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IGN gives Sudeki a...(also 1up score)

"or the game world logic - oh look a treasure chest in the middle of a town market that I can just steal, because that's where everyone leaves their valuables!?!?!"

Now come on.......this is just nitpicking. Most RPGs share this "game world logic" you speak of. What's next - complaining that you can enter homes in RPGs without knocking first? :)
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"or the game world logic - oh look a treasure chest in the middle of a town market that I can just steal, because that's where everyone leaves their valuables!?!?!"

Now come on.......this is just nitpicking. Most RPGs share this "game world logic" you speak of. What's next - complaining that you can enter homes in RPGs without knocking first? :)

RPG world logic is best. Just walk right into someone house while they're standing in the room and just start going through taking anything you can. :p


SolidSnakex said:
While ToS story isn't really anything great, one thing it does have going for it in that area is some really charming characters. So even though the story might not be great, some things the characters say will put a smile on your face. I'm not saying Sudeki won't, but I haven't heard anything positive about it's story, even from people that like it.

Sudeki has GORGEOUS graphics and beautiful environments. Oh, and the charm of Sudeki is something that hasn't been touched upon at all. Like I said in the initial post of the thread I started the atmosphere of the game starts off as very lighthearted. This has come up again in the game evidenced by quotes on some tombstones in a graveyard. There's about 5 different sayings and each one is worth a smile. But nobody mentions that. That's what makes me very suspicious about all this hate.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
Mega Man's Electric Sheep said:
"or the game world logic - oh look a treasure chest in the middle of a town market that I can just steal, because that's where everyone leaves their valuables!?!?!"

Now come on.......this is just nitpicking. Most RPGs share this "game world logic" you speak of. What's next - complaining that you can enter homes in RPGs without knocking first? :)

A good point ;) It's just something that bugs me. It doesn't in a lot of games - but that's usually because they're hidden out of sight and thus seem a little bit more plausable (but not by much).

The fact it was just slap bang in the middle seemed utterly daft. They may have changed that for the final release though.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
rastex said:
Sudeki has GORGEOUS graphics and beautiful environments. Oh, and the charm of Sudeki is something that hasn't been touched upon at all. Like I said in the initial post of the thread I started the atmosphere of the game starts off as very lighthearted. This has come up again in the game evidenced by quotes on some tombstones in a graveyard. There's about 5 different sayings and each one is worth a smile. But nobody mentions that. That's what makes me very suspicious about all this hate.

Charm?!?!! Dude are you stoned? There *is* no charm. The script contains some of the worst character writing I have ever been faced with. There's inuendo in EVERY sentence and it's NEVER funny. It's like watching a very bad re-run of a very camp BBC comedy from 20 years ago. Only with far less character.

Someone check this guy's I.P to see if he works for Babel ;-)
rastex said:
Sudeki has GORGEOUS graphics and beautiful environments. Oh, and the charm of Sudeki is something that hasn't been touched upon at all. Like I said in the initial post of the thread I started the atmosphere of the game starts off as very lighthearted. This has come up again in the game evidenced by quotes on some tombstones in a graveyard. There's about 5 different sayings and each one is worth a smile. But nobody mentions that. That's what makes me very suspicious about all this hate.

I'll give it a chance just based on my interest in the battle system. If the story is good or atleast charming that'll just be something extra. All I can really tell from screens and movies is that the character art translation is mediocre at best and the actual world looks beautiful.


boutrosinit said:
Charm?!?!! Dude are you stoned? There *is* no charm. The script contains some of the worst character writing I have ever been faced with. There's inuendo in EVERY sentence and it's NEVER funny. It's like watching a very bad re-run of a very camp BBC comedy from 20 years ago. Only with far less character.

Someone check this guy's I.P to see if he works for Babel ;-)

If you're this anal about writing in videogames you must play and enjoy maybe 1 game a year. Wow. As has been said countless times, it would be VERY nice if games had quality writing, but in general, they're not at that stage yet. So if you're looking for Shakespeare, GO READ IT. If you're looking to play an f'n game, then PLAY ONE.

And I'm pretty confident that you'd rather be working where I do. Though your apparent disdain for games lessens that chance.


Street Fighter IV World Champion
rastex said:
If you're this anal about writing in videogames you must play and enjoy maybe 1 game a year. Wow. As has been said countless times, it would be VERY nice if games had quality writing, but in general, they're not at that stage yet. So if you're looking for Shakespeare, GO READ IT. If you're looking to play an f'n game, then PLAY ONE.

And I'm pretty confident that you'd rather be working where I do. Though your apparent disdain for games lessens that chance.

Firstly, I'm playing Onimusha 3 right now and have experienced the joys of Riddick, System Shock 2, Deus Ex and other such - which have FANTASTIC writing and acting to boot, though they're not perfect by any means.

I love console RPGS and a few of them do have a lot of heart and functional scripting, though yes, on a whole it's rather bad. Onimusha's is lauhable, but becomes forgettable once you play the game, which is a lot of fun, if a little dated. Sudeki's writing is among the WORST I have ever seen, and I've seen plenty. The fact the game plays and moves like a cardboard turd and the combat's bland doesn't help.

