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"I Need a New PC!" 2015 Part 1. Read the OP and RISE ABOVE FORGED PRECISION SCIENCE

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Really Really Exciting Member!
Email coolermaster support. They'll probably charge you like 5 for it

You can try asking Cooler Master for a replacement mounting/brackets. I've read that sometimes they (as in cooler manufacturers) send replacements for free or you just have to pay for shipping.

Alright, it's worth a try at least. Thanks.

I checked for a decent motherboard/CPU combo, and I found these two, would cost me around 350$ CAN together. I'd like some opinions on these if possible, thanks! (don't really care for overclocking by the way)

ASUS B85-PLUS ATX LGA1150 B85 DDR3 Motherboard 120$ CAN

Intel Core i5 I5-4460 Haswell 3.2GHZ Processor LGA1150 230$ CAN


My 460gtx is dying on me so I need a new GPU. Thinking about getting the 960GTX, my price range is around 200 bucks. I know the r280x is a bit more powerful but doesn't it use more Watts, so it's more power consuming? So should I go for the 960GTX?


Yeah that is about it.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($216.98 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($26.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97MX-Gaming 5 Micro ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($101.98 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($52.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial MX100 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($108.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Video Card: Asus GeForce GTX 970 4GB STRIX Video Card ($319.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Power Supply: XFX 550W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply ($26.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $854.90
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-05-05 16:44 EDT-0400

If he doesn't really need the SSD, that will bring the price down to ~745$.
Considering I'm in europe, it'll likely be a good bit more expensive here, but I'll try and tweak it however much possible. Cheers.
My Current Specs: A PS4. I'm starting from scratch, here.
Budget: $1200-1800 + United States of America - I'd prefer it on the low side, but the higher end is there in case you expert folks recommend that I get better/more expensive parts than I have already selected.
Main Use: Gaming. I want to make current games look beautiful at a high frame rate.
Monitor Resolution: I mostly plan to play at 1080p for now, but my display is a 4k TV with a 60hz HDMI input. It's a Vizio M70C3. I'd love to play games in glorious 4k if it's at all feasible, but i'm going to need you good people to dash those hopes. As it stands, 60fps is the most I need.
SPECIFIC games or applications that I MUST be able to run well: The new Batman, Witcher 3, basically everything out to date. A solid 30fps is okay, but I'm shooting for a solid (rare drops are okay) 60fps. It'd be nice to be able to run the game with all of the PhysX bells and whistles, but it's not a deal breaker if I have to turn some of the more intensive simulations down. Supersampling isn't a must.
No parts will be reused, as I'm starting from scratch.
I plan to build it in the upcoming weeks, basically before the end of this month.
Will you be overclocking?: Probably, I'm going for a large case that should have plenty of air flow.

Here's a build that I've been toying around with on PC Part Picker. I have 2 GTX 970s on the list, but I'm not really dead set on buying 2 right away. Suggestions and comments are absolutely appreciated.

PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($216.98 @ Newegg)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler ($26.98 @ OutletPC)
Motherboard: Gigabyte GA-Z97X-SLI ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($113.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 16GB (2 x 8GB) DDR3-1866 Memory ($99.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Crucial MX100 256GB 2.5" Solid State Drive ($108.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($52.49 @ OutletPC)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB 100 Million Edition Video Card (2-Way SLI) ($339.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Video Card: MSI GeForce GTX 970 4GB 100 Million Edition Video Card (2-Way SLI) ($339.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Case: Fractal Design Define R4 (Black Pearl) ATX Mid Tower Case ($79.99 @ Newegg)
Power Supply: EVGA 750W 80+ Gold Certified Fully-Modular ATX Power Supply ($104.99 @ NCIX US)
Optical Drive: Pioneer BDC-207DBK Blu-Ray Reader, DVD/CD Writer ($39.00 @ Amazon)
Wireless Network Adapter: Gigabyte GC-WB867D-I 802.11a/b/g/n/ac PCI-Express x1 Wi-Fi Adapter ($29.98 @ OutletPC)
Total: $1553.36

