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I just played Silent Hill: Downpour for the first time since launch....

Random doesn’t even do it justice. Homecoming was Double Fine’s FIRST game (yeah, don’t pick a studio with a track record or anything!) and Downpour’s developers, Vatra, had developed ONE game prior…with a Metacritic of 47.

Ryan Reynolds Ugh GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Origins and Shattered Memories were developed by a Western studio with an actual long development history to their name, and while not as well received as 1-3 or even 4, they were, *shocker*, still far better received over Homecoming or Downpour which were made by unproven talent.
Double Helix (Homecoming, Killer Instinct Season 1, etc.) not Double Fine (Psychonauts, Brutal Legend, etc.).
I’ve read Goosebumps books scarier than Silent Hill Homecoming!

Karen Gillan Yes GIF by A Little Late With Lilly Singh

And I won’t accept you showing a proper lack of appreciation of his work by just blindly rating all his OSTs equally. A true connoisseur of Akira’s music would evaluate each OST individually and rank them properly, not blindly go, “they’re all amazing, LOL!” Regardless, the audio mixing is bad so you can’t even hear the music a good deal of the time properly, and that’s not Akira’s fault, but regardless the OST will be less effective if you can’t hear the damn thing that well.

I don’t give a shit about “cool things” for Silent Hill, I want to be scared. Even Downpour at least had moments of unnerving background noises at times, Homecoming couldn’t even manage that. Despite having stupid ass enemies like wet clothes woman, shirtless dude, and red void thingy, Downpour’s ambience still managed to occasionally be present, not most of the time, but still occasionally. I was not scared or on edge a single moment throughout all of Homecoming. And that is why it fails.
Homecoming always puts me on edge due to the OST and sound effects 🤷 and I'm not saying all of Akira's work is equal but Homecoming is nowhere near bad. It's damn good. You not being afraid of it is totally different strokes for different folks. The film Hereditary is terrifying for some people, I laughed and rolled my eyes throughout the film on opening night.

I like the combat system, I like the atmosphere, I like the OST. They all work. Homecomings worst aspect is the story, mainly because Josh is a twat and the twist is unreasonably dumb. I can look past the story issues though because everything else works. You may not like it but it works.

Downpour combat is the worst in the series, hands down. Audio mixing is straight trash as well and doesn't even have any audio options. I can't remember off the top of my head if Homecoming lacks that as well but I've never had any issues with separating each track from the other. I was constantly fluctuating the volume on my headset and in OBS while streaming Downpour yesterday.

Homecoming isn't perfect on PS3 but it's also technically better than Downpour. Downpour is a stuttering mess and that stuff usually doesn't bother me in the slightest.


I mean both are terrible but at least I actually managed to finish Homecoming.....Downpour was awful. Apart from the Jonathan Davis song lol


Homecoming always puts me on edge due to the OST and sound effects 🤷 and I'm not saying all of Akira's work is equal but Homecoming is nowhere near bad. It's damn good. You not being afraid of it is totally different strokes for different folks. The film Hereditary is terrifying for some people, I laughed and rolled my eyes throughout the film on opening night.

I like the combat system, I like the atmosphere, I like the OST. They all work. Homecomings worst aspect is the story, mainly because Josh is a twat and the twist is unreasonably dumb. I can look past the story issues though because everything else works. You may not like it but it works.

Downpour combat is the worst in the series, hands down. Audio mixing is straight trash as well and doesn't even have any audio options. I can't remember off the top of my head if Homecoming lacks that as well but I've never had any issues with separating each track from the other. I was constantly fluctuating the volume on my headset and in OBS while streaming Downpour yesterday.

Homecoming isn't perfect on PS3 but it's also technically better than Downpour. Downpour is a stuttering mess and that stuff usually doesn't bother me in the slightest.

Finding Homecoming scarier than Hereditary…..

Black And White No GIF

Now THAT’S a jump scare! Seriously, warn someone before you drop that hot take on unsuspecting people!
Hereditary is not scary at all though. It is not even particularly good in its execution. The Omen reboot has more weight than Hereditary.

