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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 1. Read the OP and RISE ABOVE FORGED PRECISION SCIENCE

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A friend did this to his socket 1150, what to do?

This looked fixable

But then he sent another pic and this now looks like a lost cause

Any feedback? is it possible to send it back to manufacturers and for them to fix this?


POWERSUPPLY: 500 Watts Power Supplies [-2] (Cooler Master Elite 500watt Gaming Power Supply)

Is my power supply

Should be fine.

A friend did this to his socket 1150, what to do?

This looked fixable

But then he sent another pic and this now looks like a lost cause

Any feedback? is it possible to send it back to manufacturers and for them to fix this?

I don't think any motherboard manufacturers' warranty covers damage to the socket. Especially when it was physical damage done by the owner. I'll tell you what I told someone else earlier in this thread:

The bent pins can possibly be fixed and put back into place with fine tweezers or a needle and a steady hand. As for the broken pin, refer to this technical document for socket 1150, specifically page 112 and after that. If the pin that broke was just a ground pin, the processor may still work even without that one pin. Otherwise.. You'll be needing a new motherboard.


Question about Mobo architecture.

I currently have a Z77 MOBO i am quite happy with. But of course planning for the future, when DDR4 Ram is widespread on PC will there be a new MOBO architecture to support this? Or will it be backwards compatible with existing MOBO? What about newer series like Z97. Will it supprot DDR4?


Question about Mobo architecture.

I currently have a Z77 MOBO i am quite happy with. But of course planning for the future, when DDR4 Ram is widespread on PC will there be a new MOBO architecture to support this? Or will it be backwards compatible with existing MOBO? What about newer series like Z97. Will it supprot DDR4?

Yes there will be, and already is. X99 supports DDR4 and when Skylake arrives it'll support DDR4 too. Z97 etc. never will as the pin config is different for one.


Question about Mobo architecture.

I currently have a Z77 MOBO i am quite happy with. But of course planning for the future, when DDR4 Ram is widespread on PC will there be a new MOBO architecture to support this? Or will it be backwards compatible with existing MOBO? What about newer series like Z97. Will it supprot DDR4?

DDR4 is not backward-compatible with DDR3. Only the current X99 and the upcoming Z170/H170 series motherboards support DDR4.


Yes there will be, and already is. X99 supports DDR4 and when Skylake arrives it'll support DDR4 too. Z97 etc. never will as the pin config is different for one.

Ok them I'll plan for my next build then. thanks a lot. I might search for some deals on faster ram as I'm running 16 gigs of 1600 speed.

Will ddr3 drop on price do you think? And what exactly is the difference between ddr3 and 4 just speed?
Been playing The Witcher: Enhanced Edition and I'm getting some framerate drops during the bigger battles. Reading elsewhere, seems the game is dependent on a single core and I guess my i7-4790K isn't up to snuff. Does that sound right? Am I going to run into that with some other older games? The game is definitely lacking in polish, so I hope it's an outlier.
Ok them I'll plan for my next build then. thanks a lot. I might search for some deals on faster ram as I'm running 16 gigs of 1600 speed.

Will ddr3 drop on price do you think? And what exactly is the difference between ddr3 and 4 just speed?

You are totally fine with that setup. You could try to OC it a little, say 1866 /w a bit more voltage.


Been playing The Witcher: Enhanced Edition and I'm getting some framerate drops during the bigger battles. Reading elsewhere, seems the game is dependent on a single core and I guess my i7-4790K isn't up to snuff. Does that sound right? Am I going to run into that with some other older games? The game is definitely lacking in polish, so I hope it's an outlier.
If you haven't already, overclocking the CPU should help.


A friend did this to his socket 1150, what to do?

This looked fixable

But then he sent another pic and this now looks like a lost cause

Any feedback? is it possible to send it back to manufacturers and for them to fix this?

