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Homefront |OT| of The Greater Goliath Republic

This game is like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde right now for me. Tuesday I was getting good online game play when I could actually find servers. Last night I was constantly getting booted from games. Character models not showing up in multiplayer. Spawn limbo. Tonight though, the game runs flawless again. More of this please because I'm actually starting to unlock all the good stuff in multi. Dat white phosphorus. Killed about 10 people sitting on Sector B. Man the BP where flashing on the screen for a good minute =).
hoo-rah my copy arrived today, once it's installed and I have some time i'll dive straight into a MP match, single player is being left until the very very end if at all, and i'm excited.


Diablohead said:
hoo-rah my copy arrived today, once it's installed and I have some time i'll dive straight into a MP match, single player is being left until the very very end if at all, and i'm excited.
You can finish the SP in one go. I really think it's worth it to give it a run through before getting into MP.


Klocker said:
and please help... proximity launcher? how does it work?

Not sure what to say.. could be a method to it but I am just sort of leading a bit with it and I have knocked a ton of stuff out of the air.


Good God, after playing a bunch of 32 person multi-player, I am baffled by the venom filled vitriol peppered through this thread. The servers were working great all day yesterday (360) and I was able to hop into and out of matches in all the various game modes (haven't really dug into BC yet) without a problem. It was an absolute blast.

Yes, the game is ugly. As someone who primarily plays strategy games (and who spent last weekend playing Hegemony) that doesn't bother me too much. The guns feel great, the stopping power feels just right and marking fools with a drone is the greatest. The Greatest. (Do you get experience for that or just BP?)

I needed a shooter for the 360 (BC2 is on PC) to tide me over for a few months, and this is absolutey perfect for that. Is it great or revolutionary? No. Does it make some interesting and important tweaks to the genre? Absolutely.

Gamers bitch and moan constantly about wanting innovation, but when you see a truly unique (and well crafted) experience like Section 8 or Red Faction: Guerilla fail miserably at maintaining a multi-player audience, I can see why developers are hesitant. This takes a tried and true formula and tweaks it a bit. I see nothing wrong with that.
Played my first match of TDM with about 20 players, ping was 2 bar yellow yet I was still getting what felt like 50ms lag, much better then most P2P games get. Gun play so far using the first class felt good, you can tell they took a few pages from cod and bf2 but it still has it's own feeling, players move fast but not superhuman speeds to dodge attacks, flak jacket really helps on body shots, rocket launcher thankfully is not too effective against other players on foot so it's not over used.

Visually the game looks good to me, I had to turn the brightness down in-game to balance the blacks out on my setup but it looks good, it's not like the game is so ugly that you just don't want to play it, there has been a lot worse.

I like it, it might not keep my attention for multiple months but right now I look forward to unlocking gear and trying all the maps out.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
eznark said:
Good God, after playing a bunch of 32 person multi-player, I am baffled by the venom filled vitriol peppered through this thread. The servers were working great all day yesterday (360) and I was able to hop into and out of matches in all the various game modes (haven't really dug into BC yet) without a problem. It was an absolute blast.

Yes, the game is ugly. As someone who primarily plays strategy games (and who spent last weekend playing Hegemony) that doesn't bother me too much. The guns feel great, the stopping power feels just right and marking fools with a drone is the greatest. The Greatest. (Do you get experience for that or just BP?)

I needed a shooter for the 360 (BC2 is on PC) to tide me over for a few months, and this is absolutey perfect for that. Is it great or revolutionary? No. Does it make some interesting and important tweaks to the genre? Absolutely.

Gamers bitch and moan constantly about wanting innovation, but when you see a truly unique (and well crafted) experience like Section 8 or Red Faction: Guerilla fail miserably at maintaining a multi-player audience, I can see why developers are hesitant. This takes a tried and true formula and tweaks it a bit. I see nothing wrong with that.

