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HTC Vive Launch Thread -- Computer, activate holodeck

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So, is there any news or thinking that Valve/HTC will have a new iteration of the Vive coming out this year? Looking at VR stuff and I think it would be pretty cool but I kind of want to wait until the second generation of hardware hits. Or is any second generation Vive hardware way off in the future still?


So, is there any news or thinking that Valve/HTC will have a new iteration of the Vive coming out this year? Looking at VR stuff and I think it would be pretty cool but I kind of want to wait until the second generation of hardware hits. Or is any second generation Vive hardware way off in the future still?

I doubt it. You'll probably see production refinements and possibly a price reduction, but I don't expect the next full iteration until 2018 at the earliest.


lol I paid like 650 for my 980ti, if I could get the successor for $400 less I would be jumping for joy

Even then I'll be waiting for a 1180ti or 1280ti tbh, by then the jump in power will be worth it for me, right now I'm super content.

You wouldn't even buy a 1080Ti right now for 250 dollars?

So, is there any news or thinking that Valve/HTC will have a new iteration of the Vive coming out this year? Looking at VR stuff and I think it would be pretty cool but I kind of want to wait until the second generation of hardware hits. Or is any second generation Vive hardware way off in the future still?

The thing I recently saw specifically from HTC suggests it's anywhere from 1 to 3 years off.


Welp, it was fun while it lasted.

But the bath file attached with the old version of SteamVR no longer shows true black levels for me when running it. Not sure what changed on my sytem either, I definitely haven't updated my video drivers...



Not sure how far you have got with her, for me I couldn't get past her phase 3.

The biggest thing is her jumping special, you have to dodge left/right and do a quick counter as she's stunned. The rest is mainly just recognizing the pattern of her punches, and blocking them quickly. Took me a long time. She also has this audible "You're Finished" move near the end of her set where she like jumps forward and feigns a punch then does an uppercut. I couldn't figure out timing of the block so ended up dodging it and then another counter.

I don't know, tough to describe I guess. Really fun fight though.

It is, and I have sore muscles on my back and legs from it.

Anyway, I finally defeated her. Had to fight like I was Marcos Maidana, ducking real low to the left or right while launching wide swinging overhand hooks.

And man is it satisfying to land a body shot and connect with an uppercut.


The thing I recently saw specifically from HTC suggests it's anywhere from 1 to 3 years off.
I think it was actually a statement that they expect the hardware refresh cycle on HMDs to be 1 to 3 years. Still, given all the accessories that have yet to be released I really don't think we'll see a successor before 2018.


I think it was actually a statement that they expect the hardware refresh cycle on HMDs to be 1 to 3 years. Still, given all the accessories that have yet to be released I really don't think we'll see a successor before 2018.

Yep. One year obviously isn't happening as they'd have said something by now if they were going to release a Vive 2 in a few months. Three years seems to be pushing it as that'd leave all of 2018 stagnant; a second year of nothing but accessories wouldn't really fly. That leaves a two year cycle with a 2018 release. Two years is a nice balance. Fast enough for progress without long periods of stagnation, but not so fast that it exhausts the early adopter crowd. Also, compared to a one year cycle, it gives a larger purchase window where people will be comfortable buying a headset without the fear of it being outdated/obsolete in a few months time.


It is, and I have sore muscles on my back and legs from it.

Anyway, I finally defeated her. Had to fight like I was Marcos Maidana, ducking real low to the left or right while launching wide swinging overhand hooks.

And man is it satisfying to land a body shot and connect with an uppercut.

I am embarrassingly sore from playing a boxing video game. Glad I'm not the only one.
I am embarrassingly sore from playing a boxing video game. Glad I'm not the only one.

I was a lot more out of shape when I got my Vive than I am now, and it's really apparent to me how much longer sessions and how much better I can do in a lot of games now. It's actually to the point where I think the appeal of room scale VR will be lost on a lot of people just for this reason.

While I decided to lose weight and get more fit for completely different reasons, it's a very nice bonus that almost every VR experience has become noticeably more enjoyable over the past six months.


I was a lot more out of shape when I got my Vive than I am now, and it's really apparent to me how much longer sessions and how much better I can do in a lot of games now. It's actually to the point where I think the appeal of room scale VR will be lost on a lot of people just for this reason.

While I decided to lose weight and get more fit for completely different reasons, it's a very nice bonus that almost every VR experience has become noticeably more enjoyable over the past six months.

The appeal will be lost because they're out of shape? If anything it should make them appreciate how out of shape they are, and force them to reflect on that fact. I view the required exertion as one of the major benefits of roomscale VR. You basically get a free exercise component to games without having to explicitly design for it; it's just a side effect of the medium. This allows gamers to slowly get fit doing what they enjoy without the exercise aspect being obviously shoved in their face.
The appeal will be lost because they're out of shape? If anything it should make them appreciate how out of shape they are, and force them to reflect on that fact.

