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Horror-GAF |OT|

Yeah.....count me in the group that doesn't enjoy V/H/S. I honestly thought it was just terrible, I couldn't even finish the movie and that is rare for me. What's worse is that I really didn't have high expectations at all especially after I saw how much people disliked it here yet I was still pretty damn disappointed. Oh well guess I'll move onto lovely molly
I decided to check out V/H/S yesterday too.

It never looked interesting to me, but when I heard Jason Eisener and Gareth Evans were involved with the sequel, I figured I may as well watch the original. Oh boy...

I doubt any more opinions are needed on this thing, but I'll give a brief rundown of what I thought of each segment if anyone is interested. I don't spoil anything specifically, but I'll tag my opinions just in case.

Tape 56 -
Ugh. Completely terrible. I don't know why they decided to start the movie with a bunch of complete douchebags, but it really made it hard to get into the flick. Watching these shitbags run around being complete wastes is not my idea of a good time. The payoff at the end was also not worth sitting though their stupid antics.

Amateur Night -
Oh look, more d-bags. Is this the movie's theme? By this point the movie was losing me because everyone was just so unlikeable. The idea for this one was at least decent, but the cast of assholes and the terrible filming style really killed it. I get it, it's a found footage movie but that doesn't mean it has to look THIS bad. I'm getting a headache just thinking about the camera whipping around and video pausing constantly.

Second Honeymoon -
So here's another Ti West story where nothing happens for 99% of it, then he offers too little too late at the end. This was so slow and dull I was fighting with myself just to keep focus on it. At least when something does happen at the very end it's shocking and effective, but it had already lost my attention.

Tuesday the 17th -
This was a little better. It starts off with your typical cabin in the woods setup & stereotypical cast so it's a little easier to get into than the others. The flashes of bodies and stuff seemed promising, but then the twist didn't really make much sense or do anything overly exciting. It was cool to see the guy from Poultrygeist again though. Did the digital glitches on a VHS tape annoy anyone else as much as it did me?

The Sick Thing That Happened to Emily When She Was Younger -
Terrible. I don't normally like to complain about characters being stupid in horror movies because that's kind of a prerequisite, but the girl in this... unbelievable! Everything about this was painfully stupid. The characters, the twist, the fact that it was a recorded Internet video chat on a VHS tape... all stupid.

10/31/98 -
Easily the best of the bunch. The guys weren't assholes and actually tried to do something heroic, the effects were pretty cool and even the ending was good. I don't know if I'd say it was anything other than slightly better than decent, but compared to the previous shorts in this movie it was godlike.

Overall: It wasn't even worth the time it took me to type up this post, let alone watch it. Hopefully S-VHS offers a little more.


Deep into his 30th decade
I finally saw A Serbian Film! It was pretty good, I enjoyed it. Well sort of. However much you can enjoy something like that.

u mad

Neo Member
I ended up watching V/H/S. I somewhat enjoyed it. Went in with very low expectations and was pleasantly surprised. I'm generally a fan of horror anthologies.

Will check out The Shrine next time I watch a horror movie.


Guys, next friday I'll be having some friends at home to watch a horror movie. The thing is that we don't know what yet. Can you recommend one? It must be one that none of us watched, so a recent (2011-2012) released should be nice. We've already watched "House at the End of the Street" and it was okay, but more of a thriller. Many recommended "Cabin in the Woods" but it also doesn't seem to be a horror one. And "Silent House" had many negative comments that we saw.

Any suggestions?

u mad

Neo Member
Guys, next friday I'll be having some friends at home to watch a horror movie. The thing is that we don't know what yet. Can you recommend one? It must be one that none of us watched, so a recent (2011-2012) released should be nice. We've already watched "House at the End of the Street" and it was okay, but more of a thriller. Many recommended "Cabin in the Woods" but it also doesn't seem to be a horror one. And "Silent House" had many negative comments that we saw.

Any suggestions?

I thought Cabin in the Woods was excellent, but yes don't go into it expecting to be scared.

Stake Land was a recent horror flick I saw on Netflix and decided to throw on, which was surprisingly good.
Yeah I caught VHS on a whim after watching a slew of pretty bad films and thought VHS was the worst of the bunch. It was just laughable to me, I mean I was actually laughing at how bad it all was. the only short I enjoyed was the final one cause it was somewhat inventive at least. I actually enjoyed the silly "Goosebumps-esque" The Hole more than VHS which was just painfully self serious


Has anyone seen the remake The Crazies? It looked appealing to me in the trailers but I never got around to seeing it. Is it worth it?