Homecoming at least has interesting cult mythos with the lives of the people the protagonist knows at stake even if the final twist is idiotic and the execution leaves much to be desired.
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What time is it?
Hereditary is not scary at all though. It is not even particularly good in its execution. The Omen reboot has more weight than Hereditary.

The ending of Hereditary always felt unearned. I do give it a lot of slack as that dinning table scene will stick with me forever.
Random doesn’t even do it justice. Homecoming was Double Fine’s FIRST game (yeah, don’t pick a studio with a track record or anything!) and Downpour’s developers, Vatra, had developed ONE game prior…with a Metacritic of 47.

Ryan Reynolds Ugh GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Origins and Shattered Memories were developed by a Western studio with an actual long development history to their name, and while not as well received as 1-3 or even 4, they were, *shocker*, still far better received over Homecoming or Downpour which were made by unproven talent.
Origins is fine for a portable romp through SH, story is whack though.

Shattered Memories however, that is legitimately awful. Puzzles involve turning over a soda can to find a key. Weird ass cringe voice acting in the menu, "I love my daddy" 🫠

The chase sequences should have forced people to be tried at the Hague.

And don't get me started on the "this game plays you just as much as you play it" disclaimer. 🤮
Shattered Memories however, that is legitimately awful. Puzzles involve turning over a soda can to find a key. Weird ass cringe voice acting in the menu, "I love my daddy" 🫠

The chase sequences should have forced people to be tried at the Hague.
What you are referring to is not a puzzle. It is an interactive experience similar to what you would find in VR. The puzzles there are not so much about challenge, but about realizing the setting.

The chase sequences at the forest lodge and school are panic inducing.

Now I want Tim Schafer's Silent Hill, damnit.
It would probably be too Nightmare Before Christmas with consequences for my liking but it would also be really well thought out plot-wise if their work on Psychonauts 2 is any indication. Double Fine took the "show, don't tell" characterization to a new level in Psychonauts 2 without the plot and pacing skipping a beat.
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What you are referring to is not a puzzle. It is an interactive experience similar to what you would find in VR. The puzzles there are not so much about challenge, but about realizing the setting.

The chase sequences at the forest lodge and school are panic inducing.

It would probably be too Nightmare Before Christmas with consequences for my liking but it would also be really well thought out plot-wise if their work on Psychonauts 2 is any indication. They took the "show, don't tell" characterization to a new level in that one.
They are indeed panic inducing because if I trial and error that shit one more time I feel like I'm going to have a stress induced stroke. 😵‍💫
Just wanted to add too, thank you to everyone who has participated in this thread so far and made it quite entertaining.

It's fun to throw down and talk shit over games no one cares about. 🤝🍻

Don't take anything I'm saying as personal.in nature. Just having fun.
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Those particular sequences were more dynamic and challenging than most bosses in the franchise...
100% agree with that. Difficult as balls and frustrating as hell for me.

I never finished the game, I was so freaking close to the end at launch and then the game crashed on me and corrupted my save. I've tried to go back over the years but I just can't do it. It's one of the few games I legitimately despise 😅.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I didn't mind Downpour personally. The running away from that orb shite was a bit crap though..


I'll have to get round to Homecoming. I did get it running on the Deck though.

You have an Xbox right? The PC version is still finnicky, in case you can't get it working properly, the Xbox BC version is often on sale and though it doesn't have any enhancements, it's 100% flawless emulation of the X360 version with no frame drops and the other basic BC improvements like 16xAF and no tearing.
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You have an Xbox right? The PC version is still finnicky, in case you can't get it working properly, the Xbox BC version is often on sale and though it doesn't have any enhancements, it's 100% flawless emulation of the X360 version with no frame drops and the other basic BC improvements like 16xAF and no tearing.
I know there are a bunch of fan mods for the PC version. I think it's some Russian guy who did it, his discord is effing hilarious. Busted English and treating people asking questions like they are absolute fools. Advises that people who can't figure it out should remove themselves from this world via self inflicted shot gun blast to the dome 🤣. I'll try to post some quotes later on tonight if I can find it.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?
I know there are a bunch of fan mods for the PC version. I think it's some Russian guy who did it, his discord is effing hilarious. Busted English and treating people asking questions like they are absolute fools. Advises that people who can't figure it out should remove themselves from this world via self inflicted shot gun blast to the dome 🤣. I'll try to post some quotes later on tonight if I can find it.

