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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors

Hiltz said:
I still wonder if Nintendo can possibly put to rest the notion that gamers only buy Nintendo systems to play Nintendo games on.

They have a lot of work considering how long that's been going on. The mistakes made with the N64 was the foundation of this IMO. At that time it was caused by choice of format and difficulty of development. So when developers start going to the easier/more affordable option to develop (PS1), then all you are really left with is to sell your own games with 3rd parties making games here and there by the end of the 64's life.
GDGF said:
Anybody else kind of expect someone from Epic to speak at Nintendo's E3 press conference?
I'm rather hoping for Gabe Newell at their press conference. If Mark or Cliffy were there, it would only be to state that you yes, "you could port your shit, running on our shit, to Nintendo's shit".
SneakyStephan said:
If the xbox live cod cliche is anything to go by then it would be akward slapping/pawing fights by underdeveloped 12 year olds with a voice like a thousand nails on a thousand chalkboards.
Aka dudebrats *Tm.
You are quickly becoming one of my favorite posters in this thread.

I've long thought that shared memory was the way to go, but you've argued well enough that I know think that separate system and video ram is a possibility.

I'm totally going to use the term dudebrats too.
Instro said:
Its time

Is that a cigar?

GOTY confirmed!
Well... I guess Gabe is going to be there... you know, to announce that they are handling Nintendo's online system... right?

Right, guys?



Fernando Rocker said:
Well... I guess Gabe is going to be there... you know, to announce that thee are handling Nintendo's online system... right?

Right, guys?

I dont think Gafs server could ever recover from such news


BMF said:
I'm rather hoping for Gabe Newell at their press conference. If Mark or Cliffy were there, it would only be to state that you yes, "you could port your shit, running on our shit, to Nintendo's shit".

I wish nintendo would open up their war chest and just start throwing out the money hats. Investors would be pissed, but hell, nintendo has so much money to burn it's insane. Just do it for the first two years or so, get the 3rd party support they need to change the current perception of nintendo consoles, build the installed base, and just watch MS and Sony scramble to catch up.


artwalknoon said:
But what if Gabe said, "per Nintendo company policy Friend Codes will remain...."
As long as it was a full featured XBL style online I think it would do fine. Even now while FCs are a pain in the ass you can at least play with random people.
shadyspace said:
Video's over half an hour. What's the pertinent information (besides the specious headline)?

Oh, you don't have to watch the whole thing. Just click around that time and it'll start loading from there. But it is Gabe Newell related.

The Hermit

Whoa Gaf, you guys are setting the bar waaaaaayyy too high.

At this E3 I expect to not expect.... damn the hype just before their presention will be so intense it that it might break the internets. Yeah all of them.


Baiano19 said:
Whoa Gaf, you guys are setting the bar waaaaaayyy too high.

At this E3 I expect to not expect.... damn the hype just before their presention will be so intense it that it might break the internets. Yeah all of them.
Its a good thing Nintendo has 2 Plumbers on the staff since the internet is a series of tubes. Get them puppies unclogged
User33 said:
I actually enjoyed his segment on the Cafe. Seems genuinely hyped and pretty sure this guy hates the original Wii.

It's nice to see SOMEBODY covering video games have some enthusiasm about it.


BMF said:
The host is really annoying. You know what I's sayin?

EDIT: Probably deserves it's own thread, if only to ridicule the host.

LOL. I wouldn't go that far. Just like you have "dudebro" gamers, you have "dudemane" gamers that go for the same games. If he gets that segment hyped, that would be good for Nintendo.


Video only seems to be suggesting that Valve is on board for developing Wii2 games. Doesn't seem too hard to believe that they would be porting Portal 2 and their other games to any major platform that can handle it.


HipHopGamer is a random rumor site that puts out garbage 98% of the time in hopes of getting hits the 2% of the time they guess right.
I think one thing that hasn't been mentioned was the online capability he talked about. And how Gabe is very pleased with how it sounds and the dedicated servers for games.

Nirolak said:
HipHopGamer is a random rumor site that puts out garbage 98% of the time in hopes of getting hits the 2% of the time they guess right.

I guess that would be why no one said it has been posted.


BMF said:
I'm rather hoping for Gabe Newell at their press conference. If Mark or Cliffy were there, it would only be to state that you yes, "you could port your shit, running on our shit, to Nintendo's shit".


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Hiro said:
Except that UE3 can't run on the 3DS.

They could probably get a mobile version of UE3, or a heavily enhanced UE2.5 (think like Bioshock) working on the 3DS in some form. If Capcom can get MT Framework working with shaders and all, so can Epic and UE3.

