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Justified - Season 4 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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A: That is a great speech and Nick [Searcy] just nailed it. Originally, Raylan gave that speech, and then Tim being Tim said, “You know, let’s give it to Art.”

Olyphant really makes the best story tweaks.


Man, I love Limehouse. I cannot wait until that stuff with Ellen May, the holler, and his people all comes to a head. He needs his own season as the main big-bad. The actor is great, as well and it completely blew my mind when I figured out that he was Bubba from Forrest Gump.


Now I can hear Bubba in his voice.
I like the update we get on Limehouse. Might be something we get into next season.

Also, I fucking loved how Limehouse made them choose between Shelby and Ellen May.


Hey 'gaff, help me out with two questions I can't remember if they've been answered yet about this season:

Did anyone ever talk about finding the plane crash, since Drew originally parachuted out? I mean that plane he was flying had to crash somewhere after he jumped (though I guess it's inconsequential, just curious).

Also - have we yet to discover why Arlo asked Cairn to get those bags out of the wall in the first place? Or was that BS and the kids were actually just after the wire in the season premiere and found them by accident?

God bless this show.
Hey 'gaff, help me out with two questions I can't remember if they've been answered yet about this season:

Did anyone ever talk about finding the plane crash, since Drew originally parachuted out? I mean that plane he was flying had to crash somewhere after he jumped (though I guess it's inconsequential, just curious).

Also - have we yet to discover why Arlo asked Cairn to get those bags out of the wall in the first place? Or was that BS and the kids were actually just after the wire in the season premiere and found them by accident?

God bless this show.

I've been wondering this. My only guess would be that Arlo viewed it as a way to get out of jail.


Oh man, next episode is gonna be nuts.

Can anyone remind me why Nick Searcy hasn't won an Emmy for Art yet? Or Jim Beaver for anything? Or Olyphant for that matter? Are the only roles that are recognized as good acting ones where people are cast against type and either snarling and/or freaking out?
First thing we're going to do is we're going to acknowledge that this guy's awesome!


I mean, he shoots Theo Tonin, fakes his own death in a spectacular fashion, pushes a guy out of an airplane while he's flying it, parachutes into Harlan County with enough coke and cash to jump start the economy of a small country, and then he has the balls to get a job in law enforcement not once but two times! He spends a couple days riding around with you while you're looking for him and now he's run off with a hooker that's half his age! That's some badass shit!

It's pretty badass...

Best moment of the episode, straight up. Searcy sold that shit so well. I was laughing so hard. Fuck yeah. I love Drew/Shelby. Both he and Ellen May were great this episode. I love how Beaver plays the bad guy turned good.

Wouldn't it be awesome if the season ended with Shelby shooting Nick Augustine in the eye and then escaping to Mexico, leaving everyone scratching their heads?

I love the little musical track that plays in Shelby's scenes... dunno what it's called, but it's just soft guitar strumming. It's really nice.

Wait, Mike and Wynn both sleep in the Winnebago?



I hhhngggg'd so hard when he said that.

Best part of the ep were the interactions between Drew and Ellen May, godly written.

Funky Papa

Amazing episode, one of the show's best so far. Drew and Ellen May's exchanges were great and emotional, as so it was seeing Ellen May spitting on Ava's bitchface, that cold hearted bitch. I also have to give mad props to Olyphant for giving that super juicy bit of dialogue to Searcy. Not only his delivery was literally hilarious, but it fits Art's personality much better.

I have to say, I'm kind of surprised things went SO BAD for Boyd and his gang. Dude has gone from being the new king of Harlan to finding himselft between a rock and a really hard place.

Wait, Mike and Wynn both sleep in the Winnebago?

That part made me chuckle IRL.
Finally watched this weeks episode, such a great episode with so many great moments. The "badass" speech, the spit, the tree shot(!!!!), and Duffy's moment at the end. Such a great episode.

I hope we get some good exchanged between Art and Drew in the next episode.
Matt Zoller Seitz with screencaps and brief commentary from this week:
Not too many JUSTIFIED screencaps this week; ep was compositionally kinda blah compared to the show's usual. Six Tweets, three shots.

#1 Nice establishing shot in Boyd's bar, triangulating him & henchmen; wish they'd held it longer

#2 Raylan and Rachel exposition-ing near start of ep; nice use of rearview mirror to create "eye contact."

#3 Nifty shot, probably crane? Reminds me of the iconic Tara oak shots in GWTW. (a) Starts looking up at canopy:

#3 cont'd: (b) shot ducks to ground, picking up Shelby, pulls further back, wide lens exaggerating depth

#3 cont'd (c) shot comes to rest w/Shelby, Boyd, Ava , trunk embracing them. Sprig of green in FG really pops


Agreed, but his noting it is enough for me to go back and take a second look. I don't pick up on much of the technical/direction stuff while watching the first time.