That's a strange comment at the end. Are you hinting that you work for Babel Media? The joke refers to a company in the UK that does viral marketing in forums for games that aren't up to much - games like Driv3r and so on. Thus your intentions could be questioned...


boutrosinit said:
That's a strange comment at the end. Are you hinting that you work for Babel Media? The joke refers to a company in the UK that does viral marketing in forums for games that aren't up to much - games like Driv3r and so on. Thus your intentions could be questioned...

I thought it couldn't get funnier the 16th time you mentioned it, but I was wrong. Very cutting edge. I could ask if you work for them with your continual boring criticism of an average game. Why bother?


Street Fighter IV World Champion
pilonv1 said:
I thought it couldn't get funnier the 16th time you mentioned it, but I was wrong. Very cutting edge. I could ask if you work for them with your continual boring criticism of an average game. Why bother?

No. The last time I was actually being serious, but hey... ;)


boutrosinit said:
Charm?!?!! Dude are you stoned? There *is* no charm.
In your opinion. I think the world of Sudeki indeed has its charm. The music that plays in New Brightwater, the vivid colors of it, etc.

It's not a perfect game and there are some stupid mistakes (like the easily-fixable dialogue stuff that they didn't fix) but when it all comes down to it, I still want to play it.

Sudeki 2 is in development? Tell me more. :D


Hey, come on guys, Sudeki can't be that bad!

Jennifer Boespflug gave it a 10 out of 10!

PS. She works for Microsoft Games Studios!


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
The Sudeki review at IGN seems opposite their Spiderman 2 review, text makes is sound really fun and the score isn't all that high.

I dunno, sounds cool to me, really fun combat, with a weak story, that i can handle as opposed to most RPG's which have boring combat with a boring story.


JackFrost2012 said:
No, it's not.

The point Nich was trying to make was, if you want a Japanese RPG play a Japanese RPG, and if you want a Western RPG play a Western RPG. If you want a Japanese RPG and play a Western RPG that's striving to imitate a Japanese RPG (which Sudeki obviously is despite protestations to the contrary), you're going to wind up with a disappointing, half-assed experience.

See also: Shadow Madness.

Much practical wisdom in these words.


I'm sorta suprised the game is average, but it's not a total shock. I've seen many screenshots & movies of it (on the 'net & on TV), but I never grew to like it.

Oh well, theres always Fable for me to look forward to, and thats a lock to be awesome :).


SolidSnakex said:
RPG world logic is best. Just walk right into someone house while they're standing in the room and just start going through taking anything you can. :p

heck, in Zelda you can trash their house and only occasionally does someone take notice and gripe at Link!


Unconfirmed Member
Why does everyone who defends this game chalk up criticisms to "crazy Japanophiles?"

Personally I just think the game looks shitty and not worth my time. If I'm going to play a Western RPG (or any RPG for that matter), I'm going to play one that seems decidedly worth my effort and dedication. An ugly game with an already poor review record (even from TeamXbox, for god's sake) simply doesn't fit the bill.


But the GAME isn't bad. I think the only people who have levied criticisms about the actual gameplay are the ones who have played and liked the game. Everybody else is just hating on the art and story. That's why I chalk it up as gaijinphobia.


Chili Con Carnage!
Sorry but a game is a package, art and story are part of that package, if they are bad, and apparently they are, then thats valid criticism of the game.


Oh no, i pre-ordered this piece of shit many months ago and totally forgot about it. I find out today it's been shipped




It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Sysgen said:
Originally Posted by chespace:
hey buddy, if you can stomach playing through sudeki, you're a better man than i.

godspeed, and more power to you.



Dude, you stomached Breakdown if I remember correctly. An Western style FPS butchered by a Japanese development house, yet received scores form GMR and EGM in the range of 85-90%. I smell a double standard.

I played Breakdown and in the end I enjoyed it. I knew what it was going in and I set my expectations accordingly. If I expected Halo, I would of rated Breakdown a 5 or a miserable failure. No one expected Sudeki to be Final Fantasy and if you did then there is something wrong. No one expected Climax to produce an RPG like SquareEnix could and if you did then there is something wrong. Games in the past have had bad voice acting and yet I have been able to enjoy them. Shenmue anyone? Why did MS not allow early reviews? Was it because Sudeki is so horrible and it just SUX0rS or is it becuase of review sites like 1up that want it to be something it's not and have used the oppurtunity to bury it as a dog would cover it's shit?

On another note this same site awarded Manhunt one of it's lowest scores received yet I found many redeeming features in the title as did many reviewers. Between their Breakdown orgasm, their Manhunt "I don't like what this game does to my inner self" review and now thier Sudeki "is it really a review" review, perhaps this time and in the future I'll look elsewhere for something coherent.

Alright then, see ya later!

Although my original comment sounded snarky, I really was expressing a "live and let live" attitude towards Sudeki. It's really not my cup of tea for all the reasons JackFrost has intelligibly summarized, but I don't think it's total shit, and I'm glad there are those who will enjoy it for what it is (what is it, anyways?).

