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Hi-Def Media Lovefest: The war is over and we can all go home.

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MickeyKnox said:
snobbery denied. :p

I'm really excited for the Planet Earth release and I just hope we get a righteous transfer.

Considering they're all at 480, i think it's justified. :p

Yah, I hope that planet earth becomes the bench mark of video AND audio for HD content.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Nerevar said:
as long as studios continue to offer DVDs of movies at a lower price point, neither format will get past the DVD-Audio / SACD level of penetration.

The fact is DVD took off because it offered a better experience more conveniently at a lower price point than VHS. So far, all BRD or HD-DVD have gotten right is the "better experience" part.

I don't remember DVDs being cheaper than VHS tapes when they first came out.


I'm thinking of a blind buy of "A Scanner Darkly" can anyone give me an overview of it so I knew if I'll actually like it or not? I'm thinking of giving in to my heinous love of Happy Feet too and getting that, despite my hatred of WB gimping the sound on their Blu-Ray releases, so I may order both of them together. I hate being a movie addict.
VanMardigan said:
All of you harping on about content are probably using a Ps3 to play your Blu Ray movies on. If you were so keen on content, it begs the question of why you didn't just stick with an Xbox 360, the king of next gen content right now.

Becuase I bought it as much for movies as for games, and becuase there's a much bigger guarantee on PS3 content than HD-DVD content (Sony and major 3rd parties are essentailly guaranteed and has the bulk of studio support).
teiresias said:
I'm thinking of a blind buy of "A Scanner Darkly" can anyone give me an overview of it so I knew if I'll actually like it or not? I'm thinking of giving in to my heinous love of Happy Feet too and getting that, despite my hatred of WB gimping the sound on their Blu-Ray releases, so I may order both of them together. I hate being a movie addict.

Inspiring art, complicated scenario, good story (also not an action movie like some people assume it'll be - actually the movie is 99% dialog 1% action). Very good movie overall but I personally wouldn't spend 29 euros to buy it.


teiresias said:
I'm thinking of a blind buy of "A Scanner Darkly" can anyone give me an overview of it so I knew if I'll actually like it or not? I'm thinking of giving in to my heinous love of Happy Feet too and getting that, despite my hatred of WB gimping the sound on their Blu-Ray releases, so I may order both of them together. I hate being a movie addict.

I'm finding I have to do the same thing... I did a blind buy with Prestige and Casino Royale, I was quite happy with Prestige, Casino Royale was okay...Awosome transfer and everything, but as for the movie.... meh...

I was considering doing a blind buy with happy feet wrt the reviews. But I'll see if i can eventually rent it on Zip.

I wish rogers or blockbuster would offer high def stuff to rent here in Ontario... :(


has calmed down a bit.
I did a blind buy of Happy Feet and am VERY satisfied. Great transfer (I have it on HD DVD but the BR transfer is supposed to be identical) and a good movie, IMO. I can use it to show off HD and as a family flick.

Oni Jazar

Very interesting interview with the developer of Dragon's Lair BD-J title.


Some quotes:

It was clear that most of the world didn't care yet about BD-J and it showed in the tools documentation. The "How to Setup up a BD-J" project was more like "Here are all the setting options" without any details on what they did or why you would want to set them up one way or another. The tools were based around Eclipse, which took a great deal of getting used to but once it was set up correctly, is really great to work with. It was mid-October before we received the "How to write a 'Hello World'" program in BD-J. That was really what we needed to get going and we then didn't look back.

The biggest challenge is not having access to the BD-J specifications. As I understand it, you have to be on the inner circle and make some large payments to receive a copy. I'm not sure what the plans are to allow access to the smaller developers but that is critical to move development along much faster. Sample code is also a great help. Once that starts becoming more available, it will be a great resource to help figuring out how to get things done in BD-J. The development tools that we purchased were very expensive and almost in beta state when we bought them. They are much more stable now but no less expensive. I suspect there will be some competition in this area as time moves on and this will help make for better and cheaper tools.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Sounds like there's a few features they left on the cutting room floor for revised release once BD-J spec 2 is ready (internet connectivity).

