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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors

Tricky I Shadow said:
Interesting! If it’s a good solid step up graphically from the 360/PS3 like this rumour suggests, and the controller is more on the traditional side....Nintendo might just get my money.

I'm willing to come back to the fold if they actually take this machine seriously. Gamecube is still my baby. *hugs*


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Ichor said:
I've asked before, but don't have an answer yet. Is Star Tropics still worth playing today?
I played it last year. I had fun! But as the dude above said... it's a NES game so it depends on your appreciation of that level of gaming.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
BMF said:
The funny wears off really fast though. Kind of like Stephen Colbert.
You either die a funny joke character, or live long enough to become Stephen Colbert.
anyone else rent Star Tropics 1 and not have the code that came with the manual? Pretty sure I was stumped for an entire day before I finally said "fudge it" (i was like, 8) and made the long distance call to Nintendo, which I probably got in trouble for.

I remember submerging the manual in water, thinking the code would appear on a page lol


Technosteve said:
does this mean the WiiHD will be flooded with PC ports?

Nah. PS360 ports and shovelware. Ubisoft is complicit in this. And don't attack the PS2 or I kill you. Attack the PS3, insult it all you want, because I couldn't give a flying fuck about the PS3. But not the PS2. That's just off limits, dude. I don't know how Sony went from making the greatest console of all time to the worst this side of the galaxy, but Sony has its ups and downs.
I've enjoyed the last few pages since I haven't kept close watch of PC tech since at least a year before Intel announced their tick-tock strategy. Nice little crash course to fill in some of the gaps I've gotten over the last few years.

Hero of Legend said:
You know I'd be fine if it was approximately this powerful, after all IGN did say some slight variants are to be expected.

If it's better than that, great! But if it definitely falls short, then tsk tsk IGN.

I do believe their 360 "like" power comment with the 3DS. Revelations shows it, that's all I need. Blame other devs for not pushing it as such.

I'll give IGN credit for consistency. They seem to be the ones that have been saying significantly more powerful than PS360.

It makes me wonder based on what IGN did in this video if the other places (from their sources) that have said it's only a slight increase over the other two consoles performed a similar test or went based off of how things looked on early dev kits, while not acknowledging how that level of technology would perform on a closed system.

Azure J

I know I'm late but bear with me:

AceBandage said:
Zelda with better dungeons, more exploration, a better story and some light platforming.

If we have anything game play wise to compare it to, it's like a top down Zelda II with a linear chapter based progression. Each chapter is broken up into an over world part on different islands/scenarios where you talk with NPCs and just get to know the area better then an action segment which takes place in caves and usually has you doing heavy terrain based puzzle platforming and combat. It's wrapped in a pretty quirky but fun story revolving around the hero's uncle, a famous archaeologist usually finding himself in situations with the unexplained/paranormal while on the job, the hero, Mike Jones, a teenage high school athlete some alien royalty who happen to like the tropics and an interstellar grudge between them and the main antagonist in the series (thus far).


AceBandage said:
A single 580, actually (which I very much doubt they can, really).
Which, by the way, that single GPU uses almost as much power as the entire launch 360 console...
It's just not going to happen.

sure it can. just not in the same state as on the PC.

you don't need as much VRAM, you don't need all the texture shaders because you don't need the fillrate to drive 3x2560 monitors.

work out the fillrate you need for a 1080p screen, put some edram on there which will give you a massive fillrate boost, then you can probably cut the size/power requirements right down, and still give you 580 level performance. Even more so if you only want '580 like' on a console, as I would guess you'd get at least double what current PCs give you from the same hardware due to the closed architecture. So you could probably exceed 580 PC performance with a smaller GPU than an actual 580 using less power.
Reading through the thread...

Even if F-Zero is a launch title maybe 10% of people will care.

Make a Mario Kart game with the speed of GX and the depth of Smash Bros. Melee and I will plop down whatever ungodly number of dollars Nintendo wants.


Boney said:
What are the chances of actually seeing upscaling of Wii games?

Out of the box? I'd say 0.1%.

Nintendo is going to release HD versions of their classic GC/Wii games. Think "New play control" except it's just rendered in 1080p and the HUD is updated (instead of the stretched crap we see on Dolphin screenshots).

If they add controller screen functionality, that would be going above and beyond imo. Can't see Nintendo doing that...


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Boney said:
What are the chances of actually seeing upscaling of Wii games?
Upscaling of Wii games? Nearly certain.
Wii games natively rendered at higher resolutions? Chances are very slim (see DS games on the 3DS).


