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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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Fighting 3 fire bellowbacks at the same time was pretty dope.

The inventory system is really bothering me in this game though. The stock amount of things you can carry seems very limited. Are upgrades to the inventory solely tied to the skill tree or are we also able to upgrade it through other means?


Shooting one of the robot birds out of the air with a fire arrow and watching it sputter and crash in to the ground while on fire is one of the most satisfying things.


extra source of jiggaflops
Fighting 3 fire bellowbacks at the same time was pretty dope.

The inventory system is really bothering me in this game though. The stock amount of things you can carry seems very limited. Are upgrades to the inventory solely tied to the skill tree or are we also able to upgrade through other means?
Craft upgrades to pouches in the crafting menu. Resources are #1 priority, IMO.


The moon is bright. But It really depends on where you are at. If you're in a heavily wooded area it's super dark. I've been in places where I was having trouble seeing where I was at it was so dark. I have the brightness down pretty far too.
Yeah...it's just annoying. Gran Turismo's dark is...dark. Pitch black.

This doesn't have to be that dark but a little darker for better immersion would be nice.
What difficulty are you guys on? And do you feel the difficulty in game? Currently playing on Hard. I want to get a sense of achievement after taking down the machines.
Am I the only one after putting a good 10 hours into it feels this game should be higher on metacritic?

I mean the presentation alone is amazing. The only pet peeves so far I'v had has been the way tutorials are presented and the menu is really convoluted.

Like there's a lot.

But me coming from playing the witcher I'm use to it.
Nah, this game deserves 90+, imo its a strong 95


extra source of jiggaflops
What difficulty are you guys on? And do you feel the difficulty in game? Currently playing on Hard. I want to get a sense of achievement after taking down the machines.
I'm on Hard and to me it's plenty difficult. I've found ways to cheese the AI though, but I don't do that because I want to be entertained while playing the game.

It's extremely fun on Hard the way I play it. Have to run from fights, have to gather resources because preparation is necessary for bigger fights.


So I tried the ropecaster but unlike everyone else it didn't seem to work lol
Tried it with the 2nd "boss"-like encounter
the Scorpion thing that corrupts other robots and attacks the village
. Couldn't make him get bind. I ende dup just kiting him while firing arrows. It was kinda messy lol


What difficulty are you guys on? And do you feel the difficulty in game? Currently playing on Hard. I want to get a sense of achievement after taking down the machines.

Normal of course and it's till decently challenging. I'm not in the mood for 1-2-3 shots crap after Nioh atm.


My first Stormbird interaction was not as positive:


haha these things are hell when they have that much space. There's really nothing you can do other than run and hide

My first experience was actually pretty funny because i had to fight one for a quest and long story short, i was actually able to override it with no problems whatsoever and i completed the mission in about 2 mins lol
Nah, this game deserves 90+, imo its a strong 95
I think the reviewers were playing Zelda and Horizon at the same time and that skewed their expetience :(

Games shouldnt be judged against each other, but on their own merits. I'll tell you that playing the game gave me the same sense Witcher 3 did. And Witcher 3 is quite possibly my favorite game of all time.


Craft upgrades to pouches in the crafting menu. Resources are #1 priority, IMO.

Also some people might miss the create job that makes a quest to gather what you are missing to upgrade,kind of like the Witcher did...I didnt see a marker on the map once the quest is activated though unless I missed something...


Anyone know if you can quick select weapons or revert to last one used with one button press.

I'm getting used to hitting the shoulder button then selecting from the wheel but would be nice to be a bit quicker.

Holy mother of God, is that really gameplay!? And is that on a regular PS4 or Pro?
I wrote a review for this:

Guerrilla Games has had success with the Killzone franchise but I think it's safe to say they were never viewed as a top class studio. So when it was announced they would be making a gigantic open world action RPG it was met with some trepidation, would they have the chops to pull it off. The answer is a resounding yes, so much so that I question why they ever wasted their time making FPSs in the first place, Horizon is their masterpiece. With the hiring of key writers from some of gamings best told stories, the team at Guerrilla have crafted one of the most exciting and thrilling open world games ever made with a story that can hang with the best gaming has to offer.

Horizon excels in all the main pillars that make a compelling open world RPG; combat, exploration, and story. What sets it apart from others is how visceral and unpredictable the combat is. The core concept that got so many excited when it was first revealed is that you hunt robot dinosaurs with primitive like weapons. Aloy doesn't have giant guns, instead she sets trip wires, lays mines, can wrangle a giant beast with rope. These weapons all serve a purpose, they are all useful in different situations and they create a sense of creativity as figuring out how to approach a battle is almost as fun as executing that plan. The battles turn into a spectacle of explorations, fire, lasers, all of them thrilling and filled with unexpected moments because of the emergent AI present. Many times my well thought out plan was thrown out the window because an entire pack of scrapers decides to jump into the fray and all hell breaks loose. Those moments of the unexpected is what makes every encounter have the potential to be a memorable gaming moment. In fact my favorite moments from the game didn't come from a scripted mission but from a chance encounter in the random world that turned into a unique battle to me and my game.

