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It All Began With... Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep |OT|


TheChillyAcademic said:
So just beat the game, with the secret ending and as per usual at the end of KH games, I have a shit ton of questions.

1. It has been mentioned before that Xehanort retained no real memories from Terra or Master Xehanort. Why is it then that Xemnas remembers Aqua when he visits the Room of Sleep?

2. Interesting that the reason Xemnas puts an X into each of the nobodies names because of Master Xehanort's fascination with the X-Blade.

3. So before dying, Ventus puts his heart, so to speak, into Sora. Is this why Sora is the wielder of the Keyblade? And the power that Terra gave to Riku, was that darkness?

4. I didn't quite understand why, during the scene in Radiant Garden where Ansem the Wise is leading Zexion past Apprentice Xehanort and Braig, he turns around. I mean I guess in effect he is able to sense the darkness in Xehanort but its isn't as if this was ever a deterrent. He happily assisted the other Apprentices in betraying Ansem the Wise.

5. Do we know EXACTLY how Radiant Garden was destroyed? The destruction didn't kill The Apprentices, they choose control of the heartless and became nobodies by their own accord but I have to wonder at what point it went from Radiant Garden to Hollow Bastion in KH I to Hollow Bastion in KH II.

6. So Ventus is sleeping in The Room of Repose. Is he STILL there? Xemnas never found the room in Castle Oblivion though its hinted that he knew it was there....somewhere.

7. I'm assuming that when we see Ventus and Terra at The Land of Departure this is...what, heaven? Or is it, more likely, what Ven is dreaming of?

8. Interesting to note that Ansem The Wise isn't dead nor Aqua. When the keyblades saved her in the Realm of Darkness I wonder what brought them about.

9. Do they ever explain specifically what it is Axel and Saix plan to do when they go to Ansem's Castle?

10. I'm also assuming that when it says Reconnect: Kingdom Hearts at the end, its a reference to Coded?


Good Times.

1. Hmm, I think this can only be answered in an open ended way at this point; the shole thing is pretty inconsistant.The way I figure it, there are two hearts in there, and either can have amnesia independant of the other. It also seems like some inner portion can remember while the outer portion shown to the world still forgets. When you first encounter Terranort in Radiant Garden it seems like Terra has amnesia, but he called Aqua there in the first place. When Xehanort's personality emerges again to fight you it seems like he hasn't lost his memory. The Secret Movie suggests that Xehanort did not succeed in excising Terra's heart so they are both still in there. Then, Xemnas is a whole different ball game. Heart trauma caused the memory loss in the first place, presumably, so the process of losing your heart and becoming and Nobody could have triggered it? But if memories are in the heart how does a Nobody have memories in the first place? The whole thing is kind of inconsistant. I just choose to accept it lol.

2. Presumptious. Just as likely it's because he has an X in his original name.

3. No, Terra gave Riku the power of the keyblade. Presumably that was the traditional ceremony. In Kingdom Hearts 1 it's revealed that Riku was supposed to be the keyblade wielder but because he chose to go into the darkness at Destiny Islands it hopped to Sora instead. This is also supported by the dialog in the Terra fight in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix+ when he wonder's why Sora has the keyblade instead of the other one (Riku). Ventus being in Sora also plays a role, no doubt.

4. Perhaps just a child's intutition. Has for it not fitting his behavior 10 years later, he's not a child anymore. People grow up, and with Xehanort and Braig's influene around who knows how that affected thim. Even also doesn't seem like a particularly good person.

5. My take is, the apprentices delved too deeply into darkness and lost their hearts. They all formed Nobodies. Xehanort formed a heartless and I assume that heartless visitied Radiant Garden, forming it into kind of a base which became Hollow Bastion. That was likely when Lea and Isa lost their hearts, and when Leon and Co. escaped to Traverse Town. In the year between KH 1 and KH2 Leon and Co were rebuildling and escaped citizens were returning.

6. I assume he's still there, yes. That was what they've been searching for in Castle Oblivion. The "other friend". Why he hasn't starved to death, I don't know :p.

