Only if you subscribe to the idea that there is a cleanly-defined economic system inherent to fascism, which is highly debatable. The other characteristics? Not so much debatable.Using their economics models as a means of comparison seems cleaner
Only if you subscribe to the idea that there is a cleanly-defined economic system inherent to fascism, which is highly debatable. The other characteristics? Not so much debatable.Using their economics models as a means of comparison seems cleaner
Only if you subscribe to the idea that there is a cleanly-defined economic system inherent to fascism, which is highly debatable. The other characteristics? Not so much debatable.
This is some Holocuast-level shit... I can't believe the world allows this to continue.
She was luckier than Kim Chol, vice minister of the army, who was executed with a mortar round
executed with a mortar round
Thanks for the link!
This stuff always fascinates me. Does anybody know of a good documentary or book covering the darker side of North Korea? It's always frightening to know these sorts of things are happening right now somewhere in the world.
Thanks for the link!
This stuff always fascinates me. Does anybody know of a good documentary or book covering the darker side of North Korea? It's always frightening to know these sorts of things are happening right now somewhere in the world.
NY post said:North Korean leader Kim Jong-Uns ex-lover who he ordered to be executed is said to be alive and well.
The Korean singer, Hyon Song-Wol, said to be leader Kim Jong-Uns ex-girlfriend and rumored to have been executed last year has appeared on state television.
Pyongyangs state TV showed Hyon Song-Wol, the head of a band known as Moranbong, delivering a speech at a national art workers rally in Pyongyang.
She expressed gratitude for Kims leadership and pledged to work harder to stoke up the flame for art and creative work.
Somehow the NY Post will blame Obama for this.Well, apparently she is back from the dead.
Just the nature of the beast. We get all of our news from North Korea through gatekeepers who have every interest to paint them in a bad light. Truth gets stretched, the worst is presumed.Gemüsepizza;112398814 said:Doesn't surprise me. While it is certainly absolutely horrible in North Korea, I have heard that there are newspapers in South Korea which sometimes invent such stories or especially gruesome "facts", because they hate them so much. That's why I am cautious when I hear such reports from South Korean media. Sometimes you have to wonder how they got so much details about those stories. And why there isn't a video when stuff was allegedly broadcast in state television...
In all honesty, I think Myanmar is more fucked up than NK is.
That's sick. A new leader and nothing has changed.
It's fucked up if you're rohingyaHave you ever been to Burma? As fucked up and corrupt as their leaders are, they are at the same time investing in the infrastructure of the country and trying to embrace their neighboring countries, signing many deals with India, Thailand and China. Mobile phones and internet is spreading all over and the population is getting news from outside sources.
The influx of foreign money is opening the eyes of the people as well and their political system has been on shakey ground for the last few years with people crying out for more rights.
But yes, much more fucked up than N. Korea.
Gemüsepizza;112398814 said:Doesn't surprise me. While it is certainly absolutely horrible in North Korea, I have heard that there are newspapers in South Korea which sometimes invent such stories or especially gruesome "facts", because they hate them so much. That's why I am cautious when I hear such reports from South Korean media. Sometimes you have to wonder how they got so much details about those stories. And why there isn't a video when stuff was allegedly broadcast in state television...
I'll say it again: Kim Jong-Un used to visit a private school in Switzerland when he was a child and was bullied there. If the teachers would have handled the situation better, he might not have become the man he is today.
I'm not saying he got like that because of the bullying. I'm sure he was forced into this by the military and government. But if the teachers would have taught him some fucking common sense maybe he would have known better than to return to North Korea.
I don't think it was bullying either.There's been plenty of heirs in history who are fucked up just because they're revered as gods. Right now he's trying to secure his power and is taking even family members out because of it. It's like he's Nero or something. Point is, he's gone and I don't think it was any type of bullying that created him.
It's fucked up if you're rohingya
She is alive and everything, so how did we get to saying she was exsecuted.
She is alive and everything, so how did we get to saying she was exsecuted.
How do we know this is recent footage though?
You think NK cares enough to pretend that some executed woman is still alive? What is anyone going to do about it if they killed her? They wiped out like a third of all top govt officials a few months ago.
It's not like we will ever know if it's really her or not.
It's not like we will ever know if it's really her or not.
It's not like we will ever know if it's really her or not.
It's not like we will ever know if it's really her or not.
Honestly, I wouldn't trust any story about NK coming from South Korea.
They probably have an equally large propaganda machine as their neighbour.
It's not like we will ever know if it's really her or not.
I don't get it.
I don't get it.
It's not like we will ever know if it's really her or not.
Koreans all look the same apparentlyI don't get it.
Is that a joke based on the hairstyles allowed by the regime? If so, confirm~ One would hate for you to be seen as a racist~
Another fake news. The north korean goverment never allowed or disallowed any hairstyles. You can wear what you want.
This and its sometimes originated from North Korean higher ups. They like to make shit up. Happened a couple of times that someone was allegedly dead and popped up at the next event. Problem is, a huge chunk of western media isn't even remotly interested in fact-checking, especially not regarding North Korea. Point in case the haircut story, the unicorn and lots more.