Narrowed it down to a Acer Predator G-Sync 1980 or aNon G-Sync ASUS IPS 2560.
What does GAF say???
I am leaning towards higher resolution myself, but if I can be convinced the G-Sync is the better purchase, feel free.
And if people can answer in the next hour so I can order in time to have it arrive on Monday that would be ideal.
I was looking closely at these and a few others. Basically I decided to put resolution foremost since 980ti can do almost everything at 1440p 60fps+ maxed out. I made this post a little big ago;
Here's the monitor I decided on getting for this. 25inch 1440p IPS at 60hz for $260. The closest 27"ers in price are still at the least 60 bucks more, are almost all TN, and have notable input lag in reviews that I could find.
Basically decided I'm not ready to shell out for the crazy $600+ 144hz g-sync stuff without a big sale, considering I didn't shell out for a new computer until this big sale hit. Also I play console games on a 32" 720p this will double as a new TV for them.