Yeah, I am loving the game more and more. Soon all the haters will be out of this thread and we can enjoy it in peace :)

I quite enjoy marking groups of snipers with my parrot and watching my team call down bombs on them. A joy to behold.
Any pc players know if there's a config setting to raise the ADS sensitivity? That's probably my only real complaint at this point, it's just too slow even all the way up.
Are there still server issues going on? I read before release that they were going to have servers in Australia but I only ever get put in games with 1 red bar. (360)
They really need to do something about the performance, memory leak, ground drone physics/driving and numerous bugs.

I'm getting more and more frustrated by:

-Performance being awful and lowering graphics options doing nothing to fix it, 30-40 fps average and numberous framedrops to 15-20 and heavy stuttering when there's shooting going on in an UE3 game, are you kidding me?

-fps getting lower and lower every time a new map is loaded because of a memory leak.

-my drones being stuck when they spawn

- flying drones often refusing to fly up until I press the use key to return to soldier mode then press 4-5 again to get back into the drone..

-AT drone not working half of the time, it will spawn, you try to shoot, you hear the shooting sound but no rockets are fired.
And it stays like that too until it is destroyed and you call in a new one.
Drone rockets exploding as soon as they are fired at times, even if there is no obstacle in the way , just because you happen to be on a slope.

(these last3 combined, just holy crap, this game has the worst vehicle physics since half life 1 mods! There simply ARE no physics for the ground drones and tank and humvee physics are weak as hell too, you would think these guys would know how to do vehicle physics after how nice the physics for vehicles in desert combat were....)

-Can't detonate c4 after switching back to another weapon (why even HAVE c4 then?)

-Randomly getting booted out of servers/servers timing out.

-buggy sprint/crouch not working sometimes after you cancelled a prone.

-not being able to jump on to the top of certain rock formations or not being able to crawl on a 1 inch higher rock than the one you are on.
It's like the hit box/physical property of the rocks are just a really big square box.

Getting pretty sick of developers releasing such bug ridden games.
The worst thing is that the vehicles getting stuck on EVERYTHING , even thin air, and how you cant crawl over rocks are never going to get fixed.
I don't see them redoing the maps or entire physics code.


Got the game today but haven't played it yet, this install is taking ages.

It installed 5gb of the game from the disc and now its downloading 4gb.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
SneakyStephan said:
They really need to do something about the performance, memory leak, ground drone physics/driving and numerous bugs.

I'm getting more and more frustrated by:

-Performance being awful and lowering graphics options doing nothing to fix it, 30-40 fps average and numberous framedrops to 15-20 and heavy stuttering when there's shooting going on in an UE3 game, are you kidding me?

-fps getting lower and lower every time a new map is loaded because of a memory leak.

-my drones being stuck when they spawn

- flying drones often refusing to fly up until I press the use key to return to soldier mode then press 4-5 again to get back into the drone..

-AT drone not working half of the time, it will spawn, you try to shoot, you hear the shooting sound but no rockets are fired.
And it stays like that too until it is destroyed and you call in a new one.
Drone rockets exploding as soon as they are fired at times, even if there is no obstacle in the way , just because you happen to be on a slope.

(these last3 combined, just holy crap, this game has the worst vehicle physics since half life 1 mods! There simply ARE no physics for the ground drones and tank and humvee physics are weak as hell too, you would think these guys would know how to do vehicle physics after how nice the physics for vehicles in desert combat were....)

-Can't detonate c4 after switching back to another weapon (why even HAVE c4 then?)

-Randomly getting booted out of servers/servers timing out.

-buggy sprint/crouch not working sometimes after you cancelled a prone.

Getting pretty sick of developers releasing such bug ridden games.

Only 30 to 40 fps? How do you play like that? That's basically unplayable. You should probably wait until BF3.


Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Ugh 4th time my stats have been reset on the PS3


Got to 17, reset back to 1
Up to 12, reset back to 1
10, guess what reset
Now I'm level 3 ; ;

I cannot believe this shit, I had a weapon like 2 headshots away from the trophy (1 weapon challenge trophy, bronze), now everything is locked, repeat whole process
Fucking Rage, even posted on Forums, no response >_<
commish said:
unplayable. You should probably wait until BF3.
Thanks for that prime piece of selective reading there.

