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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors

brochiller said:
That was because they were running PC games on that hardware with the bloated Windows OS. In a closed system with little OS overhead and the games being optimized for the hardware, there would be significant improvements.

PC games at PC settings and pc resolution.

Turn setting to medium, SSAO off, set the res to 720p and turn off AF and you'll get like 120 fps in bad company 2 instead of the 30 on 360.
If that isn't drastic then idk what is.


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
brochiller said:
That was because they were running PC games on that hardware with the bloated Windows OS. In a closed system with little OS overhead and the games being optimized for the hardware, there would be significant improvements.

But didn't they compensate for the OS by putting in an extra gig of RAM?
Oblivion said:
But didn't they compensate for the OS by putting in an extra gig of RAM?

That only compensates for the idle RAM usage of the OS, it doesn't compensate for all the multitasking that an OS continues to do in the background when you're playing a game. I'm not entirely sure what their little experiment tells us to be honest... it tells us its going to be newer and more powerful by some vague degree, but nothing precise, and we knew about that much already.

I'm sure it was a fun experiment though. Oh to be paid for such things!
Oblivion said:
But didn't they compensate for the OS by putting in an extra gig of RAM?

That doesn't compensate for squat, other than meeting basic requirements to run such a bloated program like Windows.


People are really overestimating the impact of OS overhead on a modern PC. I've got 92 processes active right now and my cpu sits at 99% idle.

The difference in output between a closed box console and a PC of equivalent specs comes predominantly from optimizing for one particular hardware platform, not OS overheads.


Also, plain and simple, the games IGN used are built for PCs (or sometimes other consoles and then ported to PC), which means they were designed with major compromises in mind to make sure they would work across a broad spectrum of systems. Even maxed out, they're not really maxing out the way a dev could potentially max out on the same card inside of a closed universal console environment where everybody is using the same hardware.

However, this test is most likely what we will see from 3rd party games on the cafe, because 3rd parties will basically port to the new system without doing any major enhancements. First party exclusive games will have the potential to be more impressive than anything IGN showed there. In fact, I would imagine that most PC games in the last few years have been held back to make sure they could be ported to the ps360... Nintendo won't have to worry about that on their own games, so we'll have to see what they can do.


Oblivion said:
Wait, how are people coming to the conclusion that IGN's mock-Wii 2 "destroys" the 360 and PS3? IGN's conclusion in the article itself says that they didn't find any drastic improvements.

That's because IGN is functionally retarded. They used multi-platform games that are tailored from the get go to run well on consoles on a PC that wouldn't be anywhere near as optimized for use as the consoles it was competing against. They rendered the games at 1080p and then compared them with games on the 360 by converting the picture down to 720p.

It wasn't a fair comparison whatsoever.
Durante said:
People are really overestimating the impact of OS overhead on a modern PC. I've got 92 processes active right now and my cpu sits at 99% idle.

The difference in output between a closed box console and a PC of equivalent specs comes predominantly from optimizing for one particular hardware platform, not OS overheads.

The impact is low but it can still be variable... your computer has all sorts of processes and services running that have jack shit to do with gaming, and modern PC OS' are prone to do things like check your mail, do a windows update or index some folders while you're doing other things. You're right though, the biggest difference is that the Cafe will have a set of pre-defined custom components with no variability -- developers will optimise to get the most out of those specific components in a way that they can't do when making a PC game.

Its not a totally useless experiment, but it doesn't really tell us a great deal. It's a poor substitute for a proper benchmarking..


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Oblivion said:
Wait, how are people coming to the conclusion that IGN's mock-Wii 2 "destroys" the 360 and PS3? IGN's conclusion in the article itself says that they didn't find any drastic improvements.

At BEST and I mean at BEST (which rarely happens especially with shooters) your looking at 720p currently which is 1280 x 720 or 921,600 pixels.

1080p gives you 1920 x 1280 or 2,073,600 pixels....

This isn't even counting a higher framerate. We are talking sub million pixels at best which tent poll games like Halo and Call of Duty aren't even at 720p verses over 2 million pixels for 1080. Let alone if this shit runs at a higher FPS.

1080p is a fucking gigantic leap over 720p at least in the PC space where you're using monitors and sitting closer to the screen.


Brettison said:
At BEST and I mean at BEST (which rarely happens especially with shooters) your looking at 720p currently which is 1280 x 720 or 921,600 pixels.

1080p gives you 1920 x 1280 or 2,073,600 pixels....

This isn't even counting a higher framerate. We are talking sub million pixels at best which tent poll games like Halo and Call of Duty aren't even at 720p verses over 2 million pixels for 1080. Let alone if this shit runs at a higher FPS.

