You didn’t even look at the OP right?This should be used in automated mode as first reply to these threads followed by a thread lock.
U know. Thats a Game? It meant to be enterntaining? And there are people who really love the style and art of the games but cant play ist because they are not pros or have that time to commit so much time?Would this apply to multiplayer games? Or sports and boardgames in real life?
As in, my opponent should be forced to let me win because losing makes me sad?
Spot on. And exactly what happened to me reg. point 1. I’ll add sth later can’t type nowNon-bullshit reasons:
- If the game had easier modes, most people would pick easy the moment the game started to punish you. Some of the magic of From Software is how people have discovered that they loved playing through a hard game, even though they spent years playing games. With not giving an option for an easier playthrough, they show people a way to play games they never experienced before.
- Most difficulty modes in games are trash, too easy, or too many spikes. Tailoring the game after one mode is admirable and refreshing.
- From Software has built a huge hardcore audience because they didn't budge and stuck to their vision, it's a selling point for them now.
- Games are not fond of offering hard rewarding challenges in case they alienate most players, they hide a lot of their best gameplay moments behind harder difficulties and lose some of the quality of their games. For example Gears of War, where on harder difficulties, you have to think about how to flank and use strategy, a lot of that is lost on normal and people don't see the game from the best side. From Software negates the trends and targets moments that demand practice and skill from the player, which is a no-no in most triple-A games. From Software targets the things games avoid, which is really fucking cool.
I'm no die-hard From Software fan though, there are problems with their games like boring backtracking, very confusing levels, and sometimes repetitive sections where you just dodge and attack over and over with very little variation in combat, but the difficulty is not one of the flaws IMO.
I think too many see single player gaming as a purely storytelling experience.some people just too dumb to understand two things :
1: it is core design.
2: not every game is for every gamer and that's OK.
No. It isn't.ITs like not allowing someone to read a best-selling novel because he needs glasses to read it.
I did but look at the mess it unleashed!You didn’t even look at the OP right?
No. It isn't.
This is absolute nonsense.
Some of these clowns, like yourself
That is one of the most moronic gaming takes I have ever seen. Well done.
No it's not imho. The right comparison is saying that every novel should be written in "easy mode language" so everyone can understand everything. And it's not the case of course.It kinda is.
"Videogames are art."
Hi, we've created a game that portrays a dark, hopeless and brutally unforgiving world. We've tried to express this feeling not just through graphics and cutscenes but through challenging levels that end with intimidating and difficult boss fights. The idea of an endless cycle of death and resurrection is baked into the entire concept so you should expect to die a lot. On top of all that we want players to engage with each other and share knowledge to help beat the game. So some players will help others but some will stab you in the back or simply laugh at your predicament. Again, in the spirit of the world of the game.
"Noooooooo ADD AN EASY MODE! It doesn't affect anyone if you just make an easy mode! Jesus why do GAMERS care so much about electronic toys? I just want to have FUN!"
Stop being selfish, and let people experience games.
None of you are professional athletics and i don't hear anyone complaining about you when you go down to your local park and play some football or tennis.
Games and experiences should be for everyone, if you don't like the easy mode in a game, don't select it.
What next, handicapped people are not allowed to play
Rant over
maybe to enjoy the visuals/combat and not dying a million times?
But how does it affect your personal enjoyment of the game, if say for example, the easy mode has a skip-the-boss encounter and goes straight to a kill sequence allowing the person to get to the next zone area without being stuck on a boss.Here’s the thing though, my fishy friend...
…there are lots of other games out there for people to play. Not every game has to appeal to, or be for, everybody. The same goes for movies, tv and books.
I can’t stand games like Fortnite… but I’m not going to demand those games change to make them more appealing to me. I just don’t play them.
I’m an old bastard too, and my reflexes are now not good enough to play online FPS games like CoD. But that’s fine… I have plenty of other games to play.
The only time the ‘easy mode’ argument would make any sense for Souls games would be if there were no other fantasy RPGs out there for people to play instead that are ‘easier’. But there are dozens of them.