I said that the framerate drops down to 15-20 often and that when things get a little hectic or something shoots me from up close it will stutter (as in no new frame rendered for a quarter of or half a second).
That is very much unplayable.
I also said that lowering the graphics settings doesn't have any real effect on the framerate, I turned motion blur, dof and AO off, lowered texture settings etc to medium and it still stutters.

Having to restart the game every few rounds before my ram chokes on the memory leak is very annoying too.

A stable framerate is one of the most important things in an fps.

Bboy AJ

My dog was murdered by a 3.5mm audio port and I will not rest until the standard is dead
Well, I'm selling this game. If you look at my posts in this thread, I had such high hopes for this game. It's definitely still fun but it isn't captivating. It's just not fast enough for me. It's definitely a solid game and has its market but I think I should cut my losses.

It's been real! I'll still have it on OnLive so that's part of the reason why I'm selling my 360 copy.


Still not digging MP yet. You die way way too fast for it to be fun.

I don't get how people can say snipers aren't a serious problem, I've joined all kinds of different game modes on PC and every time I get killed multiple times by some guy all the way across the map lying prone.

I wouldn't have a problem if it was actually hard, but it's extremely easy. There's no bullet drop and no sway at all. It's so stupid.

At least I got Metro 2033 out of it so it wasn't a complete waste of money.


mxgt said:
Still not digging MP yet. You die way way too fast for it to be fun.
That's part of the joy for me. 2-3 bullets to the torso puts anyone down. Any gun. Flak jacket seems to up that to 4+.

I have found that the M200 sniper rifle is kinda overboard though. The thing is a 1 hit kill almost everytime and is defaulted with a thermal scope. That wasnt a good idea lol.
mxgt said:
Still not digging MP yet. You die way way too fast for it to be fun.

I don't get how people can say snipers aren't a serious problem, I've joined all kinds of different game modes on PC and every time I get killed multiple times by some guy all the way across the map lying prone.

I wouldn't have a problem if it was actually hard, but it's extremely easy. There's no bullet drop and no sway at all. It's so stupid.

At least I got Metro 2033 out of it so it wasn't a complete waste of money.
How are you approaching the game? I tried playing it like cod and sort of got somewhere, snipers are a pain as they can prone really well behind a rock and be near invisible to shoot but most of my deaths have been by other means so really it's not annoying me right now. I tried sniping myself and hitscan makes it easy to pick up that's for sure.

I was in one match where two guys were constantly launching parrots, sniper eats them for breakfast, bet they ran out of BP quickly due to me :p


And thats the last time I ever ask anyone to grab me something when they go out. £36 for the PC version in Gamestation. What the FUCK. Totally my fault but means I might have to skip Crysis 2 now.

Buyers remorse and I've not even played it yet.

Edit: And instead of it installing from the disc, it wants to download the WHOLE game from Steam. Dear me. 90 minute download :/
SneakyStephan said:
Thanks for that prime piece of selective reading there.

I said that the framerate drops down to 15-20 often and that when things get a little hectic or something shoots me from up close it will stutter (as in no new frame rendered for a quarter of or half a second).
That is very much unplayable.
I also said that lowering the graphics settings doesn't have any real effect on the framerate, I turned motion blur, dof and AO off, lowered texture settings etc to medium and it still stutters.

Having to restart the game every few rounds before my ram chokes on the memory leak is very annoying too.

A stable framerate is one of the most important things in an fps.

Yeah, my framerate dips down to around 30fps here, not so happy about that.


I had a horrible experience with the game (360) last night that is making me question whether I should cut my losses and move on or hope it gets better. The thing is I was actually excited to play going into last night and then I feel like the game just took a dump on me.

