I finally reach Meridian andthat's a bummerErsa is dead? Seriously? I was pretty hyped up to see her because from npc chatter and text log you find, she sounds like a really badass character. I didn't even get to see what she looks like
For me personally it's pretty damn near perfect. It hits all of the notes I'd want a sci-fi story to hit. I was not expecting the game to do what it did with its world/lore. The story was the biggest surprise for me. I'm in love with it. I haven't felt this way about a new IP's world and story since the first time I played Mass Effect.So, how's the story for this game, GAF? If you would rate it from zero to ten, how much would you give it?
Weren't most of the sidequests in witcher 3 similar in terms of follow the trail but with worse combat? Its has been a while so I dont remember. Either way I'm impressed with the stories in some of the quests. Maybe Im less critical of writing.
It is an awesome year for games but I do wish it was a little more spread out though, this shit is brutal.
How do you learn to override bigger machines?
This just happened to me, lol. It was so random I couldn't stop laughing.
How do you learn to override bigger machines?
This just happened to me, lol. It was so random I couldn't stop laughing.
Done.^ @Wollan - i think you should spoiler the thing about the thunderjaws - I didn't realise I could do that til I did and then it was like ahhh. such a discoverable moment.
Anyone know a good place to farm rats? There the only animal I've had trouble finding consistently. Need some rat bones.
oh god.. OH GOD OH GOD
Anyone know a good place to farm rats? There the only animal I've had trouble finding consistently. Need some rat bones.
Shit how are they marked on the map?. I've totally missed them.
blue symbols that aren't hunting grounds
I found a bunch along the rivers in the jungle area below Meridian. Use your focus to see them. There aren't ever like.... dozens in one place, but I got what I needed without too much trouble.
Defeated the Stormbird and it was probably the most intense and thrilling creature fight I've had. I also happened to be in the middle of a blizzard so it added to the spectacle.
Fighting a Thunderjaw was highly thrilling but if you manage toyou eat away its HP pretty fast. With a Stormbird you have to earn that takedown.grab its disc launcher thenetc. Pulse was pumping throughout. I'm not surprised it's ranked higher in the creature dictionary.Rope it to the ground and start blasting off its dozen or so components, avoid bombing reign and that super scary dive
Only one creature (that I know of) remains to be fought that being the Rothough I haven't taken down that many Thumpers or Behemots yet.ckbiter
Awesome thanks!
Anyone know a good place to farm rats? There the only animal I've had trouble finding consistently. Need some rat bones.
It's always took me dozens of ropes to take a stormbird down. Just how many ropes is enough to pin it down?
I must say this game has pretty good enemy diversity. I used to fear Scrappers, then I feared Sawtooths, but eventually I got used to those. Now I got to deal with Tramplers, Snapmaw, Glinthawks and god knows what the fuck else. I hate the giant enemy crab enemies though. I had some fun going through the Sigma Cauldron, wasn't expecting that to be a fully fleshed out area, was just expecting a couple of rooms or something. Fucking game is god damn huge.
I should get the war bow to replace the sharpshooter?
I have the hunter bow and rope caster. I don't use trip wires so maybe I'll get rid of that.
I must say this game has pretty good enemy diversity. I used to fear Scrappers, then I feared Sawtooths, but eventually I got used to those. Now I got to deal with Tramplers, Snapmaw, Glinthawks and god knows what the fuck else. I hate the giant enemy crab enemies though. padding that 26 number
For me personally it's pretty damn near perfect. It hits all of the notes I'd want a sci-fi story to hit. I was not expecting the game to do what it did with its world/lore. The story was the biggest surprise for me. I'm in love with it. I haven't felt this way about a new IP's world and story since the first time I played Mass Effect.
They look like very wide capital As.
Those that are still "?" on your enemy log.
They keep getting harder.
I find Stormbird the hardest so far. Thunderjaws are for farming if you know how to kill it easily.
I didn't want it to end :/This.
I absolutely loved the story.
There's something even worse than the Stormbird. I blundered into its area and it was SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!
The side quests all have almost the exact same structure. I don't mind it because the combat is fun, but they're all extremely similar. Youre either "investigating" which leads to fighting robots, or just straight up confrontations. The investigations all are following trails which there's not any real investigating.
Don't get me wrong I love the game, but it's side quests are nowhere near let's say the Witcher 3. The storytelling isn't good, neither is the acting, or the dialog. The leveling in this game is virtually meaningless so the RPG elements almost don't exist outside of the skill tree which is also fairly basic. The armor variations are also bare because it's much more about modifications as most armors only have minor variances. The platforming is also quite limited as you are mostly forced to follow the bright yellow markers which is also basically automated since for most of the traversal you just have to press in a direction rather than press the x button. There is no risk or timing.
I'm hopeful for horizon 2 to tighten this stuff up, but I can see plenty of people not being crazy about this game. I am because for me the gameplay was a blast and it all feels very tight. I love the world they've built and the variety is excellent.
Not even.
oh god.. OH GOD OH GOD
Now the grazers I'm not too bothered by since I just stealth them usually. I like the sawtooths since I can now hack them and usually just fire bomb their blaze sack from a far if I can. Long Legs are a bit interesting, they have pretty cool sound design with their screeches...somebody on that dev team must like Cassowaries or something. If need be I'll hack a watcher and just let it kill something or die trying. I do like the multiple ways you can tackle certain situations.I think it's okay diversity wise. I was disapointed to find out some later creatureswere pretty much just variants of the strider/watcher/bellowback/grazer. so basically everything you don't list
the enemies that you do list are great though, varied attacks and multiple points of weakness
here's hoping it won't take guerilla too much time to make more unique/non variant enemies for the sequel/dlc
oh god.. OH GOD OH GOD