The greatest movie of all time hits Blu-ray this summer. Straight from a Sony encoder.

Lawrence of Arabia

Dolby True HD 24/48bits (1st 24bit True HD title on either format) Disney has many 24bit PCM tracks though.

As well as (ugh) White Chicks
Dolby True HD
10gb worth of extras supposedly. (why!)
drohne said:
**** YEAH

Damn right! I'm so glad they're going with True HD instead of PCM on this one since it's a long movie. They'll probably save a few gigs worth of space and added bandwidth to put towards video.

Oh, also, the 5th Element is being redone on a BD50 and AVC and also has a True HD track. And Sony being unusually generous, will allow all previous Blu-ray owners to exchage for the cleaner version. So if you like the movie and find a deal on it (For example, in Canada's Best Buy, it's on sale for $19.99) you can buy and exchange it for the new one when it's out this summer.


DarkJediKnight said:

The greatest movie of all time hits Blu-ray this summer. Straight from a Sony encoder.

Lawrence of Arabia

Dolby True HD 24/48bits (1st 24bit True HD title on either format) Disney has many 24bit PCM tracks though.

OMG!!!!!! YES!!!!! LET ME REPEAT . . . OMGLIH!!!!!!!!


DarkJediKnight said:

The greatest movie of all time hits Blu-ray this summer. Straight from a Sony encoder.

Lawrence of Arabia

Dolby True HD 24/48bits (1st 24bit True HD title on either format) Disney has many 24bit PCM tracks though.

this was on SkyHD this week. Looked amazing

Is that true about the Fifth Element BTW? I have the original which I bought because I love the movie, but I'd like a better quality version if possible


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
Its going to be huge if Pirates 1,2,3, Spiderman1-3, Diehard 4(and hopefully a properly remastered diehard 1-3), the simpsons movie all on blu-ray this year.


DarkJediKnight said:

I'm assuming your point is Spiderman 3 as all the others are already out in the US?

Spiderman in November would tie into the expected DVD release date I guess. And why would that be a surprise?


DarkJediKnight said:

The greatest movie of all time hits Blu-ray this summer. Straight from a Sony encoder.

Lawrence of Arabia

Dolby True HD 24/48bits (1st 24bit True HD title on either format) Disney has many 24bit PCM tracks though.

As well as (ugh) White Chicks
Dolby True HD
10gb worth of extras supposedly. (why!)



TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
DarkJediKnight said:

The greatest movie of all time hits Blu-ray this summer. Straight from a Sony encoder.

Lawrence of Arabia

Dolby True HD 24/48bits (1st 24bit True HD title on either format) Disney has many 24bit PCM tracks though.

boom headshot
DarkJediKnight said:
Damn right! I'm so glad they're going with True HD instead of PCM on this one since it's a long movie. They'll probably save a few gigs worth of space and added bandwidth to put towards video.

Oh, also, the 5th Element is being redone on a BD50 and AVC and also has a True HD track. And Sony being unusually generous, will allow all previous Blu-ray owners to exchage for the cleaner version. So if you like the movie and find a deal on it (For example, in Canada's Best Buy, it's on sale for $19.99) you can buy and exchange it for the new one when it's out this summer.

OMG, yes! I adore this movie and when I heard of the weak transfer, it greatly saddened me. The only copy I had was the old original DVD release with nothing on it, so I was greatly looking forward to the HD version.

This is freakin' sweet!!


DarkJediKnight said:
Damn right! I'm so glad they're going with True HD instead of PCM on this one since it's a long movie. They'll probably save a few gigs worth of space and added bandwidth to put towards video.

Oh, also, the 5th Element is being redone on a BD50 and AVC and also has a True HD track. And Sony being unusually generous, will allow all previous Blu-ray owners to exchage for the cleaner version. So if you like the movie and find a deal on it (For example, in Canada's Best Buy, it's on sale for $19.99) you can buy and exchange it for the new one when it's out this summer.

