First off, thanks a lot. I owe you a Steam game or something.
1. Had you settled on a case you like?
Not really. Not concerned about style - quiet would be nice, but I'm hoping this is one area where I can save money.
2. Are keyboard/mouse/monitor/os included in your initial budget?
Nah. Those costs will likely be split with my gf, so I'm just looking at the PC for now.
3. Can you link me a new egg wishlist for what you had priced out last night?
I've made my Newegg wishlist public. How do I find the link to post here? Really glad I made the wishlist last night. Had never shopped at Newegg before so had never heard of that option.
Click here, search 'Excellent Build'. Dunno if it'll show up. Didn't for me, but maybe just because it's on my account.
[edit] Ok, I took a closer look at your build and I see you've actually included the OS, monitor, optical drive, etc. that I had neglected. Wow.... I think you've done a much better job than I did.