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Jonathan Hickman’s New Avengers / Avengers |OT| Thanos is in this (Spoilers)




Secret Wars will definitely soften the blow for the next several months, but I'm going to be bummed out when Hickman is no longer writing monthly Marvel books. I have really scaled back my comic book reading in the past year+ (since my daughter was born) and Avengers/New Avengers is pretty much the only titles I still follow monthly.
I converted a customer at work into the fold today. He was looking at the Marvel collections on the shelf, and I pointed out the Avengers and New Avengers hardcovers that just came in (each one collecting issues 1-12 of each series), and gave a run down of the story. He snagged New Avengers and was excited, especially because it had Black Panther. When I described just how big it gets, he said, "Well, there goes the next six months of my life."

For the greater good.


Wow. What an amazing ending to Both series. The final page of Avengers gave me goosebumps.

Also-what was that giant thing that Doom used?
Wow. What an amazing ending to Both series. The final page of Avengers gave me goosebumps.

Also-what was that giant thing that Doom used?

I asked a bunch of friends and no one was sure, so it's not something that has been telegraphed. A good theory I heard was a bomb planted in a time platform, which would jammy them up but good since they're linear.


There is only Secret Wars.

I thought Doom
threw a whole bunch of 'saved' universes at the Beyonders and that's why after the explosion Reed and T'challa noticed thousands of them vanish in an instant. Looking back it does look like the library.

Anyway, yeah it's an ending, a great one, but in a few days we get Secret Wars 0 and it looks bonkers, then on Wednesday... So it doesn't feel like anything has concluded in the usual sense.

Edit: Goddamn at
Ultimate Fury going hard as fuck at 616 right from the start.


There is only Secret Wars.

I thought Doom
threw a whole bunch of 'saved' universes at the Beyonders and that's why after the explosion Reed and T'challa noticed thousands of them vanish in an instant. Looking back it does look like the library.

Anyway, yeah it's an ending, a great one, but in a few days we get Secret Wars 0 and it looks bonkers, then on Wednesday... So it doesn't feel like anything has concluded in the usual sense.

Edit: Goddamn at
Ultimate Fury going hard as fuck at 616 right from the start.

That was the scene that gave me chills. Holy fuck. I need Secret Wars 0 now!!!


Any chance that the box was
filled with molecule men or something? That would explain why a bunch of universes were destroyed when it blew up.
Though, if that were the case then I assume it would have been illustrated more efficiently.

I also think that the reveal of what caused the incursions was a bit of a let down, but I don't really know much about
Molecule Man
I'm not really sure what to think about those two issues...

The Beyonders wanted to destroy everything simultaneously but Doom started murdering molecule men early which caused the incursions. And by doing that... what happens exactly? Did he gain something from doing that which he could then use against the Beyonders?

I'm a bit lost on that.


It's the smart move.
Thanos was right, the shit 616 can throw at them is terrifying.
He's not wrong.

But I wonder how some of them are going to meet. Especially when Spider-Man meets Miles and the Ultimates. That needs to happen, right?


I'm not really sure what to think about those two issues...

The Beyonders wanted to destroy everything simultaneously but Doom started murdering molecule men early which caused the incursions. And by doing that... what happens exactly? Did he gain something from doing that which he could then use against the Beyonders?

I'm a bit lost on that.

I'm lost too.
So the Beyonders planned to kill all Molecule Men simultaneously, thus destroying the multiverse in the blink of an eye. To counteract this, Doom killed them individually, thus preventing the Beyonders from exterminating the multiverse at once. However, killing a Molecule Man still kills his universe, so Doom is basically beating the Beyonders by carrying out their plan very slowly. Also, if the Beyonders have some kill switch on Molecule Man then why didn't they just exterminate them all once they became wise to Doom's machinations? Why go through the trouble of creating Mapmakers?

From my understanding, nobody understands New Avenger #33.
I'm not really sure what to think about those two issues...

The Beyonders wanted to destroy everything simultaneously but Doom started murdering molecule men early which caused the incursions. And by doing that... what happens exactly? Did he gain something from doing that which he could then use against the Beyonders?

I'm a bit lost on that.

I don't think the plan was so much as fight the Beyonders but just stopping their plan by killing all the Molecule Men. Doom fucked up by trying to take the fight to them.(I know why he did of course since they'd likely just try some new plan if left alive)

The one thing that needs to be made clear is if killing all Molecule Men also stops the incursions.


I don't think the plan was so much as fight the Beyonders but just stopping their plan by killing all the Molecule Men. Doom fucked up by trying to take the fight to them.(I know why he did of course since they'd likely just try some new plan if left alive)

The one thing that needs to be made clear is if killing all Molecule Men also stops the incursions.

Quite the opposite.
It looks like killing Molecule Men is what caused the incursions. The murder of the first Molecule Man, seen at the beginning of the issue, is what caused the premature death of an Earth and kickstarted this whole incursion problem.
Quite the opposite.
It looks like killing Molecule Men is what caused the incursions. The murder of the first Molecule Man, seen at the beginning of the issue, is what caused the premature death of an Earth and kickstarted this whole incursion problem.

I know it's what started it, what we don't know is how to end it or if that's even possible.

Will killing all of them stop the chain reaction? I don't think that's ever been brought up so I guess Doom just planned for only one universe surviving at the end.
Apparently, Doom's plan aligns with Valeria's.

