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Kameo Delayed Indefinately

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
Deku Tree said:
Nintendo also spent alot of money paying a big european fine around the same time they sold their stock in Rare.

they already had money set aside for that fine.. the rare money was just a bonus.


force push the doodoo rock


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
wow.. not too often you hear xbot damage control out in full force.

Rare = dead

All the great ones fall.. unfortunately. :(


being watched
Deepthroat said:
Why even update it? It's gonna bomb hard time anyway.

I agree. No market for it on Xbox. Just cancel it it and move resources to Perfect Dark Zero so we can get to play it 6 months before Xbox 3 launches in 2008.


Here's a new Q&A from Voodoo Extreme:

Q: Is Microsoft canceling “Kameo: Elements of Power?”
A: Both Rare and Microsoft Game Studios are committed to bringing “Kameo: Elements of Power” to fans and to a wide audience of gamers. We will keep fans posted on the game’s development as updates become available.

Q: Is “Kameo: Elements of Power” still coming out on Xbox?

A: Development on “Kameo” has resulted in many changes including improved look of characters and enhanced gameplay features. Those modifications along with a postponed launch date are the only changes Microsoft Game Studios has announced. We will keep you posted on additional developments as they become available.

Q: When is “Kameo: Elements of Power” coming out?

A: A new launch date has not been announced. Rare and Microsoft Game Studios are committed to delivering a great gameplay experience with “Kameo” and won’t release it until they feel they’ve accomplished this. Stay tuned for an announcement on a new launch date.

Q: How is this going to affect the release of future Rare games like “Perfect Dark Zero?”

A: The “Kameo” development team is hard at work on getting the game ready for fans. This hard work, in no way, affects development of other Rare or Microsoft Game Studios titles.

Q: Why is “Kameo: Elements of Power” being postponed? Is it because “Grabbed by the Ghoulies” didn’t live up to expectations?

A: “Kameo” is being postponed so that the team can focus its efforts on incorporating new gameplay elements that we all feel will deliver a great gameplay experience for serious and casual gamers alike.

Q: What changes to “Kameo” can we expect to see as a result of the postponed launch date?

A: “Kameo” has been through a lot of changes since fans first saw it on Xbox at E3 2003 including a radical new look. Neither Rare nor Microsoft Game Studios are ready quite yet to talk about additional changes to the game. We will keep fans up to date on developments as they are solidified.

Q: Whose decision was it to postpone “Kameo: Elements of Power?”

A: Postponing “Kameo” was a joint decision by both Rare and Microsoft Game Studios. Both are committed to the game and felt it was best to postpone the launch to focus on ensuring a great gameplay experience for fans and gamers.


Joe said:
the game looked great, had great gameplay, great controls, great style but just after a few minutes of playing it i put the controller down because it just wasn't fun.

I disagree. I enjoyed the boss battles. Loved melee with the plant character, Metroid-Prime style exploration. I was very impressed with the time I spent at E3 playing through every level they had to offer.

I'm fairly confident that this game will be great.
It should be obvious why this game was delayed. Since it's on the Xbox/Xbox2 now, Kameo needs a futuristic war environment and the main character needs a boob job. :)
PhatSaqs said:
roofles @ 5 games in 2 years.

Xenon here Kameo comes :lol

Dude, Rare totally fufilled that promise.

Grabbed by the Ghoulies
Donkey Kong Country
Sabre Wulf
Banjoy Kazooie: Grunty's Revenge
Donkey Kong Country 2 (later this year)

See, they totally did it! HURRAY RARE!
Q&A session said:
Both Rare and Microsoft Game Studios are committed to bringing “Kameo: Elements of Power” to fans and to a wide audience of gamers.
So it's heading to PS2? ;)

Q: Is “Kameo: Elements of Power” still coming out on Xbox?

A: Development on “Kameo” has resulted in many changes including improved look of characters and enhanced gameplay features. Those modifications along with a postponed launch date are the only changes Microsoft Game Studios has announced. We will keep you posted on additional developments as they become available.
Translation: No. It'll become a Xbox2 launch title where it's only hope of success lies. All launch titles sell a lot more than usual for obvious reasons.

Q: When is “Kameo: Elements of Power” coming out?

A: A new launch date has not been announced. Rare and Microsoft Game Studios are committed to delivering a great gameplay experience with “Kameo” and won’t release it until they feel they’ve accomplished this. Stay tuned for an announcement on a new launch date.
Translation: I said Xbox2 launch!! You fucking deaf?

Q: How is this going to affect the release of future Rare games like “Perfect Dark Zero?”

A: The “Kameo” development team is hard at work on getting the game ready for fans. This hard work, in no way, affects development of other Rare or Microsoft Game Studios titles.
Translation: Uhm....they're separate teams, dumbass.

Q: Why is “Kameo: Elements of Power” being postponed? Is it because “Grabbed by the Ghoulies” didn’t live up to expectations?

A: “Kameo” is being postponed so that the team can focus its efforts on incorporating new gameplay elements that we all feel will deliver a great gameplay experience for serious and casual gamers alike.
Translation: Sudeki bombed

Q: What changes to “Kameo” can we expect to see as a result of the postponed launch date?

A: “Kameo” has been through a lot of changes since fans first saw it on Xbox at E3 2003 including a radical new look. Neither Rare nor Microsoft Game Studios are ready quite yet to talk about additional changes to the game. We will keep fans up to date on developments as they are solidified.
Translation: Well with any move to a new platform, the game will get overhauled in the graphics department. Oh and there may be a sex change involved as well ;)

Q: Whose decision was it to postpone “Kameo: Elements of Power?”

