Rumors say less than half a week.Minor Q : did they reveal yet when the 980 TI is supposed to come out ?
Rumors say less than half a week.Minor Q : did they reveal yet when the 980 TI is supposed to come out ?
how about the Acer Predator XB270HU 144hz IPS gsync
Hi guys, so I've got a new thing I need your help with. I want to buy a GTX 960. I know some might suggest getting a 970, but due to some special circumstances I can't save any more money, and I can't wait for a price drop, the money I have right now I have to spend in a matter of less than a week, and it's just about enough for a GTX 960.
But the thing is, which manufacturer do you guys recommend? Here in Chile my options are Zotac, MSI, Gigabyte and EVGA. I've heard good things from MSI, yet I've found that there are three types:Normal OC, Gaming 2G and Gaming 4G. I can't afford the 4G, but, is there too much of a difference in performance between them? I thank your help beforehand.
how about the Acer Predator XB270HU 144hz IPS gsync
You know I was dead set on getting the Asus ROG Swift PG27AQ (4k60 Gsync IPS) but this thing is looking fucking tempting
I just want to thank GAF for the pointers they gave when building my PC. I fucking love it. I will probably come by once I look for a new keyboard/monitor as well.
Now, what is the best piece of software to monitor temperatures/load? I usually use Speedfan, but I reckon there should be newer programs to achieve what I want. Preferably tray or some overlay. I tried HWmonitor, but I had to keep switching to the program which is kind of annoying.
Graphs are a plus, too.
I just want to thank GAF for the pointers they gave when building my PC. I fucking love it. I will probably come by once I look for a new keyboard/monitor as well.
Now, what is the best piece of software to monitor temperatures/load? I usually use Speedfan, but I reckon there should be newer programs to achieve what I want. Preferably tray or some overlay. I tried HWmonitor, but I had to keep switching to the program which is kind of annoying.
Graphs are a plus, too.
Just wanted to say that I took everything apart and built it piece by piece outside my case first to isolate any issues. It did the trick. I think it had to do with the way the processor was seated. I reseated it, and reattached the cooler, and rebuilt everything. Everything works wonderfully now and I'm writing this on my new PC. Thanks for everything!
That's just how it is. I suppose it could be also that they are overstating requirements in case users are running an overclocked processor and graphics card. An overclocked R9 290 can draw over 300 watts, and so would an overclocked FX-9590.
On such a limited budget, this is the best I can recommend. The graphics card is capable of meeting the requirements for all the games you listed, but is only considered lower-middle range at best.
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor ($229.99 @ SuperBiiz)
Motherboard: Asus Z97-E ATX LGA1150 Motherboard ($86.71 @ Newegg)
Memory: G.Skill Ares Series 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-2400 Memory ($51.99 @ Newegg)
Storage: Toshiba Product SeriesT01ACA 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive ($44.99 @ NCIX US)
Video Card: Asus Radeon R7 260X 2GB Video Card ($97.99 @ Micro Center)
Case: Antec One ATX Mid Tower Case ($29.99 @ NCIX US)
Power Supply: Antec High Current Gamer 620W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply ($49.99 @ Newegg)
Total: $591.65
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-05-31 02:25 EDT-0400
I had to leave off things like an aftermarket CPU heatsink and go with a minimum of RAM and hard drive space. The processor, motherboard, and power supply are great and should carry you through the next several years' worth of upgrades. Your next upgrades could be extra RAM (aim for 16GB total), a better CPU cooler (for overclocking), and maybe a new graphics card (depending on your budget and what you want to play at what framerate and graphics settings).
Will this $600 build also require keyboard, mouse, monitor, or anything else? Windows OS?
Looking to build my first PC.
Have filled this in best I can. I'm basically wanting to go with a NV 970 card and go from there. I also have a couple of "stupid" questions,..... Can I use my Sony Bravia as a monitor? Do I need to buy connecting cables or do they come with the components? What about software/OS?
I'd like if possible a complete shopping list.
I'd like to be able to play the W3, batman etc at a much better quality than my PS4.
I'm a complete PC noob so sorry if anything unclear.
[Basic Desktop Questions]![]()
- Your Current Specs: N/A
- Budget: UK not really sure, a 970 card plus the rest. As cheap as possible
- Main Use: gaming and General use
- Monitor Resolution: What resolution will you be playing your games at? 1080p? Are you going to upgrade later? Maybe Are you buying a new m
- List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well: Is 30FPS acceptable? 60? 120? How important is PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA to you? Would like 60fps
- Looking to reuse any parts?: List make and model (e.g. Corsair 520HX, 640GB SATA HDD, Antec 900) no
- When will you build?: Do you have a deadline? No
- Will you be overclocking?: Yes, No, Maybe (This means yes!) not sure?
You can use your TV yes. Just hook it up with an HDMI cable.
Software wise you'll need to buy Windows if you can't get it through work/uni for free/cheap.