He's effectively been working on a way to not lose.
By killing isolated Molecule Men, becoming Rabum Alal and bringing about incursions, Doom has given everyone a fighting chance: rather than having everything disappear all of a sudden without any kind of warning, he's made the end of everything a central issue. This offers three benefits compared to the instant death of everything:
1. Everyone in every universe has been working on a resolution or a way to mitigate it. Avengers #44 establishes once and for all there never was a winning scenario but at least, they can try to salvage something.
2. Doom apparently had a plan to win against the Beyonders. It failed but that's better than going down without a fight.
3. We still don't know what happens after the last incursion. Thanos and Maximus have noted previously that there's something different about the last incursions they've faced: whenever an earth is destroyed, the incursion lingers a bit rather than end immediately. This might be something they're counting on and what they lied to Ultimate Fury about.

Simply put, the Beyonders' plan would have led to canceling every Marvel book while Doom's leads to Secret Wars. Saving anything is better than everything dying.


I know it's what started it, what we don't know is how to end it or if that's even possible.

Will killing all of them stop the chain reaction? I don't think that's ever been brought up so I guess Doom just planned for only one universe surviving instead at the end.

That makes sense. Doom's still keeping
616 Molecule Man alive, so it looks like some part of his plan involves making sure that if all but one universe needs to be destroyed, 616 is the only one left. I'm not sure if that's how it actually works, but Doom probably isn't either.

Apparently, Doom's plan aligns with Valeria's.

He's effectively been working on a way to not lose.
By killing isolated Molecule Men, becoming Rabum Alal and bringing about incursions, Doom has given everyone a fighting chance: rather than having everything disappear all of a sudden without any kind of warning, he's made the end of everything a central issue. This offers three benefits compared to the instant death of everything:
1. Everyone in every universe has been working on a resolution or a way to mitigate it. Avengers #44 establishes once and for all there never was a winning scenario but at least, they can try to salvage something.
2. Doom apparently had a plan to win against the Beyonders. It failed but that's better than going down without a fight.
3. We still don't know what happens after the last incursion. Thanos and Maximus have noted previously that there's something different about the last incursions they've faced: whenever an earth is destroyed, the incursion lingers a bit rather than end immediately. This might be something they're counting on and what they lied to Ultimate Fury about.

Simply put, the Beyonders' plan would have led to canceling every Marvel book while Doom's leads to Secret Wars. Saving anything is better than everything dying.

This is a good explanation. I'm still kind of lost as to why The Beyonders couldn't have
simply killed all the Molecule Men once they realized what Doom was up to.
That makes sense. Doom's still keeping
616 Molecule Man alive, so it looks like some part of his plan involves making sure that if all but one universe needs to be destroyed, 616 is the only one left. I'm not sure if that's how it actually works, but Doom probably isn't either.

This is a good explanation. I'm still kind of lost as to why The Beyonders couldn't have
simply killed all the Molecule Men once they realized what Doom was up to.

Weren't they on a 25 year timer?
This is a good explanation. I'm still kind of lost as to why The Beyonders couldn't have
simply killed all the Molecule Men once they realized what Doom was up to.
Because comics. Or
because there's no remote killswitch on Molecule Men, they work as a timebomb that was set to go off 25 years later. That doesn't mean they had some remote detonator to do so. This is an oversight in their design. One they couldn't travel back in time to fix.

This also explains why they eventually took a dramatically more hands on approach and started killing every cosmic entity.
I haven't been up to date on Uncanny X men. What is the
Phoenix egg?
I found the lack of a pay off in the latest issue was kind of a let down when it concerns all the pages devoted to Cyclops.

can someone tell me when Valarie ages?
I am reading Hickman's Fantastic Four run. Is it during then? Wasn't she
3 years old or something when she went to live with Doom?
And while on the subject of Doom,
what happened to the counsel of dooms? I saw them at the end of the Fantastic 4 run (I read Post issue 600 because it was at the library.)
and I really thought I'd see them in this week's New Avengers.

So many questions.
On what happened at the end when the brick was thrown

It was established during the issue that seeding life throughout the multiverse was one of the beyonder's experiments.

It was also established that Victor's final plan was simply nuking them out of the timeline, since he had determined that the beyonders could do many things, but time travel was not one of them.

Now, what happens when you go back in time and snuff out one of the main things responsible for the existence of so many multiverses in the crib?

Hence, that *hm... i think i overlooked something" moment.

Was how i read it, anyway.

Avengers 44 was kinda meh, tbh.


Avengers 44 was kinda meh, tbh.

I dug the hell out of it.
BP shaming the White House for selling out the Illuminati and now asking to be saved.

Cap revealing he's angry that Tony knew they never had any chance and never admitted it.

Maker being entertaining as hell.

Thanos, Maximus and U. Fury interactions, and the latter going HAM on 616.
BP shaming the White House for selling out the Illuminati and now asking to be saved.

What king was he talking about?
What i don't get (beyond a black man that aint the prez getting near the WH without getting shot) is the shaming bit. Like... "oh noes, you shoulda never trusted the cabal. True, youda died months ago because i am such a humongous coward that i couldnt destroy an already dead planet (let alone several), and true, your continued existence is owed solely to the cabal's efforts, but SHAME ON YOU , BRO! Also: i kinda backstabbed the one guy that actually went through a proper redemption arc, cuz priorities."


What king was he talking about?
What i don't get (beyond a black man that aint the prez getting near the WH without getting shot) is the shaming bit. Like... "oh noes, you shoulda never trusted the cabal. True, youda died months ago because i am such a humongous coward that i couldnt destroy an already dead planet (let alone several), and true, your continued existence is owed solely to the cabal's efforts, but SHAME ON YOU , BRO! Also: i kinda backstabbed the one guy that actually went through a proper redemption arc, cuz priorities."

He's talking about Wakanda. Blowing up worlds doesn't matter anymore. "Isn't there anyone willing to help?" He might have been once, there could have been a way to save more people if he still had a country at his disposal, but they paid the Cabal's price with Wakanda. So all he has to offer is the awful truth and nothing else, "Ash."
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