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Just Cause 2 |OT| of No Thread Name Can Do This Game Justice

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Any deals going on for this right now (PS3 version)?

I want this game so badly but I'd rather pay as little as possible for it.

(Not a knock on the game's value, of course, I'm just cheap :lol )


ezekial45 said:
Thats strange. Like the Chaos pop-up doesn't appear at all when you blow stuff up?
It does but its stuck, doesnt progress. I've blown up towns, taken out colonels and what not .. the meter is just stuck.
irfan said:
It does but its stuck, doesnt progress. I've blown up towns, taken out colonels and what not .. the meter is just stuck.

i think it just goes up extremely slow...ive actually have not played much because of this...
Well I traded this in yesterday while I could still get a 'good' price for it, but I have to say what a fantastic experience it was. I basically bought it on a whim, along with BC2 and I've loved them both. JC2 really reinvigorated my gaming appetite because while it lasted it was just so fun! I even bought the DLC to 'show my support', and I never, ever do things like that :lol
The mod community for this game just keep on amazing me - Just Cause 2 - Map Viewer by DerPlaya78.

This brilliant utility has just made my OCD dreams come true. I now know exactly what i am missing to get 100% on some cities. Brilliant.

Get the zip, extract the bin folder and run the .exe inside. Load up a save game, click 'toggle settlements', zoom in on an area and use the filters on the right to show the location of the remaining chaos items. Hover your mouse over the icon to get the coordinates too.

It shows you anything that you haven't got 100% for whether you've discovered it ingame or not so those of you sensitive to spoilers might want to give it a miss.

It's a PC app so it works for the PC version but i don't know if there's a way to get xbox saves onto the PC to have a look at them.

The standard save path for the PC version is '%ProgramFiles%\Steam\userdata\nnnnnnnn\8190\remote'.

Have fun mopping up those last few errant items :)
Anyone know what is included in the latest DLC pack? (I'm at work and most game-related sites are blocked)

Also, I've been playing this game for a couple weeks now and REALLY like it. The one thing I wish they would patch is the way you have call the chopper and sit through 2 cutscenes to buy a single item (repeat for as many items as you're buying) - annoying.
From the Steam site:

With the Black Market 'Boom' Pack you get these cool items:

* Quad Rocket Launcher: Combine a rocket launcher with a shotgun and you've got yourself the powerful Quad Rocket Launcher - expect some collateral damage!
* Cluster Bomb Launcher: A natural progression of the grenade launcher, the Cluster Bomb Launcher is a small-scale weapon of mass destruction for personal use.
* Air Propulsion Gun: Courtesy of the Agency Propulsion Labs, this gun was originally designed as a jet engine but was soon repurposed for the weapons division where the Air Propulsion Gun was born.
I finished Just Cause 2 (360) the other day, and now I'm doing various remaining faction missions (some of which are awesome and all of which are fun).

(DISCLAIMER for the next paragraph: It is not fanboyism-fueled. I enjoy both platforms roughly equally and am a huge fan of several PS3 exclusives especially over the last 2.5 years. It's about the games, not the platform.)

I am appalled at how a game like inFamous can score higher than Just Cause 2 on MC. I think it's mind-boggling. JC2 is literally 10+ times the game inFamous is IMO. It has better, freer movement mechanics. It has more gameplay systems, including every type of vehicle. It has a far larger world. It has far, far, far better visuals. It is longer. It's more fun. The only thing inFamous has on it is story. It's not some amazing story, mind, but at least it has one, whereas JC2 is kind of offensively embarassing in an endearing way. But the concept of a few minutes of graphic novel-style cutscenes overwhelming the hugeness that is JC2?

I think it's sad. Hype affects scores. And even though it's probably only by a few MC points, that still matters.

Anyway, here are some thoughts on JC2:


Having played this on Experienced (2nd hardest, 3rd easiest), the game was rather frustrating at first. Health goes down fast, and platforming doesn't work the way you expect from other vertical games like Uncharted 2, AC II, inFamous. This results in a lot of dying. There are way too few checkpoints, as well. Also, the game suggests you can just go in guns blazing and absorb a lot of damage, a-la Halo, but that's not true at that difficulty level. You have to be fairly careful and be aware of your surroundings. If you don't realize this and adapt, you're going to hate this game.