Phuck YES!


I just picked up the original Superman movie on Bluray.

Such a wonderful movie that I will always cherish, and the Bluray turned out really nice. Picure is nice and clean, and the extras a solid as well.

I wish the same could be said for the original Rocky, which I also picked up.

While I still love the movie, the picture quality on this one is just ok. It looks like a very sharp high res version of the original. My problem with is is the grain that can be seen in so many of the backgrounds. It's really quite distracting, and dissapointing to see when we all know it could be cleaned up if they wanted to take the time to do it right.
Interesting article to read:

If neither Blu-ray nor high-definition DVD take off as the successor to standard definition DVD, there will be fingers flying from both sides. Each camp will blame the other, with members from both trumpeting the formats' pointlessness in the face of downloading/on-demand video.

Whatever the reason, the split in HD DVD format has irritated many of those involved and resulted in consumer confusion over both formats.

A format war is doing next-generation DVD no favors, Ross Rubin, director of industry analysis for The NPD Group, told internetnews.com. "I've yet to speak to anyone in the industry who believes two formats are sustainable over the long term."

Formats beget war

The home theater enthusiast market has been aware of the impending format war for years. Both formats first emerged in 2003, and the immediate reaction was to demand a single format and not to split the market.

In late 2005, before the launch of the two formats, both the HD DVD and Blu-ray camps met one last time to try and make peace. Word of the meeting was all over the Internet, and message boards on Home Theater Forum, IGN and DVD Talk were buzzing with hope. But nothing came of it. At the 11th hour, the deal fell apart.

Bill Hunt, editor of The Digital Bits, one of the first Web sites to cover DVD when it launched in 1997, said Toshiba pulled out because an unnamed partner pressured the company to stick with HD DVD since so much time and money had been invested in it. Hunt said he thinks that unnamed partner was Microsoft (Quote).

"Everything I've been told is a lot of people in the HD DVD camp were ready to throw in the towel in late 2005 and something kept them from doing it," he said. "Microsoft seems to be the company that is running around crowing the loudest about HD DVD."

On at least some levels, it would make sense. Blu-ray is a Sony creation and its interactivity is powered by Java. Microsoft has no love for either Sony or Sun. Microsoft and Sony are battling for the videogame console market, and its .Net framework is a competitor to Java. Sony did not return a request for comment.

Kevin Collins, the HD DVD Evangelist for Microsoft (Quote), denied his company scuttled any deal. "Microsoft was a neutral company and supported both formats." At least in the beginning, he said.

Microsoft didn't want to see a format war, either, and went to the Blu-ray Disc Association (BDA), the consortium behind the format and led by Sony, and said it would support both formats if the BDA would agree to three things: support the same codecs in HD DVD; support the same audio standards; and support the same security standards.

"If everything but the physical layer was the same, Microsoft would have supported both formats," said Collins. The BDA met and voted the offer down.

And now it seems the physical layer was also an issue. Mark Knox, an adviser to the Toshiba HD DVD division for Toshiba America consumer products, also denied that Microsoft sabotaged the deal, and said that format structure was non-negotiable with Sony.

"I was told the basic presentation from Toshiba and other HD constituents was 'We're willing to put everything on the table if you are willing to put everything on the table and have our engineering teams pick everything that makes the most sense,'" he said.

That included disc structure, one of the biggest differences between HD DVD and Blu-ray. "The response we got was short and succinct, that disc structure was not on the table, we [Sony] will not discuss it. That put an end to discussions with them being inflexible at that point," said Knox.

There's a reason for Sony's intransigence on the subject. Back in 1995, there were two competing formats called Super Density CD from Toshiba, Matsushita, Time-Warner and JVC, and MMCD, or Multimedia CD from Sony and Philips. IBM came in and acted as mediator, merging the two technologies into what is now DVD. But to do so, Sony caved on the disc structure, costing it billions in royalty revenue.

