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Kameo Delayed Indefinately


If Perfect Dark Zero can be out for the launch of Xbox 2 and be everything that Halo was to Xbox 1 I think Microsoft won't feel too bad. That's a pretty big IF, though.


Prine said:
And the majority moaning are the nintendo fans. Who bring up the stupid "Made out like bandits" in every Rare thread. As if you guys were looking foward to Kameo in the first place. So tired of your bullshit.

Well, personally, Rare could've sold me an Xbox, becuase I really liked their efforts on N64 and SNES. A Conker game that I've already played isn't going to do that, though. A game like Kameo had a decent shot at it, and I would've certainly bought an Xbox if Rare would've come up with a sequel to either Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Blast-Corps, Jet Force Gemini or Killer Instinct. So yeah, I'm disappointed with Rare. Is there something wrong with that?


Coen said:
Well, personally, Rare could've sold me an Xbox, becuase I really liked their efforts on N64 and SNES. A Conker game that I've already played isn't going to do that, though. A game like Kameo had a decent shot at it, and I would've certainly bought an Xbox if Rare would've come up with a sequel to either Perfect Dark, Banjo-Kazooie, Blast-Corps, Jet Force Gemini or Killer Instinct. So yeah, I'm disappointed with Rare. Is there something wrong with that?

Well maybe they'll sell you a brand spankin' new Xenon instead?


Cruel Bastard Mario said:
Well, Rare always was a poor man's bootleg ripoff of Nintendo :)
Yet Nintendrones believed they were the second coming of Christ until they weren't doing games for their console anymore.


You heard it here first: Pd0 will be on revolution 2. Nintendo will buy Rare early next Gen from Ms for 20 million dollars. Pd0 will make it out in the last year of Revolution 2.
Rare went on an incredible tear between 1994 and 1997 with the DKC games, Killer Instinct, Blast Corps, and GoldenEye.

I don't think it was just Nintendo fans, many people at the time believed they were the best developer on the planet during that stretch.

Unfourunately, for whatever reason it seems like Rare has gone to sh-t ever since they moved to their new, posh HQ around 1998/99. They've also lost a lot of their talent, specifically Martin Hollis who was head of the software department in the mid-1990s. He left at some point mid-way through Perfect Dark development I believe.


Chili Con Carnage!
soundwave05 said:
Rare went on an incredible tear between 1994 and 1997 with the DKC games, Killer Instinct, Blast Corps, and GoldenEye.

I don't think it was just Nintendo fans, many people at the time believed they were the best developer on the planet during that stretch.

Unfourunately, for whatever reason it seems like Rare has gone to sh-t ever since they moved to their new, posh HQ around 1998/99. They've also lost a lot of their talent, specifically Martin Hollis who was head of the software department in the mid-1990s. He left at some point mid-way through Perfect Dark development I believe.

Martin Hollis hasnt exactly showered himself in glory since leaving rare, i dont think any drop in quality can be attributed to him alone.

Rare are still going through a big transition, they are definitely up to speed with the platform (see conker for proof of that) but MS has shaken things up a lot (they were obviously unhappy with the way things went in the first year or so), seems to me that MS is determind to get Rare back to producing the quality of titles seen on the N64, which is why they keep throwing Kameo back at them with more time, its also why they threw conker back when Rare wanted to release it as a straight port.


Chittagong said:
This thread deserves the pimp Yamauchi picture.

My Thoughts Exactly




Nintendo sells Rare for over $300 million. Buys Retro for $1 million.

By the end of 2004:

Retro - Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2

Rare - Grabbed by the Ghoulies

That's just silly. I mean, I know Rare is an investment and all, but at least for now... silly.
Socreges said:
Nintendo sells Rare for over $300 million. Buys Retro for $1 million.

By the end of 2004:

Retro - Metroid Prime, Metroid Prime 2

Rare - Grabbed by the Ghoulies

That's just silly. I mean, I know Rare is an investment and all, but at least for now... silly.

Well as has been mentioned, Nintendo didn't get all of that money. Rare paid Nintendo for the stake they held in the company, then Microsoft paid Rare the $375 million for the whole company.

Also, the $1 million is how much Nintendo paid for the remainder of Retro, though they had already sunk an undisclosed amount into the company prior to that.

Of course none of that changes the fact that Rare is not looking like a great deal for MS. I mean even taking Nintendo out of it. Just the fact that MS reportedly paid $50 million for Bungie makes the Rare deal look pretty bad right now.

I think it really underscores one problem with buying big name developers. You can buy the rights to hit games, but you can't really buy the people and the chemistry that enabled them to make hits in the first place.
I remember when Nintendo fans were crying out in anger when they sold Rare. "They lost their best asset," "the Cube is missing out on all these great titles." Well, technically MS still has all these great titles! They're just not making a difference this gen. I feel sorry for Rare fans that thought they were going to own this gen. There's always next gen though.


