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I'm worried that Starfield is gonna suck and here's my main reason for it

I remember people complaining about Skyrim when it came out saying Bethesda hadn't made a good game since Morrowind.
Its true though.. oblivion at least had good quests and loot variety/rpg attributes

But skyrim lacked both...and it was their most popular one obviously, and vasuals dont notice shit like that so here we are. They learn nothing.

Witcher 3 should be the standard now for open world quest writing. Why are we settling for procedural shit? Unless there are more bro gamers than I thought that just like the "freedom" of running around and fighting things, and thats all they care about.


You are right to be worried, Bethesda recent output isn't very promising, but i think they can do it and release a very good game, and my biggest reason for this is the mods lol, if its going to be big on mods like Skyrim and Fallout 4 were then its already a desirable purchase for me.


Pretty much.
Think Skyrim/Fallout in space....done.
This is my first thought about it.

But in reality... I think the different planets will make a huge difference this time, compared to your usual run-of-the-mill open world Beth game.


Predicted OpenCritic rating:

Pretty much.
Think Skyrim/Fallout in space....done.
If you didnt like Skyrim or Fallout then assume you wont like Starfield.

As for it sucking......I would almost avatar bet the game will NOT suck.
I just like Black Swan too much to get rid of the avatar any time soon.
Well i liked morrowind and oblivion and fallout 3. So no my problem is not with the type of game. Its that since skyrim they've become streamlined, dude bro, procedural, and lacking creativity. They've gotten worse.

To the people who have good memories or are experienced enough to know the differences.

But ignorance seems to be bliss


Gold Member
I like Fallout 4 well enough, but my concerns about the game all come from the footage we've seen. Looks barren, combat looks stiff and weird. I hope I'm wrong, I've enjoyed everything Bethesda has put out.


The bigger concern should be the hints that the game is not in a good state. Which if true please please please delay it. A big space epic Bethesda game, despite their issues, sound amazing. I’m a little miffed I won’t get to play it with the dual sense but it’ll be “free” at least.


All Fallouts were awesome, especially 4.

Skyrim was a buggy mess but became awesome.

Oblivion was awesome.

Starfield will most likely be awesome.


Yeah, depends on how much you like Bethesda (Todd Howard) games.

I have liked 3 out of 4. Unfortunately, the 4th was Fallout 4, which most resembles Starfield (at least so far).


Yeah, depends on how much you like Bethesda (Todd Howard) games.

I have liked 3 out of 4. Unfortunately, the 4th was Fallout 4, which most resembles Starfield (at least so far).

You know what's crazy to think?

What if MS never bought Bethesda back in 2020? What the hell would they even have to be pushing on their system at this point? They wouldn't even have had HiFi Rush....that's a scary thought.


Starfield atleast gonna be like another Bethesda game, gonna sold very well, mod friendly and people play for its gameplay that mostly related to the world experience.

that is their strength. critical reception with stuff like story aspect is something that i dont think they could get, if we consider their previous output recently especially with contenders we gonna get this year but colour me suprise.
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Surprising, considering that there are more versions of Skyrim than there are moons around Jupiter.

It's easier to see when think about it. People like guns more than swords and FO4 incorporated "mods" into the main gameplay, then the creation center even moreso, the games are basically endless sandboxes.

Pete Hines was just referring to the period up to that tweet's date; Skyrim was a pretty strong evergreen title and sold a lot after its first year. I'm not sure Fallout 4 was similar as it always seemed like that game was very frontloaded (TBF AAA games have become increasingly frontloaded over the years and only some of Sony's and most of Nintendo's tend to be evergreen over a period of years. There may be a couple of 3P ones that are evergreen though like GTA5, Witcher 3 and Elden Ring more recently).

At least that's the way I read the tweet.

Understandable. No need for list wars. And I should not talk about Redfall without having played it first too. I think that the game is already a 70$ sink or swim game with PC so putting it on the PS5 would not have changed much, especially as Microsoft would care even less of the reception there. Only a Sony block would have changed things, but I doubt it. Your last paragraph is were I strongly disagree. in general, yes I would agree with you. A lot of redemption storied exist. And we do not always need to wait for the next game as No man's sky proves even a bad game can get really good with time and efforts.