Oh wow, that guy sounds like a character. Maybe he's related to that SH Wiki circumcision moderator. The SH fandom is .. well something. lol
I loved it, very atmospheric. I think there is a subset of Silent Hill fans that won't let team silent go. They aren't coming back, and its because of you folks giving good non team silent games bad reviews, we get left with shit like "the short message" staring disgraced porn star Mia Khalifa.

Have fun with the new silent hill games built for "modern audiences" :messenger_loudly_crying:

SH2 was peak. but downpour and Homecoming were great games in their own right. You are not going to get silent hill 2 again.

My only gripe with Downpour is after getting to the main town it becomes too combat heavy. I accept that, its a unique take and still has the main silent hill atmosphere and feeling.
That atmosphere and emotion it brings, the tension, and relief, is all there. To me thats what matters.
Also Murphy was a great protag, and the prison was a cook setup.
I just wish it wish they still had it digital.
I had to re-buy it on series x (sold my ps3 version long ago) but it was delisted (damn you ms) and was $50, well worth it to me.


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
I know there are a bunch of fan mods for the PC version. I think it's some Russian guy who did it, his discord is effing hilarious. Busted English and treating people asking questions like they are absolute fools. Advises that people who can't figure it out should remove themselves from this world via self inflicted shot gun blast to the dome 🤣. I'll try to post some quotes later on tonight if I can find it.
Ping me when you post them, sounds amazing.
I loved it, very atmospheric. I think there is a subset of Silent Hill fans that won't let team silent go. They aren't coming back, and its because of you folks giving good non team silent games bad reviews, we get left with shit like "the short message" staring disgraced porn star Mia Khalifa.

Have fun with the new silent hill games built for "modern audiences" :messenger_loudly_crying:

SH2 was peak. but downpour and Homecoming were great games in their own right. You are not going to get silent hill 2 again.

My only gripe with Downpour is after getting to the main town it becomes too combat heavy. I accept that, its a unique take and still has the main silent hill atmosphere and feeling.
That atmosphere and emotion it brings, the tension, and relief, is all there. To me thats what matters.
Also Murphy was a great protag, and the prison was a cook setup.
I just wish it wish they still had it digital.
I had to re-buy it on series x (sold my ps3 version long ago) but it was delisted (damn you ms) and was $50, well worth it to me.
Great post.

Yea, the Downpour copy I got cost me $50 and it's the Japanese version, noticed it goes for a few bucks cheaper than NA. I like the box art better too.


1. Shattered Memories was great. Maybe it should not have had Silent Hill in the name but it was an haunting adventure experience with exhilirating run segments. It was not fixated on a mirror world created by the personification of evil, but instead the emptiness of bygone experiences that comes with the passage of time and an outsider's perspective on interpersonal trauma.

2. The Room has the best plot in the entire franchise and some unrivaled set pieces in the horror genre, but similarly should not have Silent Hill in the name. It dips during its first venture into prison world as a result of a bad environmental puzzle, but otherwise is the most demandingly engaging game in the series with little downtime.

3. The best parts of Downpour (scouring the burbs and going through the building of the Radio station) are more fascinating than any segment in Homecoming. Unfortunately the other segments of it are a real chore. All Homecoming has over it is consistency with a quality that is still below series standards.

P.S. I am playing through Evil Within II right now and for my money it is the best spiritual sequel Silent Hill could ever get.
Agreed with almost every single part of this.