However, if you play more carefully and learn to use the grappling hook/parachute combo, it becomes sublime. Other than those damn mission boundaries, the game is sooooooo free. This is a true vertical game. The grappling hook is a great tool -- make snipers perched in their towers fall to their death, stop chasing cars in their tracks, pull yourself around the environment, hijack planes (!) in motion, etc. The gunplay is a little loose at first, but once you learn to trust the auto-aim and to fine-aim when needed, it also becomes quite satisfying.

Then there are the vehicles. Cars are nothing to write home about, actually, in terms of driving, but hijacking them and doing stunt jumps on top of them is always a great time. Hijacking helicopters in mid-air (sometimes from other helicopters) never stops being awesome. And if you get a chopper with rockets, strafing some military base and watching it go up in flames is evil and awesome. Planes don't have a lot of uses, but they're great in specific missions, such as the one where you have to blow up a space rocket in mid-air. My only complaint is there is no rudder control on the planes, which makes it hard to make micro-adjustments (there's no yaw, only roll). They should've copied Ace Combat and friends.

So what about mission structure and other aspects of gameplay? I've heard some complaints here, though the game meshed with my style perfectly. There are only 7 story missions (though most of them are elaborate and highlights of the game!), but you have to do lots of other stuff to unlock them. Capturing territory for the 3 factions, doing their missions, and completing settlements (i.e., blowing shit up and finding collectibles) are how you get to play the story missions. Some say that takes too long, but since I found those activities great fun, I have no complaint there. (If you're a reviewer trying to "finish" the game, however, then you might get annoyed.) I normally hate collection mini-games, but JC2 actually makes these entertaining, because (a) the main collectibles are very useful to upgrade weapons and such, (b) the radar locator and 100% settlement completion bonus make it sort of like a fun easter egg hunt. This is a far cry from lame-ass feather collection in AC II.

Even the AI in this game is pretty decent, which was unexpected, to say the least. The enemies successfully flank, take cover, and even hide when outnumbered. I've even seen them opportunistically steal my helicopter after I've temporarily set it down to get out and get some weapon chests. Those damn stronghold takeover technicians should really stay in the back, though... what the fuck.

The only real negative, and it's a big one, is the frustration factor. Few checkpoints, rapidly dwindling health, the occasional mistake due to the complex controls = several controller-throwing situations.


I've been over this before and don't want to go into all the details. Suffice it to say, this is the best-looking game I've seen on consoles (played it on 360; PS3 seemed similar judging by the demo). It's not the best in EVERY way -- a given Uncharted 2 screenshot will definitely look better -- but as a total package and considering its scope, it is the best. Actually, 40 hours into the game, I am still sometimes blown away at how effortlessly it renders all this amazing stuff. Even the fact that Panau is littered with military bases -- all of which are different from each other! -- is amazing.


Terrible. Granted, there was a while when I thought it was being self-consciously cheesy, which sort of excused its ineptness. However, the more I played it, the more it became apparent that it was basically just ineptness -- not clever at all. The localization has all kinds of grammar errors, the voices are laughable, and the story lacks any kind of impact and makes little sense, especially near the end. If they wanted it to be a parody or homage to 80s action movies, they could've done a better job. It actually kind of matters, too. Fun game, but I felt kind of empty having finished that last story mission. Whereas at the same point in San Andreas, I actually felt connected to the story/world.


It was competent.


I finished the story after about 30 hours, and my completion meter was 30% at the time. I have now put 40 hours into it and am at 35%. While I have absolutely no wish to get anywhere near 100%, I *do* find the faction missions compelling (some are really short, simple affairs, but some are quite the events), so I'm going to finish the remaining 19 before I stop playing the game. It is rare for me to go after side content after finishing the game, but this game is one of those. I also like to fly around in a jet and just blow shit up.


Overall, I'd say I put this on about the same level as Assassin's Creed II. They're quite different games, of course, but they complement each other well. AC II is stronger on story and setting (maybe the story itself is not so amazing, but the concept and atmosphere are fantastic), while JC 2 is more action-packed and varied. Both are the best open-world games I've played this generation, so RDR has a lot to live up to for me.
infamous had a 100% better story and very cool art style...just cause 2 is technically a better game but its core game (main story) doesnt come even close to infamous

i played infamous twice and have not even got half way through jc2


Just because they are both fruit doesnt mean they can really be that relatable.


