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Horizon Zero Dawn |OT| The Land After Time

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To kill something as quickly as possible I just freeze them and use sticky grenades since they take much more damage while frozen. Might remove their weapons first with tearblast arrows depending on the enemy.

But I usually save this for the hardest enemies since the grenade resources are harder to get compared to the arrows.

Oh! I forgot about the Sticky Grenades. Thanks for reminding me.

I also like the Tearblast Shotgun thing -- using it on a Stalker and instantly every single compartment of theirs seems to fly right off. Awesome for opening fights. I wish I could mod it.


love on your sleeve
As long as you can take down a
, you're good.

Thank you.


Think I'm going to start a new game on very hard with almost everything on the HUD turned off. I'm finding for more. Really hope they patch in some hunter lodge hunts to do or a dlc. I don't want to leave this game.


So far I only have one complaint with Horizon

The camera doesn't turn with you on its own or auto-center when you're on a mount. It's only a minor issue I guess but still, it would be a nice option since going forward is X by default. I guess the mount controls in general could be a bit better
I've actually just gone back and read the USGamer review again having played the game.

Yea, sorry, that's a bad review. A really bad piece of writing. Incredibly reductive, poorly written and reads like it's written by someone who didn't even want to give the game a chance. Yikes.

yeah. But I agree its time to stop giving them clicks. Horizon ZD is a fantastic game; much much better than that garbage piece of writing makes it out too be.
Really? Never happened to me, Aloy just sticks to everything like glue.

Might have been glitches a couple of times, but when she's climbing cliffs on the west-side of the map she's grabbed and missed a couple of times.

My default tactic is to find higher ground and rain down arrows so I might be climbing a lot more than other players.


I killed my first Rockbreaker in the
and honestly didn't find him hard at all. Bit annoying the first time you come across one but not too tough to fight.

Same here. I had to figure out a tactic that worked for me. Rope arrows, Sharpshooter shots and fire arrows.

Went down easy after I had a rhythm.


Incredibly Naive
Just saying: your response is far more elaborate and better written than the review.

It really wasn't though. The review basically covers everything I said. It has formulaic RPG elements that don't do anything to stand out or grab you. The narrative is weak so it's hard to feel compelled to dive in. The side quests are repetitive and she explains why despite what the poster above me says which is despite how you get there, every single one is just another thinly veiled reason to fight robots. On top of that the reviewer also points out that the investment in these characters is bizarre which is also fair given her quest and why she's doing it, vs. Geralt who does it has his occupation.

Again I'm playing devil's advocate here because I loved the game DESPITE its flaws. The review is perfectly fair. The game imo is incredible but I can't straight up guarantee everybody will love it ESPECIALLY if the gameplay isn't their thing.
So far I only have one complaint with Horizon

The camera doesn't turn with you on its own or auto-center when you're on a mount. It's only a minor issue I guess but still, it would be a nice option since going forward is X by default. I guess the mount controls in general could be a bit better

I agree that the mount controls could be a bit better.

Speaking of mounts, I just learned today that they'll stick to paths so you don't have to worry about steering.
unless you want to stray from the path
Oh! I forgot about the Sticky Grenades. Thanks for reminding me.

I also like the Tearblast Shotgun thing -- using it on a Stalker and instantly every single compartment of theirs seems to fly right off. Awesome for opening fights. I wish I could mod it.

Usually a single tearblast arrow is also enough to strip a stalker. For such an awesome looking enemy it's surprisingly easy to take them down. That "shotgun" works quite well against the rockbreakers machines.

Might have been glitches a couple of times, but when she's climbing cliffs on the west-side of the map she's grabbed and missed a couple of times.

My default tactic is to find higher ground and rain down arrows so I might be climbing a lot more than other players.

Yeah in such a big game it doesn't surprise me that glitches like those may happen sometimes.

Speaking of mounts, I just learned today that they'll stick to paths so you don't have to worry about steering.
unless you want to stray from the path

It's an option that you can turn off.
How far am I?
Just did the Faro tower mission and heard about Zero Dawn for the first time.
Only about half way in the main story. I remember feeling like that mission had late game levels of story revelations but it's only about half way or maybe a touch past half way.
It really wasn't though. The review basically covers everything I said. It has formulaic RPG elements that don't do anything to stand out or grab you. The narrative is weak so it's hard to feel compelled to dive in. The side quests are repetitive and she explains why despite what the poster above me says which is despite how you get there, every single one is just another thinly veiled reason to fight robots. On top of that the reviewer also points out that the investment in these characters is bizarre which is also fair given her quest and why she's doing it, vs. Geralt who does it has his occupation.

Again I'm playing devil's advocate here because I loved the game DESPITE its flaws. The review is perfectly fair. The game imo is incredible but I can't straight up guarantee everybody will love it ESPECIALLY if the gameplay isn't their thing.

No, I don't agree. Maybe I haven't read enough reviews in sometime to accurately judge, but that was one of the worst reviews I've read in a while.

I get what she was trying to say in a lot of instances (using prior knowledge of the genre and it's conventions) but it was piss poor writing. Don't even think that passes the bar for high school level writing.

If that's the current state of videogame reviews, yikes. We've got a ways to go. It was bad and I don't plan on giving USGamer anymore clicks for poorly thought out mediocrity.


