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Horizon: Zero Dawn | Review Thread

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That one cutscene tho
You forgot the fog... The game is so shameless it even borrows from superman 64.

I agree, but unfortunately that's just the way it is. BotW will have to be legitimately mediocre or bad to get a lower score than Horizon.
Ikr, im not even trying to hate on the series, theyre probably still the only Nintendo games thatll push me to get their systems but any honest man can tell their scored a bit higher than they would without the name and nostalgia
Purely what I've read and what I've seen - and do keep in mind I find many of the highly rated third person action adventures woefully tedious and bland to play. Just my taste. The saving grace is usually always narrative and exploration / world. The setting isn't something that thrills me and narrative I've not seen much of to this point - then again I've not looked very hard since I'm not likely to get it for a long time

Don't sweat it bro.
People ganging up on you is sad to see. You always come off as a level headed poster who is not really invested in system wars and I think people are reading too much into your 'prediction'.


Been looking around for (no spoiler) PRO gameplay that has been uploaded at 4k to YT (better streaming quality) and stumbled about gamersyde recently uploaded videos (didn't even knew they have a YT channel tbh).
It looks very good for the most part, but something is wrong with the colors here (too much saturation?) or am I just imagining things?



Horizon has one poor review and it's an outlier. That respective score isn't in line with the rest of nearly every other review that has been published thus far. It seems corrupt that certain games in this market review well because of either name and to a much lesser extent because of the companies behind them. I don't think the Metal Gear Solids, Grand Theft Autos and Zeldas of the world deserve a free pass because they're icons in this genre but it often happens that some games in franchises are inaccurately appraised. There's no way GTA4 was a 10/10 imo.

Is it not possible that they reviewer that the USGamer reviewer actually didn't like the game? I mean if you look at all the "good" scores, they range from 100 to 80. Thats a pretty large gap that isn't consistent either. It seems universal that the game plays well, looks great, and has good combat. What isn't universal is the story, characters, and quest structure/design. Those are usually big factors for enjoying open world games. If someone has issues with those, it can ruin a game.


I hate to bring it up but NMS never really had any bad showings before release either. People can be skeptical, whether justified or not, and really one of the main points of reviews is to justify/debunk said skepticism. I was skeptical about the game too, doesn't change my opinion of it now that it's reviewed so highly.

But almost all the showing for NMS were controlled demos and lies, whereas Horizon had plenty of gameplay that wasn't, just public demos. I think it's fine being skeptical though, you can neer 100% trust the footage.


Reading through the reviews and all this talk about the solid, satisfying combat system is giving me the tingles. Solid combat in an open-world RPG? Pls let it be true. 🙏🏼🙏🏼 Tq, Guerilla.


would've guessed 82. fun game, solid combat, but derivative. being a general consensus. looks like i was off a bit with a strong story carrying some of the samey ness. grats GG Sony nice scores.


But almost all the showing for NMS were controlled demos and lies, whereas Horizon had plenty of gameplay that wasn't, just public demos. I think it's fine being skeptical though, you can neer 100% trust the footage.

Yeah, it's not a perfect comparison, but I just think that going after people who are pleasantly surprised about the quality of the game (as I am) is a tad misguided.


Jesus. I read the great impressions but didn't think I'd wake up to scores like these. 😮

Edit: So does this mean 2017 is now the bonafide best ever early season year for gaming?


2017 is going to be one for the record books.

How am I supposed to play this when Zelda comes out a few days after? With glowing reviews, waiting doesn't feel like a very good option. D:


Wasn't planning on getting this but damn I think I might just have to after these reviews.

Didn't realize it was coming out so soon either.


For a new ip built from the ground up by a developer known from a different genre (and being average at that), this is a truly fantastic score. And on itself anything in the 80s is great. I was kind of doubting this title, but now I am hyped!

Furthermore, less games seem to score in the 90s and that is fine by me. As much as I like a lot of the games scoring in the 90s last gen, I really think critics were a bit too mild towards a lot of AAA games.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I wonder if this will be 60€ or 70€ over here in PAL land. First Party games are usually 60€ right?


Well that's certainly a lot better than I expected from Guerilla Games and their first big non-Killzone effort to boot.


I don't get it either, the first time this game was shown it has impressed, and everytime after, and always had strong word of mouth from people who had hands on time with it.

Depend what you expect probably.
Even if they claim it, i don't expect to find there what i call a rpg (choice that matters, options to do things not involving action to quote the more obvious)
For everything else it's an instant buy since reveal for me because of art/music alone.


