do people not know that shooting a revive droid stops the revive? Also you can melee them in one hit. But as they arent firing bullets at you I can see how scrubs wouldnt see them as a threat hence they ignore them. Hopefully they will learn the benefit of destroying them.
do people not know that melee destroys spawn beacons in one hit? see above.
do people not know that you can destroy air droids? I can give people some slack here as 9/10 I use the Sickle which effectiveness againts an air turret is 1.6% (very low). So I run!
do people not know that turrets work better when not turned against the wall? Facing entirely against a wall is so bad its funny to me. But due to the required mashing of R2 to lay one I have had half my turret face a wall sometimes. I hope they fix the flashing orange/white soon.
do people not know what do when they have the beacon? As you didnt refer to it as bacon I am refusing to answer this.
do people not know what capture and CONNECT means? Some people need to attack and some stay back to defend. Depends on what the majority do I do the opposite...... Who am I kidding, I rambo to next Capture Point!!
do people not know what a spawn beacon is and how to use it? Please call it bacon in the future
But in all seriousness, majority of people prefer scout and assault to support. and when they play support its turrets over spawns. not much can do about it really.