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Is Working Designs dead?


Growlanser Generations is supposed to be near finished. I understand most secondary employees at WD got fired, that is to say, ones that weren't necessary to the programming/localization of their games. They're not dead. Yet.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
retardboy said:
I hope so.

Let me third that. Their slow-ass translations just don't cut it in this day and age; I'm always glad when Sony, Ubisoft, or Atlus snaps up something they might have gotten.


It's funny because they whine about Sony making their life difficult but it's there own fault for wanting to charge full price for old ass games like goemon and growlanser 2. I'm not that fond of SCEA, but in this case I agree with them.


trippingmartian said:
They should have taken up Innocent Sin, those bastards.
vic thinks persona is evil and would never publish it. tirade on usenet from the persona 1 days will confirm this; i am too lazy to search.

i talked to vic at E3 and he showed me some titles he's working on approval. i dunno if they'll ever come, but i'd be sad to see the company just bite it. i have a really fond memory of them dating back to the turbo days, although i think that they've been made almost entirely obsolescent at this point.


But if Working Designs dies who will sell me my $70, 10-year-old crappy RPGs :(

Who's going to take it on themselves to butcher gameplay mechanics during translations? :(


ferricide said:
vic thinks persona is evil and would never publish it. tirade on usenet from the persona 1 days will confirm this; i am too lazy to search.

i talked to vic at E3 and he showed me some titles he's working on approval. i dunno if they'll ever come, but i'd be sad to see the company just bite it. i have a really fond memory of them dating back to the turbo days, although i think that they've been made almost entirely obsolescent at this point.

I agree with you. WD is insignificant now, but I have nothing but good memories of its games from the TG and SCD eras. Hell, even from the Saturn years, what with Dragon Force and Albert Odyssey and the like. It wouldn't be right just to see the company disappear.



This will be mine.


It's just hard for me to hate the company that brought me the Lunar remakes for PSX. Plus, I got free games from them so they're not all bad. I had a really nice contact over there and they always responded to my questions. They're not a bad company. Vic's just a bit of an ass.

+1 for WD.


They're dead because basically what they would do is translate (generally) good Japanese games that none of the big companies would port over, but then the problem was that when the big companies started translating the games that Working Designs would do then it kind of destroyed WD's raison d'etre (it's kinda like in politics when a 3rd party gains power on a single issue or a few issues and then when one of the big parties takes up those issues then the 3rd party dies).
One of the morons who posted against WD in this thread, please explain your problem. Is it the fact that they produce the best packaging in possibly the entire industry? Is it the fact that their translations are among the best in the business? Is it the fact that you have Down's Syndrome?


Hates quality gaming
Neutron Night said:
One of the morons who posted against WD in this thread, please explain your problem. Is it the fact that their translations are among the best in the business?
I don't know which Japanese games you've played, but none that I have touched feature fucking South Park jokes in them.
Is it the fact that you have Down's Syndrome?


I don't really understand the hate myself . Disliking the translation is one thing, but wanting to see them go belly up is another. I can't really harbor any complaints against the company that brought over Arc the Lad Collection, a series I had been dying to play ever since I saw the screenshot for the first game.
belgurdo said:

Yes, you are correct, that is what people with Down's Syndrome look like. Now try actually responding you DIPSHIT. I don't have the patience to deal with people who can't back up their claims.


Neutron Night said:
Yes, you are correct, that is what people with Down's Syndrome look like. Now try actually responding you DIPSHIT. I don't have the patience to deal with people who can't back up their claims.

Because I care
Neutron Night said:
Yes, you are correct, that is what people with Down's Syndrome look like. Now try actually responding you DIPSHIT. I don't have the patience to deal with people who can't back up their claims.

Man, remind me why you're not banned yet?


I've met Vic a couple of times during E3 and he's been nothing but friendly & nice to me. And I'll have to agree with Neutron Night, the packaging & extra goodies he bundles are amazing.


I haven't played through my copy of Magic Rayearth (for Saturn), but are there really South Park and Austin Powers jokes in their games?
I haven't played through my copy of Magic Rayearth (for Saturn), but are there really South Park and Austin Powers jokes in their games?

Yeah, but it's usually just random townpeople saying them.

Though Vanguard Bandits did have a Triumph joke during a story event.


BobbyRobby said:
Yeah, but it's usually just random townpeople saying them.

Though Vanguard Bandits did have a Triumph joke during a story event.

what, that's totally cool (even though I like South Park and Austin Powers, I don't see how they would fit in jokes into a RPG), but Triumph ROCKS!

I wonder if he knows about it...


i disagree that the packaging looks good; it's typically gaudy and unattractive. too much foil embossing, amaturish graphic design, and yellow text. arc the lad was probably their best effort in the packaging arena. i also think all of the bonus items are laughable crap. i applaud their decision to offer a regular edition of growlanser, something they should've done during the whole PS era, but vic claimed would be obscenely expensive.

and of course i won't divulge what titles vic is working on. for one, he asked me not to, and for another, why get people's hopes up (or down, as the case may be?)

i genuinely hope that growlanser can revitalize them at least a little bit, but the company is just not run especially well, from all internal sources i've communicated with on the topic. they're simply not necessary anymore, but more importantly they aren't able to compete.


ferricide said:
and of course i won't divulge what titles vic is working on. for one, he asked me not to, and for another, why get people's hopes up (or down, as the case may be?)

WD won't be around within five years; might as well tell us so that we can get petitions to Atlus so that they can pick up their work ready
i disagree that the packaging looks good; it's typically gaudy and unattractive. too much foil embossing, amaturish graphic design, and yellow text. arc the lad was probably their best effort in the packaging arena. i also think all of the bonus items are laughable crap. i applaud their decision to offer a regular edition of growlanser, something they should've done during the whole PS era, but vic claimed would be obscenely expensive.

They make games for collectors, like me. If you're the type that buys sports games or anything that starts with an X, you aren't going to like WD. Which is fine, more good stuff for the real fans.

The majority of Growlanser Generations will be the regular edition, the special edition will be ridiculously rare, which is why I have preordered it already.

Oh, and I must have missed the part where foil embossing is bad.
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