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IGN Posts Up More Project Cafe Hardware Power Rumors


Fernando Rocker said:
There is a person in this forum who could give us some info... maybe not by him directly, but I'm pretty sure he knows people...


Super Scribblenauts Advanced is leaked, featuring all new verbs!
Fernando Rocker said:
There is a person in this forum who could give us some info... maybe not by him directly, but I'm pretty sure he knows people...


Would they have a Cafe dev kit already?
I know they're tight with Nintendo, but I dunno if they've given out kits to everyone yet.


herzogzwei1989 said:
You know, I was thinking....I know I *want* Cafe to have a GPU like RV770 / Radeon 4870/4850 or at the very least, the RV740, but what if it's only roughly on par with Xbox 360's Xenos and PS3's RSX....And only 512 MB RAM....What would that mean? It would mean Nintendo's games would have to rely more on Nintendo's outstanding art-direction (i.e. Twilight Princess, Galaxy) and less on sheer technical prowess.

Could we live with that?

Just a repeat performance of the Wii.

I guess the biggest difference would be something somebody pointed out much earlier in this thread; for the majority of gamers the jumps in graphics from here on out will provide somewhat diminishing returns. Obviously there is room for improvement. There will always be some room for improvement. But the gap between say...Witcher 2 (recommended card is HD4850) and Dragon Age Origins (on console) isn't as noticeable as the gap between PS1 to PS2 or PS2 to PS3.


ShockingAlberto said:
Did you have a similar problem with XBox where that was actually intentional (as well as being based on DirectX)

XBox is still an awful name.

It's definitely a household name now, but when it released it reeked of microsoft's desperation to be the "cool console."


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
shadyspace said:
They should just name it the "adjective" Nintendo. What's better than super?

They should keep naming systems after the level names from Star Road in Super Mario World.

I vote for "Tubular."


Neo Member
Anyone remember the faked "leaked" specs on the Revolution / Wii, they were like triple or dual core close to the 360... we see how that turned out. Although this seems to have more weight behind it.


Neo Member

Nintendo Revolution specs leaked online (by Han Solo?)
Posted Sep 22, 2005, 9:00 PM ET by Dan Choi
Related entries: Nintendo Revolution, Online

A Factor 5 employee (who goes by the alias “Han Solo”) has purportedly leaked the specs to the Nintendo Revolution.

Whether we can trust an online forum poster for the Revolution lowdown, however, is another question. Apparently, Solo delivered the goods on the 360’s specs in the past, so he may actually know what he’s talking about. Follow the link here to see the points we’re talkin’ about, of which a few highlights are listed below:

1 dual-threaded IBM Custom PowerPC 2.5 GHz core with 256KB of L1 cache, 1MB of L2 cache, and maybe a rumored L3 cache as well.

256MB of 1T-SRAM for an ATI Custom-based RN520 600 MHz GPU that will support up to 2048x1268 resolution, though HD support is still being decided.
512MB of 700 MHz 1T-SRAM for the Revolution’s main memory.

And an extra 32MB just for a Physical Processing Unit (PPU) chip to help the CPU and GPU with the processing load.
Does this mean 1 dual-threaded processor can’t compare to the 360’s 3 faster dual-threaded cores (or the Cell’s 7 SPUs)? Nintendo stated in the past that it wasn’t aiming to win the processing-power arms race—and specs leaked in the past were more than a little suspect—but we’re hoping that ease of development for a single core, as well as the capabilities of the other respectable components mentioned, will help calm the fanboy flames just a bit.
FrankieWVU said:
Anyone remember the faked "leaked" specs on the Revolution / Wii, they were like triple or dual core close to the 360... we see how that turned out. Although this seems to have more weight behind it.

you will say "wow". FOR REAL THIS TIME!


Chet Rippo said:
The Nintendo Girth.

See the NINTENDO of enormous girth!
On its console it holds the earth.
Its RAM is fast but much too small
to hold many textures at all.
Its strength is in first party games:
other publishers ignore its aims.
It peddles platform-locked DLC
only loved by fanboys like me.

Fat Goron

So..... about the name..... let's talk about our personal ideas.....

Considering that the codename "Café" really is meant to give an idea of "online social environment".... What kind of "theme" Nintendo could put in this console and it's online infrasctructure?

I'd go with "Nintendo Hex".

First of all, this is the 6th Nintendo home console, so it has already a meaning.... But there's one more thing. What about a "Hive"? A social structure in which the bugs are in constant interaction, formed by thousands of hexagons.....


Thus, "Hex" would represent a piece of the very structure that forms the "Hive" (that could very well be the name of the new "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection"), ..... and, hell, the user accounts could even be called "Biis".


TwinIonEngines said:
See the NINTENDO of enormous girth!
On its console it holds the earth.
Its RAM is fast but much too small
to hold many textures at all.
Its strength is in first party games:
other publishers ignore its aims.
It peddles platform-locked DLC
only loved by fanboys like me.