Problem is Epic couldn't give two shits (usually for good reason) about doing it, and wont pay the playform the time of day.


EatChildren said:
They could probably get a mobile version of UE3, or a heavily enhanced UE2.5 (think like Bioshock) working on the 3DS in some form. If Capcom can get MT Framework working with shaders and all, so can Epic and UE3.

Problem is Epic couldn't give two shits (usually for good reason) about doing it, and wont pay the playform the time of day.
If Epic says they can't do it, then they can't do it, there isn't some secret industry wide anti Nintendo agenda here. The blame for no UE3 on 3DS is completely in Nintendo's court, if they had specced the handheld properly then the 3DS would be getting ports from all over the place.


Mr_Brit said:
If Epic says they can't do it, then they can't do it, there isn't some secret industry wide anti Nintendo agenda here. The blame for no UE3 on 3DS is completely in Nintendo's court, if they had specced the handheld properly then the 3DS would be getting ports from all over the place.

Isnt the issue there that the 3DS only supports Open GL ES 1.1 rather than 2.0? UE3 would have to be modified to work on the 3DS, but I doubt Epic would be interested in doing so since they arnt creating their own games for the platform. A lot of 3rd parties have their own engines that they can use like Capcom so that probably lessens the demand for UE3 as well

Epic would probably make it happen if there was enough interest from western 3rd parties or Nintendo.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Mr_Brit said:
If Epic says they can't do it, then they can't do it, there isn't some secret industry wide anti Nintendo agenda here. The blame for no UE3 on 3DS is completely in Nintendo's court, if they had specced the handheld properly then the 3DS would be getting ports from all over the place.

You're shtick of bitching about the 3DS specs in every 3DS thread got old long ago.

It's got nothing to do with any agendas, and everything to do with Epic being wholey uninterested in pushing UE3 on the platform, for legitimate busines reasons, just as they were completely uninterested in pushing UE2.5 on the Wii and it was instead up to other developers to do the work for them.

UE3 as we know it couldn't run on the 3DS. I dont doubt that with enough work Epic could get a UE3-lite version running for the 3DS, obviously stripped of the bigger features, or at the very least (and as already said) a souped up version of UE2.5 with shaders, similar to what BioShock is running on.

Capcom can get a perfectly capable version of MT Framework running on the 3DS, shaders and all, and I'm supposed to believe it's impossible for UE3 to run on the same platform in any way, shape or form? Please.
Instro said:
Isnt the issue there that the 3DS only supports Open GL ES 1.1 rather than 2.0? UE3 would have to be modified to work on the 3DS, but I doubt Epic would be interested in doing so since they arnt creating their own games for the platform. A lot of 3rd parties have their own engines that they can use like Capcom so that probably lessens the demand for UE3 as well

Epic would probably make it happen if there was enough interest from western 3rd parties or Nintendo.

UE3 is completely built around a baseline of shader capabilities. To "make it happen" they'd basically need to demake the engine back into UE2. Why would they waste their time with something so stupid? It's not a matter of 3rd party interest of economics. With how much they'd have to sacrifice for 3DS it basically would no longer be UE3.


Brad Grenz said:
UE3 is completely built around a baseline of shader capabilities. To "make it happen" they'd basically need to demake the engine back into UE2. Why would they waste their time with something so stupid? It's not a matter of 3rd party interest of economics. With how much they'd have to sacrifice for 3DS it basically would no longer be UE3.

Hey, I never said it was a good idea. Clearly with the way UE3 is designed its not a good fit for the 3DS unless heavily modified. Its pointless without significant interest from others in having some sort of Unreal Engine on the system (and it sounds like building from UE2 rather than stripping down UE3 would be the better way to go anyway.)


Mr. Brit really does have it out for the 3DS lol.

I think I'm cool with the power of the 3DS and don't see it as a massive cop-out like the DS was. Its not the cutting edge, and I don't think Nintendo will ever go for that. I would f'ing love NGP power or IPAD power of course, but there is a cost associated with that. Sure I would f'ing pay that cost, but Nintendo figures most people won't.


Man how I wish handhelds and consoles in general were like PC's, where most games run on most hardware with minimal fuss but at different detail levels. Want a fucking smoking 3DS with like 1 GB of RAM and some massive HD Screen? Pony up $400 or what have you. Or get the weaksauce version Nintendo is pushing now. Hey, no worries man you get the same games, you can still enjoy the product. But you have a CHOICE about how pretty those games get to be.
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