I'm not sure that the comparisons between this and Zelda are unsurprising - they're both platform exclusive open world games with a focus on story, set in vibrant, colourful worlds. They're also both releasing within days of each other. Put it this way, if Titanfall 2 and CoD Infinite Warfare's campaigns were compared with each other when they came out, this and Zelda's probably are going to be too.

My super crazy hunch is that BOTW might review worse than this overall on Metacritic. I think that, being Nintendo's first true open world style game there are going to be rough edges and things which are divisive. I've already heard mixed opinions from people regarding the weapon durability thing for example.


Lol, every studio/company has had mediocre/shitty releases. I really wouldn't go saying Nintendo has a shitty track record even if i only played wii music. i. e

Shadowfall was a launch title for their parent company's new system. It should've been one of the best games they ever made, not the painfully average shooter it was.

I have friends and family, as well as plenty of Gaffers here that will also attest that the Killzone franchise is a far cry from what it could've been.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Don't forget to buy Toukiden 2 in march along with the rest of us 2 people :/

I heard it's open world. I don't really like that. Pretty sure I won't like this game either.

Shadowfall was a launch title for their parent company's new system. It should've been one of the best games they ever made, not the painfully average shooter it was.

I have friends and family, as well as plenty of Gaffers here that will also attest that the Killzone franchise is a far cry from what it could've been.

I'm glad you have family that can attest that Killzone is a far cry from what it should be, but launch games are notoriously difficult to develop considering hardware is a moving target and you can't miss deadlines.


I wish we can have an Horizon thread without people always bringing up Zelda.

While I'd agree with this sentiment for just about anything else, in this case, I don't actually see it as a trollish system wars thing. It seems like it's more a matter of a truly unfortunate crossover in that both games offer meaty, mildly similar, much hyped experiences, yet are releasing just mere days apart. Since both are likely to deliver, a multitude of gamers probably want both - even in spite of the fact that such a prospect is obviously untenable given their side-by-side release dates.

And sure, the obvious solution is to just wait on one - but while the knee-jerk reaction for most is probably to wait on this, it also comes out first and is apparently incredible.

So, yeah. First world problems, really. BUT GODDAMN IF THEY DON'T STING.
]Shadowfall was a launch title for their parent company's new system. It should've been one of the best games they ever made,[/B] not the painfully average shooter it was.

I have friends and family, as well as plenty of Gaffers here that will also attest that the Killzone franchise is a far cry from what it could've been.

What a ridiculous thing to say....every see a developer make their best game ever for a rushed Launch?
- Enters thread
- Super surprised at reviews - "looks like I'll be picking this up" I say aloud
- Reads further in thread to see people obsessing over where game ends up in the pantheon of Metacritic and whether Zelda would do better
- Shakes head
- Closes browser


2017 is going to be one for the record books.

How am I supposed to play this when Zelda comes out a few days after? With glowing reviews, waiting doesn't feel like a very good option. D:

I know I shouldn't be but I'm honestly pretty sour that there's just too many great games to play and that they're all coming out within a few weeks of each other.

I want to play all of them on day one dammit.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
I'm not sure that the comparisons between this and Zelda are unsurprising - they're both platform exclusive open world games with a focus on story, set in vibrant, colourful worlds.

My super crazy hunch is that BOTW might review worse than this overall on Metacritic. I think that, being Nintendo's first true open world style game there are going to be rough edges and things which are divisive. I've already heard mixed opinions from people regarding the weapon durability thing for example.

nah, nintendo and zelda IP effect will make sure zelda stays at a high rating. And before you bring up mario party, come on , its MARIO PARTY long after the effect wore off
I wonder if this will be 60€ or 70€ over here in PAL land. First Party games are usually 60€ right?

I think its like 40 GBP shipped from amazon uk within EU with a steelbook as a bonus. Not steelbook edition .if you want physical and want pegi rating and not garbage USK.

Edit: sorry for double post.


A lot of great comments about the combat in the reviews. I hope this encourages any upcoming open world WRPG to improve it's gameplay so I can pay more attention to the genre. I don't know why games in this genre gets free passes for shitty or barely serviceable combat when you spend majority of your time fighting enemies.

Some of the random encounters I've read about in the impressions thread convinced me to buy this when I feel like playing a single player game again.

Q1 is shaping up to be one of the strongest quarters of this generation. Nioh, RE7, Horizon, Zelda, Persona 5, Nier, etc.
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