The selfish thing is demanding one specific game series change, when there are so many others out there.
But how does it affect your personal enjoyment of the game, if say for example, the easy mode has a skip-the-boss encounter and goes straight to a kill sequence allowing the person to get to the next zone area without being stuck on a boss.
If you're not going to use this function, and play the game like normal how and why is allowing someone else to be able to see the game's content affect you.
Perhaps take away the option for completing trophies if you do the game on cinematic mode, then you get the best of both worlds, allowing people to see the game and also allowing the hardcore base to gloat and feel special.
I feel game-like dark souls/bloodborne etc are so special, and there are so many things to be seen in it and not just the difficulty level.
Bloodborne's lore, atmosphere, and setting are simply amazing, the more people that get to see it the better.
To be fair, a lot of books do have an easy mode. Film adaptation.No it's not imho. The right comparison is saying that every novel should be written in "easy mode language" so everyone can understand everything. And it's not the case of course.
I agree, it's weird for them sure, but it's a tale as old as time.To be fair, a lot of books do have an easy mode. Film adaptation.
I wondered a lot of times why any reasonably successful action game comes with calls for a Hollywood movie version. As if people are saying the story is good but what if we could just cut out all of the videogame bits and get it over with more quickly.
Given that levelling up is a thing in souls games and that levelling up takes care of arguments around increasing player HP, reducing enemy damage etc etc I genuinely think what people are asking for is actually a "Convenience Mode".
Interesting that it's always game journalists pushing this. Easier to meet your deadline if a 40 hour game becomes a 10 hour breeze.
For gamers maybe people with huge backlogs feel like they can't afford to spend time on a game when they can't stop buying new games that will also demand time.
Its a weird situation for From Software. Their games got popular because of their challenging nature but now that they are popular people want to change that.
…there are lots of other games out there for people to play. Not every game has to appeal to, or be for, everybody. The same goes for movies, tv and books.
Oh, I’d be waaay too tempted to use thatAs would every Souls fan in here. We’ve all got a boss we’ve been stuck on for ages. There isn’t one Souls player who’d be able to resist. But then, the level of satisfaction and achievement would be non existent when the boss was defeated.
That’s the greatest thing about the Souls games, and it’s unmatched by any other games series - precisely because there are no difficulty modes.
I guess the thing is that the difficulty, and massively obtuse nature of the Souls games, are big reasons why they are so popular. Opening them up to more players with easy mode would kill that popularity. I doubt Demon’s Souls would have been anywhere near the cult success it was if it had had an easy mode, and the series would never have got off the ground.
Embarrassingly stupid post.No Easy mode in this game but we gamers like our newest techs,updates and systems that help us drive cars better,use software better,get QoL change etc
but when its come to Games? How dare you make it more accessible to more people.
Whats the problem when there is a easy mode? U dont need to use it!?
The first Easy Mode that come to my mind was with Fifa on the Wii. U could play a Match with only one button.
I agree with this, but i don't see that most are saying all games need to be for all people and appeal to all people, they are saying respect how someone else plays a game. Its simply none of our business how the fuck they play what they bought with their own money.
If someone mods a game to play it on ultra easy with cheats....what you going to do about that? So I agree that games exist that they can play, but I also believe they are free to play how the fuck they feel like it. I do not believe any developer needs to cater to this, will never be my argument, but....BUT if a gamer does want to play this way, it is their business. I'm just not hearing much of "DEVELOPERS MUST MAKE THIS MODE OR ELSE" lol I'm simply reading stuff like " if you don't like the easy mode in a game, don't select it."
The whole "games got rules" and or "lots of other games out there" is moot. Its completely irrelevant to someone if they want to play a different way. Think about, gamers speed run, thats against the rules so bad? Other games exist for speed buddy like da racing games, so bad? You hear how crazy that shit starts to sound? I do not disagree with your point in general, but I do in the very context of what we are talking about. I don't feel a developer MUST put in all modes or anything like that, simply that its ok for someone to ask even if I don't play that mode, its ok for them to mod it to play that way, its ok for them to speed run it, play it on the hardest mode or just fool around.
