Thoughts on Fantome?
¿¿??Michi is fuckin' good. Feels like classic Utada. Damn, her voice is gorgeous. Gotta hear Kurita's impression of her pronunciation in 俺の彼女.
Damn, I dig this. Was thinking it might be a SOPHIE track until the drop. Do not all the girls sing or is this one of those "some girls sing on some songs" deals? The credits at the end didn't list everyone as a vocalist...
Lyrics from the song, 「俺の彼女」:¿¿??
Sorry, I'm sure that was confusing without more explanation.宇多田ヒカル said:Je veux inviter quelquun a entrer
Quelquun a trouver ma verite
Je veux inviter quelquun a toucher
Leternite, leternite
Damn, I dig this. Was thinking it might be a SOPHIE track until the drop. Do not all the girls sing or is this one of those "some girls sing on some songs" deals? The credits at the end didn't list everyone as a vocalist...
Negoto started their VEVO channel on youtube, FINALLY their stuff is available here:
Awesome.Babymetal Japanese Teen Pop-Metal Trio to Star in Their Own Series From Warner Bros. Digital Studio
Babymetal Japanese Teen Pop-Metal Trio to Star in Their Own Series From Warner Bros.’ Digital Studio
The LITE/mouse on the keys split is on Soundcloud:
I really like the motk cover of Echolocation.
Speaking of LITE they have a new album coming on November 16
The French record label Specific who previously put out vinyl of Suiyobi No Campanella,, BishKaidan etc. have a new release and it's ... the Necronomidol LP?!?
e: wait, did we know that Chelmico has an album coming out 10/19?
Whatever happened to Natsume Mito? Wasn't she supposed to release an album?
She was interesting live.the new メトロノリ ep is really nice
They didn't lie when they said it was like a sequel to RPG. Great song and video.
They didn't lie when they said it was like a sequel to RPG. Great song and video.
The melody in the chorus is exactly the same as some idol song I don't remember the name of and it's going to bug me until I figure it out.
The melody in the chorus is exactly the same as some idol song I don't remember the name of and it's going to bug me until I figure it out.
I wonder if they'll release both an english and japanese album in 2017.I like it
No graduation concert for her. She retires at the end of the year.
Been out of the loop for the past 4-5 months, what are the best J-Rock releases over that time period?
Enon is gross, but cancelling an album that many people probably worked hard on because he drank alcohol with someone who can legally drink from today(!) might be the lamest thing I've ever heard. That's some weak shit.
Rhymeberry - Bring It On Down
It's not quite Last Glasgow but they tried, and that's all I really need.
Well that puts to rest the idea that he hasn't had to face any consequences for his actions. Sucks for the other band members though. I'd like to see them continue without him honestly.