Get 16GB of RAM.
A single 970 now for 1080/60 is more than enough for most things, you can look at next generation cards when you want to bump up to 4k imo
ditch the AS5 and use what comes with the 212, it's probably better by now. If you want paste get noctua or tk-3 pk1 pk3
SSD: Swap to Crucial MX100 (imo just proven, BX is cheap but new)
Mobo is best for value and features that matter and I went through 40 of them, doubt it;s changed much.
I don't trust Seagate 1TB anymore I see so many fail in the shop, I'd get WD Blue (All HDD are shit now, so whatever)

Thanks, I've made the changes you suggested and updated my list in the quoted post. Is there any reason I should go for the i7 instead of the i5 CPU?
Is there a better CPU fan than the one I chose? I've heard it's kind of big.
Will a single 970 be able to run the Witcher 3 at ultra-ish? I can turn down some heavy simulation that doesn't really impact the gameplay, but I'd like it looking awesome.
Do you guys have any recommendations on a good case? I'm not at all attached to my current choice, but I know little about what's out there.

Finally, I'd appreciate some recommendations on a good mouse and keyboard.

Thanks for humoring me!


relies on auto-aim
Thanks, I've made the changes you suggested and updated my list in the quoted post. Is there any reason I should go for the i7 instead of the i5 CPU?
Is there a better CPU fan than the one I chose? I've heard it's kind of big.
Will a single 970 be able to run the Witcher 3 at ultra-ish? I can turn down some heavy simulation that doesn't really impact the gameplay, but I'd like it looking awesome.
Do you guys have any recommendations on a good case? I'm not at all attached to my current choice, but I know little about what's out there.

Finally, I'd appreciate some recommendations on a good mouse and keyboard.

Thanks for humoring me!

Fits in most cases, just google 'case + hyper 212'. It's a good cooler.
Witcher 3 stuff has been running on a 980 TMK and a 970 is close to that so I think you'll be fine, especially overclocked.
Cases/M+KB are in OP, just scroll down a bit more. There are 1 or 2 newer cases that I haven't added yet.
Fits in most cases, just google 'case + hyper 212'. It's a good cooler.
Witcher 3 stuff has been running on a 980 TMK and a 970 is close to that so I think you'll be fine, especially overclocked.
Cases/M+KB are in OP, just scroll down a bit more. There are 1 or 2 newer cases that I haven't added yet.

Thanks for the card advice. I looked through the mice and keyboards, but I need wireless ones (probably not ideal) because my PC is going to be 9 feet away from me. As far as I could tell, the OP only covers wired options. Any good wireless ones, or do I need to get some USB extension cords :)


1. Going for a Quiet PC setup, How are Western Digital Black 4TB version drives? Going to be installing 3 of them.
2. My case supports both Corsair H100 GTX and H110 GT, Which one is better to use? Which one is quieter and performances the best?
3. Should I use the stock fans that come with H110 GTX/H110 GT or grab some better fans (going for quiet operation)? Like Corsair Quiet Edition or Noctua fans.
4. I want to move data from my current PC to one of WD Black drives when I buy them. Due to some issues I can't plug it into the PC. Could I use a Hard drive enclosure Instead? Which ones would support the 4tb size? I know theirs a few out their that state they support 4tb but they don't.
5. Which Blu-Ray drive is the best to get for Blu-Ray movie playback on the PC(Internal Only)?


How long do you guys think it'll take for DDR4 ram to become more common? I'm happy with my current 4790k/16gb DDR3 but I'm not totally against upgrading in a couple years, provided the gains are big enough.


So this is my potential build: PCPartPicker

I want to use this for rig Gaming, Graphic Design and Video Editing which I plan on teaching my soon after I build. My Budget is about $1,400 and I'm in the US. Also any info on what's needed for 3D work would great for future reference if possible.

I plan on playing most of my games in 1080p but I realize my monitor needs great color for design.

I don't have a concrete deadline but my soft one is end of summer.
Of course I'm overclocking!!!


My 460gtx is dying on me so I need a new GPU. Thinking about getting the 960GTX, my price range is around 200 bucks. I know the r280x is a bit more powerful but doesn't it use more Watts, so it's more power consuming? So should I go for the 960GTX?

yes the 960 is pretty great! i'd recommend getting a card from MSI (red cooler) or ASUS strix, etc that has a 0db mode for complete silence when idle or playing low impact games, and try to look for a rebate + copy of witcher 3. i believe i got mine around $190. and yes it's very quiet and consumes little power while still maxing 1080p games.