  • All night long I couldn't join a friend that I play other games with all the time. He was obviously jumping from game to game because the player count was moving all over the place, but it didn't help.
  • I had a game with lag so bad I couldn't move at all that I had to quit out of. Not sure how common this is, but I also a few other yellow and red bar games.
  • Hard freezes requiring reboot.
  • Skill and level differences made a few games extremely imbalanced. Not a concern if I could get into friends games, but makes me question if it will be fun to play alone in the future.
  • Eventually the MP stopped working completely. I kept just getting a loading screen. It's weird because I'm on the west coast. Other games' connections usually get better as the night goes on.
After being forced to switch over to SP I ran into a bunch of new issues there. I had already played a little so I knew the scripting and graphics were a little rough and was willing to look past those issues.
  • Autosave stopped working for some reason. I figure no problem, I'll just manually save later. After playing through a section I hated I realized you can't manually save and I lost all my progress.
  • Major hit detection issues in single player. At one point I just stopped trying to aim and just fired random shots in the general direction of enemies.
  • Invisible walls that block bullets further compounding hit detection issues (CoD also has invisible walls, but nowhere near as common as I experienced it last night).
  • Constantly waiting for NPCs to catch up is not fun.
  • The game really, really needs development between intentionally emotional events.
  • The illusion of choice constantly was made evident. As I was killed doing things it looked like I should be able to do. It was worse than Splinter Cell games in that regard.
  • Sound quality issues really pull you out of the game and ruin emotional impact.

There's other stuff I could nitpick, but they're common in heavily scripted FPS campaigns and hard to hold against this game. After playing this game for ~6 hours between SP & MP I honestly can't tell if it is a solid game that has some minor issues that are negligible because of the potential or is a complete turd.
Another bug: if you are in prone position, and are strafing while you press the fire button, the strafe button will become unresponsive untill you strafe in the opposite direction and then try again.
Extremely annoying...

Lowered graphics settings even more, 28 fps while the camera is zooming down, then it jumps to 60 fps for a second, then back down to 20-40.

My last game was in the big open map with the farms and the stables (still don't know the name of it) and I was getting a consistent 18-19 fps for some reason...

And something useful for everyone alongside all my complaining:

Go to Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\homefront\Engine\Config
Open baseInput.ini

Change bEnableMouseSmoothing=true to =false (which has already been mentioned).

Then add the line

The mouse accel command was new to me, input feels a lot better now with these 2 changes.
Downloaded a patch and now the game freezes ever time I try to load into a multiplayer match. Single player is a pretty embarrassing experience, even if it is developed by amatures. I more or less enjoyed MP for the little bit that I have played, but given the low level of polish I think my time is better spent with BC2. I imagine the trade in value is a complete rip off, but I took the gamble and this time I lost.


I really like the multiplayer.

But I think one issue with Homefront is the stuff you unlock at higher levels is so much better than the low level stuff (m16 is crazy good).

It really puts people who are just starting at a huge disadvantage, and will probably hurt the growth of Homefront's multiplayer long term.
JaxJag said:
I really like the multiplayer.

But I think one issue with Homefront is the stuff you unlock at higher levels is so much better than the low level stuff (m16 is crazy good).

It really puts people who are just starting at a huge disadvantage, and will probably hurt the growth of Homefront's multiplayer long term.

Couldn't agree more, the progression is highly unbalanced. You have to die your way to competitiveness.
I just unlocked the scar-l but I do like the starting gun with a silencer, beastly thing but lacks spare ammo right now.

Outside of like 2-3 matches I keep getting thrown into what feels like american or oversea servers, orange ping and lag now and again especially skipping while running, however it still feels more solid then black ops ever did across the internet, lol.

The more I play the more I realize the visuals could have been better, no idea what is holding it back but I do wish there was a lot less pop-in trees and objects most noticeable when I iron sight.

The MP side of things, i'd give it a solid 8 in terms of fun and ways to mix things up, do wish there was a few more "perks" and BP items however.


Trucker Sexologist
TouchMyBox said:
Yeah, my framerate dips down to around 30fps here, not so happy about that.
Same. 30fps in a match, all the time for no good reason. 60+ in the practice map. Running on an overclocked i5 750 and a 5850. I can deal with a lot of flaws but low framerates are not one of them. I'm out until it's patched.
just got my copy and I gotta say, even with all the bad press, the multi is quite fun. I've only gotten to lvl 8 so far and am definetely enjoying it. The only issues I've had so far is with high level helicopter pilots, it seems like I'm the only one ever trying to shoot it down and it takes forever. Does the proximity launcher work against them?

