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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
DragonKnight said:
Nope. I've seen this before on this very forum. Same color and same speculation about the logo. I just wish nintendo would say "FINE!!!Here's the damn thing!"
At this point I only want Nintendo to show it so people can stop posting that thing.


NEO0MJ said:
I blame the lack of SS on how disappointing TP is, and how SS doesn't seem to add anything new other than motion plus.

Well, it supposedly will change the dungeon/overworld separation, according to an early interview... but, of course, Nintendo has basically only released two short trailers, both of them only focusing on direct combat and small rooms. No story trailer, no trailer featuring any kind of overworld, a single village or anything at all besides the basic combat. They just haven't done much to promote the game.


DragonKnight said:
I don't wanna get banned but it's time for nintendo to get off OOT's (and more accurately ALTTP) dick. Maybe the Galaxy team should handle the next Zelda.

Zelda in space. Make it happen and i'm there day one.

Thing is, TP was by no means a bad game. It's just that the hype for that game was so insane. nothing can match the hype during it's reveal. It was bound to disappoint.

NeonZ said:
No story trailer, no trailer featuring any kind of overworld, a single village or anything at all besides the basic combat. They just haven't done much to promote the game.

I'm sure all that will change this E3.
NeonZ said:
Well, it supposedly will change the dungeon/overworld separation, according to an early interview... but, of course, Nintendo has basically only released two short trailers, both of them only focusing on direct combat and small rooms. No story trailer, no trailer featuring any kind of overworld, a single village or anything at all besides the basic combat. They just haven't done much to promote the game.

Indeed, Nintendo has done a terrible job promoting Skyward Sword so far.
Jocchan said:
This time with different color, and differently positioned/sized extra-tacky etched-for-some-reason Nintendo logo.
Also, is it me or does the camel toe micro-DVD tray keep getting smaller with each "leaked" picture?

If as standard size DVD/BD disc fit in there, that's one tall console. With crazy-thick cords.
NEO0MJ said:
Thing is, TP was by no means a bad game. It's just that the hype for that game was so insane. nothing can match the hype during it's reveal. It was bound to disappoint.

I'm sure all that will change this E3.

You are correct. Hype for me had nothing to do with it. IMO, they just remade OOT. Great game but it didn't feel any different. I don't want to turn this into a Zelda debate though and i'm already there day one so I guess my argument is moot anyway


DragonKnight said:
You are correct. Hype for me had nothing to do with it. IMO, they just remade OOT. Great game but it didn't feel any different. I don't want to turn this into a Zelda debate though and i'm already there day one so I guess my argument is moot anyway

Remade ALTTP, you mean.


herzogzwei1989 said:
Indeed, Nintendo has done a terrible job promoting Skyward Sword so far.

Which, after TP, has me feeling good about SS. For an OoT-level game to occur again, Zelda has to go back to having unknowns and having the capacity to surprise.


herzogzwei1989 said:
Why does it seem like there's so little hype for Skyward Sword compared to that for Twilight Princess? I find myself not at all hyped for Skyward Sword. I think it's the lack of epicness in the two trailers released so far. I hope E3 changes all that, but I cannot help but to think of the possibilities for Zelda Cafe in HD and get excited for that, even though I should be excited for Skyward Sword. Anyone here feel the same?

Your'e right about the lack of hype for the game. The two trailers were underwhelming and the live demo from Miyamoto was a mess. Hopefully, the next trailer should have a better mix of story and gameplay to show off.

I'm more excited for Skyward Sword. We've been waiting a long time for a proper Wii Zelda game with third-person motion control swordplay. Besides, we don't know jack about what Project Cafe will really be capable of, so all we can do is continue to speculate on what Zelda could be like for it.


DragonKnight said:
Great game but it didn't feel any different. I don't want to turn this into a Zelda debate though and i'm already there day one so I guess my argument is moot anyway

Aren't we all :p?
herzogzwei1989 said:
Indeed, Nintendo has done a terrible job promoting Skyward Sword so far.

Nintendo is terrible at promoting everything. With the exception of major events like E3 and their quasi-annual fall Japanese conferences, they almost never release any information/media for titles that are more than two to three months from shipping. And don't even get me started on the eShop.

Krowley said:
Maybe they think they can draw casuals with future peripherals once the price of the system drops.

In this way they could go at the casual market in a more traditional way. Instead of getting them during initial release, they'll wait till the console is cheap enough for them to easily afford it, while focusing on grabbing a larger demographic of bigger spending core gamers during the early release.

If there were a stream of non-shovelware casual releases coming for Wii over the next couple years steady enough to ensure competitiveness with Kinect, I might buy that line of thinking. But that doesn't seem to be the case.


NEO0MJ said:
Thing is, TP was by no means a bad game. It's just that the hype for that game was so insane. nothing can match the hype during it's reveal. It was bound to disappoint.

Honestly, it didn't disappoint. It was easily the GOTY winner on GAF the year that it came out. Since then, a vocal minority has continued to spout venom about it while most people who loved it have stopped bothering to argue with them.

Bottom Line: It was a great game. Possibly the best Zelda game yet, and certainly in the top tier of Zelda games.