Also, I didn't really get the Thing when I saw it when I was little sink definitively need to revisit it now to see if I'd appreciate it more now.

u mad

Neo Member
Just finished watching The Shrine. It was okay.
I thought it was pretty boring up until like the last 20 minutes when the twist is revealed

Anyone else have any recommendations of horror films that can be found on Netflix Instant Watch? Thinking about checking out Hell. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1643222/

Has anyone seen the remake The Crazies? It looked appealing to me in the trailers but I never got around to seeing it. Is it worth it?

I saw it shortly after it came out but I hardly remember it. I think it was decent. Then again, my lack of memory regarding it may be a negative sign.
Guys, next friday I'll be having some friends at home to watch a horror movie. The thing is that we don't know what yet. Can you recommend one? It must be one that none of us watched, so a recent (2011-2012) released should be nice. We've already watched "House at the End of the Street" and it was okay, but more of a thriller. Many recommended "Cabin in the Woods" but it also doesn't seem to be a horror one. And "Silent House" had many negative comments that we saw.

Any suggestions?

Cabin in the Woods is really the type of movie made just for horror movie fans. It's a hell of a lot of fun, but yeah, don't go in expecting it to be scary. It's not and never tries to be.

As for other recommendations, just off the top of my head I've recently watched The Pact and was pleasantly surprised. The plot doesn't hold up to scrutiny, but it's fun to watch unfold and it's pretty creepy.

Has anyone seen the remake The Crazies? It looked appealing to me in the trailers but I never got around to seeing it. Is it worth it?

Not having seen the original, I thought the remake was pretty good. It plays out exactly as you'd expect and there's very little in the way of surprises but it'll keep you entertained for its runtime.


Deep into his 30th decade
Has anyone seen the remake The Crazies? It looked appealing to me in the trailers but I never got around to seeing it. Is it worth it?

Also, I didn't really get the Thing when I saw it when I was little sink definitively need to revisit it now to see if I'd appreciate it more now.

I thought the crazies was pretty damn good! Also the most tense car wash scene you will ever see!
This is on Netflix and I quite enjoyed it

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
I just started playing Amnesia: The Dark Descent.

Playing this, combined with the idea of the Oculus Rift gives me a mega Horror boner.


Has anyone seen the remake The Crazies? It looked appealing to me in the trailers but I never got around to seeing it. Is it worth it?

It was pretty good.
For the sake of full honesty, I did think it came off like a made for tv movie but a very good one and that is not a really bad thing.
It just means that they rely more on the story and the characters instead of over doing cgi effects and it makes for a good tense story.
Fans of Session 9, Grave Encounters and The Descent should definitely check out The Tunnel. It's a movie made for free torrent distribution so it should, by all rights, be absolutely terrible. I was surprised that it was quite well done and had some decent scares. Definitely worth a look.


Not a horror movie but Irreversible always gets my vote as the most disturbing film I've ever watched. I think that anyone who could handle Martyrs should be able to deal. It's also one of the most powerful films I've ever seen. It's too bad that Gaspar Noe's follow-up, Into the Void, was such a disappointment.


jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
Fans of Session 9, Grave Encounters and The Descent should definitely check out The Tunnel. It's a movie made for free torrent distribution so it should, by all rights, be absolutely terrible. I was surprised that it was quite well done and had some decent scares. Definitely worth a look.


thanks for the head's up, i'm a big fan of grave encounters and the descent so this should be right up my alley


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
Guys, next friday I'll be having some friends at home to watch a horror movie. The thing is that we don't know what yet. Can you recommend one? It must be one that none of us watched, so a recent (2011-2012) released should be nice. We've already watched "House at the End of the Street" and it was okay, but more of a thriller. Many recommended "Cabin in the Woods" but it also doesn't seem to be a horror one. And "Silent House" had many negative comments that we saw.

Any suggestions?

