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Justified - Season 4 - Timothy Olyphant & Walton Goggins - Tuesdays on FX

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Orgasmed on the spot, did Ms. Nevada.


Big fan of Justified but for some reason I haven't got around to watching any of season 4 yet. Have no idea how it's being recieved, can I get a quick yay or nay?


YAY. A bit looser, plot-wise, as there's no central big bad. Lot of diverse character interaction.

It has a strong center with Theo but I think once you get past the initial episode it just guns it to 100 mph. I know it is a bad metaphor but it is hard to describe how amazing the past few episodes have been.

Barring a stupid finale (knock on wood) I would say 2>4>>>>3>1
I was a bit unsure about season 4 after the first couple of episodes, but now I bloody love it! Great episodes week after week, big YAY from me!
While Season 2 is the best, I'm really enjoying Season 4.

One thing I've noticed change is that in earlier seasons, we would have a few "procedural" episodes in the middle of the season, where the main storyline is stand alone. This mostly happened in Season 1, where they were figuring out what the show is. Even if the episodes were not among the best, I still enjoyed them, mostly because the conflicts were resolves by criminals being stupid. Kind of a refreshing change from normal procedurals.

This season, instead of "stand-alone" episodes, we have several mini-arcs running through the beginning of the episode. For example, the bartender/fighter, the preacher, and the black guy/bounty hunter. It takes 2 or 3 episodes for these arcs to conclude.

Which do you guys prefer: mini arcs at the start of the season, or stand-alone procedural episodes?


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
guess that's why they spent that time building up the Colt/Tim story, with random Drug Buddy in the middle.

Figured the reason Tim did it, was to get a chance to zero in on where/which direction he is. Had to be a reason to have that constant helicopter sound.
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