Awesome level design
Awesome Music
Awesome gameplay.
Amazing creativity
Fantastic art
Massive epic adventure

Basically, the only real flaws in the game were the difficulty and a slow start. So far I've seen nothing from skyward sword that makes me think it will have any chance of topping it in any way. That doesn't mean that there isn't anything to see, but Nintendo honestly hasn't shown much of the game.

It could be a really good game and still fall well short of TP in much the same way that Metroid Prime 2 and 3 fall pretty far short of Prime 1.


DragonKnight said:
You are correct. Hype for me had nothing to do with it. IMO, they just remade OOT. Great game but it didn't feel any different. I don't want to turn this into a Zelda debate though and i'm already there day one so I guess my argument is moot anyway

also i think people underestimate how much a good trailer can add to the hype, the original trailer before it was called TP had me going crazy and shaking for about a week, all footage of SS has really been kind of boring


Why are we talking about SS in a cafe hardware thread? Take that disscusion to the other countless threads talking about the same damn thing.


Hiltz said:
Do you guys think that Nintendo will bring back the Mii avatars ?

No. I think they'll have something similar but stylistically different. If they're trying to get away from the wii branding, they'll also call it something different.


Door2Dawn said:
Why are we talking about SS in a cafe hardware thread? Take that disscusion to the other countless threads talking about the same damn thing.

Because the hardware talk has all but been exhausted. Note that two people posted the same, probably fake rumor on this page, and outside of the posting of an old image, that was the biggest hardware "news".


The Amiga Brotherhood
ace3skoot said:
also i think people underestimate how much a good trailer can add to the hype, the original trailer before it was called TP had me going crazy and shaking for about a week, all footage of SS has really been kind of boring

I actually think so little being shown of SS so far will work in its favour.

The first 'epic' trailer and key story elements, will having people going mad about it. Assuming they show it at E3, that's perfect time for hype to build before release. If they'd done that last year there would be no way of creating more hype without spoiling more of the game.

I'm underwhelmed about SS at the moment, but I think that's going to change quite soon ...


ace3skoot said:
also i think people underestimate how much a good trailer can add to the hype, the original trailer before it was called TP had me going crazy and shaking for about a week, all footage of SS has really been kind of boring

A week?!?

I go back and watch it now and I still get goosebumps. Even though it ended up sucking.
Krowley said:
No. I think they'll have something similar but stylistically different. If they're trying to get away from the wii branding, they'll also call it something different.
They're right there though in 3DS. I think they'll be back.
Hiltz said:
Do you guys think that Nintendo will bring back the Mii avatars ?

I was actually wondering about this last night. If they do, I would assume they would be upgraded in some way. Also, would you have to start over, or could they somehow make your Mii account based and transfer the basic parameters from the Wii version? (don't have a 3DS, so I don't know how they work there).

It will be interesting to see what they carry over and what is brand new.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Hiltz said:
Do you guys think that Nintendo will bring back the Mii avatars ?

I think there's going to be quite a lot of connection with the 3DS going on, including unified online store, so Mii's are likely as well.
I don't want to use the "just because it's on 3DS it will be on the Wii2" argument. That way, I can hype myself up that the N6 will have an amazing online infrastructure


Krowley said:
No. I think they'll have something similar but stylistically different. If they're trying to get away from the wii branding, they'll also call it something different.
I doubt they would get rid of the Doraemon hands. Or any other key features of the Mii design. They can add enhancements in various places, but it has a clean look that doesn't need overhaul.


The Amiga Brotherhood
megashock5 said:
I was actually wondering about this last night. If they do, I would assume they would be upgraded in some way. Also, would you have to start over, or could they somehow make your Mii account based and transfer the basic parameters from the Wii version? (don't have a 3DS, so I don't know how they work there).

It will be interesting to see what they carry over and what is brand new.

We should ask whathisname to post some drawings of 'mature' Mii's.

Or maybe not ;)


DragonKnight said:
That way, I can hype myself up that the N6 will have an amazing online infrastructure

You need to take that hype out back and put it down right now. This is Nintendo we're talking about!
Nirolak said:
I think the box art is problematic on that front as well.


Having a system design and a box art design that look really similar to the previous system was probably not the best decision.
People thought it was weird to move the system tab from the left to the right, but I guess if they really wanted to get the message across that it's different they need to
:lol at PotC box, yeah that might work.
NeonZ said:
no trailer featuring any kind of overworld
By overworld you mean giant empty field/ocean or?...
There may be a literal overworld in the sky but I'm expecting the main world to be much more compact like the SNES/Game boy games. We may have seen a good forest shaped chunk of the overworld already.
herzogzwei1989 said:
The real thing will be shown very soon, so we shall see.
We shall see an official mockup with dev kits under the table skirts.

The amount of fuckery that's gone on in response to those original pics makes me think that the whole thing is fake though.
agrajag said:
I really hope that's fake, it'd be a big step down from the sexiness that is Wii.

It's going to be less sexy than the Wii. It's a big tech jump, so it will have to be larger to help keep it from overheating, if anything.


Gravijah said:
They should make it look like a tiny GameCube. Or a massive GameCube.

A giant gamecube that has a handle so it looks like a briefcase, that way Iwata can carry it out on stage.


Ὁ μεμβερος -ου
Instro said:
A giant gamecube that has a handle so it looks like a briefcase, that way Iwata can carry it out on stage.
"You may be wondering why I brought my briefcase here. Well, it is no briefcase."
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