I'd recommend Sinister. Great movie.
i saw lovely molly on netflix. it was ok. nothing great, just your typical ghost movie haunting. the end part was cool with her
walking into the arms of the demon outside
. the acting was good for a horror movie.

it's hard to give movies major props when it's the same movie over and over. yeah there are little differences but the vibe is always the same. unfortunate because i feel like some of these filmmakers have good ideas and there are creepy things sprinkled throughout but the overall execution or story or something is lacking


Just finished watching The Shrine. It was okay.
I thought it was pretty boring up until like the last 20 minutes when the twist is revealed

Anyone else have any recommendations of horror films that can be found on Netflix Instant Watch? Thinking about checking out Hell. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1643222/

I saw it shortly after it came out but I hardly remember it. I think it was decent. Then again, my lack of memory regarding it may be a negative sign.

Cabin in the Woods is really the type of movie made just for horror movie fans. It's a hell of a lot of fun, but yeah, don't go in expecting it to be scary. It's not and never tries to be.

As for other recommendations, just off the top of my head I've recently watched The Pact and was pleasantly surprised. The plot doesn't hold up to scrutiny, but it's fun to watch unfold and it's pretty creepy.

Not having seen the original, I thought the remake was pretty good. It plays out exactly as you'd expect and there's very little in the way of surprises but it'll keep you entertained for its runtime.

I liked the new Crazies, it's basic but very tight and intense. Way better and quite different than the original.

I thought the crazies was pretty damn good! Also the most tense car wash scene you will ever see!

It was pretty good.
For the sake of full honesty, I did think it came off like a made for tv movie but a very good one and that is not a really bad thing.
It just means that they rely more on the story and the characters instead of over doing cgi effects and it makes for a good tense story.

Not really, I think The Signal was a far better interpretation of the same theme.

Sweet thanks! Looks like pretty positive overall. I'll keep it on my to watch list.

And I'll look in to the signal.
Mentioned this in the movie thread but I guess here might be a better place for it. Anyway, over the weekend I saw a tentacular "third eye" come out of someone's forehead, a VHS tape being lodged into someone's abdomen and Dracula driving a badass car.

So Horror-Gaf, can you guess which three movies I'm talking about? Of course you can and probably easily too, but let's play the game anyway. I'll try to find more challenging ones next weekend!
Mentioned this in the movie thread but I guess here might be a better place for it. Anyway, over the weekend I saw a tentacular "third eye" come out of someone's forehead, a VHS tape being lodged into someone's abdomen and Dracula driving a badass car.

So Horror-Gaf, can you guess which three movies I'm talking about? Of course you can and probably easily too, but let's play the game anyway. I'll try to find more challenging ones next weekend!
From beyond, videodrome, dracula reborn
Lol i was stumped...ive never seen dracula reborn but its suppose to be a modern take on dracula and i remember something that i read on aintitcool about him driving a sports car.
Lol i was stumped...ive never seen dracula reborn but its suppose to be a modern take on dracula and i remember something that i read on aintitcool about him driving a sports car.

Haha, okay. In Monster Squad he drives a vintage Cadillac Funeral Coach.

The movie was disappointing though. Great special effects that aged well, just an overall very compelling-looking horror comedy, but the scares and laughs are tragically MIA.

Videodrome, however, is a borderline masterpiece. Can't believe I waited this long to see it. From Beyond was very entertaining as well, strangely it's probably not as good as Re-Animator but I think I might have enjoyed it more.


Can not wait to get From Beyond on blu.
This thread has made me go back and enjoy so many older favorites.


Full werewolf off the buckle
Haha, okay. In Monster Squad he drives a vintage Cadillac Funeral Coach.

The movie was disappointing though. Great special effects that aged well, just an overall very compelling-looking horror comedy, but the scares and laughs are tragically MIA.
I... I've never seen someone speak ill of Monster Squad...

I'm totally shocked. It's a universal constant. Everybody loves it. It was the first movie I ever rented myself.

I think my nose just started bleeding. My vision of reality has just been twisted and I do not like it, good sir :-(


I... I've never seen someone speak ill of Monster Squad...

I'm totally shocked. It's a universal constant. Everybody loves it. It was the first movie I ever rented myself.

I think my nose just started bleeding. My vision of reality has just been twisted and I do not like it, good sir :-(

I watched Monster Squad last week (I have owned it forever in many forms and have always loved it and always will) , and probably made the mistake of watching it the day after watching Goonies because it brought out many flaws in glaring light.
Many things were very forced, painfully so.
But that being said, it is still enjoyable and should definitely be included in most lists.


Full werewolf off the buckle
I watched Monster Squad last week, and probably made the mistake of watching it the day after watching Goonies because it brought out many flaws in glaring light.
Many things were very forced, painfully so.
But that being said, it is still enjoyable and should definitely be included in most lists.
Goonies is definitely the better film, no doubt.