But this is different. Redfall problem is not that it is a bad game. It is that it is a bad game that got a 1 year delay. And the second game that had the same problem after Halo Infinite under Xbox management. We have a french proverb: Never two without three. It makes me really afraid of Starfield being the third one. Failures can happen, but they often have reasons behind it. Redfall should not be out in this state. And this is Xbox fault. I asked you for a Sony/ Nintendo equivalent because even if a game can be shit first party are at least polished in general.No need to, just a honest reminder that this is not what first party is/ should be.
I should not be worried about Starfield, as they are made by another studio, with a different engine, and none of the GAAS/ coop elements that can fuck up a game that Redfall had. But I am worried. Worried that Xbox will decide that they need a Spiderman 2 answer no matter the cost. Worried that they need a AAA game in 2023 more than they need a GOTY 2024 game. Worried that the Xbox "mierdas touch" is real and not just warrior bullshit. I should not. But I am. And sadly there is reasons to be, if the rumors of Starfield having a rough dev time are true.

There was a person on ResetERA who made a post months ago about RedFall & Starfield (and HiFi Rush's reveal) that has been right so far on the games. They said that Starfield was in even worst shape than RedFall, but that was at the time they made the post, back in January. And for all we know, they may've been referring to a point earlier than January when they actually saw the games (maybe December, maybe November, maybe as far back as May 2022 for all we know though given RedFall's state I doubt it was that far ago).

A lot could have changed by now including the fact that Starfield did in fact get a soft delay (out of H1 2023 into H2). I'm thinking that maybe Xbox funding budget has been reduced (this was also something rumored) and Phil's shifted a lot of that towards Starfield development, so maybe a portion of the FY '22 budget was slashed and added to FY '23. That could have affected RedFall, even affected Ghostwire Tokyo's Xbox port, affected HiFi Rush marketing and other things since they all came after the holiday season where things were slowing down heavily for Xbox, and Microsoft would've wanted to start saving some money to reduce losses.

That's maybe one of the only contexts I could come up with to dissuade too much worry over Starfield, although it'd of mean RedFall had to be a sacrifice. Still hurts optics for Xbox in the meantime, but so be it if they think Starfield will be worth it.

But if it isn't? 😬...

I don't think it will be a bad game, per se. It's a Bethesda game using Bethesda formula, since FO3, but now in space. It will most probably review good. High 80's to early 90's Meta even.

But as with the tradition of every singleplayer Bethesda game, it will be broken tier bugfest garbage at launch.

Thumb rules before playing any upcoming Bethesda SP RPG:

1. Try to play the game on PC, if possible for the best experience. Mods - cosmetic, content and performance, give you a game that almost is a brand new one compared to the limited set of developer/publisher curated mods on console.

2. Wait a year for the bugs to be fixed, by either the community or the devs themselves, a stable release that you can play from start to finish, expansions are a bonus.

If it comes down to mods and waiting a year for the game to get good, I hope reviewers factor that in their reviews and score the game on what it itself actually brings at the time of review. Don't go treating it like they did Halo Infinite and scoring it higher on "potential" that never manifested (when they don't give the same leeway for other big games).

If it's a 9/10 on the strengths of what Bethesda have there Day 1, give it a 9/10. If it's a 6/10, give it a 6/10. Some people are gonna pay $70 (or more) for this game. Some are spending money on Game Pass for this game. Don't lie to them.
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Im more worried how Bethesda's gonna handle ES6. Just look at the hoops WOTC has been jumping through for "Modern Audiences" .....the character creator will reveal there hand.


But that's kind of the worry; being able to pick up a ton of objects, look at them, scatter them around is great but what if objects that should break don't break? What if the way they fall is static and not dynamic enough? And they can't really afford to have glitches pop up due to the physics like a flying space mammoth unless that mammoth ironically looks alien enough that you can believe it's able to fly, but if it's T-posing while doing so...😬

What I'm basically saying is I think it needs to have some noticeable advances in how you can interact with things, regardless of its scale because other open-world games have been increasing levels of interactivity (at least in terms of dynamic physics with objects) to where more of the world feels like an actual place instead of just window dressing. Especially with how much MS are putting into this game and the funding they should be able to provide. I know their Creation Engine has its limitations but enough overhauls should have been put in place for Starfield and better to do them now than wait for the next Fallout or Elder Scrolls to do them then.
You’re talking about throwing a cup through a glass window and shooting branches off trees and stuff like that?
I see that as extreme bonuses. Probably not even doable since they keep track of everything, would have to fade things away after awhile or do some other tricks.

