My my. OP, every now and then I see a brilliant and thoughtful writeup on GAF and I have to give some props, very insightful and thoughtful breakdown and its one which many of us have been saying in bits and pieces but it's nice to see it summarized so nicely and so eloquently worded...Always nice to see a long and well thought out post. I hope some don't see this as a slight on their console of choice, which such a breakdown would typically devolve into, hope we can have a nice discourse here.
My take is this: I agree with you completely. I do think that the type of fans you have is important. Are they the fans who want to discuss the fine details of the tech and design or are they fans who only care about who has a certain bigger number without consideration for any other metric... Are they the fans who are desperate enough to create discords to battle the competition or fans who are more engaged on tech details and having the best games...... Fans who are not quick to believe any non-truth about the competition, just because it favors them..... I think all of this goes a long way in how a console is perceived. If you lie about how great the divide is between your console and the competition and minimize the strengths of the competition at every turn, this will do more harm than good.... For example, Sony's SSD, DUALSENSE and Tempest Engine may prove very valuable to the most impressive games next gen and people will remember the marketing which tried to downplay it as opposed to just talking their own vision and strengths...... In essence, marketing that has severe overhype, lies and fed, has a tendency to have the opposed effect, a significant backlash and lack of trust and belief in a product.
In the end, I don't think Sony is ever worried about how much a certain set of fans say, they are not talking. At this point, I'd say we know more about the PS5, at least we know more upcoming games on it vs the competition. The only way I'd say we know less about PS5 is because there is so much more to it than your traditional console, that they have much more features to reveal still........ And let's be honest, that is the case, their hardware is much more nuanced and their new controller is not a simple uptick over the prior gen. They have VR to show, the camera to show, the OS to show, they have the games to show....
People are not deciding on Sony based on what they say, people are hyped for Sony based on what they've done with 4 consoles so far, they have never failed gamers on games and support till the end of any generation where there was PS involved.....