So this is my potential build: PCPartPicker

I want to use this for rig Gaming, Graphic Design and Video Editing which I plan on teaching my soon after I build. My Budget is about $1,400 and I'm in the US. Also any info on what's needed for 3D work would great for future reference if possible.

I plan on playing most of my games in 1080p but I realize my monitor needs great color for design.

I don't have a concrete deadline but my soft one is end of summer.
Of course I'm overclocking!!!

Couple of things:

  • Bump up to 16gb of RAM for video and graphic work.
  • Ditch that monitor for one with an IPS panel.

Those are my suggestions.

Red Comet

For other people with Rog Swifts, does running at 144Hz via the desktop cause your video card to constantly work? At 120 I idle at around 30-35C depending on the room temperature but if I jump to 144Hz it hovers around the mid 40s.

I don't have a RoG Swift, but I do have a 144hz VG248QE and I do notice higher idle GPU temperatures at 144hz, so I switched it to 120hz long ago.

Speaking of monitors though, I want to upgrade to my first high resolution and G-Sync monitor. Right now I'm conflicted between Acer's 4K TN G-Sync model and their 1440p IPS model. Which would you guys prefer for gaming? I plan on keeping my VG248QE for high frame rate gaming.


Yea I'm also currently looking into a 1440/144hz monitor to replace my 1080/60hz one. I currently have 2 Msi GTX 970s and an i5 4690k. I'm going to upgrade the CPU to a i7 4790k in the near future, but I feel like the new monitor would give a better wow factor. Then a few weeks later swap my CPU for the i7.

2 GTX 970s should be able to handle 1440p just fine for the very near future right?


1. Going for a Quiet PC setup, How are Western Digital Black 4TB version drives? Going to be installing 3 of them.
2. My case supports both Corsair H100 GTX and H110 GT, Which one is better to use? Which one is quieter and performances the best?
3. Should I use the stock fans that come with H110 GTX/H110 GT or grab some better fans (going for quiet operation)? Like Corsair Quiet Edition or Noctua fans.
4. I want to move data from my current PC to one of WD Black drives when I buy them. Due to some issues I can't plug it into the PC. Could I use a Hard drive enclosure Instead? Which ones would support the 4tb size? I know theirs a few out their that state they support 4tb but they don't.
5. Which Blu-Ray drive is the best to get for Blu-Ray movie playback on the PC(Internal Only)?

1. WD Black drives don't have a quiet reputation. Supposedly they're louder than the WD Blue models, but in my experience I haven't really noticed a difference in noise levels. I consider WD Black models to be overpriced anyway, there are cheaper options like this Toshiba 4TB model for just $120, compared to the 4TB WD Black models for $200+, assuming you're in the US.

2. The H110i GT is the higher end model. There is no H110 GTX, you're probably thinking of the smaller H100i GTX. I imagine the higher end model is supposed to be better, but they should perform similarly in most cases.

3. Will you be overclocking? If you won't be overclocking, I recommend a cheaper and quieter air cooler like the Noctua NH-D15. I already suggested that to you before, but you never replied. According to this test by Hexus, the NH-D15 is much more effective at quiet cooling.

You also expressed hesitation in the past about using the Corsair Link software, I am pretty sure that you need that software to be able to set quiet fan settings if you get the Corsair water cooler.

4. Would temporarily putting the old hard drive to the new PC be an option? That would save you the money of having to buy an enclosure at all.

5. Any blu-ray drive will work for that. I don't know which ones you're considering, but keep in mind that some lower priced models and those marked "OEM" do not come with any blu-ray movie disc player software. You should get a drive that includes such software, or you will need to buy the software yourself. There are free options like this VLC addon, but I have no idea how well it works.

It's a Corsair Gaming Series GS600. Do you think that's in the good range?

It's probably fine.

Considering I'm in europe, it'll likely be a good bit more expensive here, but I'll try and tweak it however much possible. Cheers.

A US dollar price list is kinda pointless, considering that you won't necessary be able to find every part for close to the Euro equivalent. If you can tell us what country you're in or what local shops you're looking at, we can get you a much more accurate parts list tailored for your availability.
1. WD Black drives don't have a quiet reputation. Supposedly they're louder than the WD Blue models, but in my experience I haven't really noticed a difference in noise levels. I consider WD Black models to be overpriced anyway, there are cheaper options like this Toshiba 4TB model for just $120, compared to the 4TB WD Black models for $200+, assuming you're in the US.