Looks fixable to me, the pins are pretty malleable. Give it a go, just be patient. I push the pin from the tip usually to get it to line up with the pattern, then let go, try again till it rests in a close enough position. You can use the tip of a blade, a pin, or similar to push the pins.

The missing pin is an issue though, see RGMs post.

Buggy Loop

Anyone knows of a way to be sure a SSD drive is dying and its not another problem?

Tonight i had a freeze while gaming, i thought nothing of it since.. it happens, but the restart didnt recognize a bootable drive... uh oh.. I shutdown the case by force, restart and it boots. Thinking its just a weird problem i start playing again, same thing happened. Now its crashing in windows while in safe mode, freeze when im trying to do a disk error check (the one in dos mode before booting into w7).

Seems like the SSD gave up on me, but how to be sure?

Anyone can help?

I'll try a ubuntu USB boot tonight and maybe then i'll be able to see if its not another component in the PC, maybe even i can run a disk scan on the SSD ??

If i have to buy a new SSD, samsung 850 or crucial MX100?
The GTX 750 Ti is right up your alley, it's very power efficient and 400 watts is definitely more than enough. Compared to the 7850, it's a little bit weaker in overall framerate performance, but it comes with 2GB VRAM and this Asus Strix model ($155) has a semi-fanless running mode.

However, $155 is a bit much for a GTX 750 Ti model. If you can drop the fanless requirement, you'll save money by getting an EVGA Superclocked model for about $125 after $20 rebate and it'll perform just as well as the Asus model for a lower cost.

You have tried cleaning the 7850's cooler, right? Getting the GTX 750 Ti wouldn't be much of an upgrade. Your 400 watt power supply won't handle anything better, though.

That's kind of sad. I paid around the same price for my 7850 2+ years ago. Years later, there's still nothing on the market that competes with it in terms of value and power. I might look into fixing my 7850. I did check the fan and there was no dust. My fans get freakishly loud and regular reach temps over 80 in intensive games. The thing is, I looked online and it said I should be around 65 degrees in intense gaming. I was playing the Hard Reset demo for maybe 10 minutes and by the end, the fan sounded like it was on 100% speed. Hard Reset isn't even that intensive.


All the parts for my PC arrived today apart from the cpu. Can I start buiding this thing or should I wait?

You can, but if you're putting an aftermarket cooler on it you might want to wait. It can get a little cramped when everything else is already installed.


Tarsier Studios
I'm looking for a smallish gaming computer for my living room. I was looking at the Alienware Alpha, but I've been told I can get a cheaper, better one by building it myself (or more likely, getting a friend to build it for me).

It should be fairly small (think shoebox or original PS3) and as quiet as possible.

I would mostly be using it for (grand) strategy games, smaller titles, the odd sim game, and potentially RPGs. Not planning to use it for twitchy shooters or very action heavy games.

Not planning to hook it up to a surround sound system. My stereo speakers will do just fine.

Your Current Specs: Entry level Macbook Air
Budget: €700 (preferably a lot less). Based in Sweden, happy to buy from the UK or Germany if that's cheaper.
Main Use:
5. Gaming
4. UE4 prototyping
Monitor Resolution: I'll be using my TV (720p, might upgrade to 1080p).
List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well:
  • Europa Universalis 4
  • Kerbal Space Program
  • Civ
  • UE4
Is 30FPS acceptable? 60? 120? How important is PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA to

A stable 30fps would be fine. The rest isn't super important. It'd be nice if it was still competitive to current gen consoles two or three years down the line though.

Looking to reuse any parts?: Hah…
When will you build?: As soon as I have convinced myself that this is the best idea…
Will you be overclocking?: No


I'm looking for a smallish gaming computer for my living room. I was looking at the Alienware Alpha, but I've been told I can get a cheaper, better one by building it myself (or more likely, getting a friend to build it for me).

It should be fairly small (think shoebox or original PS3) and as quiet as possible.

I would mostly be using it for (grand) strategy games, smaller titles, the odd sim game, and potentially RPGs. Not planning to use it for twitchy shooters or very action heavy games.