7. I took that to be just be symbolic.

8. General "power of light" excuse. Her friends hearts are still out there. The Wayfinders might have played a role as well.

9. I don't think it's stated outright anywhere, but I think the assumption is that Axel and Saix plan to take over the Organization. That's kind of (intentionallly or unintentionally) mirrored in the symbology of them getting thrown out of Radiant Garden's castle.

10. I just kinda took that as wonky translation, rather than a direct reference to something. If it is, Coded or 3D seem like the most likely canditates.

As for the new Unknown, we can rule out the simple explinations because no Org members are created yet, and none use blue lightsabers. The most common theory is a time traveler due to his time based abilities and the fact that the Keyblade you win from him shows a clock motif. Maybe the KH equivilent of a Terminator? lol

Another theory I have is, if Sora formed a nobody by willingly removing him and Kairi's hearts from himself, perhaps Xehanort doing the same thing at the graveyeard may have formed a nobody.

I have my own question. Is the x-bladed formed or not? Aqua and Ventus stories kind of contradict each other on that point.

Honestly, I expected them to almost finish it and then it would get broken into the Kingdom Key and Dark Kingdom Key. That didn't happen tho.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Okay so I'm playing on Ven's chapter and I'm flying around on a keyblade through space and
I'm fighting some big whale looking boss with a different control scheme. I keep getting my ass kicked. What's the trick here?

...Try sucking less?
Seda said:
That's why you play on Proud Mode
Pfft, Critical mode or bust.

I've really been enjoying this game. I've finished all three main stories, and just started the final episode. I think my Aqua's too underlevelled though; only 27. I'll probably jump back and complete more stuff in Aqua's campaign before trying again.
Adam Prime said:
Okay so I'm playing on Ven's chapter and I'm flying around on a keyblade through space and
I'm fighting some big whale looking boss with a different control scheme. I keep getting my ass kicked. What's the trick here?

...Try sucking less?

I.... didn't think it was possible to lose.

Just stay away and use the boost attack occasionally.


RocketDarkness said:
Pfft, Critical mode or bust.

I've really been enjoying this game. I've finished all three main stories, and just started the final episode. I think my Aqua's too underlevelled though; only 27. I'll probably jump back and complete more stuff in Aqua's campaign before trying again.

Make sure you train up Aqua in her story rather than the final story, because you can't fight one of the secret bosses in final story.
Yeah, I was planning on doing that. Plus I'm a perfectionist, so I want each character to have 100% in their own stories. How do you recreate the "Final Episode" save? Do you have to beat the game with one of the three files again?

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Just finished Terra and Ven's story. I think I finally made the connection between this game and KH1...
This "X-Blade" that Xehanort keeps talking about is actually THE Keyblade that Sora wields during the rest of the KH series, right? I haven't finished BBS, but I finally made the connection that they're talking about Sora's blade during the final fight with Vanitas in Ven's story. Am I on the right track here?

Also one question about the VERY first scene of the game... is that supposed to be Riku on the beach who says something like "There's a lot of worlds out there" and he's wearing the Orginzation XIII robe? The the scene cuts away, he only says one line. He has silver hair - but I couldn't really tell who's talking and what he's talking about.

Okay, well looking forward to finally finishing this game with Aqua.

I've beaten the game on Proud so far with Terra and Ven and have gotten the Reports, do I just need to do the same with Aqua and then the final episode will unlock? After that, I just complete that to view the "Real" secret ending movie, right? Does anything unlock for beating the Secret Boss that's outside of the final scenario?


Adam Prime said:
Just finished Terra and Ven's story. I think I finally made the connection between this game and KH1...
This "X-Blade" that Xehanort keeps talking about is actually THE Keyblade that Sora wields during the rest of the KH series, right? I haven't finished BBS, but I finally made the connection that they're talking about Sora's blade during the final fight with Vanitas in Ven's story. Am I on the right track here?