The combat being fast, fluid and dangerous is just one half of the equation; there still needs to be something compelling to battle and Horizon gives us quite possibly the most interesting collection of in game enemies ever put into an open world. They range from your smaller grunt like enemies to gigantic T-Rex sized beasts that would be a set boss battle in any respectable game, but for Horizon it's just something you fight along the way. The reason these enemies work is how deep their movesets and weaknesses are. Each enemy can be scanned to reveal individual components which can systematically be ripped apart to alter the available attacks and powers the beast has. There is almost nothing in gaming as awesome as shooting a giant laser off the back of a robo T-Rex then using that gun on it. There are about 25 robot variations and while that doesn't sound like a lot they are all so unique in their own way, make use of so many different strategies that it never got old fighting them.

The AI system helps tremendously in keeping the world exciting. Unlike Witcher 3 where every battle is static and sort of it's own mini arena; Horizon has emergent gameplay. NPCs will battle robots on their own and you can jump in to help out. Aloy gets the ability to override robots to turn them into allies which creates moments that look like something out of a Godzilla movie. This game invites the player to battle everything they find not just because it gives valuable resources but because it's so much fun.

I love the loot system loop they have going on in this game. In many RPGs the quest for loot simply serves the purpose to become overpowered and kill everything. In Horizon loot is needed to fight, to heal and to upgrade weapons. All ammo takes components to create, those components are found on the robots, therefore you need to fight to get what you need to fight some more; a great loop that encourages hunting. All the crafting is well handled with a simple push of a button which can be accessed on the fly real time. The RPG elements aren't as pronounced as in most RPGs but weapons and gear do have stats and mods which can be customized to create some powerful buffs. For instance my best stealth armor combined with rare level stealth mods makes me almost invisible to enemies. I love this approach to building your character, nothing is unbalanced where you feel that you overleveled too much, instead the game gives you the tools to adapt better to different situations.

Exploration and the design of the open world is another aspect Horizon excels at. No hyperbole here, Horizon has the most beautiful open world ever put in a game, period. The terrain covers so many different styles of geography with breathtaking landscapes that are filled with meaningful stuff to do. Yes you can say Horizon still follows the map filled with icons of so many Ubisoft games but it's not to the extent of the worst offenders. The stuff you find is usually tied to something interesting to do whether it's using the uncharted like climbing system to do all kinds of platforming or discovering another piece of the compelling story. There are activities and side quests that respect the player and have good content, not a total waste of a fetch quest. Don't expect a super populated world with hundreds of NPCs to talk to like an Elder Scrolls game, instead populated areas have a few key NPCs, each with a good story to tell.

Witcher 3 was clearly an influence with the mission design of this game. They took the best parts, how every side quest has some detailed story, but unlike witcher 3 this one has awesome combat so it makes the quests more rewarding. Many quests do fall into the follow the glowy path of light to your objective, a minor inconvenience and one where hopefully they find ways to involve the player more in allowing us to discover things on our own. While the side quests aren't as numerous as witcher, every one seemed to serve a purpose not just for good gameplay but they influence the story in small ways. What I loved most about the side quests is that they tended to focus more on the robots, for instance one side quest lead me to a battle against something that could be a final boss in most games.

Frankly the main missions might be one of the weaker aspects. There are some amazing moments in them but there is a large chunk of it where the story wants to pit Aloy against humans rather than robots. The human enemies represent the worst part of the combat; they are stupid, have very few attacks or variety, and are not compelling enemies in any way. I'm glad that it's super easy to simply stealth kill them because open combat with them is just a mess. The juxtaposition between human battles and robot battles is immense and it further highlights why the human battles are so mundane by comparison. So why do so many main missions make the humans the main enemy, it's weird.

I wouldn't fret though because the main purpose of the main campaign is to propel you through this amazing story that is filled with incredible lore. The way this game presents the story is through massive dumps of exposition told through audio files or holograms. Granted this is not the best way to tell a story but it fits in the context of what Aloy is going through, the player and Aloy are both uncovering the secrets of the past together. Man what a story it is; as a sci-fi fan I was totally enthralled with every new morsel of information and want this new world expanded upon. The writing is exceptional, especially in some of the journals you find around the world, they don't just explain what occurred in the past, they also always tie it with human drama. There is a totally optional side quest involving one man's journal entries and this one side story is so well told and emotional that it's like a great small novel all on its own.

I cannot say enough about the main character Aloy, she is instantly one of the gamings greatest characters. She is smart, funny, sarcastic, doesn't take shit, but always has a heart and cares for others in a way that's inspiring. To say something like she is a role model for women is too limited, she is a role model for anyone. The game is filled with great NPCs, a good villain and touches on themes like religion and the dangers of unchecked human advancements. I knew fighting robot monsters would be awesome, what I never expected was a story this great from the studio that gave us Killzone.