1. Say what you want about Shattered Memories weird gameplay loop (I really dislike the running focused gameplay since it clashed with the exploration and slow build SH is known for), but the story was fantastic. That twist at the end was one hell of a gut punch. Story and horror is what makes SH for me, and this was one of the best stories in the franchise. I also loved the monsters changing depending on the players choices, so the psychological stuff was intriguing. It's easily the best game we've had since the original 4.

2. Almost agreed. 2 is better (IMO 2 is the best story in all of gaming as a medium), but 4 always had second place for me. I've always liked it more than 1 or 3. Fantastic story, and EASILY the scariest game in the franchise.

3. Also agreed. The exploration in Downpour is something I want to return. Evil Within 2 did it great. The main thing that keeps it from being a spiritual successor is that the story was pretty paint by the numbers. EW1 had it beat here. Also, Murphy is one of the best protagonists in the series. I legit loved him, and was rooting for him the whole time. Dude went through worse than any other protagonist IMO, and that was before the game even started. Downpour had a solid story, until the ending which ruined it because it retroactively changed events depending on how you acted throughout the game. Past events prior to the game should have been fixed, so this was stupid, I eventually made it past the piss poor monster design and janky gameplay, so I would have liked it as an entry if it stuck the landing.

I also loved how original it was as an entry. It actually furthered town lore by letting you explore a new area of it. I also liked the soundtrack. Lynch isn't Akira, but his soundtrack was still fantastic. Dude killed it in this and Dishonored. I was legit sad to hear of his passing. It also had a unique otherworld that actually tied to Murphy's past. Unfortunately, this was ruined by the stupid black hole that chased you out of it and ruined exploration.

I think where me and OP divide is the gameplay. Homecoming has objectively better gameplay than both Downpour and Shattered Memories, but so much of it was phoned in story and presentation wise. It was basically a repeat of 2's story (I'm guilty because I killed my brother who I came to Silent Hill searching for). The otherworld was a rip off of the movie (which made it feel like a cheap cash grab; at least Downpour had its unique torrential otherworld and Shattered Memories had the icy otherworld), and the theme of it didn't even make sense (what does Alex have to do with rust and fire?). It bastardized and prostituted Pyramid Head just to capitalize on his mascot status, and still didn't even have the sense to have him as a roaming enemy or a boss fight. The shitty cult is back, because reasons. None of the characters other than Alex himself were memorable (I actually loved Alex and his realistic reactions to situations; "You SICK FUCK!"), and most were outright annoying.

I will say though, it had some of the best boss fights and designs in the series. Scarlet, especially, is one hell of a standout.

certainly better than homecoming but not shattered memories

Lets Go Reaction GIF by Brett Eldredge

So... we agree?

Arachnid Arachnid
You use, Heather Mason as your avatar. I don't believe you!!
Kind of explained it above, but it was mostly due to the story. Take it as it's own game instead of a remake. Most of the story in 1 and 3 is completely gone in favor of something new. It just uses a few of the same characters.
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The nicest person on this forum
Random doesn’t even do it justice. Homecoming was Double Fine’s FIRST game (yeah, don’t pick a studio with a track record or anything!) and Downpour’s developers, Vatra, had developed ONE game prior…with a Metacritic of 47.

Ryan Reynolds Ugh GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment

Origins and Shattered Memories were developed by a Western studio with an actual long development history to their name, and while not as well received as 1-3 or even 4, they were, *shocker*, still far better received over Homecoming or Downpour which were made by unproven talent.
Because Konami has almost zero respect to Silent Hill IP, that’s only way to explain why they treating the IP this way.
Evil Within 2 did it great. The main thing that keeps it from being a spiritual successor is that the story was pretty paint by the numbers. EW1 had it beat here.
The issue with the original Evil Within is the game is playing the player too much with forced stealth segments and uncontrollable warps to unrelated areas. The quality of presentation and gameplay mechanics also leaves a lot to be desired.
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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is literally nothing more than a cover-to-cover ripoff of the novel Shutter Island. There. I said it. The game literally takes the novel, later turned excellent film, and turns it into a SH fanfic reinterpretation. Right up to the copycat climax. I'll never understand why Shattered Memories gets praise while Homecoming and Downpour get maligned.

