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IGN gives Sudeki a...(also 1up score)


They probably should've had Level 5 (instead of Climax) make a regular RPG instead of TFLO. Then we'd most likely have one great RPG instead of one canned MMO and one average game.


hyperbolically metafictive
ign panders, 1up is teeming with dirty japanophiles; average the scores and you get something close to a 6.8. WHOA.




MS should cut all ties with Climax when it comes to RPGs, spend that money on some Jap exclusives. Or Fable 2 :p


Prine said:

MS should cut all ties with Climax when it comes to RPGs, spend that money on some Jap exclusives. Or Fable 2 :p

After seeing stuff like Blackstone and Metal Dungeon, I truly hope that that won't be a reality
belgurdo said:
7.8 is bad now? Bleah, haterz (in the US, anyway) win, I guess

IGN gave Symphonia 8.5 while all you gag about is the "bad" art and "bad" storyline while chances are Sudeki has worse art and a worse storyline, actually no chances on the worse art. Despite all that you're willing to give Sudeki the benefit of the doubt over Symphonia.

Maybe 1up is japanophile, but no more than Climax, leave japanese RPGs and (most of all) art to the Japanese. Or if you are going to go japanese, then be honest about it and hire japanese artists, american games with real japanese art direction DO EXIST.

A bad storyline with bad character developement and even worst character design is a sign of a strickly profit-seeking product with no real artistic vision.


belgurdo said:
After seeing stuff like Blackstone and Metal Dungeon, I truly hope that that won't be a reality
oh, those are great examples of what MS would do with its money. =P

and blackstone is taiwanese anyway.


I never said Symphonia was bad. I just don't like the art and story. But that doesn't mean I'm running around celebrating because it didn't 9.0s across the board


Redbeard said:
They probably should've had Level 5 (instead of Climax) make a regular RPG instead of TFLO. Then we'd most likely have one great RPG instead of one canned MMO and one average game.

mmmm, one can dream...or perhaps gamearts.


My only hope for TFLO is that Level 5 are currently transforming the game into an offline RPG.

You heard it here first!


Date of Lies said:
Maybe 1up is japanophile, but no more than Climax, leave japanese RPGs and (most of all) art to the Japanese. Or if you are going to go japanese, then be honest about it and hire japanese artists, american games with real japanese art direction DO EXIST

All Climax really needed to do was to make the character models faithful to the design sheets, and keep the character designer who did the initial model sheets (Niki Broughton) on for the duration of the project rather than cutting her loose. The dubious tweaks made to the character art, plus what looks like some really awkward animation (judging by the characters' poses in the stills I've seen) are what hurt Sudeki most from a visual standpoint.


Prine said:
My only hope for TFLO is that Level 5 are currently transforming the game into an offline RPG.

You heard it here first!

How would you turn a game that was design around 1000+ players in a single world into a game that will centralize on one character or a group of character?


Kuroyume said:
Looks like Belgurdo loses after all these months of Sudeki support... ah it feels so good :D

Oh please. If Sudeki was a title you wanted to see succeed, you and half the other people here would be up in arms over the 'unfair' score regardless of the game's actual quality. The thread would be full of posts calling the reviewer a hack, half-baked theories about 'platform hate' that led to the low score, and any other excuse you can think of to disregard the reviews.

Either you accept all reviews as meaningful, or you don't. You can't pick and choose, holding up the ones that support the games you like as 'fact' and discounting the ones that don't.
Tellaerin said:
The thread would be full of posts calling the reviewer a hack, half-baked theories about 'platform hate' that led to the low score, and any other excuse you can think of to disregard the reviews.

Not that Nich Maragos, in particular, would be at all worried about that.


Kobun Heat said:
Not that Nich Maragos, in particular, would be at all worried about that.

Touche. Though truth to tell, I didn't specifically name him in the thread in question because I don't know whether I ought to consider him a rabid Square fanboy, not having read enough of his other material to judge. On the other hand, the complaint about people stretching to draw labored parallels between the two games just so they can argue that one was a ripoff of the other does apply in his case regardless. (And for what it's worth, Nich Maragos wasn't foremost in my mind when I posted that in the first place. It was more a matter of wading through a sea of messageboard posts like,
that irritated me. Love it or hate it, the game's not an 'FF VII clone', and calling it one is just ignorant.)

That said, this is a Sudeki thread, not an LoD one, so I'm going to try not to derail it any further than I already have. If you want to discuss this further, feel free to PM me.


So can Microsoft and Climax officially put their foot in their mouth now? Perhaps a little crow for dessert?

We wanted a developer that could put its balls where its mouth was. We wanted someone who could provide us with a quality RPG and the Japanese couldn't give us the goods."

--Edge Magazine, Christmas 2002, bigass article on Sudeki


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
That quote can't be right..


"balls where its mouth was"

Yep, exactly what kinda of developer they got


Suikoguy said:
That quote can't be right..

Oh, but it is. I even kept the scan that came from OldGAF for posterity. It was just such perfectly distilled egomania and self-love, and if I ever needed hard evidence that Microsoft came into the console race cock firmly in hand and waving it around, this was it.
Something is rotten in Redmond when TFLO gets canned in favor of a UK developer that had never developed an RPG and required 4 years and a team of over 100 to get this done.


MassiveAttack said:
Something is rotten in Redmond when TFLO gets canned in favor of a UK developer that had never developed an RPG and required 4 years and a team of over 100 to get this done.

Well, to be fair, TFLO was an MMORPG, a much larger, and completely different beast than something like Sudeki or, hell, any given Final Fantasy outside of XI. But you're right, they should've just commissioned a standard-issue RPG from Level 5. That said, it also needs to be pointed out that especially in the beginning of the Xbox's life, Microsoft was being beyond unrealistic about the Japanese market: from how they approached it, dealt with the people inside of it, and in their projections of what to expect.

BeOnEdge said:
is that a 5.5 outta 6?

They labeled it "Decent" and call it "half-baked", what do you think?
Maybe 1up is japanophile, but no more than Climax, leave japanese RPGs and (most of all) art to the Japanese.

Remember how most of today's Japanese pop culture originated: as an imitation of Western pop culture. The right to bastardize other cultures' trashy artifacts is a fundamental human right.
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