Also I got the PS3 version, PSN: Razgriz417. Gaf game tonight/is there a Gaf clan?


as for the graphics...

when there are 3 drones, 2 helis, 1 tank 2 Humvees and 24 infrantrymen swarming rockets, bullets, grenades, bombs and raining shrapnell and phosperous explosives all over the map...uh yea... texture quality and whatnot kind of take a back seat.

although I think the lighting and speculars look good but wish there was a little more variety in time of day and or locale....where is my snow map and my night map?


Plasma said:
Got the game today but haven't played it yet, this install is taking ages.

It installed 5gb of the game from the disc and now its downloading 4gb.

Same thing happening here. I came to ask if it was normal. What kind of update takes 4 gigs?
I have no idea if it is constant american servers or what but I keep getting times where I shoot and my bullets do no damage, might be packet loss I don't know, but it's annoying me.

Commander team DM is rather fun, hit 3 star wanted and unlocked the cheevo :D doubt I will ever hit 5 star in a game like this, too many kills without being killed.

*edit* there is something seriously wrong with the hit boxes in this game, I can line up a fucking bolt action rifle to a guys head and the shot will miss, I am crouched and not moving. I have also had many instances of bullets doing no damage even though it was a clean hit.

I was just starting to warm up this game too :/ if my shots are doing fuck all then this game is going to get real annoying.


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
SneakyStephan said:

Good thing that there aren't too many snipers...

Hovered there for another 5 mins, not one of them takes a look at their map to notice me it seems.
Not like it affected them, their team was crushing us.

That's a great picture, hahaha.

I'm getting very tired of these hard lockups. Constant lockups on the PS3. Constant. As in, EVERY time I play. I've never once stopped playing on my own accord - it's always a hard lockup and I just give up. Love the game when it doesn't lock up.


I'm sorry GAF. I failed at trying to enjoy this game further after the last couple of days. What turned into a joy of killing tanks, spotting enemies and one shot bursting with the SCAR, I've come across varied annoyances. I honestly don't think any fixes would bring any further joy of the game.


SneakyStephan said:

Good thing that there aren't too many snipers...

Hovered there for another 5 mins, not one of them takes a look at their map to notice me it seems.
Not like it affected them, their team was crushing us.

Hey you made a picture of my game today :D.

Anyway someone in my team used phosphore on them and then 2 guys came from behind and raped their asses. Good times!
It's pretty fun to sit my parot on a sniper on the billboard and keep spotting him until my teammates take him out. To spice things up I'll sit it on the railings right in front of him to block his view lol.
samus4ever said:
It's pretty fun to sit my parot on a sniper on the billboard and keep spotting him until my teammates take him out. To spice things up I'll sit it on the railings right in front of him to block his view lol.

The parrot should really have some means to take a single player out in 'melee'.
Either by running them over or shocking them or something.

Managed to drive my machine gun drone around to the other side of the map earlier without getting detected, all the way up to a sniper nest.
Hilarity ensued.
It's pretty much what keeps me going, spiting these jerks with everything in my power.


Man the speed of the multiplayer makes the single player feel lethargic. It feels like a completely different game.
Playing single player and the game hard locked loading a respawn point, I best not lose progression through that damn mall level, playing it on guerrilla first time through.
SneakyStephan said:
The parrot should really have some means to take a single player out in 'melee'.
Either by running them over or shocking them or something.

Managed to drive my machine gun drone around to the other side of the map earlier without getting detected, all the way up to a sniper nest.
Hilarity ensued.
It's pretty much what keeps me going, spiting these jerks with everything in my power.

It would be awesome if it had like a cattle prod at the end and you could shock them.
You guys have to try this make a class with the following

- Parrot drone
- Crater to Order
- Drone Be GONE!
- Penny Pincher
- Ghost

Ok now do the following during a match. Fly high spot 3 or 4 enemies, then find a prone person using a uav, or a sniper. Lower the parrot drone right next to his face and continue to spot him generating points, eventually a teamate of his will start to shoot at you, when he finally kills the drone BOOM kill on the enemy drone operator or sniper.

30 bp x however many times you spotted him + 130 bp

It's a cheap but hilarious tactic.
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