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Buckethead said:
Reading through the thread...

Even if F-Zero is a launch title maybe 10% of people will care.

Make a Mario Kart game with the speed of GX and the depth of Smash Bros. Melee and I will plop down whatever ungodly number of dollars Nintendo wants.

Shit more like Mario Kart that keeps 60fps in split screen. Now THAT would be dope. I hate having 60 fps on the Wii for online mp, and then going to play either 2 player split screen online or 2-4 player mp offline, and having the fps cut in half. :/


Anth0ny said:
Out of the box? I'd say 0.1%.

Nintendo is going to release HD versions of their classic GC/Wii games. Think "New play control" except it's just rendered in 1080p and the HUD is updated (instead of the stretched crap we see on Dolphin screenshots).

If they add controller screen functionality, that would be going above and beyond imo. Can't see Nintendo doing that...
They wouldn't do that, as Wii 2 will be backwards compatible and they only do remakes when they can add something to them (gameplay changes), other than just better graphics / resolution.

However, there could be remakes if it includes some new features of the Wii 2, ie. the streaming controller.

Anyway, they might also do upscaling over the hardware, if not right away, maybe over a console patch later on.


Jocchan said:
Upscaling of Wii games? Nearly certain.
Wii games natively rendered at higher resolutions? Chances are very slim (see DS games on the 3DS).

what the hell is the difference
Boney said:

what the hell is the difference

Upscaling is what upscaling DVD players do. It doesn't really improve the image quality all that much, it just outputs it in 1080p. Rendering it at higher resolutions is what Dolphin does.


brochiller said:
Upscaling is what upscaling DVD players do. It doesn't really improve the image quality all that much, it just outputs it in 1080p. Rendering it at higher resolutions is what Dolphin does.
ok I really think I'm retarded or something..

thanks for trying though
Boney said:

what the hell is the difference

The Dolphin emulator interjects in the rendering process and makes games internally render at higher resolutions, even with things like AA applied etc... where textures on the disc are higher resolution than Wii can really display, it even manages to take advantage of that and make them lovely and crisp. It looks really good! Unless Nintendo have taken a good look at what Dolphin does and use their intimate and unique knowledge of the Wii hardware to make an emulator that does this just as well - we're not going to get this on Cafe.

Upscaling merely increases the resolution (stretching it) and tries to hide the nasty effects.. sort of the way modern DVD players and Blu-Ray players try to upscale DVDs for HD sets.

I would have thought that the system would be capable of emulating Wii and rendering at a higher resolution though. You need a real meaty PC to run Dolphin well, but with components (CPU/GPU) capable of understanding Wii instructions (for backwards compatability) - there is surely less to directly emulate in software.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Boney said:

what the hell is the difference
Upscaled games are still rendered at 480p. The picture is then stretched to fill the 1080p signal, but no detail is actually added.
Games natively rendered at 1080p show more detail instead.

radioheadrule83 said:
The Dolphin emulator interjects in the rendering process and makes games internally render at higher resolutions, even with things like AA applied etc... where textures on the disc are higher resolution than Wii can really display, it even manages to take advantage of that and make them lovely and crisp. It looks really good! Unless Nintendo have taken a good look at what Dolphin does and use their intimate and unique knowledge of the Wii hardware to make an emulator that does this just as well - we're not going to get this on Cafe.

Upscaling merely increases the resolution (stretching it) and tries to hide the nasty effects.. sort of the way modern DVD players and Blu-Ray players try to upscale DVDs for HD sets.

I would have thought that the system would be capable of emulating Wii and rendering at a higher resolution though. You need a real meaty PC to run Dolphin well, but with components (CPU/GPU) capable of understanding Wii instructions (for backwards compatability) - there is surely less to directly emulate in software.
As long as it's powerpc, it should be fairly doable. Especially if it's multicore - use one core to emulate virtualize the Wii CPU, and another to translate one GPU variation to another - should mostly be 1-to-1 conversions.
radioheadrule83 said:
The Dolphin emulator interjects in the rendering process and makes games internally render at higher resolutions, even with things like AA applied etc... where textures on the disc are higher resolution than Wii can really display, it even manages to take advantage of that and make them lovely and crisp. It looks really good! Unless Nintendo have taken a good look at what Dolphin does and use their intimate and unique knowledge of the Wii hardware to make an emulator that does this just as well - we're not going to get this on Cafe.