Against how the game was made? Sure...
Lots of other games that actually are about that like actual racing games? Sure.
That does not mean anyone should be against someone choosing to play a game this way when it has nothing to do with them in the first place. In a situation like multiplayer that's a different conversation completely, but with single player games, if you buy it, play how you feel just.
I agree with 90% of that post, I simply don't agree with the whole "would kill that popularity" Its a disrespect to the team that built those games to argue someone else being able to play it suddenly hurt them. People can mod Dark Souls series, Sekrio etc right now. Don't worry about what other people are doing with their game. You love the game From Software makes, I do not believe someone else modding it and beating it with zero hits will make you hate the series or never play it again or anything like that. I do not believe even remotely that Demon Souls would not have that cult status simply based on a few modes like easy or not etc. Using this logic, From Software games that exist on PC should have killed this team in their tracks cause someone can mod it to easily get zero hits or something. I believe you really like the series of games From Software makes, but I don't believe your true love of the series is really the idea that others can't play it or that it has less modes etc. I'm sure what YOU DO in that game is why you enjoy it.
It’s not about bragging.Not sure why people give a shit if there is an easy mode, I mean they can still go brag to their mum they beat a hard game without it being on easy. Most games do it and most including me do not pick easy and leave as it is. So whats the problem.
Sounds like you never found enough time to learn english either.U know. Thats a Game? It meant to be enterntaining? And there are people who really love the style and art of the games but cant play ist because they are not pros or have that time to commit so much time?
That is not even a MP game. Yeah you can invade but maybe these people dont even play online because all they get is hate for beeing so bad? Dont forget: Gaf is not the norm, nor the main market.
In which Boardgame do you need fast reflexes?
U know there are for every sport version some sort of light version so everybody can enjoy it? You want to play football but dont want to be competitive vs strangers? Call your friends for a layed back game.
Ur logic is pretty dumb and entitled.
Not sure why people give a shit if there is an easy mode, I mean they can still go brag to their mum they beat a hard game without it being on easy. Most games do it and most including me do not pick easy and leave as it is. So whats the problem.
Sounds like you never found enough time to learn english either.
One argument I saw recently that made me stop and think was that "Returnal" should have an easy mode because it's marketed by Sony as AAA mainstream blockbuster, which implicitly means it must be made accessible for a casual crowd. Otherwise, some people feel "cheated" unless they know the truth by word of mouth.Depends how casual they want to market the game. George RR Martin might get some casual gamers to buy this game, set in a fantasy setting, it's the perfect bait. But if it's as hard (obtuse) as some Souls games, then many of those players probably will struggle, but not in the "git gud" way or get through with perseverance, more in the "not playing anymore" kind of way.
I believe it will have difficulty settings of some sort, despite going against what Miyazaki/FROM have said in the past.
No idea what you are going on about. People can play the game however they want within the framework that From has created, I don't care. If there was an easy mode, and people wanted to play it on easy, then go for it.Maybe, maybe not. Thats like saying "the entire point of the game is to speed run it" I mean, who are you to tell them how to fucking play a game? People play for all sorts of reasons and I've learned ot just accept that instead of forcing this fucking argument that the game was MADE to not have modes or something, I can believe that early in gaming, I can't when we've had decades of having many modes. I enjoy playing theses game btw, I love playing MGS on Boss Extreme, I do not how ever tell folks "the entire point of the game is " XYZ etc.
The entire point of the game is what ever the fuck that player decides they want to focus on based on their reason for playing. Some might play for skill, some might play to speed run, some might play for the entire experience of the lore, story telling etc.
I don't see how someone else playing a different mode would fucking bother you. If i mod my game, you going to start crying and sobbing or? Who cares? Play what you like, how you like. I'm ok with what ever the developer does with this game and I have no issue with how fans play it. Focus on why YOU are playing it, I don't see how someone else playing it a different way is relevant to you.
No idea what you are going on about. People can play the game however they want within the framework that From has created
what? did you even see the OP?man the fuck up, OP.
Nobody likes a whiny bitch.