1080p is a fucking gigantic leap over 720p at least in the PC space where you're using monitors and sitting closer to the screen.
I dont think people realize just how bullshit this gens "hd" consoles really have been. The majority of the major blockbusters dont even reach 720P. Black Ops is only 1040x608 on the 360 and closer to 960x644 on the PS3


The Cafe might be the first "real" HD console. The next generation of Consoles might be the first generation where manufacturers actually render at 1080p. Framerates be damned, I want my 1080p.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
antonz said:
I dont think people realize just how bullshit this gens "hd" consoles really have been. The majority of the major blockbusters dont even reach 720P. Black Ops is only 1040x608 on the 360 and closer to 960x644 on the PS3

The whole point of this test by IGN is a moot point if they can't fucking tell the difference between current consoles and pc's in terms of resolution. They might as well not even had thought about this one.

Which is odd because while I know some aren't that tech savy, and I don't even think Charles would count as a tech savy even being on the PC team heterosexual life partners Anthony and Arthur are both big enough PC gamers to know. This especially goes for Arthur.

There are a fuck ton of people that wouldn't have a fucking clue though, and that is meaning no disrespect because unlike many around here I like a lot of the IGN writers. This just isn't there big area of expertise.


IGN is fucking trooooolllin'. Any moron with an HDTV running a game at 1080p will automatically detest the 'soft' look of 720p the moment he makes the switchback. The frame rate improvement is just icing on the cake.


orioto said:
People are forgetting the gimmick it seems...
The gimmick will make the on screen result 360 like or less. if we get 360/ps3 graphics with better resolution and framerate, it will be a LOT i think.

And that's not a tech problem. It's Nintendo's philosophy. They prefer to impress with the gimmick and spend less on awesome game content, simply.
Hopefully they'll bring the awesome game content this time.
thuway said:
IGN is fucking trooooolllin'. Any moron with an HDTV running a game at 1080p will automatically detest the 'soft' look of 720p the moment he makes the switchback. The frame rate improvement is just icing on the cake.

I'm pretty sure the average joe won't be able to tell the diffference. however with all the rumors they don't seem to be targeting the average joe anymore. but I have no doubt that they will still have games that appeal to them

as for IGN's testing, I would say it's inconclusive. a PC is not a console (in the traditional sense). there is little that could compare


thuway said:
The Cafe might be the first "real" HD console. The next generation of Consoles might be the first generation where manufacturers actually render at 1080p. Framerates be damned, I want my 1080p.
But "true high definition" was already used. :[
thuway said:
The Cafe might be the first "real" HD console. The next generation of Consoles might be the first generation where manufacturers actually render at 1080p. Framerates be damned, I want my 1080p.

if I have to sacrafice framerate to do it, then it isn't worth it. stable framerate comes before true HD resolution for me


Membero Americo
From The Dust said:
if I have to sacrafice framerate to do it, then it isn't worth it. stable framerate comes before true HD resolution for me

We're talking what, 30 or 60?
From The Dust said:
I'm pretty sure the average joe won't be able to tell the diffference. however with all the rumors they don't seem to be targeting the average joe anymore. but I have no doubt that they will still have games that appeal to them

as for IGN's testing, I would say it's inconclusive. a PC is not a console (in the traditional sense). there is little that could compare
They will most definitely target the average joe you speak of. The average joe plays Halo and CoD. It's silly to say that they will only target "hardcore" players. Who are these hardcore players? The ones playing niche games, such as the ones made by Cave for example, or the ones playing nothing but CoD, Halo and Madden?
AndyMoogle said:
They will most definitely target the average joe you speak of. The average joe plays Halo and CoD. It's silly to say that they will only target "hardcore" players. Who are these hardcore players? The ones playing niche games, such as the ones made by Cave for example, or the ones playing nothing but CoD, Halo and Madden?

aye, I guess I mean those who care about actual HD resolutions, shaders, particles, and all that jazz. the techies essentially. and third parties


Membero Americo
From The Dust said:
given that it's a Nintendo game, 60

If Nintendo really can pull off a console which can run games at 1080p (native) and have a constant 60FPS, then...

Console of the forever.


BY2K said:
If Nintendo really can pull off a console which can run games at 1080p (native) and have a constant 60FPS, then...

Console of the forever.
I wouldn't put it past them.


BY2K said:
If Nintendo really can pull off a console which can run games at 1080p (native) and have a constant 60FPS, then...

Console of the forever.
that's not gonna happen maaan

even me gets that
BY2K said:
If Nintendo really can pull off a console which can run games at 1080p (native) and have a constant 60FPS, then...