2. The H110i GT is the higher end model. There is no H110 GTX, you're probably thinking of the smaller H100i GTX. I imagine the higher end model is supposed to be better, but they should perform similarly in most cases.

3. Will you be overclocking? If you won't be overclocking, I recommend a cheaper and quieter air cooler like the Noctua NH-D15. I already suggested that to you before, but you never replied. According to this test by Hexus, the NH-D15 is much more effective at quiet cooling.

You also expressed hesitation in the past about using the Corsair Link software, I am pretty sure that you need that software to be able to set quiet fan settings if you get the Corsair water cooler.

4. Would temporarily putting the old hard drive to the new PC be an option? That would save you the money of having to buy an enclosure at all.

5. Any blu-ray drive will work for that. I don't know which ones you're considering, but keep in mind that some lower priced models and those marked "OEM" do not come with any blu-ray movie disc player software. You should get a drive that includes such software, or you will need to buy the software yourself. There are free options like this VLC addon, but I have no idea how well it works.

It's probably fine.

A US dollar price list is kinda pointless, considering that you won't necessary be able to find every part for close to the Euro equivalent. If you can tell us what country you're in or what local shops you're looking at, we can get you a much more accurate parts list tailored for your availability.



For other people with Rog Swifts, does running at 144Hz via the desktop cause your video card to constantly work? At 120 I idle at around 30-35C depending on the room temperature but if I jump to 144Hz it hovers around the mid 40s.


Nvidia is aware of the issue. A fix should be coming soon.


1. WD Black drives don't have a quiet reputation. Supposedly they're louder than the WD Blue models, but in my experience I haven't really noticed a difference in noise levels. I consider WD Black models to be overpriced anyway, there are cheaper options like this Toshiba 4TB model for just $120, compared to the 4TB WD Black models for $200+, assuming you're in the US.

2. The H110i GT is the higher end model. There is no H110 GTX, you're probably thinking of the smaller H100i GTX. I imagine the higher end model is supposed to be better, but they should perform similarly in most cases.

3. Will you be overclocking? If you won't be overclocking, I recommend a cheaper and quieter air cooler like the Noctua NH-D15. I already suggested that to you before, but you never replied. According to this test by Hexus, the NH-D15 is much more effective at quiet cooling.

You also expressed hesitation in the past about using the Corsair Link software, I am pretty sure that you need that software to be able to set quiet fan settings if you get the Corsair water cooler.

4. Would temporarily putting the old hard drive to the new PC be an option? That would save you the money of having to buy an enclosure at all.

5. Any blu-ray drive will work for that. I don't know which ones you're considering, but keep in mind that some lower priced models and those marked "OEM" do not come with any blu-ray movie disc player software. You should get a drive that includes such software, or you will need to buy the software yourself. There are free options like this VLC addon, but I have no idea how well it works.

1. I know theirs newer models out now for the Blacks, Wondering if noise is still an issue. My case is pretty thick(Cooler Master Cosmos 2). I want to go with either Western Digital or Hitachi(Deskstar or Ultrastar). Since they have the lowest failure rate. Trying keep it quiet as possible running or idle. Plus I had a bad experience with Toshiba. I might consider Seagate, due to high Fail rate not sure if I should take a gamble on them or not.
2. It was a typo I meant 110 GT and 110 GTX. Going have to look at some comparisons between the two. 110 GT is currently not in stock due to recall (subzero temperature during the winter causes leaking during shipping)
3. Software issue was due to limited amount of USB headers, I have a way around it so I can use the software now if I want. Overclocking not sure yet, I'm going to be using a 5960X CPU. I think I want to stick with liquid over air for my CPU cooler.
4. Don't think it possible, Why I'm am looking at enclosure, transfer everything before hand. I could setup a FTP server, I really want to have all files moved to drives before I start build my PC.
5. Software is not an issue since I already have PowerDVD. Was looking at LG, Pioneer and Asus. Just don't know which one is the best.


OK...Windows OS question.

For my build I'm going with Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit. I'm building a system without an optical drive so that means I need another way to load my OS on my new driveless unit.