Also one question about the VERY first scene of the game... is that supposed to be Riku on the beach who says something like "There's a lot of worlds out there" and he's wearing the Orginzation XIII robe? The the scene cuts away, he only says one line. He has silver hair - but I couldn't really tell who's talking and what he's talking about.

Nope, it's
a young Master Xehanort

I've beaten the game on Proud so far with Terra and Ven and have gotten the Reports, do I just need to do the same with Aqua and then the final episode will unlock?

If you have all the reports, yes, but you're likely missing the one in the Arena with Terra. The rest are very straightforward to obtain.

After that, I just complete that to view the "Real" secret ending movie, right?


Does anything unlock for beating the Secret Boss that's outside of the final scenario?

Two new weapons, one for every boss, but yeah, they're sort of worthless if you've beaten them already.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Peff said:
If you have all the reports, yes, but you're likely missing the one in the Arena with Terra. The rest are very straightforward to obtain.

Actually, I did get that one. I stumbled on that one because I was messing around in the Area with Terrra... and was like "Oh, this is probably an important... thing." :lol

Thanks for answering my questions!
I loved the gameplay and the production values were amazing, but the story was so bad. Aqua and Terra are good characters but the plot was horrible. I can't believe Watanabe is pretty much the main writer at SE now after this game's story and FF13's.
ItWasMeantToBe19 said:
I loved the gameplay and the production values were amazing, but the story was so bad. Aqua and Terra are good characters but the plot was horrible. I can't believe Watanabe is pretty much the main writer at SE now after this game's story and FF13's.
No really. The story is just plain awful. Like, it has the potential where you can see what they were aiming for, but for a group of three close friends, I didn't empathize with them at all, and the shallow philosophical nonsense discussions about light and dark all the time are just terrible.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Mr. Wonderful said:
No really. The story is just plain awful. Like, it has the potential where you can see what they were aiming for, but for a group of three close friends, I didn't empathize with them at all, and the shallow philosophical nonsense discussions about light and dark all the time are just terrible.

I totally agree, but at the same time the story is just INTERESTING... and that's what keeps me playing the game and the series. Every KH game is like this. It has entertaining characters, locations, high production values, and everything about the game has you going with anticipation that this is going to be a first class game with story telling and game play.

... The best thing KH does is present an interesting story. I think we can all agree it's not necessarily "good" or "well thought out", but just compare this game to a game like Phantasy Star Portable, with TONS of written dialog. It's about as nonsensical as Kingdom Hearts, but everything is presented in text bubbles and character portraits, it's not even remotely interesting enough to capture your interest for a second.

I think because the world they've created is so finely crafted that you're able to suspend your disbelief and buy into the garbage that this story peddles you
Okay, I'm going to posses this body now and split this heart here, and join these two souls together, etc.
and just accept it and at the same time still be entertained enough to keep on playing and know what's going to happen. I think it really goes far to show you how story presentation is HUGE in that it can sell a bad story better than a game that presents everything in text bubbles, and audio logs, or whatever. This game puts effort into presenting a story to you, and that goes a LONG way. I don't think the KH story is great or anything, but it presents you an INTERESTING story in an entertaining way, and I think that's accomplishing a lot in a video game nowadays.


Adam Prime said:
I totally agree, but at the same time the story is just INTERESTING... and that's what keeps me playing the game and the series. Every KH game is like this. It has entertaining characters, locations, high production values, and everything about the game has you going with anticipation that this is going to be a first class game with story telling and game play.

... The best thing KH does is present an interesting story. I think we can all agree it's not necessarily "good" or "well thought out", but just compare this game to a game like Phantasy Star Portable, with TONS of written dialog. It's about as nonsensical as Kingdom Hearts, but everything is presented in text bubbles and character portraits, it's not even remotely interesting enough to capture your interest for a second.