A: Postponing “Kameo” was a joint decision by both Rare and Microsoft Game Studios. Both are committed to the game and felt it was best to postpone the launch to focus on ensuring a great gameplay experience for fans and gamers.[/I]
Translation: *Sigh* Does it matter?


Man. Im really looking foward to this game, thought it looked beautiful at e3 2k4

But they're delaying it to make the game better, cant really argue with that. Looks like Conker will be out first then?

Rare's 1st AAA title for Xbox is seems
No surprise here. I dig this game's graphics very much, but I HATE the visual design, it looks so cheap and generic. Conker is the way to go now.
What if they don't? MS paid 300 Million for... Grabbed by the Ghoulies...? in the first two years. Hey, they might get a port of a 4 year old game sometime soon, too. When/if PD ever comes out, maybe it'll be different. But that;'s a loong ways away, and I'm sure Nintendo has put their money to use by now.


Seriously, if a game like Kameo (which isn't that big of a game) takes 4 years to develop. How long will Perfect Dark Zero take? 8 years? My faith is lost.


I've given up on Rare. MK Deception is my "killer instinct 3" as it basically has everything I wanted from KI. They refuse to give fans ANYTHING they ask for. Want KI3? Perfect Dark Zero? Oh ok here's Grabbed by the Ghoulies and Kameo! Enjoy!



Razoric said:
I've given up on Rare. MK Deception is my "killer instinct 3" as it basically has everything I wanted from KI. They refuse to give fans ANYTHING they ask for. Want KI3? Perfect Dark Zero? Oh ok here's Grabbed by the Ghoulies and Kameo! Enjoy!

Indeed. I'm a huge fan of Rare but even I have limits.

I bought my Xbox for Rare's games, but so far they have only given me Ghoulies. Sure it was enjoyable but far away from expected. I'm actually beginning to think they've lost all the talent. Until they've proven me wrong, they are dead.


I hear they're gonna replace the main fairy-girl with Blinx and will heretofore refer to the game as "Blinx Adventures."

Rare's time in the sun = over. Conker will be fine but it's a remake + online game. Big whup.


SuperPac said:
I hear they're gonna replace the main fairy-girl with Blinx and will heretofore refer to the game as "Blinx Adventures."

Somebody the other day here made the joke, "It's too late to kill Blinx 2, but it's not too late to kill Kameo."

Kero kero kero, takaraka ni! Shouri no otakebi wo!



lol. lol. lol. lol. I'm somewhat surprised and yet, considering it's Rare, I should be ashamed to think this is unexpected. In over 2 years with XBox, Grabbed by the Ghoulies and maybe, maybe, maybe (with Rare you have to say maybe unless the game is actually in your hand) a Conker with some XBox paint. What the heck are those hundreds of people at Rare doing with their time?!?!?! The handheld division has almost no one and they release more games than the XBox teams!!

Not necessarily my view, but passed on from a Canadian friend: "it's rare our games have a decent framerate"
funny this news. Oh well.

I expect the next time we see Kameo; she'll not be so fucking ugly.

she'll become

a) Male
b) not a fairy/elf

yeah. boo


Awwww crap, this game rocked at E3. I put money down on a move to Xbox2, Kameo was very complete at E3 and the devs seemed very happy with it which wouldnt really suggest them going back and retooling the whole game.
This reeks of the Dinosaur Planet/Star Fox Adventures thing though.

They redesigned that and switched platforms, but Rare still couldn't make the launch.


Well, this just means I have more time to save up enough cash for an Xbox. :D

I doubt it has been pushed back to Xbox 2.
WarPig said:
Somebody the other day here made the joke, "It's too late to kill Blinx 2, but it's not too late to kill Kameo."

Kero kero kero, takaraka ni! Shouri no otakebi wo!


DFS, for imitating the beyond reproach Keroro Gunsou, Rawk Hawk approves your comments.


On a more serious note, why does Microsoft assume Kameo has a fanbase? Is there anything left of the game I played on the Gamecube way the hell back in what was it, 2001 or 2002?


WTF Man!?? Why does it seem like a lot of you WANT Rare to fail? What do you gain from them not being as great as they used to be? Why would you want one of the Top game developers EVER to die? Just give them some time. Capcom isn't what they used to be, but you don't see people dissing them left and right.


MrparisSM said:
WTF Man!?? Why does it seem like a lot of you WANT Rare to fail? What do you gain from them not being as great as they used to be? Why would you want one of the Top game developers EVER to die? Just give them some time. Capcom isn't what they used to be, but you don't see people dissing them left and right.
It's not that anyone wants to see Rare fail... it's just that they're easy to make fun of. =P

Just seems that many people in here are just really let down that dev like Rare was once considered a powerhouse and now they have nothing to show except ports and so-so knockoffs.

At least Capcom shows that they can still make great and fantastic looking games (viewtiful joe and that other cel-shaded game about a fox or something).
Perfect Dark was Rare's only existing IP that really had a chance of selling on Xbox, and that clearly isn't coming anytime soon. Conker has a bit of a chance, but even though Xbox is in a better position than N64 was when the original was released, it's still pretty difficult to market a game that combines an E-rated aesthetic with M-rated content.


I think your all idiots for being so fucking short sighted.

Conker a rehash? At first yeah, Not now. Its got a brand new multiplayer mode bolted on. Graphics, sound, dialogue are all being redone. There ofcourse will be some updated humour too (like the piss taking of Edge)

And the majority moaning are the nintendo fans. Who bring up the stupid "Made out like bandits" in every Rare thread. As if you guys were looking foward to Kameo in the first place. So tired of your bullshit.
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