So does Phil Spencer,Jim Ryan says a lot of things.
Poor Nintendo nobody cares about them
So does Phil Spencer,Jim Ryan says a lot of things.
Yet you don't keep that same energy in the other direction.Jimbo can say whatever he wants, I'm just pointing out to that user that they're immediately agreeing with something as a fact for one party and at the same time biting for time for the other.
Sony doesn't have MS money, would you rather them not see profits and close the doors?why do you give a fuck about the profits of a corporation? lol
The competition still has a better offering, I don't give a fuck if they're bleeding money. The only reaction this announcement got from me is laughter.
Yet you don't keep that same energy in the other direction.
Because you're too busy hanging out in Sony threads doing work.I generally don't bring up PS Now or PS+ in game pass specific topics in the first place
I ain’t waiting months or years to play games I want just to save a few bucks. That’s insane.Day one or day 365, there is no way I am going to buy games like Horizon now that I know that I can easily rent them when I have some time off from work for a fraction of the price of buying them.
Because you're too busy hanging out in Sony threads doing work.
Aye man it's the hot news of the day, user engagement is guaranteed![]()
That is what we are saying here.
If you put a game day one in a sub service the development budget for it needs to heavy decreased.
That is basically what we don't want with PlayStation games.
It is not like Sony needs to throw money to gain market share.
I am glad Sony is treating this shit like an afterthought. Focus should be on making games, not services.
They don't want to lose tons of money by giving away games in a business model that isn't proven in gaming
So I have GPU and I think there is almost nothing to play on it. Forza Horizon 5 is probably the best game on the service, but unfortunately it's really not my style. Halo Infinite is an absolute turd of a game IMO, and I am not sure I can bring myself to finish it. The rest is just ... I dunno. Not things that are worth spending my time on, and that's the real key here. How you spend your time. So what are the big games that can compete with what Sony, or even Nintendo does with Mario and Zelda on GP? I know Starfield is coming, but again ... that was already well into development and not started by MS, nor was it "funded" by GP.But not too early to make THESE calls, right ?
There is no academic evidence to prove this.
If you have, please share.
Yeah it depends on your hype level. To me, I have zero FOMO in regards to single player console games. Now if Sony made live service games or online games, then there would be a significant reason to play at launch. But for stuff like Horizon and God of War, I will get the same exact experience a year after launch as someone does at launch. I.e. If Sony provides a cheaper option to play their games, I will use it full stop.I ain’t waiting months or years to play games I want just to save a few bucks. That’s insane.
Netflix films vs. Theater bangers.There is no academic evidence to prove this.
If you have, please share.
not hard to understand, its why disney isn’t putting Dr Strange and The Multiverse of Madness on Disney + day 1
The evidence is the CEO of the company (and past CEO) saying exactly that, what more evidence do you need?
“All I’m talking to today is the approach we’re taking in the short term. The way our publishing model works right now, it doesn’t make any sense. But things can change very quickly in this industry, as we all know.”
No shit. Right now they 'could suffer'... down the line if or when the industry changes, such would be our consumption habits I'm sure.Not really when he himself leaves the door open for change "very quickly".
Not really when he himself leaves the door open for change "very quickly".
The own OP is the evidence lolThere is no academic evidence to prove this.
If you have, please share.
Yeap they can change their publishing model... like for example putting less budget to make games.Not really when he himself leaves the door open for change "very quickly".
Until it doesnt
Could be 2 years from now or 15 years from now, who knows what the market looks like by the time that change happens. It would make no sense fo him to commit to what method one way or the other right now.
As of right now for the type of games sony makes, the gamepass strategy doesn’t work and thats all that matters. Most sony fans will gladly agree to keep paying full price for big budget games rather than have them diminish in anyway for a subscription service
No shit. Right now they 'could suffer'... down the line if or when the industry changes, such would be our consumption habits I'm sure.
Remember, Gen Z ADHD habits will then be adults, adulting. If we're not a fallout wasteland.
You know, actually evidence that it doesn't work including when/if you change the margin required.The evidence is the CEO of the company (and past CEO) saying exactly that, what more evidence do you need?
I was going to reply saying how much I keep repeating the Netflix model isn't the one being done in basically he’s saying everything he wants to say right now and trying to say gaming won’t go the Netflix route but then completely opens the door to accept that gaming goes the Netflix route and streaming becomes more important for when they start putting titles day 1 on the service.
gaming won’t go the Netflix route though because games will still be for sale digitally in all the stores too. It will be a hybrid model.
I like it. Good business talk tbh.
Actually this proves the opposite. 20 years ago Theater was actually good. These days it is all targeted at people easily fooled by marketing (i.e. comic book nerds) and it is largely complete trash. All of the great shit is on streaming, and they have massively huge budgets because they are all in competition with each other. If we had the same type of competition in gaming that we do in normal entertainment, gaming budges would probably be 5x more and we would be getting wild shit.Netflix films vs. Theater bangers.
Not only in special effects department, but editing, scripts, etc..