I think because the world they've created is so finely crafted that you're able to suspend your disbelief and buy into the garbage that this story peddles you
Okay, I'm going to posses this body now and split this heart here, and join these two souls together, etc.
and just accept it and at the same time still be entertained enough to keep on playing and know what's going to happen. I think it really goes far to show you how story presentation is HUGE in that it can sell a bad story better than a game that presents everything in text bubbles, and audio logs, or whatever. This game puts effort into presenting a story to you, and that goes a LONG way. I don't think the KH story is great or anything, but it presents you an INTERESTING story in an entertaining way, and I think that's accomplishing a lot in a video game nowadays.

I think you hit it pretty well. The one point you are missing is that it also gets you FEELING emotion. Maybe not everyone feels the emotions the characters feel the same way I do, but you certainly can feel it in the characters. It's not so much what happens in the plot that is important, but what happens with the characters. I think it's the same way with a show like Lost. Kind of (or extremely) non-sensical, but man do they get me caring about the characters.
So, I finally beat Ventas's story and enjoyed it, and now I'm going through Aqua's story. I'm doing it on proud and I'm getting my ass kicked so far. Just been grinding the levels in castle of dreams so far. So, I got a question, does she get a lot more powerful? Because right now, she's no where near as good a fighter as Ventas is, and I'm not big on magic use, which I think she's best at.

So far I've been having to load some unversed, have them run at me, then use long range attacks like blizzard till they get beaten, rinse, repeat. Not as fun as mashing the X button, heh.

Plus, I miss the air dash. Anyway, any tips on making Aqua an easier time?

EDIT: I'm on Proud Mode btw.
BladeoftheImmortal said:
So, I finally beat Ventas's story and enjoyed it, and now I'm going through Aqua's story. I'm doing it on proud and I'm getting my ass kicked so far. Just been grinding the levels in enchanted dominion so far. So, I got a question, does she get a lot more powerful? Because right now, she's no where near as good a fighter as Ventas is, and I'm not big on magic use, which I think she's best at.

So far I've been having to load some unversed, have them run at me, then use long range attacks like blizzard till they get beaten, rinse, repeat. Not as fun as mashing the X button, heh.

Plus, I miss the air dash. Anyway, any tips on making Aqua an easier time?

EDIT: I'm on Proud Mode btw.
Aqua, for me, became my most powerful character. Especially if you're doing a lot of melding for more advanced spells.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Man I just started Aqua and I'm getting my ass handed to me right away. It's freaking frustrating as hell, makes me want to give up on the game... rugh. I might give it one more go and then shelf this game, yeah I'm on Proud Mode too.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Adam Prime said:
Man I just started Aqua and I'm getting my ass handed to me right away. It's freaking frustrating as hell, makes me want to give up on the game... rugh. I might give it one more go and then shelf this game, yeah I'm on Proud Mode too.
After the rough start and some upgrades the game gets really smooth with Aqua.
Yeah, she definitely has the toughest time at the beginning. Lowest attack, lowest defense. But what she lacks in those she makes up for in magic.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Am I going to have to rely on mashing Triangle for spells, instead of mashing X to attack for her? I really liked just using my Magic as cures and doing brtue force attacking with an occasional spell.
Adam Prime said:
Am I going to have to rely on mashing Triangle for spells, instead of mashing X to attack for her? I really liked just using my Magic as cures and doing brtue force attacking with an occasional spell.

Well you shouldn't be mashing with spells.

Just make sure you have the right ones for the job.

And those bunny enemies? Ignore 'em. They suck.
I finally got to start this game today and am really enjoying it so far, this is my first KH experience. Are the other main games (KH1-2) comparable? Is it the same style of combat/leveling? I might be a new Kingdom Hearts fan...
Aquavelvaman said:
I finally got to start this game today and am really enjoying it so far, this is my first KH experience. Are the other main games (KH1-2) comparable? Is it the same style of combat/leveling? I might be a new Kingdom Hearts fan...

They are not comparable.

The first KH game was okay, but has aged horribly.

KH2 was just a piece of crap.

Just stick with BBS.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Fimbulvetr said:
Well you shouldn't be mashing with spells.

Just make sure you have the right ones for the job.