I just tried to create a bootable Win7 flash drive, but my process wouldn't load the boot sector that allows the computer to boot from flash drive.

I think it's because I run the 32-bit version of Windows on my current system, but I'm trying to create a 64 bit flash.

Does anyone know a work around other than me having to wipe my current system, do an install of the 64 bit of Windows on that...then repeat the process?

Have you managed to fix this? If not then all you have to do is to copy/paste a file called bootsect into the windows 7 usb tool install folder.

You can get the file from here


and the tool's installation is located here

Username\AppData\Local\Apps\Windows 7 USB DVD Download Tool\{paste file here}


1. I know theirs newer models out now for the Blacks, Wondering if noise is still an issue. My case is pretty thick(Cooler Master Cosmos 2). I want to go with either Western Digital or Hitachi(Deskstar or Ultrastar). Since they have the lowest failure rate. Trying keep it quiet as possible running or idle. Plus I had a bad experience with Toshiba. I might consider Seagate, due to high Fail rate not sure if I should take a gamble on them or not.
2. It was a typo I meant 110 GT and 110 GTX. Going have to look at some comparisons between the two. 110 GT is currently not in stock due to recall (subzero temperature during the winter causes leaking during shipping)
3. Software issue was due to limited amount of USB headers, I have a way around it so I can use the software now if I want. Overclocking not sure yet, I'm going to be using a 5960X CPU. I think I want to stick with liquid over air for my CPU cooler.
4. Don't think it possible, Why I'm am looking at enclosure, transfer everything before hand. I could setup a FTP server, I really want to have all files moved to drives before I start build my PC.
5. Software is not an issue since I already have PowerDVD. Was looking at LG, Pioneer and Asus. Just don't know which one is the best.

1. Generally Toshiba have a low failure rate as well, but if you have bad experiences with Toshiba then it can't be helped. Hitachi/HGST should be available for cheaper than WD.
2+3+4. I see, that's understandable.
5. Generally all should be trustworthy, I haven't heard of a reason to avoid any specific company entirely when it comes to disc drives. Some drives may be loud, but you'll need to check the reviews of specific models to make sure.


Ok stupid general CPU question.

I generally understand how computers are working but something I dont really understand about CPU generations.

Is there a difference between the same speed same core CPUs of different generations?`

So if you take a quad core Sandy bridge i7 CPU, overclocked to 4.0 ghz. And then you take a Haswell i7, quad core, with a base clock of 4.0 ghz (just for comparison sake).

What is the exact difference re performance between the CPUs? Besides the fact that hte Haswell of course can be overclocked.


Ok stupid general CPU question.

I generally understand how computers are working but something I dont really understand about CPU generations.

Is there a difference between the same speed same core CPUs of different generations?`

So if you take a quad core Sandy bridge i7 CPU, overclocked to 4.0 ghz. And then you take a Haswell i7, quad core, with a base clock of 4.0 ghz (just for comparison sake).

What is the exact difference re performance between the CPUs? Besides the fact that hte Haswell of course can be overclocked.

Yes, the Haswell will be faster due to more efficient architecture, approximately 15-20% faster.


A US dollar price list is kinda pointless, considering that you won't necessary be able to find every part for close to the Euro equivalent. If you can tell us what country you're in or what local shops you're looking at, we can get you a much more accurate parts list tailored for your availability.

I'm in Denmark. I'm basically using any and all international european stores to find the best prices. I've been looking at stuff like Komplett, Computersalg.dk and two nifty sites that list the prices of all available danish webstores; edbpriser.dk & pricerunner.dk; they should be relatively easy to use even if you don't speak danish, what with the searchbar and all. Anyway, hope that's... Somewhat helpful. :)


Can any one recommand me a good case for 970 gtx sli that are really close toneach other ? Can someone give me 1 asap cause i wanna buy it in the next hour, i heard good things about corsair air h540 is it good ?
I'm in Denmark. I'm basically using any and all international european stores to find the best prices. I've been looking at stuff like Komplett, Computersalg.dk and two nifty sites that list the prices of all available danish webstores; edbpriser.dk & pricerunner.dk; they should be relatively easy to use even if you don't speak danish, what with the searchbar and all. Anyway, hope that's... Somewhat helpful. :)
You said your friend's budget is in USD, so naturally I assume you are in the USA.