Not planning to hook it up to a surround sound system. My stereo speakers will do just fine.

Your Current Specs: Entry level Macbook Air
Budget: €700 (preferably a lot less). Based in Sweden, happy to buy from the UK or Germany if that's cheaper.
Main Use:
5. Gaming
4. UE4 prototyping
Monitor Resolution: I'll be using my TV (720p, might upgrade to 1080p).
List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well:
  • Europa Universalis 4
  • Kerbal Space Program
  • Civ
  • UE4
Is 30FPS acceptable? 60? 120? How important is PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA to

A stable 30fps would be fine. The rest isn't super important. It'd be nice if it was still competitive to current gen consoles two or three years down the line though.

Looking to reuse any parts?: Hah…
When will you build?: As soon as I have convinced myself that this is the best idea…
Will you be overclocking?: No
The case and PSU for the case are 150 alone, so it's kind of diffuclt to squeeze the rest in on that price. But:

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-4150 3.5GHz Dual-Core Processor (€116.48 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: Asus H81I-PLUS Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard (€78.89 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Memory: Crucial 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (€68.33 @ Home of Hardware DE)
Storage: Crucial MX100 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (€96.90 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card (€146.90 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case: Silverstone RVZ01B Mini ITX Desktop Case
Power Supply: Silverstone 500W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular SFX Power Supply
Total: €507.50
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-03-05 19:43 CET+0100
If you wanted to go a bit higher in price, the first thing I'd do is spring for the cheapest i5, as lots of strategy games are n-threaded and very CPU oriented.

You can get the case and PSU from CaseKing.de

Also, EUIV so fkn good. Has officially become my most played single player game of all time.


Looks fixable to me, the pins are pretty malleable. Give it a go, just be patient. I push the pin from the tip usually to get it to line up with the pattern, then let go, try again till it rests in a close enough position. You can use the tip of a blade, a pin, or similar to push the pins.

The missing pin is an issue though, see RGMs post.

Should be fine.

I don't think any motherboard manufacturers' warranty covers damage to the socket. Especially when it was physical damage done by the owner. I'll tell you what I told someone else earlier in this thread:

The bent pins can possibly be fixed and put back into place with fine tweezers or a needle and a steady hand. As for the broken pin, refer to this technical document for socket 1150, specifically page 112 and after that. If the pin that broke was just a ground pin, the processor may still work even without that one pin. Otherwise.. You'll be needing a new motherboard.

Thanks for the info guys, hes going to have to end up getting another mobo by the looks of it, I don't think he has the skills for it.

Theres no chance for the manufacture company to repair this at a cost is there?

I see sometimes people sell broken pin boards on ebay for like 30% of the cost, better then nothing right. I wonder why people buy dead boards, in the hopes to fix them?

The mobo hes looking at is the z97 Asrock Killer, he had a z97 Ranger before.


Tarsier Studios
The case and PSU for the case are 150 alone, so it's kind of diffuclt to squeeze the rest in on that price. But:


If you wanted to go a bit higher in price, the first thing I'd do is spring for the cheapest i5, as lots of strategy games are n-threaded and very CPU oriented.
Thanks very much! i5 doesn't seem to add too much extra to the total, so I could probably do that.


I'm looking for a smallish gaming computer for my living room. I was looking at the Alienware Alpha, but I've been told I can get a cheaper, better one by building it myself (or more likely, getting a friend to build it for me).

It should be fairly small (think shoebox or original PS3) and as quiet as possible.

I would mostly be using it for (grand) strategy games, smaller titles, the odd sim game, and potentially RPGs. Not planning to use it for twitchy shooters or very action heavy games.

Not planning to hook it up to a surround sound system. My stereo speakers will do just fine.

