huge lack of content on bluray overall, you can live a few months until they actually finish the spec. Frankly, I don't see why BR doesn't get a hell of a lot more flack on here for constantly underspecing products they actually sell into the market. People around here sure do like getting ****ed by the studios.

Its mostly just Sony fanboys who heavily support it.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Karma Kramer said:
Its mostly just Sony fanboys who heavily support it.
Wrong its mostly people who dont give a shit about pip crap, and just want movies in Hi Def. I own a ton of DVDs and a about 20 BRDs, and not a single one of them i bought because they had "uber l33t" special features. And out of all of them i have probably only watched the special features on LOTR and Crank (BRD), and even then i didnt watch the PiP crap that Lionsgate put on Crank.

Why is it that any argument anyone who doesnt argee with something or a viewpoint someone has they are "sony fanboys" or "xbots." Is it not possible that people just want the ****ing movies like Batman and Matrix in hi def without all the extraneous pip crap?


More like people are ignoring the fact that double-dipping is something that alot of studios have been doing for years in the Dvd market. Makes it real hard to believe that they are delaying these release in the best interest of the consumer.


I now own 6 bluray movies and The Departed from Warner home video seems to be the laziest release of the bunch. Despite all the bitching I have no problems with the occasionally soft image it still looks a shitton better then the dvd upscaled to my tv does. The problem is that the only HD content on disc is the film itself , no real special features to speak of and even the included theatrical trailer is SD resolution. It just seems like a really lazy release, again though the dvd was a pretty lazy release too. Setup to double dip you with better transfers, more special features, commentary tracks, making of features ... and charge you double while they're at it.
captive said:
Wrong its mostly people who dont give a shit about pip crap, and just want movies in Hi Def. I own a ton of DVDs and a about 20 BRDs, and not a single one of them i bought because they had "uber l33t" special features. And out of all of them i have probably only watched the special features on LOTR and Crank (BRD), and even then i didnt watch the PiP crap that Lionsgate put on Crank.

Why is it that any argument anyone who doesnt argee with something or a viewpoint someone has they are "sony fanboys" or "xbots." Is it not possible that people just want the ****ing movies like Batman and Matrix in hi def without all the extraneous pip crap?

I am not saying everyone is a sony fanboy who supports Blu-Ray... but those who heavily defend it and ignore its flaws. Same goes for those who heavily defend HD-DVD...

I use HD-DVD... but I can recognize that HD-DVD is lacking alot of awesome content that I would want. But I have also been very impressed with the movies put out so far on HD-DVD especially those put out by Universal. Alot of content... cool features (favorite scenes, pip, ect) and excellent picture quality. Plus I really like the combo feature because I can then use the same disc when I go to a friends house or when I take my portable DVD player on trips.


captive said:
Wrong its mostly people who dont give a shit about pip crap, and just want movies in Hi Def. I own a ton of DVDs and a about 20 BRDs, and not a single one of them i bought because they had "uber l33t" special features. And out of all of them i have probably only watched the special features on LOTR and Crank (BRD), and even then i didnt watch the PiP crap that Lionsgate put on Crank.

Why is it that any argument anyone who doesnt argee with something or a viewpoint someone has they are "sony fanboys" or "xbots." Is it not possible that people just want the ****ing movies like Batman and Matrix in hi def without all the extraneous pip crap?

Ahh, but you see, that wasn't the argument a couple of years ago. Those on the Bluray side were trumpeting the virtures of BD-Java, and it's superiority over HDi for interactivity and such. The argument was that Java was a much more sophisticated development environment and that HDi was no match for it. At least that was the line of bullsh** being floated back then. My how the tunes have changed.

Personally, I could give a sh** either way. All I want is the movie. Many titles have already been held back from release because of the BD-J crap. So make no mistake, this issue falls on the Bluray consortium for not having their sh** together in time.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
HokieJoe said:
Ahh, but you see, that wasn't the argument a couple of years ago. Those on the Bluray side were trumpeting the virtures of BD-Java, and it's superiority over HDi for interactivity and such. The argument was that Java was a much more sophisticated development environment and that HDi was no match for it. At least that was the line of bullsh** being floated back then. My how the tunes have changed.