Same here. Glad you post these every week, I forget to check them every time :p

That shot was Rachel is nice, never noticed that.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
happened to see a few minutes of EuroTrip a couple days ago. Was weirded out to see a Young Gutterson as the pervy best friend.
Best moment of the episode, straight up. Searcy sold that shit so well. I was laughing so hard. Fuck yeah. I love Drew/Shelby. Both he and Ellen May were great this episode. I love how Beaver plays the bad guy turned good.

Wouldn't it be awesome if the season ended with Shelby shooting Nick Augustine in the eye and then escaping to Mexico, leaving everyone scratching their heads?

I love the little musical track that plays in Shelby's scenes... dunno what it's called, but it's just soft guitar strumming. It's really nice.

Wait, Mike and Wynn both sleep in the Winnebago?

But not together, which is part of the mystery Graham Yost purposefully is creating.


Awesome, awesome episode. Best of the season so far. Man, this season is becoming the inverse of S3. Where S3 started off wonderfully and turned into a clusterfuck by the end with far too many ongoing plots, S4 started off at a slower S1 pace and is now drawing everything together masterfully ala S2. I cannot wait to see how this all pans out - the preview looks amazing. The Art/Raylan/Rachel scene at the start, with Art waxing about Drew's badassery, Raylan's "whore's panties" line, and Rachel's "by the way, I own those same panties", is one of the all time best Justified scenes. So good.
- The Morton Report: Law and Order - Interview with Justified's Jacob Pitts
“I think Tim was fairly undefined in the show’s first season,” he explains. “I’d done a couple of TV pilots before that didn’t go anywhere, and with those, I made very specific [acting] choices with my character. I wound up not being very pliable when it came to direction. I couldn’t go very far with the character and I’d be rather stiff in my acting. With Justified, I decided not to make any choices until I saw them specifically laid out in the script.

“Because of that, in the first season I didn’t do much other than deliver information and do some utility work, so you were left with kind of a bland, nothing character. In-between the first and second seasons, I did a bunch of mental ‘pushups’ and adopted a different type of approach. So with my character, it turned out to be, I feel, a complete do-over when you compare seasons one and two to each other. I’m rather proud of the fact that I had the guts to do that.

“So Tim has become better defined and more specific in terms of his accent, his walk, the way he carries himself, etc. Between the second season and now [season four] I feel I’ve also given him sort of a laconic, deadeye spirit as well as gone for a bit more goofiness, I guess you could say, and made him somewhat closer to who I am as a human being. I’m far more at ease now in playing around with my performance and it feels good,” enthuses Pitts.
More via the link.
Something in the Yost interview confused me:
Johnny’s in trouble, too, with Wynn, but Boyd’s in worse trouble because he’s dealing directly with Nicky and Theo?
Right. And to an extent, Johnny could imagine that by Theo being taken down, that would also solve a lot of things for Wynn. There’s the problem of working for someone as powerful as Theo Tonin, which is he can have you killed at any time. But if he’s gone, then things could kinda just go back to the way things were.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Wynn Duffy and Nicky both work for Theo. But Wynn is working with Johnny independently (and keeping Boyd out of the loop), while Nicky is dealing with Boyd. How do they (Wynn and Nicky) not know what the other one's doing? More specifically, why is Nicky not keeping Wynn informed about how the search is going when that's the reason Wynn is in Harland in the first place?


JUST finished marathoning the whole show up until this latest Season 4 episode.

The show... has a lot of problems. But, man, does it have some wonderfully painted characters. Boyd (sp) is definitely one of the more compelling characters on tv. I loved the way they dealt with his crisis of faith in late Season 1/early Season 2, because for the longest time I really couldn't tell if it was a genuine transformation or not but it was really well done. I really watch the show for him, basically. He better only die in the last season!
The show... has a lot of problems.

I agree. Like, why are there only 13 episodes a season? Should be a new one every week. Also, how am I supposed to enjoy such subpar writing on other shows after watching the Justified characters bounce off of each other flawlessly?

Oh Justified, y u got so much problems?


Supernatural callback! BOBBY!!!

For a second I really forgot what show I was watching. Gotta love little winks to the audience like that.


I agree. Like, why are there only 13 episodes a season? Should be a new one every week. Also, how am I supposed to enjoy such subpar writing on other shows after watching the Justified characters bounce off of each other flawlessly?

Oh Justified, y u got so much problems?

I like the twist in this post.
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