HolyBaikal culture expert
If anyone didn't want to read the OP I decided to do a DRAMATIC READING of both parts of it.
For what it's worth I understand OP's attachment to playing Persona even if I haven't. Playing any jrpg title tends to take a good investment of time and it's understandable to grow attached to the characters just as it is to become attached to characters in a long running tv show or book series.
I respect OP and his passionate post. If only we all cared so much about something.
I get where you're coming from OP and I often get this way about things I feel guilty about that build over time. I understand how vulnerable it must be to put it out there only to see GAF react this way.
Particularly bolded.
I really love it.
I appreciate you, OP.
people are in here besmirching the good name of Ranma 1/2?
Wow 100 hours. I played the first twice to get everything unlocked and stuff, so I believe I obtained the true ending, although I'm not sure now.I will definitely play the 2nd though, it's sitting around me somewhere.You can save Mir in the end, right?
I mean HolyBaikal was cool and all, but holy hell could she derail a thread like no other. It got to the point where I was sometimes not sure whether she was an intricate troll or completely serious (Baikal if you're reading this sorry, if you are that way it's awesome but it's hard to tell over the internet).
If Holy were to come back, I would appreciate it if she could see the other side of things a little. I mean, I was lurking the particular thread that got her banned, and she was basically denying very obvious scientific facts to try to prove a non point. It was kinda annoying. However, she did show a lot of passion, which I will forever appreciate, but damn did she have some weird threads/ways of posting.
Regardless, HolyBaikal you were banned doing what you loved *snake salute*.
I mean HolyBaikal was cool and all, but holy hell could she derail a thread like no other. It got to the point where I was sometimes not sure whether she was an intricate troll or completely serious (Baikal if you're reading this sorry, if you are that way it's awesome but it's hard to tell over the internet).
If Holy were to come back, I would appreciate it if she could see the other side of things a little. I mean, I was lurking the particular thread that got her banned, and she was basically denying very obvious scientific facts to try to prove a non point. It was kinda annoying. However, she did show a lot of passion, which I will forever appreciate, but damn did she have some weird threads/ways of posting.
Regardless, HolyBaikal you were banned doing what you loved *snake salute*.
This place took a turn for the better, thanks for the kind words everyone. I will go through the thread when everything has settled and create a spreadsheet or something to document what is recommended to me, I really appreciate it.
Sirim, you're right about the building over time part. I originally had a pretty sad story about how sensitive I can be because I keep everything to myself, this thread is a way for me to solve that. I've been talking to my family members too, about things and lately, I've been feeling a lot better about myself.
HolyBaikal had no self control. Once there was a hip hop thread and HB made a post posing as Jasmine from the boondock's asking everyone if they thought she was cute. Completely out of nowhere, completely irrelevant to anything. It's no surprise HB got the boot.
Yep.Reducing Mir Hate and get her back in the real world and that's the true ending
Also You need to play 100 hours in order to get a certain trophy in Qoga , that's why i didn't cheat during my various playthroughts. If you're unintrested , playing Qoga normally and seeking all the endings will get you 50+ hours of play , at least considering how mean the game becomes in the cosmosphere areas.![]()
She never trolled.
Uh, I apologize, but I don't quite see what you are thanking me for...?
So, do 'moe' people masturbate to their waifus/husbandos or not?
Going down the Urban Dictionary rabbit hole has not made this clear.
So, do 'moe' people masturbate to their waifus/husbandos or not?
Going down the Urban Dictionary rabbit hole has not made this clear.
Well, there tends to be an uncomfortable amount of sexualization of fictional, underage girls...So, do 'moe' people masturbate to their waifus/husbandos or not?
Going down the Urban Dictionary rabbit hole has not made this clear.
Stay away from all cults OP.
I never could get past the 10 hour mark or so with Persona 3. I just didn't find any of the characters interesting, and most obnoxious. I just don't think anime tropes are for me.
So, do 'moe' people masturbate to their waifus/husbandos or not?
Going down the Urban Dictionary rabbit hole has not made this clear.
So, do 'moe' people masturbate to their waifus/husbandos or not?
Going down the Urban Dictionary rabbit hole has not made this clear.
Holy Baikal
You've been down too long in the waifu scene
Oh what's becoming of me
Ride the pillow
You can see the spots but you know she's clean
Oh don't you see what I mean
Gotta get away
Holy Baikal
--Dio "Holy Baikal"
HolyBaikal had no self control. Once there was a hip hop thread and HB made a post posing as Jasmine from the boondock's asking everyone if they thought she was cute. Completely out of nowhere, completely irrelevant to anything. It's no surprise HB got the boot.
No idea, I'm getting lost in my own thread, sorry if I offended you.
I mean in no way to demean the op, but can somebody summarize what the thread's about in one paragraph. I just can't read all of that text given the way posts are formatted on the site.
I read most of it. Basically, HolyBaikal got banned and he's really torn up about it. He'd sacrifice his account to get HolyBaikal back. HolyBaikal's passion made the OP feel like he was missing something in his life and to fill this hole he decided to play the Ar Tenelico series. In doing so, he found that he finally understood waifu culture and is incredibly remorseful for judging people with waifu avatars. Since then he's gotten really into visual novels and hentai.
There's also a robust LTTP on Persona 3: FES, but I didn't read it because I haven't played the game and he has a LOT to say about it,
I legitimately feel like I can't recall a thread (ESPECIALLY on gaming side) in the 8 years I've been posting on or reading GAF that manages to be as equally perplexing as it is terrifying as it is entertaining.
Don't know any of the mentioned posters but instant reaction based on no facts at all and only reading a very small segment of the original post is that OP is HB on a wind-up.
If not, I hope you have more *coping skills* than I'm giving you credit for OP because it can be a big, cruel world out there and crying because a poster on a gaming forum has been banned, is not a good start.
So, do 'moe' people masturbate to their waifus/husbandos or not?
Going down the Urban Dictionary rabbit hole has not made this clear.
=/ Persona might be a harder JRPG to get into if it's not something you're used to playing. I think you'd need to ask other people on a good JRPG to start off with, I'm no expert on that regard, I've always had a soft spot to them, sort of.
I've played plenty SMT over the years, very much enjoy DQ, and have played numerous other JRPGs. Toriyama's characters are trope-y in a way I can stand and even enjoy, but I could never get into high school characters who are so obsessed over a single thing like in Persona 3 or a The World Ends With You. It unsettles me to the point that I can push past it and usually stop playing.