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Justified - Season 4 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Hunky Nostradamus
JUST finished marathoning the whole show up until this latest Season 4 episode.

The show... has a lot of problems. But, man, does it have some wonderfully painted characters. Boyd (sp) is definitely one of the more compelling characters on tv. I loved the way they dealt with his crisis of faith in late Season 1/early Season 2, because for the longest time I really couldn't tell if it was a genuine transformation or not but it was really well done. I really watch the show for him, basically. He better only die in the last season!

What do you think of Ava?

Choose your words carefully.
Sepinwall said:
Okay, tomorrow night's "Justified" is pretty much the best thing ever.
Highlights from a Q&A with writer VJ Boyd over at Warming Glow:

Q: was the episode title ‘Get Drew’ and homage to ‘Get Shorty?’

A: yes!

Q: Next week I’m assuming you will test the limits of what’s the most bad ass thing you can put on extended basic cable.

A: And again in the finale.

Q: Do you see any parallels between Ava and Lady Macbeth?

A: There have definitely been parallels, but Ava isn’t manipulating Boyd at all. If she’s being Lady MAcbethish it’s accidental.

Q: I loved this episode but I don’t understand the set-up for next week. Why is getting Shelby “out of Harlan alive” such a big ordeal? Don’t the marshals have a plane or a helicopter they can use to simply fly Shelby to wherever they’re taking him? Are we supposed to believe that Tonin’s outfit has anti-aircraft missiles or something? Or maybe the backstory with Tonin intimidating the Clover Hill judge is suppose to make us believe that Tonin has influence over local law enforcement as well?

A: This will make more sense when you watch the episode. Our tech advisor, a former Marshal, pointed out that ginning up a prisoner transport is not as easy as it looks in movies. You don’t suddenly get a helicopter in a matter or an hour, or a whole caravan, etc. etc.

Q: As a TV writer when you have a season long mystery and then the “reveal” like the Shelby/Drew angle, do you like it when people figure it out based on the clues you’ve left or do you prefer that they be surprised?

A: I’d love it if nobody figured it out, but then upon the reveal it seems obvious. That’s always the goal, but in this case we made it blatantly clear in episode 8 who Drew was. I personally would have preferred we hide it a little better, but as long as people like the finished product, I’m happy.

Q: I loved Boyd’s line about there being no substitute for a winning personality after getting off the phone with Theo’s guy.

A: ad-libbed by Walton

Q: How is it that Limehouse always seems to have intelligence on everything before anyone else does? I know he used the hooker last year, but he knew who Shelby was when they showed up at Noble’s Holler. He must have someone on the inside like a deputy or in the Sheriff’s department.

Why did Raylan not seem bothered by the fact that Ellen May is being held by Limehouse? Shelby was basically pleading with Raylan to get her out of there, but Raylan acted like it’s no big deal to him.

A: Limehouse trades in information, so as soon as law enforcement discovered Drew’s true identity, someone clued LH in as well.

Raylan only cared about EM as it pertained to getting Drew. As far as Raylan is concerned, Drew is just another criminal, why should he care about the cirminal’s friends? We the audience care about EM much more than Raylan does.

Q: Now that you all are done filming this season. Is there generally an idea where the story will at least start in season 5?

A: Only very vague notions. We’ll talk about that come Summer!

Q: Tthe Limehouse thing kind of bothered me. Every episode, every season from here on out, shouldn’t everyone know that’s where to look? Got some mystery person/bag/money/problem, that we can’t find in or around tiny Harlan? Well, the whole thing with Quarles got resolved in Nobles. And so did the Drewby thing. And Ellen May. Nah, there’s no reason to look THERE again.

A: Limehouse traffics in information. One of the staties or local law officers probably gave him the information as soon as they found out. He did not know until that morning.

Q: Will we ever see Jackie Nevada return to the show? If not this season then maybe next?

A: Maybe next season, tim olyphant loves the character

Q: Why did Rachel want Raylan to get in the car? Did she not think they were staking out the right spot? I’m guessing he was making her nervous, or she was tired of talking to Raylan with the window down and getting rained on.

A: Yes, also she’s just sick of him trying to be all cool and different. Why can’t he just sit and wait like a normal Marshal?

Q: Are we going to find out why the hell Arlo had the bag in the wall?