Pretty much the same as posted before.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i3-4340 3.6GHz Dual-Core Processor (€140.84 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Motherboard: ASRock H97M-ITX/AC Mini ITX LGA1150 Motherboard (€99.90 @ Caseking)
Memory: Kingston Fury Black Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory (€74.49 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Storage: Toshiba 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (€53.71 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card (€147.80 @ Amazon Deutschland)
Case: Silverstone RVZ01B Mini ITX Desktop Case (€90.00)
Power Supply: Silverstone 500W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular SFX Power Supply (€84.90)
Total: €691.64
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-03-05 22:18 CET+0100

Other option is the Fractal Design Node 304, might work out a little cheaper, but its a cube type case.


Thanks for the info guys, hes going to have to end up getting another mobo by the looks of it, I don't think he has the skills for it.

Theres no chance for the manufacture company to repair this at a cost is there?

I see sometimes people sell broken pin boards on ebay for like 30% of the cost, better then nothing right. I wonder why people buy dead boards, in the hopes to fix them?

The mobo hes looking at is the z97 Asrock Killer, he had a z97 Ranger before.

Broken pins are a pain in the ass, it's easier to replace than to fix. You can try contacting the manufacturer anyway.

I think motherboards with broken pins are sold for salvage or just to try and get rid of an otherwise undamaged motherboard for money - DIY people would be interested in the non-broken components, I guess.

What's your friend's budget? What country are you in and retailers are you looking at?
is there any disadvantage to running at frame rates higher than my monitors refresh rate? I'm pretty sure there isn't but gotta be sure of all my choices before I drop close to $3k on a system.


Thanks for the info guys, hes going to have to end up getting another mobo by the looks of it, I don't think he has the skills for it.

Theres no chance for the manufacture company to repair this at a cost is there?

I see sometimes people sell broken pin boards on ebay for like 30% of the cost, better then nothing right. I wonder why people buy dead boards, in the hopes to fix them?

The mobo hes looking at is the z97 Asrock Killer, he had a z97 Ranger before.

You could buy a 2nd hand board. One that is being sold as in working condition.

Both boards you mention are good boards.

is there any disadvantage to running at frame rates higher than my monitors refresh rate? I'm pretty sure there isn't but gotta be sure of all my choices before I drop close to $3k on a system.

Screen tearing, but you can use Vsync, or an fps cap through MSI Afterburner. The fps cap means the card only uses as much power to render up to the frame cap. Which is quite neat.


Ok guys i'm ready to join the master race and am starting to look at compenents for my build. So far I have a decent idea of what I want in terms of motherboard and cpu and gpu and memory but need help deciding on a case and power supply and hdd.

I am using my bestbuy credit card so this is the only think tying me down to bestbuy.

here are my current parts I think im going to get

Mobo and CPU: Gigabyte ATX Motherboard 1600/2933/3000MHz and Intel Core i5 4690k
Bestbuy Link

GPU Link

RAM: PNY 2Pack 8gb PC3-12800 DDR3
RAM Link


1 stick of PNY 8GB
1 stick link

Here is a link to look for the case, power supply and hdd.
Link for Bestbuy

Would really appreciate the help guys!

Edit: Trying to keep build around $700-900 so if there are some parts I can switch out for like parts that would be great.

Also would I be better served to get 2 4GB DDR3 Ram sticks to save money or just stick with the 2 8GB sticks?


I assume "Marketplace" items are okay? Total budget?

Also don't forget, Best Buy price matches Amazon and Newegg. Make sure to do that before you buy.


I assume "Marketplace" items are okay? Total budget?

Also don't forget, Best Buy price matches Amazon and Newegg. Make sure to do that before you buy.

What is difference between Marketplace Items and regular items? And thanks I was aware they PM'd Amazon but didn't know about Newegg, will keep that in mind.


Hey guys, I had a couple of questions:

1) I was thinking of upgrading from 8GB of RAM to 16GB of RAM. Is this needed at this time? One friend said he hasn't seen any benchmarks showing that games need more than 8GB yet. If it is a good idea to upgrade, then what's the best way to do so? I currently have these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233144 . Should I get the same thing and have four 4GB sticks?