"Looking at the history of the original DVD, I can understand why" Sony wouldn't cave again, said Knox.

Perhaps, but there is real frustration on all sides over a format war that happened despite years of pleas to avoid it. "We are frustrated," said Best Buy CEO Brad Anderson to Reuters during the 2006 Consumer Electronics Show. "We are going to wind up with some number of consumers probably buying a format that dies, and we are probably going to wind up having to sell it to them. They are not gong to be happy with us."

Best Buy ended up selling both HD DVD and Blu-ray players and discs. Justin Barber, a spokesman for Best Buy, said the decision was "all about customers. It's ultimately their decision as to whether they would choose HD or Blu-ray. We do our best to be up front about the differences between the two and let them decide."

You can read the rest of the article here.
DarkJediKnight said:
Oh, also, the 5th Element is being redone on a BD50 and AVC and also has a True HD track. And Sony being unusually generous, will allow all previous Blu-ray owners to exchage for the cleaner version. So if you like the movie and find a deal on it (For example, in Canada's Best Buy, it's on sale for $19.99) you can buy and exchange it for the new one when it's out this summer.

Oh hellz yeah! I love me some multipass!


Anyone know of any podcasts that touch on the Bluray Vs. HD-DVD war? Just wondering if there might be one out there that touches on this subject on a regular basis.


I thought week ending April 8 was supposed to be a big week for HD DVD?

Blu-ray and HD DVD Sales Comparison as of 4/8/07

Week 62.4/37.6
YTD 69.4/30.6
SI 56.4/43.6

Top 5 BD

1. Casino Royale 100.00
2. Happy Feet 93.99
3. The Pursuit of Happyness 65.80
4. Rocky Balboa 31.21
5. Eragon 29.87

Top 5 HD DVD
1. The Good Shepherd 100.00
2. Happy Feet 55.18
3. Children of Men 41.69
4. Batman Begins 30.91
5. The Departed 23.82

Wait for Matrix Box Set.


Mrbob said:
I thought week ending April 8 was supposed to be a big week for HD DVD?

Blu-ray and HD DVD Sales Comparison as of 4/8/07

Week 62.4/37.6
YTD 69.4/30.6
SI 56.4/43.6

Top 5 BD

1. Casino Royale 100.00
2. Happy Feet 93.99
3. The Pursuit of Happyness 65.80
4. Rocky Balboa 31.21
5. Eragon 29.87

Top 5 HD DVD
1. The Good Shepherd 100.00
2. Happy Feet 55.18
3. Children of Men 41.69
4. Batman Begins 30.91
5. The Departed 23.82

Wait for Matrix Box Set.



Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Mrbob said:
I thought week ending April 8 was supposed to be a big week for HD DVD?

Blu-ray and HD DVD Sales Comparison as of 4/8/07

Week 62.4/37.6
YTD 69.4/30.6
SI 56.4/43.6

Top 5 BD

1. Casino Royale 100.00
2. Happy Feet 93.99
3. The Pursuit of Happyness 65.80
4. Rocky Balboa 31.21
5. Eragon 29.87

Top 5 HD DVD
1. The Good Shepherd 100.00
2. Happy Feet 55.18
3. Children of Men 41.69
4. Batman Begins 30.91
5. The Departed 23.82

Wait for Matrix Box Set.

WOW! You got anymore numbers or charts?
Mrbob said:
I thought week ending April 8 was supposed to be a big week for HD DVD?

Blu-ray and HD DVD Sales Comparison as of 4/8/07

Week 62.4/37.6
YTD 69.4/30.6
SI 56.4/43.6

Top 5 BD

1. Casino Royale 100.00
2. Happy Feet 93.99
3. The Pursuit of Happyness 65.80
4. Rocky Balboa 31.21
5. Eragon 29.87

Top 5 HD DVD
1. The Good Shepherd 100.00
2. Happy Feet 55.18
3. Children of Men 41.69
4. Batman Begins 30.91
5. The Departed 23.82

Wait for Matrix Box Set.