One of the best looking open world games. (PC version)

I am having so much fun. Island hoping and just having fun.

Not a big open world fan myself. But this is such a blast

nolookjones said:
infamous had a 100% better story and very cool art style...just cause 2 is technically a better game but its core game (main story) doesnt come even close to infamous

The core game consists of the mechanics and what you can do. As far as the story missions themselves, JC2 had fewer of them, but the ones it did have were better/more enjoyable than inFamous's IMO.

But yes, it does have a far better story; I mean, it's not even close. However, it's hard for me to understand how so many critics would find that enough to put it over the top.

i played infamous twice and have not even got half way through jc2

Well, inFamous is not a very long game, AND it rewards you for playing it twice with story stuff. Whereas Just Cause 2 is fucking huge, and there's no reason to play it again.

Onion_Relish said:


Just because they are both fruit doesnt mean they can really be that relatable.

They're "relatable" enough. They're both open-world action games. They both feature a lot of wandering around and exploring and doing side quests and a fairly short set of main story missions. When I compare the two, I compare the enjoyment I get out of them. There's nothing wrong with having that discussion. I just feel like JC2 didn't get enough credit, while inFamous got rather too much. It's perfectly fine to compare the reception of games in DIFFERENT genres, and these two games are in the SAME genre.

The main differences between the two games are thematic. It wouldn't make sense for Cole to be blowing shit up in helicopters, but that doesn't mean inFamous can't be compared to other games in terms of its net effect. For example, just because Cole can't get around the environment as easily as Rico doesn't mean that city has to look pretty much exactly the same no matter where you are in it. I'm not even saying inFamous was bad or anything. It was a pretty good game. JC2 was just a much greater accomplishment IMO, so it's sad it didn't get as much credit.

If I were comparing Civilization to Just Cause or something, then maybe you'd have a point.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Just joined the JC2 party today after playing the HELL outta the demo for the past two months or so. Now that I've beaten Red Dead I can't wait to jump into this. :D


Death Prophet
I'm in Mercenary mode and I don't have anymore stronghold takeovers or faction missions, and I know I haven't done them all. Is it possible to unlock them?

I feel like I have enough chaos, I have 906,050.
Fantastical said:
I'm in Mercenary mode and I don't have anymore stronghold takeovers or faction missions, and I know I haven't done them all. Is it possible to unlock them?

I feel like I have enough chaos, I have 906,050.

How many have you done (see Stats screen)?

There are 9 strongholds and 49 faction missions.

To find stuff more easily, go to the map, and turn off all legend symbols except faction missions and stronghold takeovers.
Fantastical said:
Strongholds: 6
Faction missions: 32

Interesting. Well, missions unlock with strongholds as well, so there must be some strongholds you haven't done yet. Are you sure there are no stronghold takeover icons? Use the legend screen to only show stronghold takeover icons.
Fantastical said:
There are definitely no more stronghold takeover icons. I hope this isn't a bug. :(

Wow, that would fucking suck. Sorry to hear this. I did make a save before the final story mission, just in case. Maybe you did too?


Death Prophet
RedRedSuit said:
Wow, that would fucking suck. Sorry to hear this. I did make a save before the final story mission, just in case. Maybe you did too?
Unfortunately, I was not that smart. :p

Damn, I'm at 44% and I wanted that 75% achievement.


I was at 1 million+ chaos and still had stuff unlocking as I found faction items, discovered new location and finished challenges.

70% 56hrs
What things give you more %? Also how hard is hardcore mode to Platinum? Do I only need to finish the main story missions (Blue/Grey) icon?
rc213 said:
I was at 1 million+ chaos and still had stuff unlocking as I found faction items, discovered new location and finished challenges.

70% 56hrs
What things give you more %? Also how hard is hardcore mode to Platinum? Do I only need to finish the main story missions (Blue/Grey) icon?

Yeah, you would just need to finish the story missions on Hardcore.