Console of the forever.

Of course they will.
Because it won't be overloaded with cloth physics and a hundred different light sources making a billion dynamic shadows with a zillion particles flying around for no reason.

User33 said:
Is it too off topic to talk about games that Nintendo will use to show off the Cafe?

I'm thinking F-Zero and Smash Bros (maybe wishful thinking) on the first party side of things. Maybe MW3 and Skyrim for 3rd party.

Smash Bros Frappuccino to show off graphics and online.
From The Dust said:
aye, I guess I mean those who care about actual HD resolutions, shaders, particles, and all that jazz. the techies essentially. and third parties
These "techies" are in the vast minority, that's for sure. I bet that most people on these forums don't know the difference between upscaled and native resolution for example. Just look at how many posts there are in these kind of topics about how cheap DDR3 RAM is and how stupid it would be to not have at least 4GB of it in next gen consoles.


Zelda runs fine at whatever frame rate it's at right now. I think 30 fps. I'd rather see the power go towards shiny effects or making a huge world. Platformers and Kart Racers will be at a smooth 60 fps of course.
User33 said:
Is it too off topic to talk about games that Nintendo will use to show off the Cafe?

I'm thinking F-Zero and Smash Bros (maybe wishful thinking) on the first party side of things. Maybe MW3 and Skyrim for 3rd party.
F-zero would be nice, but it's just never going to have the brand name or appeal to be a launch title.


AceBandage said:
Of course they will.
Because it won't be overloaded with cloth physics and a hundred different light sources making a billion dynamic shadows with a zillion particles flying around for no reason.

Smash Bros Frapaciono to show off graphics and online.
Nothing will ever top Brawl's announcement though.
AndyMoogle said:
These "techies" are in the vast minority, that's for sure. I bet that most people on these forums don't know the difference between upscaled and native resolution for example. Just look at how many posts there are in these kind of topics about how cheap DDR3 RAM is and how stupid it would be to not have at least 4GB of it in next gen consoles.

ok, I don't think anyone here is that dumb :lol
From The Dust said:
ok, I don't think anyone here is that dumb :lol
You obviously haven't read enough of these speculation threads. Just take a look in the latest Xbox 3 speculation thread for example.
User33 said:
Is it too off topic to talk about games that Nintendo will use to show off the Cafe?

I'm thinking F-Zero and Smash Bros (maybe wishful thinking) on the first party side of things. Maybe MW3 and Skyrim for 3rd party.

Super New Super Mario Bros. Super is probably the safest bet.

Nintendo needs something that will move systems like NSMBW did to ensure a successful launch. But then, they have this more recent notion of holding back their big first-party titles so that third-parties can have more room. But then again, that didn't work so well for the 3DS...

Ah dang, I don't know what to think anymore when it comes to Nintendo. They're all over the place (for them) these days.


BY2K said:
Never said they would... or could.

I just want my HD Nintendo games. :(

Same here if only so when I read the reviews people would just focus on gameplay and forget about the graphics.
BY2K said:
If Nintendo really can pull off a console which can run games at 1080p (native) and have a constant 60FPS, then...

Console of the forever.
Pc's were accomplishing this over 10 years ago... (well not 1080p but 1600x1200 which is about the same amount of pixels so it's the same thing)

It 's nothing special if you don't have to deal with ram bottlenecks and terrible fillrates.
I'm sure someone here can explain how the 10MB edram framebuffer on the 360 makes 1080p with msaa not an option (at least not without using the unified ram instead and sacrificing the amazing bandwidth they get out of using edram).

As long as devs keep sacrificing framerate and resolution for more complex graphics it doesn't matter what kind of hardware you use though.

I too would pick framerate over resolution (to an extent).
60 fps 720p 2x msaa > 20-30fps 1080p simply because 20-30 fps simply isn't very playable at all and brings along a whole other host of issues like screen tearing and a double amount of input lag.

I play certain games on my pc at 1280x1024 (yay for CRT monitors, no headaches with having to play in native resolution or seeing your IQ go down the drain) to keep my framerate from dipping under 40 when I don't want to lower any graphical settings.

AndyMoogle said:
These "techies" are in the vast minority, that's for sure. I bet that most people on these forums don't know the difference between upscaled and native resolution for example. Just look at how many posts there are in these kind of topics about how cheap DDR3 RAM is and how stupid it would be to not have at least 4GB of it in next gen consoles.

You don't have to understand how things work to recognise the difference in resolution, or notice screen tearing or a choppy framerate or blurryness.
Not as long as you have a working pair of eyes at least.