2) I'm looking into upgrading to an SSD. What's the recommended minimum? I've heard 256GB is the sweet spot, though they seem a bit pricey (granted, I have seen some on Newegg just over $100).


What is difference between Marketplace Items and regular items? And thanks I was aware they PM'd Amazon but didn't know about Newegg, will keep that in mind.
One is stocked and sold by Best Buy, one is sold through the Best Buy web storefront by another seller.
Hey guys, I had a couple of questions:

1) I was thinking of upgrading from 8GB of RAM to 16GB of RAM. Is this needed at this time? One friend said he hasn't seen any benchmarks showing that games need more than 8GB yet. If it is a good idea to upgrade, then what's the best way to do so? I currently have these: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16820233144 . Should I get the same thing and have four 4GB sticks?

2) I'm looking into upgrading to an SSD. What's the recommended minimum? I've heard 256GB is the sweet spot, though they seem a bit pricey (granted, I have seen some on Newegg just over $100).
Not really needed, but yes, getting two identical sticks is the best way to prevent weirdness from happening.

Crucial BX100 or MX100 for ~$100.


I have no idea, I'm just making sure that's okay on your BB Credit Card.

Also, I really need a budget to get an idea of what stuff to pick.
Yeah just checked I can purchase marketplace items with my BB card, didnt think about thanks.

I edited the post with the budget but the closer to $700 the better, but a max of $800.


One is stocked and sold by Best Buy, one is sold through the Best Buy web storefront by another seller.

Not really needed, but yes, getting two identical sticks is the best way to prevent weirdness from happening.

Crucial BX100 or MX100 for ~$100.

Awesome, thanks for the recommendations. Do they come with a SATA cable (preferably right angle)?


Received the Nvidia spaced SLI bridge to replace my EVGA bridge, but it's fucking too long. It seems to be 1 slot longer and I can't move the bottom card down because in that slot it only works in 2X/4X. Would have looked great, but now, a waste of $40.


Case: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/corsair...1306373782.p?id=mp1306373782&skuId=1306373782

Video card: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-ge...1310875074.p?id=mp1310875074&skuId=1310875074

Memory: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/crucial...1307798614.p?id=mp1307798614&skuId=1307798614

PSU: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/evga-50...&skuId=1017256&productCategoryId=abcat0507009

That leaves you in a tight spot for the SSD. Think you could buy one out of pocket for like $100 from Amazon? The choices at the BB site aren't great, unless I missed something.
Real Talk. If I buy a 4790K and don't overclock it, will you judge me? (The board I want is B85)
They come out the box at 4.2 right? Good enough.


Received the Nvidia spaced SLI bridge to replace my EVGA bridge, but it's fucking too long. It seems to be 1 slot longer and I can't move the bottom card down because in that slot it only works in 2X/4X. Would have looked great, but now, a waste of $40.
Which one did you order?

Real Talk. If I buy a 4790K and don't overclock it, will you judge me? (The board I want is B85)

Why get a 4790K then? Why not a cheaper non-overclocking i7 or a Xeon?


Case: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/corsair...1306373782.p?id=mp1306373782&skuId=1306373782

Video card: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/asus-ge...1310875074.p?id=mp1310875074&skuId=1310875074

Memory: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/crucial...1307798614.p?id=mp1307798614&skuId=1307798614

PSU: http://www.bestbuy.com/site/evga-50...&skuId=1017256&productCategoryId=abcat0507009

That leaves you in a tight spot for the SSD. Think you could buy one out of pocket for like $100 from Amazon? The choices at the BB site aren't great, unless I missed something.

They come out the box at 4.2 right? Good enough.
4.0 Boost 4.4.

Which one did you order?

Why get a 4790K then? Why not a cheaper non-overclocking i7 or a Xeon?

I want the extra .5 GHz.


Worst part is, the Z97 board would be cheaper thanks to Microcenter gonna Microcenter, but they don't carry the Gigabyte PHOENIX
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