I didn't review Breakdown for XBN or 1up, nor did I review Manhunt for 1up (although I did review it for CGW). 3 different people reviewed 3 different games and all 3 were published on 1up -- and you're saying the site's content is incoherent because the reviews don't jive with your macro view on games and morality?

I'm not gonna bother looking up my comments on Breakdown on GAF but it basically amounted to this: "Breakdown doesn't play very well, but it's doing a lot of neat twists and turns with its narrative and cinematics. I'm glad David Chen is reviewing it, not me. It was a worthwhile ride to watch him beat the game."

I may be guilty of loving Japan in some form, but certainly not when it comes to games. In fact, because I've been playing so many good western-developed games on both PC and Xbox since I began at XBN (from EGM), I found it hard to re-adjust to Japanese gaming a month and a half ago when I first dabbled with Disgaea. Playing Phantom Brave for review now, I'm glad I did my warm-ups. I'm finding Japanese games to be super uninspired these days (Katamari Damacy is the ultimate exception, of course). Just yesterday I watched Mark and Crispin play Spy Fiction. Blarf.


Late to this party, Sudeki has the most fugly character design in recent memory. Come on, the character art reminds me of North Americanized game covers from 80's...
Necroscope said:
Late to this party, Sudeki has the most fugly character design in recent memory. Come on, the character art reminds me of North Americanized game covers from 80's...

Is this where I'm supposed to throw a fit and label you a "pretentious japanophile"? Cause you know, it couldn't be that you just have an objective opinion on the art. You must be speaking from some deeper bias or agenda. Everyone is. Always. Especially when they disagree with me.


Ghost said:
Sorry but a game is a package, art and story are part of that package, if they are bad, and apparently they are, then thats valid criticism of the game.

Ok, I can sort of appreciate this point. Some games, like a lot of Japanese RPGs rely A LOT on art and story and they really excel in those aspects. People go into those games looking for the awesome art and engaging in this epic story, the gameplay is really secondary or even tertiary after the music. So if you're looking at the percentages of what most people look for in a japanese RPG it's probably

40%-Art (graphics, music)
10%-Gameplay (combat, running around town, etc)

Those are obviousy just rough estimates that will vary from person to person, but the overall order is probably consistent. Now judging the game will have to work on that basis, if the art is bad then it detracts significantly from the game, same with the bad story.

However, Sudeki is not a japanese RPG, it's an Action RPG meaning its main focus is the combat and story. Now, if you don't like the combat for whatever reason, such as its lack of fluidity when compared to NG, then that's a valid criticism and may ruin the entire game for you. If you absolutely HATE the story that you have no motivation to continue on, then again that'll probably ruin the game for you as well unless you really love the combat. However, the story isn't *that* bad, and the art isn't bad at all. The character art has been stated as fugly, FINE, I won't even bother arguing that. In fact I could go on to say that the character art is the ugliest character art of ALL TIME. BUT in terms of TOTAL art of the game, it doesn't affect it that much at all, since you barely see their faces and the environments are so stunningly beautiful. Since you're seeing the environments far more than the stupid character faces, I'd even say that the art is pretty good.

The story, I don't know enough about it, but if it's your standard fare, then it's your standard fare that has existing in videogames since its inception, and I don't know why Sudeki is all of a sudden made to be the example for contrived game stories. It's an average story, done. Not a *bad* one (at least so far in my experience), and everything I've read suggests it's an average story as well.

So now watch Sudeki's breakdown:
40% - Gameplay (Totally depends if you're into the genre. If you are, then this'll be a high rating)
25% - story (average)
25% - art (average, bad character art offset by gorgeous environments)
10% - music (average/forgettable).

So you see, that doesn't make a BAD game. It makes a decent game, and if you don't care about teh character art, and really like the combat could actually be a really great game. But if all you care about is the art and story, then Sudeki will be a large disappointment because you're expecting the wrong things from it.


and I was going to buy an XB for this and Fable

Wait ... The Fable reviews will be even better !

It seems like if there is some kind of competition for being the biggest bomb on XBOX...and I think Fable will win by a long shot.


Chili Con Carnage!
ourumov said:
Wait ... The Fable reviews will be even better !

It seems like if there is some kind of competition for being the biggest bomb on XBOX...and I think Fable will win by a long shot.



I usually consider feedback != hype...
But that's just me.

I don't want it to suck despite the fact I really don't like the game at all...I never wish bad things for others.

Edit: Anything against Bruce Lee Ghost ? ;)


Why would Bruce Lee cry?

Nah seriously. I know my first post perhaps was too offensive but I didn't intend to sound that bad. I was just kidding.
The trend with a lot of xbox releases that were hyped has not been particularly successful when it comes to reviews and that's a fact.
Will it happen the same with Fable ? I really don't know and as I said I wouldn't like it to suck since I have tons of friends excited about it. But I have always thought that hype is not a good friend.


A handful of games isn't a lot nor a "trend", and a couple of the ones mentioned were never hyped-up. Tao Feng? Blood Wake? There was never a hype train for those, and if there was, you were the only passenger.


This has turned into an 'anything xbox bashfest' with nintendo trolls, some of which don't even have an xbox.
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