I've got a list of films I want to expose my kids to as their age and maturity allows.

They really loved Poltergeist, Monster Squad and Gremlins, now I just need to buy Goonies since nobody has it for rental streaming.

I can not WAIT to show my oldest RoboCop. She's almost 10 now, but I was 8 when I saw it in a drive-through. It was one of the coolest nights of my life.
I... I've never seen someone speak ill of Monster Squad...

I'm totally shocked. It's a universal constant. Everybody loves it. It was the first movie I ever rented myself.

I think my nose just started bleeding. My vision of reality has just been twisted and I do not like it, good sir :-(

Well, I am a huge fan of horror comedies and Monster Squad sounded like an amazing movie on paper, but I just found it a bit boring due to the humor mostly falling flat and the complete absence of scares.

Could it be that Monster Squad requires a sense of nostalgia to enjoy? I dunno. To put things in perspective, here is a list I made awhile ago of my favorite horror comedies (newest to oldest):

The Cabin in the Woods
Tucker & Dale vs Evil
Fright Night
Piranha 3-D
Drag Me to Hell
Shaun of the Dead
The Frighteners
From Dusk Till Dawn
Scream series
Army of Darkness
Dead Alive (Braindead)
The 'Burbs
Evil Dead 2
Fright Night


Full werewolf off the buckle
Well, hell. Those are all excellent flicks! I loved monster squad from the first time I saw it, so I don't know if you necessarily need nostalgia but I'm sure it helps.

Maybe I still enjoy it as an adult because I can share it with my kids now, think Stan Winston did awesome effects, and really love the characters. I'm a huge fan of the Universal Horror characters also.

Plus Wolf man's got nards. Nards, people!


Oddly enough, I've never seen The Monster Squad (or Kauhukopla, as it's called here), eventhough I've seen most of the 80's notable horror flicks.


shut uuuuuuuuuuuuuuup
So I watched Audition. Didn't think it was that special, until the finale. Powerful. I thought the dreamy/surreal aspect was handled well too. The final half hour is an all round amazing climax that begs for a rewatch.


I don't think it's on Netflix but my favorite horror film by far is Strange Circus. Check it out if you like really trippy, mindfucky movies.

Also if anyone has mindfuck horror movies, please list! I love those sorts of movies.
Not really, I think The Signal was a far better interpretation of the same theme.

The Signal is SO GOOD. SOOOO GOOOD. there's actually a segment of the film that was used as a promo but never added into the actual film which takes place at the TV station that's starts broadcasting the signal. Even that is amazing.

I recently watched Lovely Molly which I didn't like at all and my hopes were a little high since its from one of the Blair Witch directors.

I also watched Silent House which I liked for its unique one-continuous-shot gimmick but thought the father's acting was really unbearable.


Water is not wet!
i loved The Signal. i cant get enough madness in horror.


i saw Sinister the other day. i really enjoyed it. i assumed it would be something like that Keaton movie EVP for some stupid reason. Sinister is great. Some absolutely horrifying imagery. These scenes could be the lost Poughkeepsie Tapes. i dont want to say anything more so as to not spoil the scares.

The only thing negative i have to say about the movie was the ending and thats honestly because i didnt want it to end. If you dont like this movie, we like completely different types of horror. Maybe Final Destination might be more up your alley?

Grave Encounters
ive heard a lot about the movie but havent been interested in it. ive heard awful things and for some reason it struck me (from what little i actually knew/heard/saw) like mix between The Barton Mansion video, a really bad "ghost hunters" TV crew out of the element like that one movie which name i cant remember right now, and an extremely low budget found footage horror movie. i couldnt have been more wrong.

i was basically completely in the dark about what would happen but i was thoroughly entertained. i would definitely recommend this movie.

Grave Encounters 2
Not as strong as the first movie but i appreciated how they addressed the movie. The lowest part of GE2 is a scene or two that retread the first movie a little too closely, but things quickly pick back up. i strongly recommend but i could understand why someone wouldnt enjoy this.


The Signal is SO GOOD. SOOOO GOOOD. there's actually a segment of the film that was used as a promo but never added into the actual film which takes place at the TV station that's starts broadcasting the signal. Even that is amazing.

I didn't know that. Is it available somewhere? I couldn't find it on YouTube by quick search.
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