The side quests all have almost the exact same structure. I don't mind it because the combat is fun, but they're all extremely similar. Youre either "investigating" which leads to fighting robots, or just straight up confrontations. The investigations all are following trails which there's not any real investigating.

Don't get me wrong I love the game, but it's side quests are nowhere near let's say the Witcher 3. The storytelling isn't good, neither is the acting, or the dialog. The leveling in this game is virtually meaningless so the RPG elements almost don't exist outside of the skill tree which is also fairly basic. The armor variations are also bare because it's much more about modifications as most armors only have minor variances. The platforming is also quite limited as you are mostly forced to follow the bright yellow markers which is also basically automated since for most of the traversal you just have to press in a direction rather than press the x button. There is no risk or timing.

I'm hopeful for horizon 2 to tighten this stuff up, but I can see plenty of people not being crazy about this game. I am because for me the gameplay was a blast and it all feels very tight. I love the world they've built and the variety is excellent.

Weren't most of the sidequests in witcher 3 similar in terms of follow the trail but with worse combat? Its has been a while so I dont remember. Either way I'm impressed with the stories in some of the quests. Maybe Im less critical of writing.
You can always visit
Rost's grave
for a recap.

Didn't know that exists, thanks.

So which kinds of resources are generally okay to sell/drop, that I won't really need for crafting?

The ones that only say 'sell for metal shards'. Other than that, you can sell stuff like the flowers, blazes and metal stuff as they're quite abudant, but always have at least 100 in your pocket (or 50 for flowers).
The more I play this game, the more I love it. Quests and discoveries definitely open up once you get to Meridian. There's a series of side quests involving finding a sponsorship at the lodge, and I absolutely am loving it.


I feel so up and down with this game. Its definitely fucking awesome...but the combat feels floaty and lacking in impact if that makes sense. I tend to avoid fights more often than not.

Crazy open world though, no doubt.

Melee combat is bad but the bow combat is amazing


Wow I'm in love with this game. Bravo, Guerrilla. I'm level 24 and just got to Meridian.

Game is gorgeous, and the world itself is amazing. The combat and robot design are great.

This will probably end up in my top 3 games so far this gen, right behind Witcher 3.
Melee combat is bad but the bow combat is amazing

I don't even know if I'd say it's bad as I have some fun with it, but there's clearly room for improvement in a sequel. Stealth is pretty damn good and can probably use a few improvements as well to make it more MGSV-ish in terms of reward and depth. Bow combat is admittedly terrific.

Mmm, I could see a Horizon sequel being unbelievable with some improvements. And that's saying something since Horizon is fantastic.


Did we ever find out who was doing all the vantage point speaking? Some of the later ones seemed to imply (late game type spoilers)
he was someone who worked at the very least at Faro's company, and maybe even on Zero Dawn
. I'm wondering if I overlooked something that made it more specific.


I don't even know if I'd say it's bad as I have some fun with it, but there's clearly room for improvement in a sequel. Stealth is pretty damn good and can probably use a few improvements as well to make it more MGSV-ish in terms of reward and depth. Bow combat is admittedly terrific.

Mmm, I could see a Horizon sequel being unbelievable with some improvements. And that's saying something since Horizon is fantastic.
To me melee just never feels responsive enough. It takes too long for Aloy to swing her spear. I really only use it now after I do a critical hit and the enemy is slowly getting up so I can get a few hits in. Even then I'm usually better off just getting a few arrows in instead.

If they can refine melee combat in a sequel and give us swords/axes/etc in addition to the already stellar bow combat then it would be perfect


Neo Member
Man, being released outside of the Embrace definitely takes you out of your comfort zone. Here I thought I was a bad ass handling all these Watchers, Scrappers, Grazers, and Striders! The game is like "lol no, here's a forest with a group of Sawtooth for you, and oh let me put you in a lake with a bunch of robo-crocs". I'm legitimately scared of encountering bigger and far more advanced enemies, but I certainly do like the thrill!

Also just did my first cauldron. Super intense! I don't think quest level it proposed accurately reflects the difficulty, because I kept getting my ass handed to me even at level 23 lol.

Narrative-wise - wtf is going on?!?! So much mystery, I love it. This is one of the very first games where I actually try to read all about the collectibles and codex because I'm just that intrigued. I'm so happy I've managed to avoid story spoilers this far because it has been blowing my mind.
I finally reach Meridian and
Ersa is dead? Seriously? I was pretty hyped up to see her because from npc chatter and text log you find, she sounds like a really badass character. I didn't even get to see what she looks like
that's a bummer


Defeated the Stormbird and it was probably the most intense and thrilling creature fight I've had. I also happened to be in the middle of a blizzard so it added to the spectacle.

Fighting a Thunderjaw was highly thrilling but if you manage to
grab its disc launcher then
you eat away its HP pretty fast. With a Stormbird you have to earn that takedown.
Rope it to the ground and start blasting off its dozen or so components, avoid bombing reign and that super scary dive
etc. Pulse was pumping throughout. I'm not surprised it's ranked higher in the creature dictionary.

Only one creature (that I know of) remains to be fought that being the Ro
though I haven't taken down that many Thumpers or Behemots yet.
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