But I have zero concerns on the interactivity in general. The interactivity in Skyrim is still above most if not all other open world games, everything you can interact with and have in your inventory is bound by physics. What other game does that?
This is especially impressive in VR. Still hoping we’ll see Starfield VR at some point.

I can think of many other things where they could miss the target though, like not having good enough shooting mechanics or not fun enough action in general since I think there is no magic or anything like that this time, and having too many samey dungeons on less important planets. But not the interactivity and physics. And they’ve had modding capability as a pillar this time so they absolutely know that the engine must be able to handle just about anything to not limit post-launch creativity among users. It’ll be fun.

Personally I can’t wait to play this game, everything else this year feels like a side dish, Starfield is no doubt the main course. I fully expect some jank and hilarious bugs but they’ve worked on it too long for it to be a complete mess. And I for one was convinced enough that what they had even a year ago would be fun to play knowing how well they do the world building and exploration and role-playing. I doubt it’ll convert anyone who hate The Elder Scrolls or Fallout though.


I don't think it's going to suck, I just think it's got a tough hill to climb for a few reasons:

It's a space RPG with shooting, exploration, and base building-- that puts it directly against very established similar games like Destiny and No Mans Sky. While Destiny isn't the same genre, a shooter RPG set in space will inevitably draw comparisons. All the updates to No Man's Sky over the years has basically turned it into a Bethesda-lite game, just with a very meager 'story' behind it. Guaranteed these will be two of the primary games its compared to, along with Elder Scrolls and Fallout, of course.

Its audience is squished compared to Bethesda's past mega-successes. Skyrim has been on every platform except the Wii U. X360, PS3, XBO, PS4, Switch, XBSX|S, PS5 and, of course, PC (and Alexa!). Starfield is going to only be on current gen Xbox consoles and PC. In addition, sales are going to be squished because it will be day one on Game Pass, so the only two places where it will be playable, people will be able to play it for a pittance of a subscription fee rather than buying it outright. That's great for player metrics but tanking sales is bad for overall longevity. I think cutting out the largest console market is going to come back to bite Microsoft in the ass, even if the game is great.

A lot of Bethesda fans want Elder Scrolls 6 rather than Space Fallout/Skyrim. The grumbling about TES6 still not being in full development grows each passing month. If Starfield isn't absolutely amazing, I expect to see quite a few bitter "We didn't get Elder Scrolls 6 because of this?" posts on social media.
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Gold Member
No way I’m dropping 70-80€ on Starfield given MS and BG recent track record. I’ll be signing up for Gamepass to try it out first and maybe that’s MS’s design.
lol u be lucky if it will end up wanting 3090 at 4k

it will most likely require a 4080 with dlss /balanced to hit a barely consistent 60 fps at 4k. mark my words. 3090 may scrape by at 55 60 fps at 1440p dlss q

game will be horribly optimized. i await 700 800p 30 fps on series s with extremely downgraded and watered down graphics + 1250 1300p 30 fps on x with severe cutbacks and still drop frames here and there

it will simply be a disaster, this much I'm sure. Starfield , if bethesda let alone, would be a game they'd most likely release in the tail end of 2024. but they're probably crunched to death which will cause disasterous results

Well, it's been in dev for a long time, that is where I cherry picked 3090 from. I am trying to be optimistic, as unoptimised doesn't only mean running high end hardware unnecessarily into the ground because of the lack of performance optimizations. Beth's engine was always the main problem, which was plagued with memory issues for the most part.

Let me know what you think.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Maybe the formula has less market appeal in 2023 than it did in 2011 or 2016? All I'm saying is, there's been a lot of innovation in open-world RPGs since then, not just in terms of game systems but also immersion and level of interaction with the world, physics etc.

In some of those areas the Starfield footage that's been shown didn't look particularly impressive. IMO.
Whats this innovation that you speak of?

Skyrim is still one of the most played games out there....its only competition in WRPGs is Cyberpunk 2077 and maybe The Witcher 3.


It will be great...on PC.

Anybody expecting this to run well on Xbox will be disappointed. But I honestly wonder why you would play this on Xbox if you own a PC?


It will be great...on PC.

