Wow took down a thunderjaw on my first try. Pretty much tried to mimic the e3 demo by using its disc launchers.
What are people doing with HUD settings? Default feels a bit noisy, especially with checklists etc on the left. But I don't want to miss important stuff
It took me ages to understand how the dpad works. I didn't press left/right for ages because it auto equipped health potion there and I thought it would trigger it..
Yeah 40 there a consensus on how long it is, more or less. Like playing on normal, doing a fair bit of exploration and sidequests, but maybe not going for 100% completion.
25+ hours I take it?
edit: seems Im way off and its more like at least 40+?
is there a consensus on how long it is, more or less. Like playing on normal, doing a fair bit of exploration and sidequests, but maybe not going for 100% completion.
25+ hours I take it?
edit: seems Im way off and its more like at least 40+?
Damn, that's unfortunate. Maybe your save was uploaded to the cloud?Fuuuuuck I think I lost my save file. My son started his game tonight and we share a PSN account and his auto saves overrote mine. Cant find my game save anywhere. 9 hours in. Guess I should have been using manual save. So bummed. Make sure you're using Manuel saves guys![]()
Time to cast him out and never speak to him again.Fuuuuuck I think I lost my save file. My son started his game tonight and we share a PSN account and his auto saves overrote mine. Cant find my game save anywhere. 9 hours in. Guess I should have been using manual save. So bummed. Make sure you're using Manuel saves guys![]()
What are people doing with HUD settings? Default feels a bit noisy, especially with checklists etc on the left. But I don't want to miss important stuff
It took me ages to understand how the dpad works. I didn't press left/right for ages because it auto equipped health potion there and I thought it would trigger it..
I might have missed it but is there any way to speed up the time of day
Holyshit it was saved to the cloud!! Thank you man you just made my night! Phew...Damn, that's unfortunate. Maybe your save was uploaded to the cloud?
OK, wtf
Met my first rockbreaker. Easily the hardest thing i've had to deal with 1v1 and i've already killed a thunderjaw.
What is the secret for these guys? I know it says they're weak to freeze which i used but even then they'd only be above ground occasionally for me to get some good hits in.
I know there's a corrupted zone with like 3 of these things and now im dreading having to deal with it.
Haha, I didn't do anything. Glad you didn't lose your progress!Holyshit it was saved to the cloud!! Thank you man you just made my night! Phew...
OK, wtf
Met my first rockbreaker. Easily the hardest thing i've had to deal with 1v1 and i've already killed a thunderjaw.
What is the secret for these guys? I know it says they're weak to freeze which i used but even then they'd only be above ground occasionally for me to get some good hits in.
I know there's a corrupted zone with like 3 of these things and now im dreading having to deal with it.
Freeze is good but be quite, it senses your movement.
Destroy the hands and legs so they can't dig anymore.
Use fire arrowsTry going headfirst after alligator-bot and we can all guess how that went.
Oh well, maybe next time.
There are skills which lets you shoot 2 or 3 arrows. But yeah, have to hit the weakpoint or it takes forever. I'm only level 13 right now though.Should I be looking for new bows at every trader? Am I expecting too much from the bow, or am I supposed to pump a million arrows into each machine?
Regular arrows seem pretty bleh. The special arrows are pretty good. Fire arrow do good DOT damage, pierce arrows do excellent damage against weak-spots, tearblast arrows remove armor, etc. You should also aim for weakspots and not simply shoot wherever.I am level 15 now and doing quests around that level. I almost exclusively use melee now, because the bow seems to be doing around three damage to most enemies. This seemed to happen suddenly. To be fair I am still using the original bow with some mods.
Should I be looking for new bows at every trader? Am I expecting too much from the bow, or am I supposed to pump a million arrows into each machine?
I am level 15 now and doing quests around that level. I almost exclusively use melee now, because the bow seems to be doing around three damage to most enemies. This seemed to happen suddenly. To be fair I am still using the original bow with some mods.
Should I be looking for new bows at every trader? Am I expecting too much from the bow, or am I supposed to pump a million arrows into each machine?
I am level 15 now and doing quests around that level. I almost exclusively use melee now, because the bow seems to be doing around three damage to most enemies. This seemed to happen suddenly. To be fair I am still using the original bow with some mods.
Should I be looking for new bows at every trader? Am I expecting too much from the bow, or am I supposed to pump a million arrows into each machine?
Use dynamic. Touching (not push) the Touchpad lets all the checklists etc reappearWhat are people doing with HUD settings? Default feels a bit noisy, especially with checklists etc on the left. But I don't want to miss important stuff
It took me ages to understand how the dpad works. I didn't press left/right for ages because it auto equipped health potion there and I thought it would trigger it..
Use fire arrows
The damage comes from the DOT and part explosions, not the hit themselves.They dont do anything. Only like 5 dps. I think the Thorn from Destiny does more damn than them damn arrows.
They dont do anything. Only like 5 dps. I think the Thorn from Destiny does more damn than them damn arrows.
Plus I can't even get the drop on it cause the fucking sawtooth chases me like your neighbors who doesnt put his dog on a leash.