The artists at GG are technical wizards, this looks stunning for a linear 5 hour game, but somehow it's open world. The models are generally great but their animation is a step down from Uncharted, hopefully next game they get to use the motion capture studio ND uses. All the voice acting is great, the music a perfect blend of tribal and sci-fi beats. This game is a technical marvel, it runs perfectly, basically no issues, short load times; why aren't games like this. It's magic, it's absurd.

Horizon Zero Dawn is a landmark game for not only Guerrilla Games but for Sony. Each generation PlayStation gets a new franchise that becomes the de facto mascot, well PS4 now has its franchise. Horizon may borrow many elements from other open world games, it may not be reinventing the open world formula but I can say with certainty that no game has the enemy design and combat that this game allows in an open world. Horizon shows what happens when stellar storytelling and compelling combat comes together in a beautiful open world, it's gaming magic.

Score: 9.5


Man, I killed a Stormbird and then I died to a random small robot. Now I've died like 15 times in a row trying to kill it again.

No potions or herbs makes this a bitch.


Am I the only one after putting a good 10 hours into it feels this game should be higher on metacritic?

I mean the presentation alone is amazing. The only pet peeves so far I'v had has been the way tutorials are presented and the menu is really convoluted.

Like there's a lot.

But me coming from playing the witcher I'm use to it.

Yes, MC score should be 90.
Not sure if the create a job system helped me here or not but it feels like it:

I ran out of space for modifications and needed 2 fox bones to upgrade my storage. Killed a bunch of foxes but they didn't drop any. Created a job for it and the first two foxes I killed after dropped the materials.

Pretty cool if it works like that.


Holy mother of God, is that really gameplay!? And is that on a regular PS4 or Pro?

Just to satiate you a little the game doesn't look like that on your TV. It's not that smooth (it's running just slightly below 30FPS - certainly not 60FPS like in that gif) and doesnt have borders.

Like, those gifs are great fun - but they're not representative of what you'll see on your TV during gameplay.


Just to satiate you a little the game doesn't look like that on your TV. It's not that smooth (it's running just slightly below 30FPS - certainly not 60FPS like in that gif) and doesnt have borders.

Like, those gifs are great fun - but they're not representative of what you'll see on your TV during gameplay.

In fact, it looks better than that gif on my 4K TV and 99.99% of the time at 30fps.


Just to satiate you a little the game doesn't look like that on your TV. It's not that smooth (it's running just slightly below 30FPS - certainly not 60FPS like in that gif) and doesnt have borders.

Like, those gifs are great fun - but they're not representative of what you'll see on your TV during gameplay.

It doesn't run below 30 fps, it's a stable 30 fps game (with really rare low dips).

But yeah Sunnhi gifs have some post processing works being done (that's why they are always so cool :p). Still the game looks absolutely amazing.


Those melee upgrades are surprisingly worth it. Being able to reliably knock down all medium robots (sawtooth size) in one or two swings went a long way to turning previously hard encounters into complete pushovers.

Indrid Cold

Unconfirmed Member
When do you get more
power cells
to unlock the
ancient Armour
? I'm on (main quest)
maker's end
I'm not sold on combat yet about 20 hours in. Like I love some moments. For instance I was trailing a
and picking off its components when all of a sudden a friend of his shows up from the back smashes me out of the bushes. Love it.

Here's where stuff goes wrong though. I took down a
but even after taking off all components a head on fight couldn't happen. It's becoming a tedious game of shoot once and hide, and to top it off old tricks like the electric trap no longer work on the
sawtooth as evidenced by the mission at lv 19
. So what gear do I need to fix this? I feel like it's ruining what could be an excellent experience.


I just bought the game and i wanted to start doing lets play videos but to my surprise the digital version of the game only supports french and english, not spanish. does anybody here knows if sony or guerrilla plan to add spanish language to the US version?


This game must be played on very hard , is where it excels. Intense moments and different ways to approach a fight , including

Not sure if the create a job system helped me here or not but it feels like it:

I ran out of space for modifications and needed 2 fox bones to upgrade my storage. Killed a bunch of foxes but they didn't drop any. Created a job for it and the first two foxes I killed after dropped the materials.

Pretty cool if it works like that.

That would be amazing if the drop rate increases when you make a job. I will do that right after I finish eating dinner.


This is very subjective but I actually prefer playing this using the artificial motion smoothing on my TV rather than 'Game' mode. I know game mode strips all processing features to improve image lag but motion - especially when camera panning - is massively improved using the smooth motion option.

I know this could make the picture suffer from the soap opera effect but maybe I'm not susceptible to it because the smoother motion makes a massive difference to me compared to game mode where the picture looked more juddery.
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