All new belts after Summerslam
Brock is gonna have an MMA as fuck belt!
All new belts after Summerslam
Yeah, so basically they don't know where Ric pawned that belt.Few news bits from a place that provides them (they're weird about posting anything anywhere else):
- The Big Gold Belt is supposed to be retired now
Yeah, so basically they don't know where Ric pawned that belt.
Awesome. You just know Kofi is going put his natural athletic ability to good use when he finds an innovative way to stave off elimination and just go absolutely berserk like a wild animal.
Any recommendations for GBA games on the Wii U VC? I just got Metroid Fusion. Looking for something else.
That sounds boring, TheWesker. Remember, Summerslam is happening after the initial 6 month term of the WWE Network is up, do you really believe that Cesaro vs. Sheamus in a title unification bout is going to put butts in the Network?I mean, for me, it's simple as shit. Have Cesaro last eliminate Sheamus, feud goes to Summerslam to unify the two midcard titles. Not that the titles mean anything, but it is one less title for them to make when they're already in cost cutting mode.
John Cena is literally the corniest character I can think of. He's a meat head that looks like he just walked out of the gym with shorts (often jorts) on and he's wearing neon like he's working a car wash or something. Then when he starts talking he comes off like a goofball who overcomes odds like it's his morning breakfast cereal. To the untrained eye he's not bad in the ring and he's pushed to the main event so he comes off as good in the ring, though the Let's Go Cena / Cena Sucks chants and mixed reactions he gets ensures that some of those fans will hate him just as easily as they like him. His message that he pushes is still "Hustle, loyalty, respect" which hasn't changed from years ago and the words seem to lose all meaning to how he is written in storylines. Does he hustle in the ring? Sure he's a worker, you can't discount that....does he have loyalty? really, except maybe to the WWE Universe. Does he show respect to his opponents? Eh.....not really.
Why would you like this guy? Because you're told're not given any other reason except maybe the fact that he goes out night after night (even when he's injured, fired or otherwise not supposed to wrestle!) and performs, like everyone else on the roster.
The only cause I can see that he fights for (occasionally) is breast cancer and make-a-wish....which is applaudable, I guess, but that doesn't otherwise come across elsewhere in the product.
Cena just comes off as fake, and that's why I've never really liked him.
One thing I hate about Cena (and it's obviously not his fault) is that they ram his charity & Make-A-Wish work down our throats and charity work done by other wrestlers never gets a mention.
Kinda ruins the whole concept of charity when it's being used to promote someone and make them more popular at the expense of others.
Yeah, this is where some people I think get steered wrong with Cena (and it's a lot of the reason people aren't happy with the current Reigns direction) is that everything with him just feel so forced. He doesn't do anything organic, or at least nothing feels that way. No promo, no match, no "moment", nothing. Remember the staredown he had with The Rock at Mania 28? I fucking cringed at what should have been an epic moment. But no, it felt forced, just like everything Cena does. Forces other guys to raise his hand, forces promos down your throat about "being there night in, night out and lovin every minute of it!!!" while he gets booed.
"OH BUT HE DOES MAKE A WISH!!" Great. Wouldn't it have been cool if I had found that out on my own? I would have saw it and thought "wow, Cena does cool and nice things." Instead, I have to think it's a nice thing to do but hate that WWE force feeds it to me as cheap way to get you to like Cena. "LIKE CENA, LIKE CENA, LIKE CENA" is how it comes off.
Just a few weeks ago, he even had a staredown with Roman Reigns, which should have been a big deal thing because they're two well-pushed guys. It went over like a wet fart because they both have characters as dense as cardboard. Meanwhile, Cena had a staredown with Daniel Bryan in the Elimination Chamber that the crowd ate up because Bryan comes off as organic as you probably can. You can connect to Bryan. You could connect with Punk. You can't connect with Cena. All he talks about is how great everything is, rarely ever sells a feud when it's over, and that's it. You never feel a need to get behind him because he never gives you a reason.
You want your reason why people bitch about Reigns' push? That's why. We don't want another John Cena, and that's what they seem to be doing with Reigns. It's like going from Pepsi to Coke right now.
Last week jerry lawler lit Scott stiner on Fire
I kinda feel the same about Reigns, but I just can't get over the fact that he doesn't have a new look yet. Give the guy some post Shield gear and music already. It's over, time to move on.
Best time is right after college class, so at like 11 am for me. I saw Tintin by myself. It was amazing.
God damn it AR
Remember when The Rockers broke up and Marty continued to wear the Rockers gear for another 20 years?
Reigns is the Jannetty.
God damn it AR
God damn it AR
did...did he miss?
Last week jerry lawler lit Scott stiner on Fire
What if they shoved Jannetty down out throats while Shawn feuded with Sheri and someone she managed or something random to keep him occupied?
God damn it AR
So what was the story of HBK overselling that entire fight? Was it true that he was mad that they booked him to lose?
So what was the story of HBK overselling that entire fight? Was it true that he was mad that they booked him to lose?
So what was the story of HBK overselling that entire fight? Was it true that he was mad that they booked him to lose?
Pretty much. Can't deny it made the match more interesting though.
So what was the story of HBK overselling that entire fight? Was it true that he was mad that they booked him to lose?
The back story is your typical affair in anything wrestling related involving Hogan. He insisted that he should go over clean but refused to do the same for Michaels at a later date, which made no sense because what's the point of giving Hogan a clean win when he had limited time with the company while "HBK" would go on to perform for another half a decade?
There isn't one. And that's what made Michaels upset enough to oversell all of Hogan's offense to the point that it was downright laughable and there were instances in the match that the "Hulkster" very clearly got rather upset at the situation.
It's important to note that there are those that believe Michaels was simply selling Hogan's offense in line with how he should have considering the circumstances. Hogan is a gigantic man and Michaels is not. He's much, much smaller, in fact, so theoretically, every punch Hogan lands should be like an atomic bomb exploding on Michaels' face.
Plus, going into the match, Shawn was playing the heel, which wasn't his decision and wasn't what he wanted, while Hogan was back in his stale role as mega-babyface.
But that's not how it went down. Throughout most of the match, the "Showstopper" ruthlessly mocked Hulk by overselling his offense, which made him even more of a hero in my eyes. And whoever made the following video is also a hero because although it's low quality, it's solid gold. Enjoy.
Last week jerry lawler lit Scott stiner on Fire
Lawler looks healthier than Steiner in this pic which is kinda scary.