This is probably a dangerous question to ask around these parts... but is this a good deal for $690?
I'm finally upgrading from a Q6600 and have been building configs around i7-4770s, and then this deal comes along. The primary reason I was considering building a computer was because I figured it was cheaper than buying a pre-made one. But this seems like an exceptionally good price.
I plan on tossing the included card and swapping it in with a GTX 760, so I'm worried if:
a. The card will fit in this case.
b. The included power supply can support a card like that.
The only things I feel I'll be missing are an SSD (which I can throw in later), an overclockable mobo (I'm assuming), and a cool case. But I can live with that. Especially if I'm getting a wifi capable board, card reader, and Windows 7.
Please no.
I, too, used to have a prebuilt. It had i5 2500 and HD6850.
The thing is that these prebuilts have decent CPUs and GPUs but everything else is terrible (PSU, Motherboard, Case to name a few). They run very hot and upgrading them can be a challenge since the insides are filled with useless things like solid metal cases around HDD bay. Cable management is terrible too and good luck trying to fit in a second GPU if you want to in the future.
With the computer that you build yourself, you can see a HUGE difference in quality. It's really worth the extra money.
Just build it yourself, please. Just do it.
Wifi capable cards aren't that hard or expensive to come by. Do you really need a card reader? if so, buy an external one. Windows can be had for $10 off of Reddit.
EDIT: I mean, just look at the inside. Absolutely Disgusting