Hopefully RGM can do his magic and help you with the stores you listed. Otherwise I will take a look when I am off work.


You said your friend's budget is in USD, so naturally I assume you are in the USA.

Hopefully RGM can do his magic and help you with the stores you listed. Otherwise I will take a look when I am off work.

Oh, sorry... I just realised that I forgot to put in the GBP, Euro & DKK currencies after editing my post a bit and restructuring it... Silly me. >_> Sorry for sort-of wasting your time, although it's not a waste entirely! What you pointed me towards does look really promising, even with the usual "european durr" mark-up.


Can any one recommand me a good case for 970 gtx sli that are really close toneach other ? Can someone give me 1 asap cause i wanna buy it in the next hour, i heard good things about corsair air h540 is it good ?
There are a lot of cases that will work for you, the Air 540 is very good for airflow, so it should be just fine.

You said your friend's budget is in USD, so naturally I assume you are in the USA.

Hopefully RGM can do his magic and help you with the stores you listed. Otherwise I will take a look when I am off work.
I'm in Denmark. I'm basically using any and all international european stores to find the best prices. I've been looking at stuff like Komplett, Computersalg.dk and two nifty sites that list the prices of all available danish webstores; edbpriser.dk & pricerunner.dk; they should be relatively easy to use even if you don't speak danish, what with the searchbar and all. Anyway, hope that's... Somewhat helpful. :)

It's unfortunate, but due to the Danish market prices, you will have to make some cuts. Even with just 8GB RAM and no SSD, it seems impossible to fit a GTX 970 into the budget.

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (1.937 kr @ B.J. Trading)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (239,49 kr @ ComputerSalg.dk)
Motherboard: MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (696 kr @ B.J. Trading)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-2400 Memory (499 kr @ Alternate.dk)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB Superclocked ACX 2.0 Video Card (2699 kr @ webhallen.com)
Power Supply: XFX Core Edition 650W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (PRO650W (P1-650S-NLB9)) (551 kr @ CompuMail)
Total: 6.621,49 kr

If I'm not wrong, that's about 1.000 kr more than your friend was hoping to spend at the most ($850 USD = 5.660 kr). You could consider dropping the 212 Evo cooler for now and leaving it for a future purchase, or maybe consider a cheaper graphics card. Perhaps you could persuade your friend to look at similar but cheaper cases like the NZXT S340. You could go with a cheaper processor, but the i5 4690K is recommended for its ability to overclock, which will allow it to have a longer useful life than a similar non-overclocking i5 processor.
Oh, sorry... I just realised that I forgot to put in the GBP, Euro & DKK currencies after editing my post a bit and restructuring it... Silly me. >_> Sorry for sort-of wasting your time, although it's not a waste entirely! What you pointed me towards does look really promising, even with the usual "european durr" mark-up.

That is no big deal :). Plus that prompted RGM to help, so big win for you :p

If I'm not wrong, that's about 1.000 kr more than your friend was hoping to spend at the most ($850 USD = 5.660 kr). You could consider dropping the 212 Evo cooler for now and leaving it for a future purchase, or maybe consider a cheaper graphics card. Perhaps you could persuade your friend to look at similar but cheaper cases like the NZXT S340. You could go with a cheaper processor, but the i5 4690K is recommended for its ability to overclock, which will allow it to have a longer useful life than a similar non-overclocking i5 processor.

Yep. According to my own testing of overclocking my 4670K, which is a worse chip than the 4690K, with the stock Intel cooler, I manage to clock it at 4 Ghz with a relatively low vcore at 1.113v. General gaming temp (Far Cry 4, AssCreed Unity at max settings) stays below 70 degree celsius. So at least it is not that bad without the 212. Changing the case will help lower the cost even more.


There are a lot of cases that will work for you, the Air 540 is very good for airflow, so it should be just fine.

It's unfortunate, but due to the Danish market prices, you will have to make some cuts. Even with just 8GB RAM and no SSD, it seems impossible to fit a GTX 970 into the budget.

CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (1.937 kr @ B.J. Trading)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (239,49 kr @ ComputerSalg.dk)
Motherboard: MSI Z97 PC MATE ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (696 kr @ B.J. Trading)
Memory: G.Skill Ripjaws X Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-2400 Memory (499 kr @ Alternate.dk)
Video Card: EVGA GeForce GTX 970 4GB Superclocked ACX 2.0 Video Card (2699 kr @ webhallen.com)
Power Supply: XFX Core Edition 650W 80+ Bronze Certified ATX Power Supply (PRO650W (P1-650S-NLB9)) (551 kr @ CompuMail)
Total: 6.621,49 kr

If I'm not wrong, that's about 1.000 kr more than your friend was hoping to spend at the most ($850 USD = 5.660 kr). You could consider dropping the 212 Evo cooler for now and leaving it for a future purchase, or maybe consider a cheaper graphics card. Perhaps you could persuade your friend to look at similar but cheaper cases like the NZXT S340. You could go with a cheaper processor, but the i5 4690K is recommended for its ability to overclock, which will allow it to have a longer useful life than a similar non-overclocking i5 processor.
Thank you, going for the 540 ;)


Need some advice.
Here's my current setup:

HTPC - hooked up to main tv in lounge

  • case = fractal design node 304 mini itx
  • cpu = intel core i5 3470
  • graphics = gigabyte geforce gtx 650 ti 1gb oc
  • ram = g skill ares f3 8gb (2x4gb)
  • psu = silverstone strider plus 600w - p
  • mobo = asrock z77e - itx mini
  • hd = corsair force series gt 60gb ssd

Gaming PC & General - will be hooked up to Dell U3415W just purchased
  • case = cosair carbide 500r black
  • cpu = intel core i5 4670
  • graphics = galaxy geforce gtx 760 2tb
  • ram = g skill ares f3 8gb (2x4gb)
  • psu = corsair cx-500 modular bronze
  • mobo = asrock z87 extreme4
  • hd = sandisk ultra plus 128gb ssd + seagate baracuda 2tb

I want to upgrade the gpu on my main gaming pc to the asus strix 980: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=29115

I also want to upgrade the psu in the main gaming pc to this one as I know the 500w i have at the moment isnt that great or powerful enough for the 980:

Here's where I need help.
The gaming pc setup will be pretty awesome once its all done with the above two purchases (not yet made) and i can game witcher 3/gta 5 etc to nice settings.
However for the HTPC in my lounge, i do ocassionally game on that (nothing super intense) so would it make sense GAF to switch the current Geforce 760 from my PC into the HTPC and sell the 650 ti? (and sell the current PC power supply obviously) or just leave as is?

Also thoughts on that PC setup overall once complete - i've bought the Delll U3415W widescreen monitor to use there for work, video editing and high gaming setup.

Help and thoughts much appreciated!
Need some advice.
Here's my current setup:

HTPC - hooked up to main tv in lounge

  • case = fractal design node 304 mini itx
  • cpu = intel core i5 3470
  • graphics = gigabyte geforce gtx 650 ti 1gb oc
  • ram = g skill ares f3 8gb (2x4gb)
  • psu = silverstone strider plus 600w - p
  • mobo = asrock z77e - itx mini
  • hd = corsair force series gt 60gb ssd

Gaming PC & General - will be hooked up to Dell U3415W just purchased
  • case = cosair carbide 500r black
  • cpu = intel core i5 4670
  • graphics = galaxy geforce gtx 760 2tb
  • ram = g skill ares f3 8gb (2x4gb)
  • psu = corsair cx-500 modular bronze
  • mobo = asrock z87 extreme4
  • hd = sandisk ultra plus 128gb ssd + seagate baracuda 2tb

I want to upgrade the gpu on my main gaming pc to the asus strix 980: http://www.pccasegear.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=29115

I also want to upgrade the psu in the main gaming pc to this one as I know the 500w i have at the moment isnt that great or powerful enough for the 980:

Here's where I need help.
The gaming pc setup will be pretty awesome once its all done with the above two purchases (not yet made) and i can game witcher 3/gta 5 etc to nice settings.
However for the HTPC in my lounge, i do ocassionally game on that (nothing super intense) so would it make sense GAF to switch the current Geforce 760 from my PC into the HTPC and sell the 650 ti? (and sell the current PC power supply obviously) or just leave as is?

Also thoughts on that PC setup overall once complete - i've bought the Delll U3415W widescreen monitor to use there for work, video editing and high gaming setup.

Help and thoughts much appreciated!

