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Japanese Music (Pop, rock and all 'dat) |OT|

As fun as it was to watch, it was painful to hear them butcher one of my favorite Fujfabric songs (and one of the best rock songs of the decade) smh


it was a mess though i agree


Tokyo Karankoron's new album released this week is surprisingly neat, might be their best work so far.
じゃがいも殺人事件 featuring some musicians from Zainichi Funk is hilarious, telling the story of a murder or something. Sounds like the opening of a retro detective show.


wow when the crazy breakdown started i hated it for 2 seconds then the guitars (?) kicked in and i suddenly loved it again

new sick band to follow


I can't remember if this was a thing in this thread or the kpop one. Probably here though..

Stump sock has a collection.
Edit: I see now that I had a whole page I hadn't read before posting this. Pretty late...
stump sock, your collection is becoming pretty prolific.
stump sock, your collection is becoming pretty prolific.

apart from that first week or so where I was putting it all together, I've put like 0 effort into it. I just do what I always do, check twitter and stuff once a day, and nature provides its bounty.

special shoutout to necronomidol for keeping things going during droughts


Metafive's album is really good! Makes up for the lack of new electronic Takahashi solo albums, it reminds me a lot of them with a bit of YMO thrown in. Will be interesting to see who wrote what.


Yup, saw that when I woke up, I'm so sad to hear that /sigh
At least they'll leave us a pretty much flawless discography.


I'm still amazed by all the high quality works they've been releasing since 2009, they're only 22/24 years old!
Same thing happened with The SALOVERS last year, same age as Galileo Galilei, they decided to go on hiatus. I was really sad back then. (The SALOVERS's guitarist is actually a support musician for Galileo Galilei)


Galileo Galilei's comment about the situation is actually pretty nice.
I especially like that part :
振り返ってみると、Galileo Galileiというバンドは僕たちにとって、子供の時に大切に乗っていた“おもちゃの車”のようなものだったのかもしれません。
(rough translation)
Looking back, the band Galileo Galilei was for us like a toy car you'd ride with great care as a kid. But with a toy car, aside from your garden's lawn you can't go anywhere. We tried to drive on that endless steep road standing in front of us.
We're now adults, we decided that it was time to get off that beloved toy car.
I wonder if they'll quickly start new projects as "adults", their talent shouldn't be wasted.
I like the juxtaposition of the roughest ramshackle vocal performance ever and a jazz piano interlude.

there's something amusing about watching their music getting more polished and production values slowly creeping up, but the girls staying as clumsy and awkward as ever.

some of their live videos have better singing than their studio recordings. I love them.


they're so goofy and seemingly oblivious to how music distribution even works that it doesn't surprise me that these snuck out with nobody noticing.

also I thought they were on hiatus for family shit or something lol

from stalking their twitter accounts, their first child was born just under a month ago. So it might be a while until the next parupunte release. I didn't realize they were husband and wife until now either. Pretty cute.


I should probably actually listen to that thing. too much good stuff has come out in too short of a time.

also it takes fighting my anti-Leo Imai instincts to press play on it

i'm not sure, yet, if it will have legs for me. there's some duds in there and 'luv u tokio' was also changed (which artists really have to stop doing, i listened to your album because i liked the pre-release version of your song so much, people)


New Ame no Parade
Beautiful song and video. I could watch Tokyo at night for hours.

Hello Sleepwalkers to release their new full album, Planless Perfection, on March 23.

01. レトリック
02. 水面
04. 神話崩壊
05. LIFE is a GAME??
06. ハーメルンはどのようにして笛を吹くのか
07. 夜明け
08. Stand-alone
09. Jamming
10. 2XXX
11. Perfect Planner

Passepied will release a new single on April 27. Cool picture.


Sup peeps. I never really listen to Jmusic, but I stumbled upon Holy Dance by サカナクション and this shit is tight. This is my jam! So now I need more stuff like this. Any recommendations? Aizo, Kurita, stump, I know you've all got me ��������


Sup peeps. I never really listen to Jmusic, but I stumbled upon Holy Dance by サカナクシン and this shit is tight. This is my jam! So now I need more stuff like this. Any recommendations? Aizo, Kurita, stump, I know you've all got me ��������
Sakanaction is a pretty unique band so it's kinda hard...
Try these, can't guarantee you'll dig them but hey :
Really, there's no band like Sakanaction so heh
Sup peeps. I never really listen to Jmusic, but I stumbled upon Holy Dance by サカナクシン and this shit is tight. This is my jam! So now I need more stuff like this. Any recommendations? Aizo, Kurita, stump, I know you've all got me ��������

first step is going to be to listen to more Sakanaction, I guess. I can't think of too much that sound like them.

though you might like Soutaisei Riron?

I'm sure Kurita will be able to help more

e: well there he is


ohhh yeah, thank you! i'll have to check these all out. yeah i just saw the band name, looked them up and landed on Holy Dance first; i didn't know bands that still push the new wave style still existed. thanks japan.
well the good news is that Sakanaction have like a million releases so that should keep someone busy for a while.

never did really care for Supercar after they went electro :\


ohhh yeah, thank you! i'll have to check these all out. yeah i just saw the band name, looked them up and landed on Holy Dance first; i didn't know bands that still push the new wave style still existed. thanks japan.

I'm really not the most qualified to talk about new wave and stuff like that to be honest, I mainly listen to more straight-forward rock.
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