Personally, I could give a sh** either way. All I want is the movie. Many titles have already been held back from release because of the BD-J crap. So make no mistake, this issue falls on the Bluray consortium for not having their sh** together in time.
I wasnt talking about BDj or how anyone was trumpetting it.
Java is more robust and is pretty common and is pretty much being taught everywhere and was originally developed specifically for interfacing with hardware appliances.
Just because the functionality isnt ready yet doesnt mean its worse or better, it means its not ready yet.


captive said:
I wasnt talking about BDj or how anyone was trumpetting it.
Java is more robust and is pretty common and is pretty much being taught everywhere and was originally developed specifically for interfacing with hardware appliances.
Just because the functionality isnt ready yet doesnt mean its worse or better, it means its not ready yet.

More robust and pretty common- no complaints from me. OTOH, it's overkill, and the very point is that isn't ready yet because it's also more complex. The tools aren't there yet, and they should've been. Like I said, this is the BDA's fault.

I just noticed on Amazon.com The Road Warrior Blu-ray will be releasing soon!!!
Now if they'd release Mad Max too...

And dammit, where's Lawrence of Arabia?!


"GAF's biggest wanker"
maharg said:
Nobody. But I'm not the one who questioned their motives and suggested there's no valid reason other than posturing.
Or as a cop-out. Don't forget that one.

I took exception to Manabyte's claim that they just can't put their movies out under these conditions. As pointed out by Pachinko and DarkJedi, WB's releases thus far on BD aren't exactly the pinnacle of what's achievable now on the format, nevermind what will be achievable several more months down the road. I don't see any reason to tow the line on WB's behalf.

I find it amazing that people are actually asking to get ripped off.
Because releasing a movie with an arbitrary set of extras is going to automatically prevent it from being a ripoff? Like many movies released with HDi-enhanced content today aren't ever going to get special edition re-releases down the road? There's nothing that guarantees the eventual release of these 'perfect parity' ports to BD won't be ripoffs themselves.


Kleegamefan said:
So you don't want better picture quality....you want picture in picture?

Cut him some slack KLee, isn't he watching on a 30" CRT? Probably can't tell the difference. :)

(Sorry ManaByte, I couldn't resist.)

Put me in the "gimme the movie in the best possible quality, screw the extras" camp. I find the extras are often somewhat interesting but I just don't have the attention span to spend 2 hours watching the same movie again with a little PiP window spouting commentary...


Yeah I really couldn't care less about the Blu Ray Java features. Give me the movie, the extra fluff is just that.


I am so glad universal is dropping the combo discs...they were too expensive for 1. Also, I wish warner would put out some BD movies as I could care less for all that fancy mumbo jumbo on the discs...I want the movie and maybe a coming soon previews section on the discs. Thats all...put all extras on 2nd disc or leave them off entirely. That or offer a movie only version for a few bucks off.

el Diablo

Norse said:
I am so glad universal is dropping the combo discs...they were too expensive for 1. Also, I wish warner would put out some BD movies as I could care less for all that fancy mumbo jumbo on the discs...I want the movie and maybe a coming soon previews section on the discs. Thats all...put all extras on 2nd disc or leave them off entirely. That or offer a movie only version for a few bucks off.

Unfortunately not, Breach was announced today and it's a combo disc.
Just heard that the new Sony release of Identity has 3 uncompressed tracks and 22 language subtitles. Welcome to the future. Crazy. :lol

oh and!!!


At the moment, it's Japan only, but the discs are region free.

July 27
Royal Space Troop
Patlabor Mobile Police

August 24
Ghost In A Shell
Patlabor 2
Steam Boy

Sep 25


Committed to 50GB

Going forward, Sony is committing to rolling out 80% of all its forthcoming Blu-ray titles as 50GB discs.

Although replication companies are not yet at full Blu-ray production capabilities, Bishop is confident they can handle the studio’s push for 50GB titles.

“It’s important, especially in this phase, that we make sure we are showing the absolute best quality in video and audio, and 50GB accomplishes that,” said Bishop.

However, Sony is still easing into the Blu-ray format. The studio is planning to hold off releasing The Da Vinci Code in the format until next year, when more of the movie’s target audience will have purchased Blu-ray players.

“That audience who saw and loved it on DVD is primarily older and in the next wave of adoption,” said Bishop. “We will have another opportunity when Angels and Demons [like Da Vinci Code, also based on a book by Dan Brown] comes out theatrically in 2008.”

DarkJediKnight said:
At the moment, it's Japan only, but the discs are region free.

July 27
Royal Space Troop
Patlabor Mobile Police

August 24
Ghost In A Shell
Patlabor 2
Steam Boy

Sep 25

And they're all lacking English subtitles. And they're also R2 priced, as in $100+.

Nice try, Bandai Visual.