I wouldn't wish that upon you, though. Experienced is already pretty damn hard, IMO.
Fantastical said:
There are definitely no more stronghold takeover icons. I hope this isn't a bug. :(
You sure you're not missing all the Roaches strongholds? Their light-blue icons can blend in with the ocean fairly easily.


Just a heads up for PS3 owners, it's currently the Amazon Gold Box offer.

List Price: $59.99
Amazon's Price: $56.99 (5% off)
Gold Box Discount: - $16.00
Gold Box Price: $40.99 (31% off)
-- 22% claimed as of this post.

Gold Box Deal


Junior Member
This game was fun as hell when I was playing it, but after beating it I have had absolutely no desire to play it again. Couldn't explain why.


Wiggum2007 said:
This game was fun as hell when I was playing it, but after beating it I have had absolutely no desire to play it again. Couldn't explain why.

Because blowing stuff up is tons of fun but ultimately the game has little to do so when you get done with the explosions there isn't much left. Still, the explosions are LOTS of fun but I feel this game needs to move in the direction Saints Row has. Have lots of crazy things to do, have a full player customization, just add lots of shit that helps mix the game up.
Darklord said:
Because blowing stuff up is tons of fun but ultimately the game has little to do so when you get done with the explosions there isn't much left. Still, the explosions are LOTS of fun but I feel this game needs to move in the direction Saints Row has. Have lots of crazy things to do, have a full player customization, just add lots of shit that helps mix the game up.

*shrug* There are 49 missions on top of the story missions. I had finished about half of them left when I was done with the story. There are some great missions there and plenty of variety. There are a couple of repetitions (e.g., two missions where you must get Baby Panay's head), yes, but less than in most sandbox games. I mean shit, yesterday I played a mission where I had to shoot down a space rocket with a fighter jet, and another mission where I had to disarm bombs on 3 moving cars in a convoy before they got to their destination, while being shot at by police cars and helicopters.

There is a ton to do in this game. A metric ton.


Death Prophet
RocketDarkness said:
You sure you're not missing all the Roaches strongholds? Their light-blue icons can blend in with the ocean fairly easily.
Wow, I'm an idiot. I swear I looked at the map for like 15 minutes. :lol


RedRedSuit said:
Yeah, you would just need to finish the story missions on Hardcore.

I wouldn't wish that upon you, though. Experienced is already pretty damn hard, IMO.

Just finished Hardcore in under 11hrs./25% Was way too easy compared to my Normal run for some reason. Maybe cause I was always running around with level 4 alert all the time in Normal. :lol


Death Prophet
When you destroy towers or statues does it really do anything? It says communications have been disrupted and that morale rises or whatever, but does it really do anything?
Fantastical said:
When you destroy towers or statues does it really do anything? It says communications have been disrupted and that morale rises or whatever, but does it really do anything?


Ultimately that is the biggest shame about this game. The fact that no matter how much you damage the infrastructure, the communications networks or the military staging areas, the people are just as happy/miserable, the news bulletins are just as frequent and the military is just as persistent and much, much stronger. It's a good thing blowing shit up is so pleasing, because if it wasnt I would drop this game like a ton of bricks for it being so ineffectual. At least in the previously mentioned game Infamous people throw rocks at you for being a dickhead.
Onion_Relish said:

Ultimately that is the biggest shame about this game. The fact that no matter how much you damage the infrastructure, the communications networks or the military staging areas, the people are just as happy/miserable, the news bulletins are just as frequent and the military is just as persistent and much, much stronger. It's a good thing blowing shit up is so pleasing, because if it wasnt I would drop this game like a ton of bricks for it being so ineffectual. At least in the previously mentioned game Infamous people throw rocks at you for being a dickhead.

Agree with that, actually. This ties in with it lacking any kind of story that makes sense. They could have made the world rather more alive than it is.

Still way better than that other game. :D


erotic butter maelstrom
Nice vid.

I think I'll pop this one in again today, best sandbox game ever
I still haven't tried the Boom dlc yet but it looks like all the preorder content will be available as DLC on June 22 according to the official website. I'll get it just for the Hovercraft and monster truck.


Welp, 97.35% completion on Hardcore mode

All races
All missions
All faction items
All locations

there is literally nothing on the map that I can do.