Well, ideally yes, but I can see a lot of people finding it a hassle to get anything worthwhile out of a device that becomes uncomfortable to use after a short while. People are constantly making the argument that they just want to sit down with a controller when playing VR and how fully immersive experiences are too exhausting to play, and I would assume that at least some of that comes from the shape they are in.


Well, ideally yes, but I can see a lot of people finding it a hassle to get anything worthwhile out of a device that becomes uncomfortable to use after a short while. People are constantly making the argument that they just want to sit down with a controller when playing VR and how fully immersive experiences are too exhausting to play, and I would assume that at least some of that comes from the shape they are in.

I'm not sure how many people making that argument actually care about that aspect, and how many are just latching onto it as a reason to pass on VR. Of those that truly care, I'm not sure how many really understand what they're arguing against. It's not like straight exercise where that's all you're doing. It's just a side effect of the enjoyment of the game. The desire to play the game can easily outweigh the effort it takes to do so. Without having actually played any of the games in question, it's rather hard for anybody to say whether that's what they want or not. They can't easily draw analogies from the real world to base their beliefs on; the effort required is often far less than true exercise or sports.

Sure there will be people that it genuinely isn't for, but I think the issue is way overblown.
Sairento VR got a pretty big mechanics update:

Included is a first pass of the revamped movement mechanics. Your movement is now more physics-based, which means you won't be passing or floating through the environment as you jump.

Wall-running and ground sliding open up the levels, giving you the freedom to move around and attack your foes from any angle.

Sliding locomotion is also a commonly requested feature, and we're glad to be able to have it in this patch.

v0.1.5 (2017-01-26)

  • Movement arc will now change between a line and an arc to differentiate dash/jumps.
  • Added jump physics. Jumping applies a physics force to match the arc's trajectory. This means that you can jump straight up as well.
  • New mechanic : Wall Hop.
    When leaping straight at walls, you will hop off them. Hopping off a wall resets your double jump.
  • New mechanic : Ground Slide.
    Crouch before landing from a jump to convert your falling momentum into a slide.
  • New mechanic : Wall Run
    When leaping at an acute angle against non-flat surfaces, you will enter a wallrun. You will wallhop after running a set distance, running off the wall, or hitting a corner, whichever comes first.
  • Added optional sliding locomotion, bound to non master hand
  • Added optional push analog stick to dash/jump for Touch users
  • Enemy health increases with map's challenge rating
  • Added Vindicator pistol
  • Stinger pistol holo sight replaced with iron sight
  • Fixed bug where enemy would still rotate towards you while in death animation.
  • Fixed missing colliders in Offices map.


Crouch-sliding and wallrunning :O




Crouch-sliding and wallrunning :O


I'm not sure I see an actual point in the ground slide other than to look cool (which is fine in and of itself). Practically speaking, retaining momentum for that short of a time period isn't going to be of much importance, and at higher levels you can bounce around like crazy, so you're never really stationary for more than a few shots anyhow.
I'm not sure I see an actual point in the ground slide other than to look cool (which is fine in and of itself). Practically speaking, retaining momentum for that short of a time period isn't going to be of much importance, and at higher levels you can bounce around like crazy, so you're never really stationary for more than a few shots anyhow.

Ground sliding under enemy shots while shooting them! Like in Titanfall.


Ground sliding under enemy shots while shooting them! Like in Titanfall.

Haha. Yeah, that's an option, especially at the lower levels where you're not as mobile with jumps and can't engage bullet time as much. Most of the time I'm upon my prey before they manage to get a shot off at my approach vector. It's shots from all the other directions I need to be most wary of. Then again, they supposedly upped enemy HP, so I'll have to see how much that changes things.

Still, wall running should be infinitely more useful. Keeps you moving like a jump, gives you a different perspective of the arena, and resets the jump counter. Not sure if you can infinitely chain wall-runs though going by the description. Lots of stuff to test tonight.
I'm not sure I see an actual point in the ground slide other than to look cool (which is fine in and of itself). Practically speaking, retaining momentum for that short of a time period isn't going to be of much importance, and at higher levels you can bounce around like crazy, so you're never really stationary for more than a few shots anyhow.

Never play Vanquish? Main reason its fun.


Zaptruder (banned GAF member, creator of Freedom Locomotion) gave me feedback on an idea I had last week, so I came up with something new today. I'll just quote the message I sent him:

The main problem with sliding locomotion I'm trying to solve is that one hand is focusing on movement, when it could be shooting, throwing, swinging, etc. Enter PacMan locomotion: instead of holding your thumb on the trackpad, just tap. As long as you're running in place, you're running in the direction you inititated with the tap. That hand is now free to interact in other ways. And if you want to change direction, just point and tap, and go back to interacting.