BD had a lead of 4.5-1 a few weeks back, now it's much closer at 1.6.

The Main Event said:
BD had a lead of 4.5-1 a few weeks back, now it's much closer at 1.6.

Your expectations of HDDVD are really low nowadays, where's the Main Event I knew? It was HDDVD's best week in months as far as releases are concerned and you're satisfied with that result?


fortified_concept said:
Your expectations of HDDVD are really low nowadays, where's the Main Event I knew? It was HDDVD's best week in months as far as releases are concerned and you're satisfied with that result?

When HDDVD doesn't have the advantage of a major console backing it, expecting much more is insane. There are at least an order of magnitude more bluray players out there than hddvd. Even poor purchasing patterns from those owners is enough to outweigh *any* amount of content.

Can we finally put to rest the idea that the current buying trends are primarily due to content? It's a factor sure, but all the back-patting about x studio vs. y studio that goes on in this thread is absurd. The PS3 is why bluray is winning, not content.


Joe Six-Pack: posting for the common man
maharg said:
When HDDVD doesn't have the advantage of a major console backing it, expecting much more is insane. There are at least an order of magnitude more bluray players out there than hddvd. Even poor purchasing patterns from those owners is enough to outweigh *any* amount of content.

Can we finally put to rest the idea that the current buying trends are primarily due to content? It's a factor sure, but all the back-patting about x studio vs. y studio that goes on in this thread is absurd. The PS3 is why bluray is winning, not content.
...So what are you saying is that people buying blu-ray are idiots with ps3s that will just buy it cause its cool? Im not sure point your trying to make.
You cant honestly look at a title like Casino Royale and say it sold really well simply and only because there are a lot of PS3 out there.

No one is denying that the PS3 is the obvious factor. I think what some people are saying is that a few pages back the HD DVD supporters were predicting victory because of good titles, but when the sales come out those good titles sell well, but still get outsold by blu-ray.


I hardly think it's idiotic to have a PS3 and buy a movie to go with it, and I didn't say it was. And I don't think HDDVD supporters (at least in this thread or even forum, as if there even are very many) seem to have been expecting some kind of amazing landslide victory because of content. At least, I haven't seen it. Strangely, most of the people who seemed to think it would seemed to be almost dreading it.

I just want this idea that the major tilt towards bluray has anything to do with content at this point to go away, because it keeps getting brought up. That doesn't mean it's a less valid victory by any means, only that people keep reframing it in what sounds like a more noble cause.

I really do believe that HDDVD is pretty much doomed unless MS puts its money where its mouth is. There's no other way to recover at this point.


maharg said:
I really do believe that HDDVD is pretty much doomed unless MS puts its money where its mouth is. There's no other way to recover at this point.
I keep thinking the same thing. We all know Microsoft is clearly not going to support HD-DVD any further. So it essentially seems like this battle if over. There are simply too many PS3's entering the channel each month, and at a rate FAR exceeding the sales of HD-DVD players. Over time that is simply impossible to change. Bluray will win.


Junior Member
Mrbob said:
I thought week ending April 8 was supposed to be a big week for HD DVD?

Blu-ray and HD DVD Sales Comparison as of 4/8/07

Week 62.4/37.6
YTD 69.4/30.6
SI 56.4/43.6

Top 5 BD

1. Casino Royale 100.00
2. Happy Feet 93.99
3. The Pursuit of Happyness 65.80
4. Rocky Balboa 31.21
5. Eragon 29.87

Top 5 HD DVD
1. The Good Shepherd 100.00
2. Happy Feet 55.18
3. Children of Men 41.69
4. Batman Begins 30.91
5. The Departed 23.82

Wait for Matrix Box Set.

Well shit. Wii Play outsells both formats combined again. Lets discuss.
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