A: Arlo had the bag with Waldo’s ID in the wall as insurance against Drew. He and Bo took all of Drew’s cocaine and money in exchange for setting him up with a new fake life and identity in Harlan/taking him up to the hill people to recover from his injuries. The idea is Drew knew Arlo still had physical evidence connecting him to his past/connecting the body to a person other than Drew. This kept Drew under their thumb to a degree. Arlo decided to get the stuff pulled out of the wall to try and make a deal at the beginning of the season because he’s old now and really, really, didn’t want to stay in prison. Also he was an asshole.

Q: One more grumble about their 7 day timeline, and I’m done with the subject, but Boyd’s lacky (the one who’s not Colton, know he has a name) got bit in the face and body by many, many, many poisonous snakes just a few days ago and he’s already up and ready to help Boyd interrogate a former-pimp? I call shenanigans, writers – Even though the Jackie Nevada episode was fun, it really has messed up the usual time structure and assumptions I keep my shows under.

A: The snakes were milked, plus I think it’s been eleven or so days by now, I’d have to go back and count.

Q: About Colton running away: was the deal that Tonin gets Drew and then Boyd gets the money meaning that Colt didn’t have to be there? I got the sense that Colt didn’t have the stomach to kill anymore and that’s why he ran away, he couldn’t bear to see Drewby lead to his death.

A: Colt wasn’t leaving at that point, just getting out of the way of the helicopter, nobody wants to be right under those rotors when it lands. He was standing up the hill and ran away when he saw the Marshals.


Unconfirmed Member
I thought Raylan brushed off Ellen May because he's an asshole and saving her won't do anything for his career like getting Drew. He only has one thing on his mind.


Q: Will we ever see Jackie Nevada return to the show? If not this season then maybe next?

A: Maybe next season, tim olyphant loves the character
Yes, the character......yes.....

Oh Tim, you lucky dog.


What do you think of Ava?

Choose your words carefully.

I like her. I didn't completely buy her transition early on in the show, but now it's easy to see how Boyd's magnetism would do what it has done to Ava. But I also love how much deference Boyd gives Ava. This isn't one of those typically lopsided gangster relationships that shows love so much; this is a partnership.

The problems I have is the show gets a little carried away with itself at times and starts to do things I can't reasonably buy (like in Season 4 how Elle May shot the guy in a grizzly suit. I mean, really?), and some of the characters are a little too broadstroke stereotypes.

But because of the strength of the Crowder gang, I'd watch this show til it ends. That is one seriously amazingly well crafted character in Boyd.


Hunky Nostradamus
I like her. I didn't completely buy her transition early on in the show, but now it's easy to see how Boyd's magnetism would do what it has done to Ava. But I also love how much deference Boyd gives Ava. This isn't one of those typically lopsided gangster relationships that shows love so much; this is a partnership.

That is the correct answer. You passed the test.
Something in the Yost interview confused me:

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Wynn Duffy and Nicky both work for Theo. But Wynn is working with Johnny independently (and keeping Boyd out of the loop), while Nicky is dealing with Boyd. How do they (Wynn and Nicky) not know what the other one's doing? More specifically, why is Nicky not keeping Wynn informed about how the search is going when that's the reason Wynn is in Harland in the first place?

Wondering if anyone could help clear up my confusion?
Wondering if anyone could help clear up my confusion?

Nick is above Duffy in the hierarchy of things. I don't think he gives a shit about Wynn. Probably thinks he can handle it himself instead of dealing with the idiot locals. However, if Wynn can get to Drew before Nick, that would earn him a lot of goodwill and other perks from Theo, maybe even moving up the power structure.
The problems I have is the show gets a little carried away with itself at times and starts to do things I can't reasonably buy (like in Season 4 how Elle May shot the guy in a grizzly suit. I mean, really?), and some of the characters are a little too broadstroke stereotypes.

I don't know, hearing some of the stories from my brother who is an EMT about drugged up townies gives me a higher suspension of disbelief for the Ellen May shooting. I am also near a hickish area and deal with people in low income housing.

T.M. MacReady

I hope Colt finally gets GUTTERSON'D with clear eyes tonight so we can have a glorious new GUTTERSON'D gif to go with the primary:


Also hope Ava goes to prison, season 5 filled with Boyd extracting vengeance after Johnny ruins him.
Sepinwall said:
As I said yesterday, tonight's "Justified" is absolutely tremendous. As much fun as the law will allow in a one-hour timeslot.

Also, tonight's "Justified" may have permanently put me in the tank for Tim. Great episode for Jacob Pitts, Patton Oswalt, and everyone.
Televisionary said:
f you do only one thing today, make sure it's watching tonight's episode of #Justified, which is absolutely sensational.
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