It is not "forward looking risk taking" to engage in an endeavor guaranteed to lose money. That's called being foolish. Don't you think they've modeled out the possibilities in terms of costs vs. what they would expect to collect revenue wise? Now one can say the same about MS, and I would hope they have done this but they also have a pretty long history of completely bungled ideas and acquisitions. Nokia was a 7 billion dollar boner for example. Skype amounted to nothing after all that time and money spent (another huge acquisition). I also think Nadella is just big on "software subscriptions" as a whole, and the whole thing smells like a Hail Mary pass proposed by Spencer to keep in Nadella's good graces. Pure speculation of course, but I just can't figure out the business side of it. Plus, the way Nadella talks about games sounds like he's never played a game in his life.Perhaps?
But that's kinda my issue. The lack of forward-looking risk-taking (the kind of risks that got them in this position! Spending hundreds of millions on prestige titles was a really bold move) makes me think they're acting too cautiously.
I suppose it's never too late to catch up with a proven brand like Playstation, but they just seem complacent to me in this area.
However, their push into service games is aggressive, so maybe I'm overreacting.
I'm not going to argue that with the themepark movies. I can agree.Actually this proves the opposite. 20 years ago Theater was actually good. These days it is all targeted at people easily fooled by marketing (i.e. comic book nerds) and it is largely complete trash. All of the great shit is on streaming, and they have massively huge budgets because they are all in competition with each other. If we had the same type of competition in gaming that we do in normal entertainment, gaming budges would probably be 5x more and we would be getting wild shit.
It is not "forward looking risk taking" to engage in an endeavor guaranteed to lose money. That's called being foolish. Don't you think they've modeled out the possibilities in terms of costs vs. what they would expect to collect revenue wise? Now one can say the same about MS, and I would hope they have done this but they also have a pretty long history of completely bungled ideas and acquisitions. Nokia was a 7 billion dollar boner for example. Skype amounted to nothing after all that time and money spent (another huge acquisition). I also think Nadella is just big on "software subscriptions" as a whole, and the whole thing smells like a Hail Mary pass proposed by Spencer to keep in Nadella's good graces.
Then this thread is not for you. Neither is sure jimmy.
Wont pay 80 euros for a game, ever. I get tons of fantastic games for 15 a month.
Can you name a single game on GPU that is AAA and profitable via GPU? I can't think of a single one. I'm not talking player metrics. I'm talking a game not sold anywhere, only exists on Game Pass and is bringing in cash. The model kind of negates that doesn't it?
Again, what's with the defensiveness over GP? Why can't we just try and discuss what it delivers, and the pros and cons? People react like their mother was insulted. The pros are that it's obviously really cheap and a great deal for gamers. As I've said over and over, I think the cons will be it will train Xbox gamers to not want to buy anymore (look at the comments in the RE Village thread to see my point being proven in real time), which will make it tougher to make big game productions unless MS wants to continue to subsidize them. Which, again, is not a sustainable (there's that word again) model for the rest of the industry. Fine for a behemoth like MS, but not for anyone else. And this is not unique to MS. Apple engages in behavior like this on their side of things in different areas and we've seen this example before, which is exactly why I can see it happening here. Go see how happy devs are with Apple in various areas. There is a reason I say the things I do.
If you want good software, you're going to have to keep paying for it. I don't have any problem with this of course. But plenty of people can think the future of software is to get a lot more of it at a fraction of the cost.
Then this thread is not for you. Neither is playstation.
Just look at age of empires, Forza, flight simulator?Just look at Halo Infinite
Right, its very simple for people who already game on Playstation. I probably pay a few hundred dollars a year buying a bunch of discounted games that I didn't want to pay full price for. Game or the year editions discounted from 100+ to 50-60 dollars, trilogy collections, etc. Now with the PS+ upgrade, im paying $96 a year more on my subscription to have access to games I would have racked up hundreds more for. Its a bargain, not on the same level as MS, but its a good deal while also protecting Sony's business model for producing the highest quality AAA budget games possible for the consumers. It's the right balance right now, which is what SCE has always been about, whether its hardware design or business strategies, striking the perfect balance.Then this thread is not for you. Neither is playstation.
It should be obvious by now, but: this raise in price was made so they could sell for a higher price when offering a discount... and it's working. A 70 game selling for 50 feels cheaper than a 60 one... It feels like you're getting a better discount this is fine for everyone. It’s just my mentality for their games has changed. If it’s something I really really really want to play I would buy it as cheap as I can find it on disk and look to complete it then trade it in asap. If it’s something else I will wait until it’s on sale on disk. It doesn’t even take too long, I got sackboy for like 30 quid. Horizon is now like 45 pounds in a lot of places, it won’t be too long until games drop in price. Gran Turismo 7 is already like 55 squids.
These 70 pound prices just ain’t sticking at retailers for Sony In the UK. Wait a month or two and your getting them cheaper, even less if you can wait a little longer. That’s why it was so important that I got a disk version ps5. It’s already really paid off in what I’ve saved and it’s a great 4k Blu ray player too.
it is, because mr. ryan said not so long ago he was going to offer something to compete with gamepass, and this is a joke compared to it.Then this thread is not for you. Neither is playstation.