You could go for something like this as a very solid machine
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
CPU: Intel Core i5-4690K 3.5GHz Quad-Core Processor (£177.96 @ Amazon UK)
CPU Cooler: Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO 82.9 CFM Sleeve Bearing CPU Cooler (£24.48 @ Novatech)
Motherboard: MSI Z97-GAMING 5 ATX LGA1150 Motherboard (£104.99 @ Amazon UK)
Memory: Crucial Ballistix Tactical 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory (£45.77 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Crucial BX100 250GB 2.5" Solid State Drive (£70.49 @ Amazon UK)
Storage: Western Digital Caviar Blue 1TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive (£41.77 @ Amazon UK)
Video Card: GALAX GeForce GTX 970 4GB EX OC Black Edition Video Card (£279.59 @
Case: Corsair 200R ATX Mid Tower Case (£47.55 @ Amazon UK)
Power Supply: XFX 650W 80+ Bronze Certified Semi-Modular ATX Power Supply (£62.48 @ Novatech)
Total: £855.08
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-05-31 15:54 BST+0100
If you wanted to cut the cost then you could go for a non-modular PSU and drop the SSD.
The MSI GTX 970 is £10 cheaper too but GALAX gives you a UK RMA base should something ever go wrong.
Also anyone know if the PC-05 get fit a standard size high-end GPU? All the pictures I see use a smaller form factor GPU.
If I build a new PC this year, should I stick to the DDR3 ram (12GB) I already have or would ponying up for a DDR4 board/RAM be worth it?
I'm worried that I'll be losing performance by not adopting the newer standard but it's also so much more money. >>;
Oh wow, not much diff huh? Thanks! :3
EDIT: Looks like a great channel, subscribed.
Hey guys, i've got a few SLI questions and i've never even looked into SLI'ing before so i'm a complete noob. Hoping you guys can help me out. I've currently got a Windforce GTX 770 2GB and i've just found another one going very cheap online.
I'm wondering whether this card is worth SLI'ing as it's only got the 2GB of memory. Does SLI'ing consume more of each cards memory? What kind of performance bump can I expect? I'm thinking maybe I should hold off and buy another new card outright at the end of the year.
Also i've got an 144hz monitor, does SLI'ing work well for Nvidia 3D vision gaming?
I feel like pulling the trigger on this baby.
I have a 144hz 27" asus atm and 60hz just looks atrocious to me atm, I've been completely spoiled by my monitor.
Ultra wide QHD curved 34" 21:9 VA is just so sexy though, I'm torn. Please send help.
Thankyou, I also forgot to mention id need as small a case as possible, do you have any recommendations?
As far as Western Digital HDDs go, I see they have blue, black, and green series. Is there a substantial difference between the 3?
[Basic Desktop Questions]
- Your Current Specs: CPU / RAM / Motherboard / GPU (Graphics) / PSU (Power Supply) / Case / HDD (Hard Drive)
ASUS G73Jh (Laptop)- Budget: Price Range + Country
$1500 USD upper range. If I can get that down to 3 digits, it would help a lot.- Main Use: Rate 1-5. 5 being Highest: Light Gaming, Gaming, Emulation (PS2/Wii), Video Editing, Streaming games in HD, 3D/Model work (and what program), General Usage (Word, Web, 1080p playback).
Light Gaming [4], Gaming [5], Emulation [3], Video Editing [1], Streaming games [1], 3D Model work [1], General Usage [5]- Monitor Resolution: What resolution will you be playing your games at? Are you going to upgrade later? Are you buying a new monitor?
Don't have a monitor atm, looking to get something 1080p.- List SPECIFIC games or applications that you MUST be able to run well: Is 30FPS acceptable? 60? 120? How important is PhysX / SuperSampling / CUDA to you?
Final Fantasy XI (haha), XIV later on. Minecraft. I do a lot of stuff with Photoshop, but for normal games I can always go down in specs if I need to. 30 FPS is fine, though I'd like the option to go to 60FPS. Don't need 120. I don't understand what those last bits are.- Looking to reuse any parts?: List make and model (e.g. Corsair 520HX, 640GB SATA HDD, Antec 900)
Only thing I can reuse is a mouse (Microsoft Wireless Mouse 1000), don't know if I should upgrade that as well.- When will you build?: Do you have a deadline?
I'd like to have something by the end of July.- Will you be overclocking?: Yes, No, Maybe (This means yes!)
Maybe (This means yes!)
So I did some Google searching, but I wanted a solid confirmation before I have to sent this back to Amazon.
Can anyone tell me if this Motherboard looks normal?
(Sorry I can't figure out how to link images so that's a Onedrive link).
Thanks for the help.looks fudged. bent contacts
I'm going for that too but planning to sli that baby !I've decided to get the 980 Ti and Acer XB270H 144 Hz G-Sync monitor. It's Christmas in June for me!
OC3D 980Ti video review
OC3D 980Ti text review
Linus Tech Tips 980Ti video review
It's happening, the performance is incredible, OC's above Titan X.
$649 / £549
Black is their highest performance whereas green is "lowest" performance. However, black is the noisiest whereas green is the least out of the three. Blue is somewhat in between these two in terms of performance, efficiency, and noise.
There's a fourth color -- red -- that's also available for WD HDDs.