But I don't think I'll ever finish this game because I honestly cannot be bothered to go around trying to find all the unmarked shit. That's lame and Avalanche really should fix that.


Wow after playing this on 360 for months and then installing the PC version on an i7 CPU / EVGA GTX 480 videocard Its pretty insane how much smoother it runs as well as a noticeable jump in visuals.

I mean the game is awesome either way but just wanted to clarify JC2 definately utilizes a powerful PC.
hauton said:
Welp, 97.35% completion on Hardcore mode

All races
All missions
All faction items
All locations

there is literally nothing on the map that I can do.

But I don't think I'll ever finish this game because I honestly cannot be bothered to go around trying to find all the unmarked shit. That's lame and Avalanche really should fix that.

Yeah, I think I hit 98.03 with the same breeze. There isnt any impetus to actually get 100% world completion because it will yield no reward. The GAME is complete, even if some number on a bar is not.


When keepin it real goes wrong. Very, very wrong.
EdwardTivrusky said:
The mod community for this game just keep on amazing me - Just Cause 2 - Map Viewer by DerPlaya78.

This brilliant utility has just made my OCD dreams come true. I now know exactly what i am missing to get 100% on some cities. Brilliant.

Get the zip, extract the bin folder and run the .exe inside. Load up a save game, click 'toggle settlements', zoom in on an area and use the filters on the right to show the location of the remaining chaos items. Hover your mouse over the icon to get the coordinates too.

It shows you anything that you haven't got 100% for whether you've discovered it ingame or not so those of you sensitive to spoilers might want to give it a miss.

It's a PC app so it works for the PC version but i don't know if there's a way to get xbox saves onto the PC to have a look at them.

The standard save path for the PC version is '%ProgramFiles%\Steam\userdata\nnnnnnnn\8190\remote'.

Have fun mopping up those last few errant items :)

Na i don't cheat i play legit.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
So there's a bunch of new DLC up on the PSN Store (and I'm assuming the XBLM too) for JC2. Well, new-ish. I believe a lot if not all of it was pre-order bonus stuff.

Bull's-Eye Assault Rifle - $0.99
Chevalier Classic - $0.99
Monster Truck - $0.99
Rico's Signature Gun - $0.99
Tuk Tuk Boom Boom - FREE

I've got exactly $1 left in my PSN wallet. Anyone know which of the 99 cent items is most worth getting?


Seraphis Cain said:
So there's a bunch of new DLC up on the PSN Store (and I'm assuming the XBLM too) for JC2. Well, new-ish. I believe a lot if not all of it was pre-order bonus stuff.

Bull's-Eye Assault Rifle - $0.99
Chevalier Classic - $0.99
Monster Truck - $0.99
Rico's Signature Gun - $0.99
Tuk Tuk Boom Boom - FREE

I've got exactly $1 left in my PSN wallet. Anyone know which of the 99 cent items is most worth getting?
I'd say the Monster Truck is definitely worth your dollar.

No hovercraft? :(
I've been waiting for the hovercraft.


Picked up a steam code from a fellow member. I've enjoyed open world games before (Infamous and RF:G most recently), but never seen one with so many varied environments full of things to do.

It is a shame that your actions don't always affect the big picture (destroying radio towers), but that doesn't mean it makes it any less enjoyable for some reason.
I've just started the first hour of this game. How can it get crazier? :lol

I'm glad I've started this because I've been craving RDR, but now this game will occupy me for quite some time in terms of the open world genre, I think. I have no interest in progressing in the story any further than I have to so that I can just play around with all the cool shit, though. :D

Looks stunning maxed out on PC too.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Foliorum Viridum said:
I've just started the first hour of this game. How can it get crazier? :lol

I'm glad I've started this because I've been craving RDR, but now this game will occupy me for quite some time in terms of the open world genre, I think. I have no interest in progressing in the story any further than I have to so that I can just play around with all the cool shit, though. :D

Looks stunning maxed out on PC too.

Yeah, JC2 is really one of the best open world games out there. Tied with RDR, if you ask me. RDR has the better atmosphere, but JC2 has the better "do whatever the fuck you want" feel to it.

(Also, your username is still the most awesome one on GAF. Agalloch FTW! :D )
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