I think peopel should just give up 'hoping' when it comes to Rare. Medicore titles the past several years, far too many delays and still big headed.
FitzOfRage said:
Well as has been mentioned, Nintendo didn't get all of that money. Rare paid Nintendo for the stake they held in the company, then Microsoft paid Rare the $375 million for the whole company.

Also, the $1 million is how much Nintendo paid for the remainder of Retro, though they had already sunk an undisclosed amount into the company prior to that.

Of course none of that changes the fact that Rare is not looking like a great deal for MS. I mean even taking Nintendo out of it. Just the fact that MS reportedly paid $50 million for Bungie makes the Rare deal look pretty bad right now.

I think it really underscores one problem with buying big name developers. You can buy the rights to hit games, but you can't really buy the people and the chemistry that enabled them to make hits in the first place.

Nintendo also didn't make off into the sunset with all that money. They had to pay a massive 150+million dollar fine in the european region for unscrupulous business practice (collusion + price fixing) across regions. I reckon that's why Rare was sold. Might as well - 2 birds, 1 stone


TheGreenGiant said:
Nintendo also didn't make off into the sunset with all that money. They had to pay a massive 150+million dollar fine in the european region for unscrupulous business practice (collusion + price fixing) across regions. I reckon that's why Rare was sold. Might as well - 2 birds, 1 stone

The two things are totally unrelated.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
TheGreenGiant said:
Nintendo also didn't make off into the sunset with all that money. They had to pay a massive 150+million dollar fine in the european region for unscrupulous business practice (collusion + price fixing) across regions. I reckon that's why Rare was sold. Might as well - 2 birds, 1 stone

its not like that fine came out of nowhere.. they already had money set aside for it before the whole rare snafu . . it was already factored into their balance sheet long before.
Bregor said:
The two things are totally unrelated.

not really. It happened at the same time; and Nintendo would have had to factor into their math how they were going to pay for the fine - I read an editorial at the time that suggested that it helped factor into Nintendo's decision to let Rare go.

and for those guys who aren't sure about this legal action - it was pending and then the announcement from the courts came during the RARE negotations. Nintendo had expect maybe 40 million but it was a very substantial amount of money they were slapped with. Like 4-5 times. They DIDn't factor that.


TheGreenGiant said:
not really. It happened at the same time; and Nintendo would have had to factor into their math how they were going to pay for the fine - I read an editorial at the time that suggested that it helped factor into Nintendo's decision to let Rare go.

They had plenty of money to pay for it, they had no need to sell Rare just to raise money.


Microsoft had to pay an even bigger fine to the EU around that time. So if that's factored in, Rare is even more expensive. I don't know why the EU fines would be factored in either way, but there you have it.
Hellraizah said:
Yet Nintendrones believed they were the second coming of Christ until they weren't doing games for their console anymore.

Or until StarFox Adventures turned to shit.

I wouldn't have touched any Rare game after that.
Or until StarFox Adventures turned to shit.

Should have remembered that all they did was not gold. Goldeneye was great, but I had my regrets with an overpriced Jet Force Gemini. Bought Star Fox and just wondered where they went wrong along the way. Was looking forward to their games though, after Grabbed by the Ghoulies my interest had lessened.


now that I think about it. The Kameo team may have postponed the game so they could work with the Conker team on getting their game out and making sure it's AAA. Conker is the more important game anyway(Xbox LIVE play and everything). So I doubt we'll get Kameo as a launch game xenon because there won't be anybody working on it for a minute. We'll get it within 6 months to a year after launch though which is cool with me.


I mean...put it in perspective.

MS bought Bungie for $10million, got Halo and Halo 2
Nintendo bought Retro for $1million, got Metroid Prime and Metroid Prime 2
Sony buys a peice of Square for $124 million and gets ALL Final Fantasy games and ALL new Dragon Quest games and of course ALL of Japan's gamers.

MS bought Rare for $300+million and got Grabbed by the Ghoulies and a Conker Remake

It's ok to make fun and point out contradictions of Nintendo fans who gloat, but still.... presented with the facts it's clear that maybe buying Rare for all that much WASN'T the greatest idea.

Now, if they come out with the next Goldeneye for Xbox 2? Then maybe it won't be such a bad deal. But then that's a big IF -- especially if you consider how much $$ it takes to keep that company going. (hint: which is why Nintendo sold their part of them off in the first place)


Tenguman said:
I mean...put it in perspective.

MS bought Rare for $300+million and got Grabbed by the Ghoulies and a Conker Remake

you don't think they have other things in development that haven't been announced? come on.


bitwise said:
you don't think they have other things in development that haven't been announced? come on.
See when Square has "other things in development", they mean the next 10million selling Final Fantasy game

When Rockstar has "other things in development", they mean the next 10million selling GTA game

when Rare has "other things in development", they have...hrm...what they have...Perfect Dark maybe? Some game we never heard of? In development for 6-8 years?