Upscaling merely increases the resolution (stretching it) and tries to hide the nasty effects.. sort of the way modern DVD players and Blu-Ray players try to upscale DVDs for HD sets.

I would have thought that the system would be capable of emulating Wii and rendering at a higher resolution though. You need a real meaty PC to run Dolphin well, but with components (CPU/GPU) capable of understanding Wii instructions (for backwards compatability) - there is surely less to directly emulate in software.

Wow, cool, thanks, was totally unware that Dolphin did this.
Boney said:
ok I really think I'm retarded or something..

thanks for trying though

think of a ballon--

regular, not blown up balloon - native resolution

blowing into it makes it look all crisp and shiny when it's large. you've used "air" as an extra source of energy to make it look nice when it's stretched to that size - that's rendering, using extra processor power (air)

stretching it out without blowing air into it maybe makes it the same size as the blown up one, but it's not pretty because your forcing it into a shape, rather than using air to properly make it that large - that's upscaling, a more "brute force" way without really using much more resources to get it there

it's kind of tough to explain, but I think that analogy works


Jocchan said:
Upscaling of Wii games? Nearly certain.
Wii games natively rendered at higher resolutions? Chances are very slim (see DS games on the 3DS).

This is what I keep saying to people.

I figure if the PS3 couldn't do it for PS2 games it's very unlikely Nintendo's system will for Wii/GameCube games.
Nessus said:
This is what I keep saying to people.

I figure if the PS3 couldn't do it for PS2 games it's very unlikely Nintendo's system will for Wii/GameCube games.

The PS3 was only a generational leap above the PS2 though. The Cafe will really be a two generational leap above the GC/Wii since they both had about the same amount of power in them.
brochiller said:
The PS3 was only a generational leap above the PS2 though. The Cafe will really be a two generational leap above the GC/Wii since they both had about the same amount of power in them.

True, pretty much.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
Boney said:
Basically, don't expect the games to look better, like they do in Dolphin emulator threads.

It could happen, but it's unlikely.
Buckethead said:
Reading through the thread...

Even if F-Zero is a launch title maybe 10% of people will care.

Make a Mario Kart game with the speed of GX and the depth of Smash Bros. Melee and I will plop down whatever ungodly number of dollars Nintendo wants.

Looking back, F-Zero is most successful when launched with a system.


FullMetal said:
Looking back, F-Zero is most successful when launched with a system.

Basically, they should just pull a Super Nintendo. With the original F-Zero, Nintendo was trying to get the "ZOMGZ SO FAST LOOK AT TEH MODE 7" message out there. With Cafe, a new F-Zero with a "ZOMGZ SO FAST LOOK AT TEH 1080P 60FPS" message could really work wonders I think.


Jocchan said:
Upscaled games are still rendered at 480p. The picture is then stretched to fill the 1080p signal, but no detail is actually added.
Games natively rendered at 1080p show more detail instead.


Another comparison to drive the point further, from the jungles of MGS3:

FullMetal said:
Looking back, F-Zero is most successful when launched with a system.
Racing games tend to do that. They're best when done as a technical showcase for the system. Ridge Racer has built it's last 10 years on that development principle.


The Amiga Brotherhood
AlphaTwo00 said:
Racing games tend to do that. They're best when done as a technical showcase for the system. Ridge Racer has built it's last 10 years on that development principle.

Until the 3DS one anyway ;)


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
Wait, how are people coming to the conclusion that IGN's mock-Wii 2 "destroys" the 360 and PS3? IGN's conclusion in the article itself says that they didn't find any drastic improvements.
Oblivion said:
Wait, how are people coming to the conclusion that IGN's mock-Wii 2 "destroys" the 360 and PS3? IGN's conclusion in the article itself says that they didn't find any drastic improvements.

That was because they were running PC games on that hardware with the bloated Windows OS. In a closed system with little OS overhead and the games being optimized for the hardware, there would be significant improvements.
AlphaTwo00 said:
Racing games tend to do that. They're best when done as a technical showcase for the system. Ridge Racer has built it's last 10 years on that development principle.

Yeah, and its the easiest way for another million-seller installment. Unless the franchise really is dead. o.0
Oblivion said:
Wait, how are people coming to the conclusion that IGN's mock-Wii 2 "destroys" the 360 and PS3? IGN's conclusion in the article itself says that they didn't find any drastic improvements.

PC is not a console that will have much more optimization, won't be running Windows, and will have games optimized for a closed system specifically for the hardware.
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