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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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I was feeling bummed out that this game might get trampled because of the Switch and BotW launch so close, but I think I'm honestly just going to buy my Switch and Zelda a little later if I have to.

Great job, Guerilla!


yeah pretty weird how metacritic can work. The scores across the board read like a 90.

Will we ever get 90's again this gen?

Bloodborne 2. 🙏🏼

You don't have to wait long tbh. Zelda or Odyssey will very likely reach that mark this year.


Horizon v Zelda isn't even a competition. By every metric, Zelda is going to come out on top.

For reviews you're comparing:
A new IP from first time open world devs vs one of the most beloved and nostalgic IP in all of gaming.

For sales you're comparing:
Sales of a new IP in a season crowded by other well reviewing exclusives and massive third party franchises vs the only AAA launch title on a brand new console.

And in the end, the amount of people that will own both a switch at launch and already own a PS4 is so low, that there is no direct competition apart from fanboy ammo.


Game recieves bad scores:
"I knew this game was shit!!"

Game receives good scores:
"Other bad games received good scores as well!!"
88 is a bad average now? Reviewers have been using the scale a lot more this gen than last gen. 88 is probably like the top 1% of AAA games this gen.

Where in my post did I say it was a bad average? I commented on the fact that he was acting like BotW getting a higher mc score was impossible. Considering the past Zelda scores, 88 isn't out of reach by any means. As I said I expect BotW to get around a 90.

Anyway, I'm hyped to play Horizon going on these reviews, my Pro is ready!
The comparison to zelda is cause for some stupid reason these games come out three days next to each other and they are both open world. I paid extra to get this game early just so I can enjoy it fully before zelda. It's a shame many people will have to make a choice that week when everyone who loves these kinds of games should be playing both.

As for what will be better, it's what you want from games. Zelda will be zelda but with physics gameplay and a world with incredible gameplay systems that frankly has never been all put together into a game world that size. What zelda offers horizon does not have.

What horizon does have is giant fucking awesome robots that are like roaming boss battles all over the place. The insane emergent battles that I have been a part of are thrilling and makes me just want to spend hours doing nothing but hunting. The battles are special and I don't think zelda will beat that part of this game. Also the story and art design is great as well. So those aspects horizon has, zelda will probably be better in most other regards. Both will be great. Real gamers play both.

Well put. Narrative is another aspect. Zelda games always had charming stories, but there are usually pretty minimal and also fairly conservative. Simplicity doesn't mean bad however, quite the opposite. But not necessarily memorable either. Zelda games are simply memorable experiences. I expect there to be more story in Horizon than Zelda, although the newest Zelda trailer at least seem very intriguing (aside from Zelda herself seeming a very typical damsel in distress - hopefully, it will prove me wrong).

Lifelong - Visually Horizon obviously is far above Zelda, so I wouldn't say every metric, even if I did have a bias towards Zelda (which I obviously don't, though I like the series well enough).
I was feeling bummed out that this game might get trampled because of the Switch and BotW launch so close, but I think I'm honestly just going to buy my Switch and Zelda a little later if I have to.

Great job, Guerilla!

I cancelled my switch preorder (from amazon jp) and preordered horizon on PSN instead.....So I am one of those..
I was feeling bummed out that this game might get trampled because of the Switch and BotW launch so close, but I think I'm honestly just going to buy my Switch and Zelda a little later if I have to.

Great job, Guerilla!

Yeah, not going to happen. Zelda is not a huge seller you know right?


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
See, to me, this post is less productive than the multitude of gamers who clearly want both games, and are simply frustrated by the side-by-side release dates. Why shouldn't comparisons be expected in light of that? A lot of gamers probably want both. It's just a matter of which one they buy first. Hence the discussion. It's not like either is getting thrown under the bus! If anything, it's a sign of a healthy industry. Too much choice!

Unless you foster some sort of political brand-loyalty for one property or the other, I don't understand why you'd find it sad or off-putting that others are comparing two similar, high quality offerings that - for whatever reason - are releasing mere days apart!

...its sad that its expected that people will shitpsot about the other company's game / compete about who got the bigger score

How was that not clear?
Horizon v Zelda isn't even a competition. By every metric, Zelda is going to come out on top.

For reviews you're comparing:
A new IP from first time open world devs vs one of the most beloved and nostalgic IP in all of gaming.

For sales you're comparing:
Sales of a new IP in a season crowded by other well reviewing exclusives and massive third party franchises vs the only AAA launch title on a brand new console.

And in the end, the amount of people that will own both a switch at launch and already own a PS4 is so low, that there is no direct competition apart from fanboy ammo.

Horizon has a very good chance to outsell it, were does this notion that Zelda is some massive Ip sales wise? 2-4 million is usually what they sell. Horizon could easily surpass 5 mill


I'm surprised by a lot of the "surprised" and "didn't know it'd be this well received" posts. I felt like all the signs were obviously there.

Even if it was because of "Guerrilla's track record", which isn't really bad at all, every showing of the game was phenomenal, they added a ton of talent to the studio, previews were pretty exceptional...

I can obviously only speak for myself but there are a couple of reasons.