Homecoming had a derivative story that ripped off Silent Hill 2: Restless Dreams but at least that was the franchise plagiarizing itself. We also got confident combat, an expanded world, and some consistency with the overarching adversaries being The Order.

Downpour certainly had issues in the eneny department, but the world was nicely built, the side missions were a nice idea, and the rain mechanic was unique. It is a flawed game but it does have some good points.
For me it's not better, it's MUCH better than homecoming! Homecoming isn't that bad, but the story is too "grounded" and less subjective.
For me, I never really took to SH like other people did and the story never really engaged me that much. So Homecoming having a poor story was a moot point for me, the gameplay and everything else made up for it.

SH is the still the best in the series AFAIC. The OST makes 2 for me, the game is honestly a total slog to me these days and I have to force myself to finish it. I played through it last year and was surprised at how much I wanted to turn it off 3/4 of the way through🤷.

The only ones I haven't completed are 4 and downpour. I've tried to play 4 multiple times and just have never felt it.

Big fan of 3 too though.
For me, I never really took to SH like other people did and the story never really engaged me that much. So Homecoming having a poor story was a moot point for me, the gameplay and everything else made up for it.

SH is the still the best in the series AFAIC. The OST makes 2 for me, the game is honestly a total slog to me these days and I have to force myself to finish it. I played through it last year and was surprised at how much I wanted to turn it off 3/4 of the way through🤷.

The only ones I haven't completed are 4 and downpour. I've tried to play 4 multiple times and just have never felt it.

Big fan of 3 too though.
Im HUGE Silent Hill fan too.
My favorites are 2 and 4.

I don't like the cult thing (Silent 4 has it, but it's waaay more complex), what fascinates me in that franchise is the subjective story, the psychological stuff, u have to think, debate in forums, even after beat the game...SH2 still has some fascinating theories!

But of course i like 1,3, downpour, homecoming and origins. Shattered i didn't like at all. Unecessary imo.

PS: i think SH2 one of the best games ever made, if not the best.
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Silent Hill: Shattered Memories is literally nothing more than a cover-to-cover ripoff of the novel Shutter Island. There. I said it. The game literally takes the novel, later turned excellent film, and turns it into a SH fanfic reinterpretation. Right up to the copycat climax.
Jim Carrey What GIF

SM Intro: Psychiatrist visit initiates flashback of snowy car crash where father and daughter are separated. Father searches for daughter.

SM Plot Twist:
Harry is a figment of Cheryl's imagination trying to reconcile a lifetime of trauma and regret.

SI Intro: Detective takes ferry to psychiatric hospital on remote island to investigate a missing person.

SI Plot Twist:
The detective is a violent patient, was investigating his personally murdered wife, and just failed his last experimental alternative treatment to being lobotomized.

P.S. There is a reason Shutter Island film is not a bonafide classic even with DiCaprio's star power, a large production budget, and Scorsese at the helm.
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Im HUGE Silent Hill fan too.
My favorites are 2 and 4.

I don't like the cult thing (Silent 4 has it, but it's waaay more complex), what fascinates me in that franchise is the subjective story, the psychological stuff, u have to think, debate in forums, even after beat the game...SH2 still has some fascinating theories!

But of course i like 1,3, downpour, homecoming and origins. Shattered i didn't like at all. Unecessary imo.

PS: i think SH2 one of the best games ever made, if not the best.
I can dig it.
Friendly reminder. If you are absolutely ga ga over Silent Hill please check out Organ Quarter. It's VR only but at least try to watch some footage on YT.