Would love to hear people's thoughts/questions.


Never play Vanquish? Main reason its fun.

Hence the "to look cool" part which I said was fine in and of itself. The game is over the top; fun things added for the hell of it are fine. I was merely musing on how much you'd realistically gain from the addition in terms of performance / survivability.


How do you guys not barf from that game? Jeez.

No artificial rotation, so it's not bad so long as you're not the type that can't handle any movement.

Now that I've played the update, I have to say that I think it's less enjoyable than before.

  • The physicalized jumps screw up movement big time. Before you went where you expected. It might have phased you through a beam on the way, but you got where you wanted to be which made sense. Now you're knocking against level geometry all the damn time causing you to kick off it instead of going where you want (and the game said you'd go). If I wanted to hit that geometry, I would have aimed at that point. It should compute the jump angle necessary to complete the arc without hitting stuff in the way and follow that path.
  • Straight path dashes and jump arcs really need to be different colors to differentiate them on the fly and at a quick glance. A shallow arc vs a straight line is not clear enough when you're concentrating on what's around you. I don't understand the dev's seeming insistence on doing everything but the most obvious solution for this. Either that or just break the touchpad down and make one half jump and the other half dash. Movement should be instinctual with instant feedback.
  • On a similar note, there needs to be a more clear indication on when you'll be doing a wall run vs a wall jump.
  • The sword run/jump arc destination point aiming is wrong. It needs to be aimed parallel with the blade like before and not perpendicular to it like a gun. The sword projectile fires parallel with the blade. You'd naturally run people through with the blade aimed forward. It makes no sense for the movement to be done with the blade pointing up in the air.
  • Beyond those design mistakes, there's all the bugs from the new jump system where you can end up glitching through geometry and end up in places you're not supposed to be. I've come close to jumping through/out of the level a few times now in today's session alone. I never had a single instance of that in all my previous games. Wall runs can spontaneously jump out mid-way through as well for no discernible reason.
So yeah, the new features are potentially nice, but they need a lot of work before they're more fun than frustrating. Instead of introducing all these changes at once, I think the dev would have been better off doing one thing at a time and polishing it with feedback before moving on to the next thing.

Edit: Oh, and the crouch slide is most definitely an all-for-show type move. Barely any forward movement, and the necessary body movements to engage it make aiming harder. So more bullets used, and less chance of headshots = less free bullet time.
I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but just to confirm... Oculus Medium really is worth $30, right? I was super excited for it at one point, but then I just never got it... I'm not particularly artistic, but I like to explore and play around.

What about Quill? How does it compare to Tilt Brush, which I already have?

Edit: Had meant to ask this in the high end thread since it's an Oculus game, but... oh well.


I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but just to confirm... Oculus Medium really is worth $30, right? I was super excited for it at one point, but then I just never got it... I'm not particularly artistic, but I like to explore and play around.



anyone got any ideas on covers? looking to buy one now but i'm not sure which one to get


i like the look of this one, anyone have one? thoughts/alternatives?

If you have glasses these can be a real pain. I bought some of their replacement leather ones and they broke (it literally fell apart being removed) after two uses. I ended up refunding it through Amazon, so if you decide to try them go through them. It was relatively comfortable, but I couldn't use it with my glasses on at all.


Good. I'll totally double-dip for SuperHyperCube. Vive controllers are not gonna be good for it, though.

Kind of depends on what you mean by "exclusive". The only big one I can think of at the moment that I'm 90% sure had a deal with Oculus is Eve:Valkyrie.

I'm betting the Insomniac games had deals involved, as well as the Gunfire ones.


If you have glasses these can be a real pain. I bought some of their replacement leather ones and they broke (it literally fell apart being removed) after two uses. I ended up refunding it through Amazon, so if you decide to try them go through them. It was relatively comfortable, but I couldn't use it with my glasses on at all.

no glasses so that wouldn't be an issue but there's a fair few bad reviews of them (including yours) which is putting me off, not finding a whole lot of alternatives though, anyone made their own? i'm thinking of just putting some high thread count cotton around the foam
Racket NX has finally released in to early access!

It's a bit on the pricier side at $20, but this was honestly one of my favorite VR demos, it has a pretty polished presentation, and they're launching with a decent amount of stuff including 1v1 multiplayer. Hopefully I'll have some impressions later, but the demo is still up to check out as well.


Anyone able to beat Scurvy Jones in Knockout League? Talk about a workout...

Someone tell me he's super hard to make me feel better.
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