1. The only Killzone title I've played is Shadowfall, which is also their latest game. I'd go as far as to call it awful (the singleplayer that is, I have no interest in multiplayer). Really struggled to finish it, it looked pretty but that was about all it had going for it.
2. It's a new IP. While that is always exciting it's also not unusual for the first game in a series, which I assume this will be, to be lacking. Assassin's Creed, Watchdogs and Uncharted, to name just a few which I didn't care for all that much or in the case of Watchdogs actively disliked. It's just extremely difficult to build a new game from the ground up and nail it right away. GG also doesn't really have any experience in this genre so that certainly doesn't help.
3. It is hard to tell a great story in an open world setting. Few games have managed this and I often feel like the open world is holding the narrative back. The most recent example that comes to mind would be Dragon Age Inquisition. I still enjoyed my time with that game but I was also severly disappointed by how it was structured and how little most areas mattered in the context of the plot. While Horizon didn't really have a bad showing I also haven't seen much story stuff and since that part is extremely important to me it could have easily gone either way.
4. General open world fatigue. I don't think I need to elaborate what I mean by that. I'm pretty much done with games like Far Cry that end up turning into a race from one icon on the map to the next. Jim Sterling mentioned how Horizon does not fall into this trap in his review and I was happy to read that but given that a lot of the footage we've seen showed similar open world tropes or whatever you want to call them, like crafting and climbing stuff to reveal the map, I don't think it's unreasonable to be worried about it.

I'm glad that it seems like most of my concerns aren't actually an issue but I'm still surprised it turned out as well as it did.


Holy shit. This game has to take a backseat due to Zelda and Nier, but I'm glad it turned out so well. Can't wait to play it in a few months.


Congrats Guerilla! Awesome to see such a huge undertaking turn out well.

Personally I'm not a huge open world guy so I think I'll wait til it's a bit below $60, but definitely looking forward to checking it out.
I was feeling bummed out that this game might get trampled because of the Switch and BotW launch so close, but I think I'm honestly just going to buy my Switch and Zelda a little later if I have to.

Great job, Guerilla!

I don't know. I don't think there will be a huge overlap between the bases. I'm sure there will be some but not a lot.

Just personally, despite being super hyped for Zelda, I'm not getting it remotely near launch. Can't justify spending $300+ for one game when Q1 is stacked on one of my platforms alone.


...its sad that its expected that people will shitpsot about the other company's game / compete about who got the bigger score

How was that not clear?

Because, aside from one or two trolls, it's not what's happening. And because the post you were responding to was made in response to a much more general statement - one that implied Zelda shouldn't really be brought up in here at all.


And again, you bring up "other companies". A lot of gamers don't think in terms of brand loyalty, system wars shit. I know I don't. Zelda is a fan favourite property, and Horizon is a promising new IP. Both are similar in some respects - meaty, open world games - and both are likely to be above a certain quality. It's no surprise people are excited for, and comparing both - especially in light of the coinciding release dates.


Looks really promising. Any info on how the game performs on a standard PS4 or did all of the reviewers only use Pro? ;)
According to kinda funny the regular PS4 looked great as well. You can watch a DF analysis in a few days (before friday), and today we should get a frame rate analysis.


Looks really promising. Any info on how the game performs on a standard PS4 or did all of the reviewers only use Pro? ;)

DF should have a video up later, but early impressions are good and apparently the standard version only really lags behind in some cutscenes.


Wow, great scores so far. I hoped, but I didn't believe, I thought it would somehow be disappointing in the end. That 5/5 Giantbomb score is the stand out for me, from Jeff as well. I have just pre ordered.


Congrats to Guerrilla Games, but I have to admit that the game still doesn't appeal to me, at all. It feels like a Ubisoft-ish open world game.
Ubisoft games have you Hunting Dino likes mechs?Please point out the game Sire.The World solely is drastically different from any other game.
See this is why you make new IPs. Good to be a PS4 gamer.

Yep, this generates a lot of excitement, something new and it is now a new tent pole for Sony to push their ecosystem. Keeps things fresh.

Ubisoft games have you Hunting Dino likes mechs?Please point out the game Sire.The World solely is drastically different from any other game.

Best to ignore them he had his mind up as soon as he saw someone else say Ubisoft somewhere and ran with it.
The absolute instant I see a good price on a 55 inch OLED with good input lag, I will be pulling the trigger for that, a PS4 Pro, and this game.

Well done, GG


I know I shouldn't be but I'm honestly pretty sour that there's just too many great games to play and that they're all coming out within a few weeks of each other.

I want to play all of them on day one dammit.

Same. I haven't even had a chance to play Nioh yet!


Unconfirmed Member
Game recieves bad scores:
"I knew this game was shit!!"

Game receives good scores:
"Other bad games received good scores as well!!"

Reminds me of when OPM UK gave God of War a 9/10. Widespread cries of 'Flop!' because it didn't get a perfect score in an official PlayStation magazine, but if it did get a perfect 10 then it's just dismissed as obvious bias. Mah!


Which wants to bet the userscore will be littered with neo-nazis hating on the game because the player character is a properly dressed woman?

I'd bet that most negativity is gonna come from the fact that it's an exclusive.

Ubisoft games have you Hunting Dino likes mechs?Please point out the game Sire.The World solely is drastically different from any other game.

He said 'ubisoft-ish', clearly signifying that he meant the overall feel, not something specific as enemies.

As for your question, Far Cry: Blood Dragon, you even had a bow.
I don't care about scores personally but again it's all about the reviewer and and context. Like Stevior rated sniper elite 4 and halos wars 2, higher then Horizon. Maybe the reviewer just enjoyed those better? Or digitally downloaded for example rated NIOH 100 but some folks can't stand those difficult games while others love em. My point is just try not to get upset at scores. GG did a great job making a new franchise, in a new genre they have never touched before and in the process released one of the sweetest open world games yet.
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