It's an absolute love letter to the SH vibe and man, it's just so damn good. Developed by 3 people, effectively just 1 person though. Total indie masterpiece.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Played and own both, Homecoming is the better game.
Shattered Memories I don't even know what that was.
The chase sequences did my head in.
And I played a pretty penny to get that game o GAF's recommendation. 🙄
Ok, I need to apologize to the memory of Daniel Licht. I didn't realize he passed and I sure as hell didn't realize that he did the music for CHILDREN OF THE NIGHT 🤯🤯

Holy shit! That's an old fangoria movie that my brother and I rented when we were wee lads. The movie is a complete mess but holy smokes is it a completely insane vampire movie from 1991.

You have got to check it out if you like trashy horror movies.


Hunter 99

Massive SH fan here,In my opinion homecoming was better than downpour.downpour enemy design was awful (guys in gas mask part was terrible) and the game lacked that tense atmosphere for me.
Homecoming wasn't perfect but I liked the general gameplay and the music was decent enough. (Music being a big part of the series for me)
nothing beats 1-4 but downpour was the final nail in the coffin.
Until sh2 remake 🤞
Jim Carrey What GIF

SM Intro: Psychiatrist visit initiates flashback of snowy car crash where father and daughter are separated. Father searches for daughter.

SM Plot Twist:
Harry is a figment of Cheryl's imagination trying to reconcile a lifetime of trauma and regret.

SI Intro: Detective takes ferry to psychiatric hospital on remote island to investigate a missing person.

SI Plot Twist:
The detective is a violent patient, was investigating his personally murdered wife, and just failed his last experimental alternative treatment to being lobotomized.

P.S. There is a reason Shutter Island film is not a bonafide classic even with DiCaprio's star power, a large production budget, and Scorsese at the helm.
So, like a fanfic would, it took the basic premise of Shutter Island and reskinned it to include names and elements of the original Silent Hill game. This is a time-old tactic in writing, borrowing from other things. I wouldn't find this so egregious if the novel had been something much older rather than something released only a few years beforehand.

The entire framup of 5he mqin character being a delusion and not at all what he thinks just screams ripoff. If you didn't enjoy the Shutter island novel or film, that's fine, but pretending that Shattered Memories didn't heavily borrow from it is just whistling past the graveyard.

You've completely failed to address that both stories take place in a fantasy world, that the entire stories of both are nothing more than psychiatric therapy, that everuthing thatbunfolds is engineered to play on the complexes of the person receiving the therapy.

Sure, the individual story beats are not a 1:1 match, but the overarching premise is. Shattered Memories is lazy and contrived.

I'm in no way suggesting the storylines of Homecoming and Downpour are in any way fresh and groundbreaking. Only that they are far more rooted in the tropes of the SH franchise instead of adapting outside material and passing it off as new.
So, like a fanfic would, it took the basic premise of Shutter Island and reskinned it to include names and elements of the original Silent Hill game. This is a time-old tactic in writing, borrowing from other things. I wouldn't find this so egregious if the novel had been something much older rather than something released only a few years beforehand.

The entire framup of 5he mqin character being a delusion and not at all what he thinks just screams ripoff. If you didn't enjoy the Shutter island novel or film, that's fine, but pretending that Shattered Memories didn't heavily borrow from it is just whistling past the graveyard.

You've completely failed to address that both stories take place in a fantasy world, that the entire stories of both are nothing more than psychiatric therapy, that everuthing thatbunfolds is engineered to play on the complexes of the person receiving the therapy.

Sure, the individual story beats are not a 1:1 match, but the overarching premise is. Shattered Memories is lazy and contrived.

I'm in no way suggesting the storylines of Homecoming and Downpour are in any way fresh and groundbreaking. Only that they are far more rooted in the tropes of the SH franchise instead of adapting outside material and passing it off as new.
Is this a joke? The setup is identical to the original Silent Hill and the therapy is window dressing like in the Sopranos. Next you are going to tell me that Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho is a clone of Shutter Island too. It is an absurd proposition as Shattered Memories 100% works without the intermittent psychiatrist tasks.
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