Just like a sports jock doesn't have to understand the physics behind a curve ball to be able to throw one.

There is nothing wrong with the DDR3 argument , you seem to assume that those people are suggesting unified ram like in the xbox360. (talking about using ddr3, not needing 4 GB of it)
I thought it would go without explaining that they mean system ram.
As long as you have enough fast gddr5 vram for the gpu to back it up it's all good.

Anyone who has been working with a pc for more than a few years knows more than well enough how much need a gpu has for fast ram, it's why integrated gpu's always were and always will be trash, because they don't have their own gddr pool and have to use the slower ddr ram in your pc.

Anyone who had a pc before 1-4 GB of system ram became the standard is also more than familiar with how bad a lack of memory bandwidth can choke performance.
The words page file and file swapping still send chills down the spine of many a pc user.

The thing is, DDR3 ram still makes a much better and exponentially much faster buffer for data that needs to be fed to the vram of your gpu when it needs it than a hard disc or DVD.
Streaming textures and maps off the disc does not work for shit as this generation has aptly proven. (at least not at the resolution we play at now, it was fine in the xbox1 days for a game like halo CE)

Being able to preload (before or while playing) an entire level or set of levels into the pool of ddr3 ram (and cache them for future loads when done with them) makes for short load times and the ability to create larger maps.
It's also the cheapest way to get enough memory for multitasking.

What sony tried with ps3 would have been awesome (super high bandwidth xdr ram for the gpu backed up by a pool of ddr ram) if they had actually put enough of it in the box...

Having another gen of consoles with tiny amounts of ram would lead to another gen of staring at long loading screens as the hard drive or disc struggles to load data into the vram one small batch at a time.
And we 'd get the same limited size environments, texture pop , lack of texture variation etc.

The supposed lack of HDD in the cafe will only add insult to injury because a disc drive is even slower at streaming data than a HDD.
edit: which is a good reason to assume they will include a decent size ram pool.

The whole business end arguments of it all are so tiresome to read, leave the number crunching to the engineers will ya.
I've seen great arguments against a wide memory bus to drive down cost for example, but the return gained from the small investment in ram chips with more capacity seems to more than justify the cost.
Trying to cram when considering a budget based on some arbitrary number (to reach some stupid MSRP and profit number without budging an inch from it regardless of the benifits) is backwards and probably already made many an engineer cry salty tears.

Hell it made even Epic cry when the suits from microsoft thought it would be a good idea to only equip the 360 with 265 MB of unified ram.
Do you really think the desicion of what hardware to put into a system is always optimal?
As if there weren't a bunch of microsoft engineers pleaing to their bosses to give them some headroom within the brutal constraints set upon them before the development process even begun.
They probably have a little shrine up at home where they offer daily tribute to Epic for talking sense into their bosses' bosses.

I doubt most engineers are crazy scientists who want to build insane contraptions ignoring all common sense and reason (the way they usually get caricaturised) , rather than grounded people who would really wish the guys upstairs would give them the freedom to add a safety to the trigger of their new gun design, or stop using 5 cent / metric tonne cheaper lead based paint in their baby toys.


AceBandage said:
Crytek is twice that dumb!
well it's their business building hi tech stuff to differentiate from their competitors and have ze competitive advantage, of course they want moar power.


Error Macro said:
Super New Super Mario Bros. Super is probably the safest bet.

Nintendo needs something that will move systems like NSMBW did to ensure a successful launch. But then, they have this more recent notion of holding back their big first-party titles so that third-parties can have more room. But then again, that didn't work so well for the 3DS...

Ah dang, I don't know what to think anymore when it comes to Nintendo. They're all over the place (for them) these days.

This is a good guess. 4 player with everybody having their own screen could be somethin special.

My hope is for them showing an F-Zero or Mario Kart, dripping with details and 60fps.


bgassassin said:
if the other places (from their sources) that have said it's only a slight increase

I'm chalking that up to them talking about CPU speed. It is only a slight increase in CPU speed over 360's tri-core CPU.
donny2112 said:
I'm chalking that up to them talking about CPU speed. It is only a slight increase in CPU speed over 360's tri-core CPU.

Or they only saw Ubisoft's ports which will look pretty much the same as 360/PS3 games.
All I really want is a console with several times the performance of Xbox 360 so that developers as good as EAD Tokyo can make games that look more like CG.
From The Dust said:
wouldn't that imply that IGN's source is from within Ubisoft?

Everyone's source is Ubisoft. I can pretty much guarantee it.
Someone in Ubisoft started blabbing away to journalists.
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