Stephen King is making a Cafe game?
TwinIonEngines said:
See the NINTENDO of enormous girth!
On its console it holds the earth.
Its RAM is fast but much too small
to hold many textures at all.
Its strength is in first party games:
other publishers ignore its aims.
It peddles platform-locked DLC
only loved by fanboys like me.

Cafe is a wheel?


Fat Goron said:
So..... about the name..... let's talk about our personal ideas.....

Considering that the codename "Café" really is meant to give an idea of "online social environment".... What kind of "theme" Nintendo could put in this console and it's online infrasctructure?

I'd go with "Nintendo Hex".

First of all, this is the 6th Nintendo home console, so it has already a meaning.... But there's one more thing. What about a "Hive"? A social structure in which the bugs are in constant interaction, formed by thousands of hexagons.....


Thus, "Hex" would represent a piece of the very structure that forms the "Hive" (that could very well be the name of the new "Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection"), ..... and, hell, the user accounts could even be called "Biis".



Was it confirmed that it's not simply going to be Wii 2/Wii Next/Super Wii?
Seems strange that they'd let go of such a successful brand for them.

Also, I haven't been following too carefully - do most rumors point out to Cafe being as powerful as 360/PS3, somewhat more powerful, or noticeably more powerful?
Cromat said:
Was it confirmed that it's not simply going to be Wii 2/Wii Next/Super Wii?
Seems strange that they'd let go of such a successful brand for them.

Also, I haven't been following too carefully - do most rumors point out to Cafe being as powerful as 360/PS3, somewhat more powerful, or noticeably more powerful?

1. Wii as a brand is too tainted, I'd think, for them to continue it as the console name. If they want to break out of the image they have on the Wii and open up to more demographics, they need a brand new label.
2. Noticeably more powerful. About half a generation leap.
Cromat said:
Was it confirmed that it's not simply going to be Wii 2/Wii Next/Super Wii?
Seems strange that they'd let go of such a successful brand for them.

Also, I haven't been following too carefully - do most rumors point out to Cafe being as powerful as 360/PS3, somewhat more powerful, or noticeably more powerful?

I'd say based on what we're hearing, somewhat more powerful for cross platform titles, but noticeably more powerful w/ exclusives.
Cromat said:
Was it confirmed that it's not simply going to be Wii 2/Wii Next/Super Wii?
Seems strange that they'd let go of such a successful brand for them.

Also, I haven't been following too carefully - do most rumors point out to Cafe being as powerful as 360/PS3, somewhat more powerful, or noticeably more powerful?

1. no word on it yet
2. some thing letting the name go is good as the Wii is tainted with casual-ness, some think it's bad due to install base
3. sources differ. the French site says slightly more powerful, IGN says signigicantly more powerful


Well I'd say for the vast majority of people the Wii is a huge success. Certainly in the eyes of the mainstream media.
Then again I think it'll be best if they try and avoid a situation like 3DS, where some people don't even realize it's the successor and a whole new console.
So if they keep Wii, it better be something obvious like "Wii 2".

Also, knowing Nintendo, I would bet more on Cafe being similar to PS3/360 than on it being significantly more powerful. The question is if that is enough for most people, and what Cafe could bring to the table that sets it apart from the other next-gen consoles.
Cromat said:
Also, knowing Nintendo, I would bet more on Cafe being similar to PS3/360 than on it being significantly more powerful. The question is if that is enough for most people, and what Cafe could bring to the table that sets it apart from the other next-gen consoles.

I don't know if that's a fair assumption to make considering they've only gone the underpowered route one generation.


herzogzwei1989 said:
If Cafe happens to be several times more powerful tha 360/PS3 then I hope it gets the definitive console version of Battlefield 3. I don't want to have to upgrade my new PC anytime soon. Although I will if I have too.

I never saw the part at the very end of the BF3 trailer: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N3b2ST-yQ04#t=11m17s The last few seconds look fucking beyond incredible. That's next-gen baby!

I know, right?? If there's a well-made Cafe version I'd double dip on it.
AceBandage said:
Again, Nintendo would have to go out of their way to make it just as powerful as the 360/PS3.

Maybe. They could be using one of the lower-end GPUs in the R7xx family. I think there's one with 320 shaders, only slightly more than Xbox 360, with Xenos being the equivalent of 240. I hope you're right though, I hope Cafe gets 640-800 shaders (RV740-RV770). I want a powerful Cafe, as does almost everyone else.


AceBandage said:
Again, Nintendo would have to go out of their way to make it just as powerful as the 360/PS3.
I have a feeling you're going to be on suicide watch come e3.

If you have high hopes on the graphical capabilities of this system it's best to temper them a fair bit.
big_z said:
I have a feeling you're going to be on suicide watch come e3.

If you have high hopes on the graphical capabilities of this system it's best to temper them a fair bit.

Hmmm, I doubt it, really.
There's actually no reason to believe that the system will only be as powerful as the PS3/360, even in a worst case scenario.
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