Try PC + WiiUI fell out love with Nintendo after the N64. The GameCube was alright. I got one at the end of the generation and the only Nintendo games I played were Metroid Prime, Twilight Princess and Wind Waker. I didn't really like them. I have a Wii as well. I have Skyward Sword. MAN, the story of the game was all heartwarming (for as long as I played) but the controls were so frustrating and the game design so... 'Zelda-ey' that I gave up fairly early. This has been running theme with me recently so I can't really blame Nintendo as far as this one game is concerned.
I should probably play more Mario games. Mario is what made me a Nintendo fan when I was younger. I completely missed the whole Zelda and Metroid thing so Mario it was. Interestingly, I have never in my whole life completed a Mario game EVER (outside perhaps Super Mario kart). The last mainline Mario game I played was Mario 64 at a friend's house. I played only for a few hours/several minutes but it was amazing. Still, these brief hook ups with the plumber were not really enough to secure a lasting love in my heart for Nintendo. So when the magical and mysterious new 'Xbox' started to loom over the horizon with promises of a new type of gaming, I was a goner. In all honesty the Xbox didn't really deliver but it had Kotor and Halo (and DOA3 and Rallisport) which were just enough to make me a make me a hardcore MS fan or the last 12 or so years.
I am trying to shake that affection off but it is so hard (kotor was such a beautiful and transformative game). I am trying the whole PC gaming thing and while it has been generally fun, it hasn't yet really delivered. I am hoping that with all the games coming out next year and later this that I will get a true bombastic experience that suits my personal taste. There will likely never be another kotor, though. Not unless Dragon Age: Inquisition becomes some kind of masterpiece. Yes, only Bioware can beat Bioware. Sorry all you other devs but these are the facts.![]()
Its the way to go if you want a wide variety of games. PC has most of the multiplats WiiU has ita exclusives you wont get anywhere else.
You could also go the Nintendo + Playstation route.