And those bunny enemies? Ignore 'em. They suck.

yeah I started for the first time playing this game, running past enemies. I'm usually the kind if I get KO'ed I will go over and over until I beat those enemies. Now, with Aqua I'm just like "screw it" and run past them - I'll level up on easier enemies. :lol


ShockingAlberto said:
Aqua, for me, became my most powerful character. Especially if you're doing a lot of melding for more advanced spells.

Very much agreed.

The only problem with her is that her startup is rough.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
I'm pretty upset with this game. I like the moment to moment gameplay quite a lot but the bosses are absolutely appalling and the camera is awful. I hate it actually. And then I like it a lot. But since I am most frequently getting stuck on bosses and not on regular gameplay, the taste of ass is stuck in my mind.

Really disappointed.
Y2Kev said:
I'm pretty upset with this game. I like the moment to moment gameplay quite a lot but the bosses are absolutely appalling and the camera is awful. I hate it actually. And then I like it a lot. But since I am most frequently getting stuck on bosses and not on regular gameplay, the taste of ass is stuck in my mind.

Really disappointed.

The only non-optional boss in the entire series that I really like is Riku3 in KH1.


TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Fimbulvetr said:
The only non-optional boss in the entire series that I really like is Riku3 in KH1.
But it's amazing how they like didn't even realize they were making a PSP game. Like multi-PART bosses that jump into the air and separate and split? Really? Really You thought that would be a good idea?

And now I'm fighting
You open with this awful sniper sequence and then the entire fight is me dodging the same uninteresting shooting pattern? And I do how much damage per hit? And you have three life bars? And I can't counter?

Just garbage.
Y2Kev said:
But it's amazing how they like didn't even realize they were making a PSP game. Like multi-PART bosses that jump into the air and separate and split? Really? Really You thought that would be a good idea?

And now I'm fighting
You open with this awful sniper sequence and then the entire fight is me dodging the same uninteresting shooting pattern? And I do how much damage per hit? And you have three life bars? And I can't counter?

Just garbage.

You can repel Braig's sniper attack by guarding at the right time(the timing is weird thanks to the perspective but it isn't too hard).

If you do it successfully he'll end the sniper sequence earlier.


Y2Kev said:
I'm pretty upset with this game. I like the moment to moment gameplay quite a lot but the bosses are absolutely appalling and the camera is awful. I hate it actually. And then I like it a lot. But since I am most frequently getting stuck on bosses and not on regular gameplay, the taste of ass is stuck in my mind.

Really disappointed.

Yeah the camera was my main issue with the game. But switch to the other control mode, it's better.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Y2Kev said:
I'm pretty upset with this game. I like the moment to moment gameplay quite a lot but the bosses are absolutely appalling and the camera is awful. I hate it actually. And then I like it a lot. But since I am most frequently getting stuck on bosses and not on regular gameplay, the taste of ass is stuck in my mind.

Really disappointed.

Control method B is extremelllllllllllllllllllllly better way of playing the game. I seriously couldn't play it in the default method. The other way is so much better that the default doesn't even make sense.
I just beat Aqua's story, and I have to say, I loved her...assets.

Who designs the cutscenes for this series is it Nomura? if so, he's got as big of a hardon as I do. always focusing on the breasts then panning up during a conversation with her.:lol

EDIT: I give another hearty recommendation for Type B control type.
So I beat the Final Chapter today, and I'm not quite sure what to think. The ending really saved the rest of the story of the game. And it really took Aqua's story to make me finally be empathetic (slightly) toward this group of three people. I'm really surprised, but I think I enjoyed Days more as a game, even if it's full of problems and mostly fan-fiction for the story.

I had three major problems with the game: First of all, the environments are devoid of characters. Why am I walking through a city and there's maybe one NPC that's standing around or available to talk to? This honestly is a major problem throughout the game and makes all the Worlds devoid of any potential character. Oh look. I'm in Neverland's Indian Village. But... there are no Indians. Oh look. Pan's hideout. Oh. Wait. They only managed to render two of his Lost Boys. Just think if you were in the Land of Departure and it was full of training Keyblade Masters? The atmosphere would have been really cool. The whole thing screams laziest and it's almost guaranteed that Square-Enix kept the number of NPCs low for budget reasons.

