I unironically like Babymetal, not sure what that makes on the hipster/indie scale, but it's probably off the charts.
I'd like them a lot better if it was just the girl who could sing without the two annoying lolis.
I unironically like Babymetal, not sure what that makes on the hipster/indie scale, but it's probably off the charts.
Serious question: do you feel that Bray Wyatt is a bigger deal after his feud with Cena, is he as legit as before, or has he been hurt by the feud?
Spider from Mars said:Only people who wear non fitted jeans and aren't in touch with modern Art hate indie.
BronsonLee said:Wait, did Ustream straight up cold turkey kill iPPVs with no notice?
I feel like it says more about Cena that Bryan had one match with Bray and it was a classic, and Cena couldn't do it in three matches even with gimmicks.
I haven't been keeping up... when is Bryan coming back?
Oh and when is PUNK coming back?!
I don't remember anyone having an issue with the finish to the Bray/Bryan match. No reason to either. Now, the first Cena/Bray match, on the other hand...
What? That Sister Abagail into the barricade was dope as fuck.
The spot was, sure, but it was still a screwy ending that, ultimately, left the crowd expecting Bryan to turn up in the Rumble.
Punks contract is up this month I believe. I wonder if they are gonna keep paying him to stay at home and fuck AJ. His merch must still be great if they don't want to lose them
The response they wanted: Wow, I hope Bryan is given time to rest up and try another day.
What they got: Wow, he got beat up bad. Surely this means he's entering the Rumble, right?
WWE: durrr send out Rey Mysterio! They won't boo Mysterio!
In hindsight, they could've solved the problem with some backstage segments involving Bryan arguing with paramedics or the McMahons, before finally accepting he couldn't compete.
Nothing would've solved the problem.
It at least would've prevented poor Rey getting all those boos if the fans definitively knew Bryan wouldn't be in the Rumble beforehand.
Backstage segments where a babyface gives up? That sounds exactly how they would have booked Bryan.
At least that will be forgotten when he comes back. Remember: they're pretty darn good at booking Bryan when he's chasing championships.Nah, any backstage segments or the like would've just drawn attention to Bryan not being in the Rumble which would have made the fans think it was even more likely going to happen. They could show a live feed of Bryan getting on a fucking airplane and people would still think he'd hijack the plane and crash it into the arena at number 30.
At least that will be forgotten when he comes back. Remember: they're pretty darn good at booking Bryan when he's chasing championships.
They're pretty good when they've got a gun to their head, but outside of the Road to WrestleMania it was terrible and Bryan doesn't have that kind of support anymore. The last segment I saw, fans chanted "CM Punk" over a mention of D-Bry.
I want Reigns to win the title before Wrestlemania, this way when he drops the title to Brock Lesnar at WM people are even more shook than the time the streak ended.
Eh, that's a bit on the paranoid side I think. He got a huge reaction at the Money in the Bank pre-show. I don't think they're going to fight it as much if it happens again, and I'd say the chances are more likely than not.
He's got fan support but I'd be surprised if anyone cares in the same way to see him as champion again. He got his Mania moment + D-Bry as champion resulted in a watered down character and Kane feud. People aren't gonna put up a fight for that.
Bryan is pretty clearly either their #1 or #2 face now. They aren't depushing shit, especially since he'll probably be the top Smackdown guy. They only took the title off of him by force, so expect that run to happen again.
People also forget about shit quick. They won't forget him (especially when they bring him up every week), and they'll be ready the second they tease another title chase for him. You're not giving him enough credit.
I'm pretty sure the wheels are off the Bryan bus now. It's going to be awkward when he comes back. Like Batista except not boos. Just "why did I ever like this guy so much?"
So that's why they moved Renee Young to commentary."That's Roman Reigns! IF YOU THREW MY PANTIES AGAINST THE WALL RIGHT NOW
Nah, I'm calling that he's never the same after these surgeries. I hope you're right, though.and then he wrestles an awesome match. "Oh yeah, that's why."
What song will they use for Bryan's rehab montage video?
What song will they use for Bryan's rehab montage video?
What song will they use for Bryan's rehab montage video?
My brother. You listen to the new Sunny Day In Glasgow album? Summer Jamzzzzzz
Indie means it's better.
My people
Like they wanted to be Power Rangers and gave up halfway through.