Anybody expecting this to run well on Xbox will be disappointed. But I honestly wonder why you would play this on Xbox if you own a PC?
I am struggling to come up with a reason as well. It's not likely to be a game that I am going to boot up for 30-90 minutes so rather play it on pc where I can get the mods and higher performance.
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Gold Member
I have that feeling that with both Fallout 4 and Starfield (based on the info provided) Bethesda Games kinda forgot why people loved their RPGs. BGS got sidetracked by the survival fluff instead. Yes, both Skyrim and Fallout 3 are barely masterpieces of writing, but they had tons of engaging stories, deep lore, solid enviromental storytelling and a world that was rewarding and worthy to explore. In F4 all this dropped off a cliff [SARCASM]. Main plot was idiotic, there is only one truly fun quest if we ingnore the DLCs (with robots and a sailing ship) and the writing was as sharp, as ChatGPT answers. I'm not interested in base building, crafting and resource collecting. I don't want to protect yet another settlement. I don't have OCD, so power armour crafting or weapon crafting doesn't interest me one bit. I want a world filled with stories that is interesting to explore. That bit was severely lacked in Fallout 4, especially with A LOT of empty meaningless office spaces in downtown Boston.

Judging by the provided and highlited bullet points, Bethesda will double down on crafting, procedural generation and the whole No Man's Skyrim concept in Starfield. Look how little we know about anything story-related. I fully expect same F4-style functional writing from Starfield, dull main quest, absolutely flat characters and very few actually interesting quests that will be hammered between empty planets filled with RadiantAI content and base-building.

I will be happy to eat my own words, tho. I'm a huge sucker for the Bethesda's OW formula. But once again, with F4 an 76 I have a strong feeling that even BSG themselves kinda forgot what made their formula so engaging.
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The only progress between Fallout 3 or NV and Fallout 4 is gunplay, the rest is inferior in all areas. Design, art, script, reduced dialogues, little memorable environment, dlc without much relevance, etc.
I agree Fallout 4 was very mediocre, the crafting and base building was annoying and not fun, Fallout 3 was so much more fun because the emphasis was on exploration and quest completion, not Minecraft lite simulation crap.

The only thing Fallout 4 had going for it was art direction, in Fallout 3 everything was grey and green, Fallout 4 meanwhile had bright colors that really popped and it just looked so much better, shame fundamentally it was a less fun experience.

But here's the thing, Starfield's premise where you're an astronaut in space at least makes base building and resource gathering make a lot more sense.


All the reason you need is

Halo which was also delayed but came out bad
Redfall which was also delayed but came out bad


Few months before release, they don't even know which fps modes this game will have

Yeah, great job MS!


We heard today that RedFall is considered “finished” in the eyes of Phil Spencer.

So god knows what state Starfield will be in at launch…


I expect Starfield to be a solid 72. But with all the hopes being hung on it and it now looking like a make-or-break release for MS, the review scores will initially be inflated by certain type of critics (the greenish persuasion).


Gold Member
People worry too much about things they can't control. It will be what it will be. Whether a video game is good or bad is on the very bottom of the list of things that require worry.
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Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
It's probably going to be a broken mess upon release. Also are any of the Elder Scrolls people working on this game or is it all new folks?

I really love the Elder Scrolls series and I'm looking forward to Elder Scrolls VI but the current talent may not be able to pull either of those games off. I don't know.


Even if I end up not liking it it's goint to take me like 60 hours to figure out lol. I just know it would be one of those.


I think that people are going to scrutinize the game because of the Redfall debacle. People coming at the game with pitchforks. The search will be on for what's broken with the game and the bugs will be amplified to make a point.
Microsoft is contributing to its own downward spiral. Especially with Phil making that odd statement that great games don't mean much.
I just am waiting for Phil to say, okay guys, nothing we can do for this gen, but just wait till the next one we are going to have it together, lol!!!
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It will be

25 FPS
Somewhat enjoyable story
Lots and lots of useless empty space
Bad level design relying heavily on random asset generation
Thematically dull for clinging to space realism
Full of dull resource gathering and building
Industry worst gunplay
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The only thing I am worried about is whether it'll be as bad as Redfall or fallout 76, the last two games published by Bethesda. Both of these games were horrid on release but subsequently improved. If Starfield is anything like these, then I will have lost all faith in Bethesda games.


The only thing I am worried about is whether it'll be as bad as Redfall or fallout 76, the last two games published by Bethesda. Both of these games were horrid on release but subsequently improved. If Starfield is anything like these, then I will have lost all faith in Bethesda games.
Have you watched the showcase? The game is nothing close to these flops.
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