My second problem is a problem I think I remember people having with Kingdom Hearts II: The Disney Worlds serve as nothing else but filler for the wafer-thin story. Like, since II, I pretty much have to force myself through what are now these lame Disney worlds to reward myself with any semblance of a Final Fantasy story. The motivation for visiting a bunch of the game's random Disney worlds is that there MIGHT be some monsters running around on one of these million planets, and, you know, while you're there, you might as well play some Following-The-Leader, cause that makes sense with the story no wait it doesn't WTF is wrong with you Nojima/Nomura/Square-Enix?

Understandably, all this confusion has made me forget my third point... But what can I say? I'm really not sure if I should love or hate this game.


I just got the game and am finishing Terra's story but wtf this last boss is impossible? Didn't really have any problems up until now...


jvalioli said:
I just got the game and am finishing Terra's story but wtf this last boss is impossible? Didn't really have any problems up until now...
Block and counter, don't go on the offensive. And when he does the metor attack stand with your back against the edge in a part with no hovering rocks and guard at the right time (either holding it or tapping after the first successful block, I forget which) to block all the rocks. You can also do the shot lock thing for a lot of damage and invulnerability if you need it. Also level up some and get Once More and Second Chance (and a bunch of HP boost)


Zomba13 said:
Block and counter, don't go on the offensive. And when he does the metor attack stand with your back against the edge in a part with no hovering rocks and guard at the right time (either holding it or tapping after the first successful block, I forget which) to block all the rocks. You can also do the shot lock thing for a lot of damage and invulnerability if you need it. Also level up some and get Once More and Second Chance (and a bunch of HP boost)
Yeah, as soon as I get to the meteor part I die. Once I feel up to trying again and try your suggestions, thanks!


Started the game last week, and I'm almost done Ventus' story. I disliked it at first because it was a bit difficult (Mad Treant was hell), and I didn't abuse shotlocks and melding. But now I'm really loving it. I'm going through the arena right now and I almost defeated Iron Imprisoner III until he sucker punched me and I lost. But that's what I get for going in unprepared with Thunder Roll.

As for the complaint that the worlds seem devoid of characters... my boyfriend brought that up, and I did realize it, but it doesn't really bother me too much. But when I think about it, isn't it the same for past KH games as well? I know Traverse Town had a bit of NPCs, and so did Hollow Bastion when completed, and Twilight Town, but the rest seemed bare as well.

When I would watch gameplay videos before getting this, I would always wonder why everyone was abusing dodge rolls... now I understand. :lol

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Holmes said:
As for the complaint that the worlds seem devoid of characters... my boyfriend brought that up, and I did realize it, but it doesn't really bother me too much. But when I think about it, isn't it the same for past KH games as well? I know Traverse Town had a bit of NPCs, and so did Hollow Bastion when completed, and Twilight Town, but the rest seemed bare as well.

:lol nothing is more amusing than Cinderalla's ball.
There's only three people at the entire "ball"

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
FUCK this game!

Dammit I'm so angry, I've played all the way through Terra and Ven on Proud mode, now I'm on Aqua and I can't beat the Peter Pan World boss
. The asshole has three health bars, I barely do any fucking damage, and all it takes is about two combos to freaking kill me. I'm over Lv 20, have all the necessary abilities (Once more, Leaf Bracer, etc.) and I can't beat this.

I'm about ready to give up on this game, but it makes me so fucking mad to have played all the way up to this part and I just cannot win. I've wasted at least two hours of my life on this shit, including trying to level up skills and such... can't freaking do it.



This game is more about dodging and blocking when it comes to boss fights. Just about every attack can be dodged or blocked if you know how to. It starts almost turning into a rhythm type deal at that point.

If you aren't doing damage, you don't have the right abilities. You should have some amazing Aqua only magic by that point in the game.
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