Warner Home Entertainment has announced they will bring Clint Eastwood's 'Letters from Iwo Jima' to Blu-ray and HD DVD on May 22, the same date as Paramount Home Entertainment's next-gen releases of the director's companion piece, 'Flags of Our Fathers.'

'Letters from Iwo Jima' was filmed back-to-back with Eastwood's other 2007 epic war film, 'Flags of Our Fathers,' with the pair meant to reflect two sides of the same conflict. Of the two films, 'Iwo Jima' eventually emerged as the critical favorite, earning a host of year-end awards as well as four Oscar nominations, including nods for Best Director and Best Picture.

Now viewers will have the chance to compare and contrast both films on the two next-gen formats. Though Warner has not divulged full specs, the 'Iwo Jima' Blu-ray and HD DVD discs will include dual 1080p/VC-1 encodes and -- in a first for the studio -- Dolby TrueHD tracks on both versions.
distantmantra said:
And they're all lacking English subtitles. And they're also R2 priced, as in $100+.

Nice try, Bandai Visual.

I know, but that's the price you gotta pay for anime in HD right now. They will probably add subtitles later on.
DarkJediKnight said:
I know, but that's the price you gotta pay for anime in HD right now. They will probably add subtitles later on.

I actually won't be surprised if English subtitles don't materialize on these releases. It would par for the course in terms of Japan/R2 releases.
Yeah, I saw GITS: Innocennce about a month and a half ago in a local shop (in Japan) and was floored by the $80 price tag. There's no way I'm paying that much for a movie (well, at least one, that I'm not so crazy about).

Did anyone take advantage of the Warner Blu-Ray sale?
Spiderjericho said:
Yeah, I saw GITS: Innocennce about a month and a half in a local shop (in Japan) and was floored by the $80 price tag. There's no way I'm paying that much for a movie (well, at least one, that I'm not so crazy about).

I actually bought Innoncence on Blu Ray, I managed to snag it for $50 from Yes Asia last month. That's the most I think I've ever spent on a single disc movie, and I own a lot of Criterions!

I took advantage of the Warner Bros. sale, I picked up A Scanner Darkly and Good Night, and Good Luck.
I got my copy of Volver in the mail today, it looks absolutely gorgeous. Sony Pictures Classics needs to get rolling and release more of their back catalog (more Almodovar, 2046, 3 Iron, etc.)...

Oh, there's an HD trailer for Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I'm guessing that would be an indicator that a Blu Ray release is on the way...
This one is for the Canadians: Best Buy has all Sony Blu-ray movies (minus Casino Royale and Open Season) for $19.99each.

Titles I can think off hand:

Blackhawk Down
Underworld Evolution
Kungfu Hustle
Layer Cake
Tears of the Sun
Resident Evil: Apocalype
Into the Blue
Monster House
House of Flying Daggers
5th Element


DarkJediKnight said:
This one is for the Canadians: Best Buy has all Sony Blu-ray movies (minus Casino Royale and Open Season) for $19.99each.

Titles I can think off hand:

Blackhawk Down
Underworld Evolution
Kungfu Hustle
Layer Cake
Tears of the Sun
Resident Evil: Apocalype
Into the Blue
Monster House
House of Flying Daggers
5th Element

Thanks for the headsup. How is Layer Cake's quality? Might pick that one up.

el Diablo

The big week to look for for HDDVD will be the week of the 17th. They're releasing

* Feast (HD DVD)
* The Game (HD DVD)
* The Jerk (HD DVD)
* School for Scoundrels (HD DVD)
* Smokin' Aces (HD DVD)

as opposed to BDs

* The Dirty Dozen (Blu-ray)
* Enter the Dragon (Blu-ray)

It'll be the first week in a long while that HDDVD will be releasing with a large advantage in exclusive content over BD.

The Game is actually the first movie that would be in my top 5 that's actually made it to an HD disc. I'm not a dual format supporter though so boo hoo for me :lol.
Zen said:
Where are the new numbers? :huh:


I don't know what you expect to see. Blu-ray is moping the floor with HD DVD right now. Although this past week, I expect HD DVD to do real well since they've had some decent titles for a change.
DarkJediKnight said:
I don't know what you expect to see. Blu-ray is moping the floor with HD DVD right now. Although this past week, I expect HD DVD to do real well since they've had some decent titles for a change.

Oh shit... Now Blu-Ray is not only mopping the floor with HD DVD they are also moping the floor.

Damn, I guess Universal will be going neutral any day now.
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