Yes, replace that 650 with the 760 and sell the 650.
You can use the PSU from the HTPC to power the main gaming rig, it's decent enough.
But if funding is not a problem. then sure, sell it also and buy a better PSU, maybe up the wattage to 750-850 so that you can go SLI later.


The Corsair PSU i've identified is the HX750w Plus - that's not powerful enough? Honestly I don't see SLI in my future.

Worst case, I wait for the 980 ti but honestly theres always something better coming and this gpu from asus seems to be the best for the 980.

Open to suggestions though!


I'm this close to sell my R290 Vapor-X (2 month old yay) for a 970/980

The performance in some of the latest games is ridiculous in comparison, ugh
The Corsair PSU i've identified is the HX750w Plus - that's not powerful enough? Honestly I don't see SLI in my future.

Worst case, I wait for the 980 ti but honestly theres always something better coming and this gpu from asus seems to be the best for the 980.

Open to suggestions though!

Somehow I missed the link. My bad.
Yep, that PSU is very good. Your CPU can't be overclocked so it's enough for SLI and future card. It's even more than enough to power the Titan X, and I don't see even the 980Ti will consume more power than the Titan X.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
The Corsair PSU i've identified is the HX750w Plus - that's not powerful enough? Honestly I don't see SLI in my future.

Worst case, I wait for the 980 ti but honestly theres always something better coming and this gpu from asus seems to be the best for the 980.

Open to suggestions though!
For a single gpu 750w is not than enough. Even 650 would suffice. You shouldn't buy an oversized psu, you'll lose in efficiency.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
what 650 psu then? platinum/modular.

Look at the usual brands, Corsair, EVGA, Seasonic... The platinum thing is not really necessary, I've had a Corsair CX650W for years, it's rated bronze and it's pretty much perfect, you can save those money.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual

sold :)

thanks folks!

so really 650w is enough for a single GPU at the level of 980/titan then?

i always thought i'd have to break the 700w barrier + everything else i'm rocking in my setup.
The 680 has a TDP of 165W, but even if it was 250W (like the 780) or higher (like some AMD cards) it would be enough.

Your CPU uses about 85W, and everything else doesn't use that much. You've got a lot of headroom.


ok cool - thanks for the saving tips. purchased the 980 and the 640w supply!

now i wait...monitor should arrive next week :)



Last cross bump.
Selling one of my Titan X for $850 shipped via FedEx next day. I'll split PayPal fees. Works perfectly and comes complete with its fancy box. Lol. Only selling it for a part for my raptor. Lol. Message me if interested.


Question about Nvidia and DSR.

I have it set to 1.2 and 1.25..why does aspect ratio switch to 4:3?

Do I need to do x2 for it to stay 16:9?


A little off topic, but does anyone have experience with chromebooks? I'm thinking about getting a toshiba chromebook 2 for web surfing, youtube and basic programming(more intensive programs will probably be SSH'd to the uni's servers) for my little brother who's about to start college. I know it isn't a powerful laptop by any means, but I think the high res screen would help with having more screen estate(since most windows laptops have crappy 768 res screens) to have more than one thing on, but then I'm not sure how well it will do simple multitasking. Thoughts? Was gonna get a 128gb SDXC card with it.

N° 2048

Can someone help me out?

Looking to play Arkham Knight. What should I upgrade? Preferably cheapish :p

Current build:

AMD Phenom II X4 955
Radeon HD 9850
Gigabyte 880gma-ud2h motherboard

Thanks in advance!


Can someone help me out?

Looking to play Arkham Knight. What should I upgrade? Preferably cheapish :p

Current build:

AMD Phenom II X4 955
Radeon HD 9850
Gigabyte 880gma-ud2h motherboard

Thanks in advance!
Depends how much you have to spend, but the graphics card should be first, you'll see the biggest difference there. The processor (and motherboard) should be second to upgrade, owing to their age.

If a new processor and motherboard is out of the question for now, then consider overclocking your processor to get more out of it for the time being. If you don't have a decent CPU cooler to overclock with, then consider picking one up. It's relatively cheap for a decent one (even under $50 is ok) and you can reuse it with a new processor and motherboard if you upgrade them later on anyway.

What country are you in, and would your budget for upgrades be? What are you aiming for in terms of performance? 1080p? Maximum settings?
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