So for me, putting $300 million into Rare....here is what I'd expect:

Rare puts out the next big series (ala Halo or GTA)
Rare releases 10+ good solid titles a generation



vitaflo said:
They'd need a game with the success of GTA3 to make back the money from the accqusistion. Not bloody likely.

Who said that they have to make it back after on ONE game? They've already made a few million from their little GBA games, and a few million from Grabbed by the Ghoulies. RARE is just warming up to the Xbox hardware and with PD0 being a launch title for Xenon I think it was a pretty solid investment. Sure they may have paid a lot of money out, but they'll definitely make it back.


Tenguman said:
See when Square has "other things in development", they mean the next 10million selling Final Fantasy game

When Rockstar has "other things in development", they mean the next 10million selling GTA game

when Rare has "other things in development", they have...hrm...what they have...Perfect Dark maybe? Some game we never heard of? In development for 6-8 years?

So for me, putting $300 million into Rare....here is what I'd expect:

Rare puts out the next big series (ala Halo or GTA)
Rare releases 10+ good solid titles a generation


They have new IPs. Something MGS is lacking, with only a few quality IPs uner their belt. Plus Rare do not stick to one genre like Bungie, Square and Retro.

I have faith in them, but if they cannot produce quality titles within Xenons first 2 years then i'll be dissapointed and realize that they are no good. But atm, Conker multiplayer is enough for me, they're still rocking


People keep grouping Rare as one entity when its been reported several times there are more then 5 teams. GBTG happens to be a product of the Banjo/Donkey Kong team. Its obvious the team should stick to platforming games


MrparisSM said:
Sure they may have paid a lot of money out, but they'll definitely make it back.

But how long will it take? 5, 10, 15 years? Does the money they made on GBTG even make back the cost of development?

I'm sure Rare can make some decent games if they really try, but making $375 million in profit on games to offset the cost of the acquisition is a huge hill to climb, especially given the small output of released games from Rare.

It seems to me at this point, MS's goal here was to get some Xbox (or Xenon now) exclusives, not to make money on the deal itself. Because that ain't gonna happen for a long time, if ever.


vitaflo said:
But how long will it take? 5, 10, 15 years? Does the money they made on GBTG even make back the cost of development?

I'm sure Rare can make some decent games if they really try, but making $375 million in profit on games to offset the cost of the acquisition is a huge hill to climb, especially given the small output of released games from Rare.

It seems to me at this point, MS's goal here was to get some Xbox (or Xenon now) exclusives, not to make money on the deal itself. Because that ain't gonna happen for a long time, if ever.

Yes that's exactly it. Exclusives help drive hardware sales. Which creates a bigger userbase and those more royalties can be made on third party games. I would guess within the next 2 to 3 years, Microsoft will have made the majority of that money back. You don't spend $375 on a company and think you'll make that money back immediately. Microsoft isn't stupid, it's going to take a little time, but it will happen. Halo 1 alone grossed $225 million at retail alone, and that's with a 15 million install base. PD0 I think could do even better.


rollin' in the gutter
MrparisSM said:
RARE is just warming up to the Xbox hardware and with PD0 being a launch title for Xenon I think it was a pretty solid investment.

You have a link for that? If this is true and PD0 lives up to the original, i will have to buy Xenon on launch day.


Prine said:
They have new IPs. Something MGS is lacking, with only a few quality IPs uner their belt. Plus Rare do not stick to one genre like Bungie, Square and Retro.
Wow, what a really ignorant thing to say.
Bungie only makes FPSs? Square only makes RPGs? Retro only makes FPAs?

Bungie has made FPS, adventure/action and (THE BEST) real time strategy games. (and they're tiny compared to Rare)

Square makes RPGs, fighting games, racing games, side scrolling shooters and beat em ups.

Retro so far has only made FPAs, but they were working on an RPG and sport titles before being canceled.
I think we'll have to wait and see with XBox 2 to see how the investment pans out because Rare has been utterly useless this generation on both GCN and XBox.

For MS though, really, even if it doesn't pan out, I doubt they lose much sleep over it.

They tried to buy Nintendo and Square, so when Rare came out on the open market, it's not entirely surprising that they jumped at the chance to get something.

Agent X

MrparisSM said:
Who said that they have to make it back after on ONE game? They've already made a few million from their little GBA games, and a few million from Grabbed by the Ghoulies. RARE is just warming up to the Xbox hardware and with PD0 being a launch title for Xenon I think it was a pretty solid investment. Sure they may have paid a lot of money out, but they'll definitely make it back.




I wonder: who has made more off sales of Rare games in this generation? Microsoft or THQ?

It's probably Microsoft, but it's also probably not that wide a margin.



1. Nintendo (3 games released, one game will arrive)
2. Microsoft (I think so?!) (1 game released, one will arrive, maybe Kameo also)
3. THQ (2 games released, two will arrive)


Unconfirmed Member
Ghost said:
Bitter much?
"Have you seen this news?"


"Shall I fire up the Slam-O-Tron 4000?"

"Already on it."

Fuck them.

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