It really is a shame : two of my favorite bands + one of my favorite songs, what could go wrong. Well.
As fun as it was to watch, it was painful to hear them butcher one of my favorite Fujfabric songs (and one of the best rock songs of the decade) smh
Tokyo Karankoron's new album released this week is surprisingly neat, might be their best work so far.
じゃがいも殺人事件 featuring some musicians from Zainichi Funk is hilarious, telling the story of a murder or something. Sounds like the opening of a retro detective show.
Stump sock has a collection.
stump sock, your collection is becoming pretty prolific.
Ah yeah forgot for a moment that if a Korean idol did that it'd probably be career ending.that would be me, and that picture's adorable
actually I think that leaves Hug Me as the only member without at least one entry
Nice animated PV for Kuusou Iinkai (空想委員会
They were at that Perfume Budokan show btw, don't know if they did a collab though.
It looks like the video is down now but the clip of Paruru being grossed out by Tani's scumbag lifestyle on AKBingo was too good. pro-Tani, pro-filthy idols.
Yeah. We were talking about them just the other day! If you're a new fan, prepare for potential heartbreak.does anyone else listen to Especia?
They have this 80s sound that I really love
Looks like Galileo Galilei is disbanding after their new tour is finished...
Yes, Hitorie is one of the most exciting bands right now. They've got a new single coming in two days and a new full album next month, can't wait.Metafive is sick.
Just found out Hitorie. They're also pretty sick.
(rough translation)振り返ってみると、Galileo Galileiというバンドは僕たちにとって、子供の時に大切に乗っていた“おもちゃの車”のようなものだったのかもしれません。
I wonder if they'll quickly start new projects as "adults", their talent shouldn't be wasted.Looking back, the band Galileo Galilei was for us like a toy car you'd ride with great care as a kid. But with a toy car, aside from your garden's lawn you can't go anywhere. We tried to drive on that endless steep road standing in front of us.
We're now adults, we decided that it was time to get off that beloved toy car.
I like the juxtaposition of the roughest ramshackle vocal performance ever and a jazz piano interlude.
I like the juxtaposition of the roughest ramshackle vocal performance ever and a jazz piano interlude.
metafive album is pretty good, i'll have to echo the sentiments so far
I didn't know that Terauchi Masaaki (one half of Parupunte) put out two albums last September.
And they're really great. I adore Parupunte so much.
they're so goofy and seemingly oblivious to how music distribution even works that it doesn't surprise me that these snuck out with nobody noticing.
also I thought they were on hiatus for family shit or something lol
I should probably actually listen to that thing. too much good stuff has come out in too short of a time.
also it takes fighting my anti-Leo Imai instincts to press play on it
01. レトリック
02. 水面
04. 神話崩壊
05. LIFE is a GAME??
06. ハーメルンはどのようにして笛を吹くのか
07. 夜明け
08. Stand-alone
09. Jamming
10. 2XXX
11. Perfect Planner
Sakanaction is a pretty unique band so it's kinda hard...Sup peeps. I never really listen to Jmusic, but I stumbled upon Holy Dance by サカナクシン and this shit is tight. This is my jam! So now I need more stuff like this. Any recommendations? Aizo, Kurita, stump, I know you've all got me ��������
Sup peeps. I never really listen to Jmusic, but I stumbled upon Holy Dance by サカナクシン and this shit is tight. This is my jam! So now I need more stuff like this. Any recommendations? Aizo, Kurita, stump, I know you've all got me ��������
ohhh yeah, thank you! i'll have to check these all out. yeah i just saw the band name, looked them up and landed on Holy Dance first; i didn't know bands that still push the new wave style still existed. thanks japan.